His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Twenty-Three - Nina

I felt like a prisoner on the way to the gallows. We were only going to Auntie Blair’s so I could get the rest of my stuff, but I knew that was only the first stop. Soon enough, we would be heading back to Terrell Hills, where his control over me would again be total. I was sad as well as terrified that I’d be raising Chad’s baby alone or, worse, with a man who didn’t love me.

Would Daddy still even want me to keep dating Art if he knew I was pregnant? Would he make me get an abortion? There was only so long I could keep it a secret. There was even a chance he would disown me. My virtue too far fallen for him to even acknowledge my existence. I’d never really thought about it before, but there was something about that notion. The notion of ‘virtue’ and ‘purity’ in terms of sex, or more specifically, sexual experience, seemed off. It only seemed to apply to girls. Notions like promiscuity and ‘damaged goods’ never applied to men as far as I could tell.

I could hear them as I came back from the guest room, ready to meet my terrible fate, whatever might be.

“What I want to know,” Auntie Blair was saying, “is if you know what a dirty man-whore the sainted Arthur is?

I chuckled at her terminology. Never actually having heard the term ‘man-whore’ before. Though rude as it was, I couldn’t deny it certainly applied to Arthur Ross, my future husband, if my dad got his way.

“Well, now, that’s a real thought question. I suppose I’ve heard something’s being whispered on the rumor mill and whatnot, but that hardly has anything to do with anything. The real problem is you.

“Me?” Auntie Blair asked in all innocence.

“Cut the crap, Blair. You’ve always been into that equality bullshit. You’d probably been filling my innocent daughter’s head with all kinds of nonsense — crap about independence and free thought, and all those horse feathers. You already tried it with your sister as soon as you found out we were getting married. It didn’t work then, and it isn’t going to work now. Nina is my daughter, and it is my will she must follow until she is married. Then it will be her husband’s. God only knows what might happen if she is left to her own devices.”

To my surprise, and her credit, Auntie Blair burst out laughing, much to Daddy’s befuddled dismay. He really wasn’t used to women talking back to him, let alone laughing at him.

“That was very cute,” Auntie Blair said, catching her breath, “I wonder what Garrett would say about that.”

“That’s not the same, and you damn well know it! Garrett was my boy, and that was totally different. He was meant to grow up into my position and be the man of the family and take over the business — the only worth Nina has is as a wife. To try anything else is just misguided. I only agreed to this mechanic silliness because I thought it might be a fun little hobby when she wasn’t taking care of her house. Let that be an end to it.”

His expression was genuinely hilarious. Looking every inch the god-king of the galaxy he apparently thought himself to be. Auntie Blair and I exchanged a smirking look of silent understanding.

“I’d like to know the answer to that question, Auntie Blair’s question,” I said, dropping my bag as punctuation, “did you really know about Art being a cheating jerk? It actually seemed very relevant. Particularly since you insisted I stay pure for the future husband I never even wanted.

“Well, now that’s different, baby doll. It is quite natural for a man to want to explore a bit before getting married. Though it isn’t for a woman. A wife should only be for her husband.”

I was struck silent with rage. I’d always know Dad bought into some real bullshit, which only stood to reason considering some of grandpa’s attitudes, but actually hearing him say it out loud finally brought home what a controlling, manipulative, sexist jackass he really was.


“Wh-what did you just say to me, young lady?”

“And you can drop the patronizing tone and nicknames too. It might have escaped your notice, but I am a legal adult. Despite what the voices in your head might tell you, you actually have no control over me at all if I say you don’t. I like to work. I like fixing things and making them work, and getting my hands dirty. I’m a laborer at heart, you heartless corporate drone, and I will never be like you or what you want me to be. I had a real chance at love, and you’ve ruined it for me. So you can get the hell out of my life.”

“Listen here, you ungrateful little brat, I’ll cut you out of my will if you don't do what I say. It is part of the price of inheritance. You will go to Arthur and beg his forgiveness and hope he’ll still marry you. Because if he doesn’t, you will never see one more cent.”

“Earl,” I said, unable to hold in my rage any longer, “go eat your fucking hat!”

It was almost comical. Dad’s eyes bulged to the approximate size of ping-pong balls, as his face turned a shade of red to match his garish pocket square. It seemed as though all his breath came out at once in one big whoosh. Both hands flying up to hold his chest as he fell back onto a nearby chair like an old-fashioned movie vampire in reverse. I should have been worried. I should have tried to help, but I was too busy picking up my bag and marching right back to my bedroom to put everything right back where it was. Where it belonged. All to Auntie Blair’s raucous applause.