His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Twenty-Four - Nina

It smelled good. It smelled right. It smelled like victory. Auntie Blair was almost dancing as she made a full Texas breakfast. Something I hadn’t had in a very long time. Good, solid, simple, high-energy food for working people. It also smelled so great it made my tummy rumble in anticipation. I rubbed it gently, trying to calm the beast. It was then, of course, that it all came flooding back. The discovery, followed by the lovely sex. The interruption of my dad and what happened there. Everything I thought I would have or would be, both before and after I’d met Chad falling apart in a few hours.

“Hey, it’s okay, honey, just breathe,” Auntie Blair said, putting the skillet on the back burner to come over and stroke my back as I hyperventilated.

“Wh-what am I going to d-do?”

“Well, first things first. The most pressing issue is the little life growing inside you.”

“Yeah,” I said, nodding.

“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to tell Chad—”

“No,” I blurted before I could stop myself.


“Sorry, but no, I can’t do that. This baby is Chad’s too. If nothing else, it will be a part of him to carry with me.”

“That makes sense,” Auntie Blair agreed, “though let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

“What can I do?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you what you can do. You can eat a good, hearty breakfast and then go to work. When you’re there, you can explain things to him. Tell the truth and hope he is as wonderful as he seems. For what it’s worth, I think he’s perfect for you.”

Tears swelled in my eyed. “It’s worth a lot, thanks.”

“No problem, honey,” she said, giving me a squeeze. “Now, let’s get some food in ya, yeah? You must be famished.”

My belly full of good food and my heart full of honest love, I followed Auntie Blair out to the pumpkin Bug, hoping it would be as easy as she made it sound. I wouldn’t blame Chad if he was still mad. My dad could have that effect on people. It probably wouldn't help that I’d left with him… at least initially. I was just so scared that Chad might get hurt. Dad was always armed and could get so unreasonable when he was angry, especially if he thought he was right and particularly if he wasn’t. I could feel cramps clamp inside as we got close to the garage.

“It’s okay, baby,” Auntie Blair said, stroking my back, “just be honest, and you’ll do fine, okay?”

“Okay,” I said, calming myself down.

“Now get in there and fight for your man and your baby.”

Full of new confidence and vigor, I gave my aunt a kiss on the cheek and got out of the great pumpkin, marching off to meet my destiny.

I merged into the assembled crew, none of whom knew what was going on with me and Chad. If I had my way, it would stay that way as long as possible. It was still somewhat embarrassing to be having a fling with my much older boss. Though it was much too late for that to do any good.

Taking my position at the back of the group, between Juan and Eric, my two new best friends, I prepared for the inevitable.

“You okay?” Eric asked.

“Um, yeah,” I said, only slightly lying, “why do you ask?”

I did my best not to be paranoid. There were so many very real things going on for me to worry about.

“You look different,” Juan added.

“I do?”

“Glowing,” Will observed, “my sister got the same look when she was expecting.”

So much for keeping things secret. I didn’t really know how much they’d figured out, but the guys were clearly catching on. I tried to come up with a believable explanation when the big black truck came roaring around the corner. Though it didn’t seem like it was coming to save me… at least not intentionally.

Chad was avoiding me. Never once even looking in my direction. Like I was dead to him. I’d planned on waiting until lunch or even the end of the day when I could get him alone. As time went on, the tension built too much, and I was afraid I might actually explode.

Hanging up my wrench on the board. The spark plug change was already done, and I headed up to Chad’s office, determined to at least try and have it out with him.

“Come in,” Chad called after I knocked, his voice muffled by the door.

With a deep breath, I went into the office, planning to say everything I had to say before he had a chance to throw me out.

“Look, I know things are bad, and you’re probably recalled angry at me right now, but you should know some things. First, I’m so sorry I left with my dad. I’m in no way proud of it, and I thought I was keeping you safe. It was a mistake, and I’m really sorry. I really hope we can try and start again because I love you. I love you so much it hurts, and I want to follow my heart. I’ve given up on any kind of money, including my trust fund. I’m a mechanic now, just like you. Working-class and honest.”

His eyes were as cold as a glacier, and I wasn’t sure if he’d actually heard a word I’d said. I knew all too well how anger could make one blind and deaf to all other perspectives. Chad surprised me a bit then by getting up and storming out of his office.

“Get back to work!” he bellowed as I followed him out.

“Hey, don’t you yell at her.”

We both looked to see the entire crew of trainees and pros coming toward us. The words of defiance had come from Juan, who proceeded to put himself between me and Chad, protecting me like a big brother. He was joined in front of me by Eric, the others coming up behind and beside us. Will put a protective hand on my shoulder.

“It’s okay, guys,” I said, not wanting to explain why Chad and I were in a fight, “I messed up bad and understand if Chad wants to fire me and never see me again.”

Well, that was a surprise. Despite his evident anger, Chad had apparently not considered either of these actions, looking both hurt and shocked.

“If you fire Nina, I quit,” Will announced, “she is the best thing that’s happened to the shop, and we are getting so much more work done.”

“Yeah,” chorused the rest of the crew.

I looked back to Chad, who seemed truly surprised to be facing an open mutiny. His expression softened considerably.

“Business is up since she started,” the boss admitted.

I couldn’t help but smile. My skills, which I always thought were pretty good, had been vindicated by my peers. Some of whom have been pros for years. I had finally found my place in the world. A place I could be the girl I was always meant to be. I just had to convince Chad to let me stay.