Their First Time by Lena Lucas



Iknew I should have stayed home, but I’d needed a distraction, a distraction from my thoughts, which were always on Adria. Every time she wasn’t near I thought about her, fantasized about her.

And when she was close, fuck, she drove me wild. I was harder than a fucking lead pipe every. Damn. Time. she was near.

And after seeing her at church, eye fucking the hell out of her, thinking so many damn impure thoughts I should have burst into flames, I knew I couldn’t stay away any longer. I didn’t want to.

And now a few days later I was still so hard-up for her my dick ached and my balls were drawn up. Our first tutoring session had been planned for this weekend. And to be fucking honest? I didn’t know how the hell I’d concentrate with her being so close.

Being on the football team at the university meant I had to keep my grades up, hold a certain GPA. I certainly wasn’t doing that at the moment, hence why my parents felt the need to get Adria’s services.

But I sure as hell wasn’t complaining.

The whiskey started really kicking in and I stumbled over my feet. I should have cut myself off at Brax’s party, but I’d been feeling good—numb—and I kept going. Numb was good. Numb meant I didn’t feel shit, especially where Adria was concerned.

That’s a lie.

There wasn’t anything that could keep Adria from the forefront of my mind.

The sound of the cab that had dropped me off peeled out, some young fuck who’d been talking nonstop about all the pussy he’d gotten. I guess because we were similar in age and I was drunker than fuck, he thought I wanted to hear that shit.

I didn’t. So I hadn’t said shit on the subject and eventually he took the hint and shut the fuck up.

I looked at the small house I rented with two of my buddies, Morrison and Zane.

I took the steps of the front porch two at a time, which I was pretty proud of myself for not tripping over my own damn feet.  Once inside, I could hear Morrison talking. His words were distorted since I was trashed, but it was clearly school shit.

Maybe I should have just headed to bed, but I found myself all but stumbling toward the living room. I saw Morrison on the couch, hunched over the scarred, picked-up-on-the-street-corner, coffee table. He ran his hand through his hair, causing the blond strands to stand on end as his frustration was clear.

But when I heard the very feminine voice start talking softly, as she kindly explained what Morrison wasn’t getting, my fucking cock went ramrod straight.


Hand on the entryway frame, I reached down and adjusted my cock so my hard-on wasn’t obvious. Seemed like where Adria was concerned, whiskey dick wasn’t a problem for me.

“Morrison, I know it’s confusing if you don’t understand, but let me break it down and I promise it’ll click.”

He made a frustrated noise and leaned back on the couch.

“We can go over this at our next session, okay? I know you’re done for tonight and our time is up anyway.”

He nodded and I still stood there watching Adria as she gathered her stuff.

And when she stood, our eyes locked. I watched as she started nibbling on her bottom lip, pulling at that pink flesh until I wanted to reach out and pull her lip away so I could do that myself.

Fuck, I liked looking at her, liked watching her blush as she knew I was eye fucking her.

I watched the way she lifted her long hair off her shoulder, saw the way her throat was bared. My teeth ached, my mouth watered. All for a taste of that.

I let my gaze travel over the V cut of her shirt, how her collarbones were visible, those small bones making her seem even more delicate, fragile, breakable.

Fuck. I want her.

The fucker behind my fly dug against my denim like it was insistent to get out. It wanted out. It wanted inside Adria.

I want inside Adria.

She broke eye contact first and started toward me. When she passed I let this low rumble leave me. I saw the way her body stiffened slightly because she’d heard me, but she didn’t stop.

Morrison was running his mouth about nonsense, but I was too focused on Adria.

When she stopped and looked at Morrison, giving him an innocent smile, jealousy rose up in me. I wanted that smile for myself.

“I’ll see you later, Morrison.” She snapped her eyes to me briefly, her cheeks flushed, and glanced away.

She licked her lips and I didn’t even try to hide the fact I lowered my gaze to her mouth and watched her do the act. I felt my eyes grow heavy seeing that little pink tongue moving along her plum flesh. I heard myself growl, lifted my gaze to see her eyes widen, and I felt my smirk grow.

I was so much taller than her, wider, broader. She was petite, feminine, and the fact she wore a V-neck t-shirt, the way her breathing increased, her breasts pushing against the material almost frantically, gave me a perfect view of her cleavage.

I tore my gaze away, not wanting to be a dirty bastard. She deserved more than that. She deserved everything.

Something in me shifted when I watched her head toward the front door. I didn’t want her to leave, but knew asking her to stay, to let me take her to my room, let me make her come, probably wasn’t the smartest thing. Not yet, at least.

“Let me walk you to your car.”

She stopped and looked over her shoulder, her eyes widening before she gave me a small smile and nodded. I should have let her go, especially given the fact all this liquor thrummed through my veins, but no. Fuck no. I was tired of waiting.

I wanted Adria and a little bit of liquid courage was going to help that.