His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter 7 - Ben

The following morning, I wake up feeling as if I have just had the most fantastic dream. If that was a dream, it was spectacular. The curtains are closed, so the room is somewhat dim, but I can still see the sunlight through them. I turn over in bed and almost gasp in surprise. Cece is asleep next to me. I realize now that last night wasn't just a dream. Something actually happened between us. Nude, she sleeps on her side, looking so innocent and peaceful.

I notice how her hair is spread out beautifully on the pillow. I want to reach out and touch it, but I have to restrain myself. All I can do is watch her sleep. I can't stop staring at her. She looks like the most peaceful and beautiful angel I have ever seen. I find myself wishing that there was a way I could make this moment with her last forever.

I feel a ball of fear growing in my stomach at the thought. I can't believe that I dare to think something like that, especially after all that I went through with my ex-wife. I would just end up getting hurt all over again if I did choose to get involved with Cece.

Getting up from the bed, I pull on my pajamas. As she remains there sleeping, my anxiety is starting to get the better of me. I can't afford to be having feelings like this. I need to put a stop to this before I get hurt again. I pace back and forth, thinking about everything. My mind is racing. I feel like I'm going insane from all of this. I need to figure out how to stop this and fast. It's not just me who would be devastated if something terrible happened. I have to think about Katie's wellbeing as well, or at least that is what I keep telling myself. I need to get out of here before I go crazy. I put my robe on over my pajamas and grab my phone.

I quietly leave the room without disturbing Cece. As I walk downstairs, I can't get over this fear that I have. I know that if I get involved with Cece, she will hurt me and leave me like my wife. Going into the kitchen, I fix myself a cup of coffee. I need a distraction from all these thoughts.

As I'm fixing my coffee, my phone rings. I answer it. “Hello….” I say, still distracted by my thoughts.

“Hey, buddy. I just wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to consider that investment proposal I emailed you?” Rick asks.

I stir my coffee, and my mind draws a complete blank. I can't concentrate on anything, and I have no idea what he is talking about. I decide to be completely honest with Rick because he is the only one I can talk to about this.

“Honestly, I haven't given it a thought. I'm busy looking for a new nanny,” I reply while taking a sip of my coffee.

“Why, what happened? I thought we already discussed this, and you had it all figured out?” Rick says, sounding both confused and concerned.

Since I have decided to be honest, I might as well tell him everything. I sigh, “Well, I thought I had, but things have happened. I think I might be developing feelings for Cece, and it bothers me, to be honest.”

Rick is silent a second before answering. “I kind of expected this was going to happen. When we talked about it that day at the coffee shop, you just didn't seem yourself,” he says.

“Yeah, well, the only thing I can do now is end this quickly before it evolves into something I don't need,” I reply decisively.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” he advises.

“Why not?” I ask, even though I'm not really interested in hearing his opinion.

“This could be good for you. I think you should give this a chance. She seems like a kind, sweet girl—nothing at all like your ex. I highly doubt she would hurt you. In fact, she seems like the type of girl you need,” Rick urges, trying to convince me.

I sip my coffee quietly, thinking about everything. I just can't get over what my ex did to me. She hurt me so bad with her betrayal. I just know that will happen again if I get involved with Cece. I can feel it with every fiber of my being, and it terrifies me.

Rick is still waiting on the line. “Listen. I have to go. I have some things I need to do. I'll talk to you later.” I hang up before he can respond.

I refill my coffee mug and take another sip. My mind is made up that this is the right decision. I know what I have to do. Checking the time out of habit, I see that Cece and Katie will be awake soon. I need to distance myself from her.

Taking my coffee, I go into my office, close the doors, and sit at my desk. I set my coffee down and pull my computer to me. Now that my mind is made up on what to do, I should concentrate on work.

I check through my emails and find the one that Rick was talking about. I read through it and am finally able to give it my full attention. I jot down a few quick questions that I need to ask him the next time I talk to him.

Afterward, I close my emails and open the nanny agency website. I look through all of the new nannies that are available, trying to keep my options open. There could be a few possibilities here, but I might have to lower my standards slightly. That is not something I really want to do, but I have to. It's the only way I can fix this whole situation and be done with Cece for good.