Their First Time by Lena Lucas



Ihadn’t been able to stop thinking about the way Xander had looked at me that night I left from Morrison’s tutoring session. I hadn’t been able to stop imagining the way he looked at me, how I’d noticed him staring at my lips constantly, or how low and deep, how sexy his voice had been when he spoke to me.

And tonight was our first tutoring session. I was nervous, felt weak-kneed, and I tried to tell myself I had to keep this professional. But I wanted Xander in a way that didn’t seem rational. It seemed crazy and reckless, like I had no control over my libido. When he was near I felt breathless, my body humming fiercely, my nipples stabbing through my shirt.

And my pussy… was soaked. Every. Single. Time. I. Saw. Him.

I pulled to a stop in front of his house and cut the engine. For a second I just sat in the driver’s seat and looked at the front door. The only light I saw on inside was the one in the living room, but I didn't see any cars parked in the driveway except for the one I knew was Xander’s.

After grabbing my bag that had all the books we’d need, as well as papers, extra pencils, and some snacks--yeah I’d actually brought snacks which I was regretting now--I headed to the front door. Before I could even knock on the door, it swung open and a small gasp left me. I was speechless for a second, just staring at everything that made up Xander St. James.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I’d primed and prepped for today, as if I’d get anywhere sexual tonight. And even being a virgin, this thrill went through me at the very idea that Xander could be my first.

My cheeks felt hot as I stared at him, as those dirty images slammed into my head. He looked freshly showered, his hair a little damp, a little spiky. He wore a plain white t-shirt, his athlete's body stretching the material. He was a big guy for only being twenty-one, his muscles stacked on top of each other.

I felt tiny compared to him, and that sent heat through my entire body. He wore faded denim jeans that shouldn't fit a guy as well as they do him. And his feet… God his feet were bare and just as masculine as the rest of him.

Had I ever thought feet were attractive? No, not until I saw Xander’s

The smell of whatever cologne he wore had my blood racing, my nipples hardening, and my thighs clenching together because I couldn’t contain myself or stop my body’s reaction when it came to him.

He stepped aside and I walked through the threshold, his body heat and that delicious smell that clung to him filling my nose. The sound of the door closing had tingles racing up my spine. I stood there a moment just looking around. The house was quiet, really quiet.

“We’re alone?” I didn’t know why I asked that, but when I didn't get a reply I turned to face him.

He didn’t speak for long moments, just stared at me, his eyes penetrating, raking over my entire body. I felt bared for him, standing here naked letting him see every single inch of my body as if no clothes covered my intimacy.

I started shifting on my feet, picking at a loose thread on my book bag, but I couldn’t break his stare, no matter how deep and… aroused it looked.

“Yeah, I kicked them out,” he said easily, seamlessly. His head was lowered slightly, his eyes a little wavy-lidded. He looked like an animal getting ready to pounce and I was what he wanted to take down.

My body shook on its own and I breathed out slowly. God, Xander did things to me that made no sense, that had me weak-kneed and ready to say ‘screw tutoring and just destroy me up on your bed’.

“But I don’t know how long they’ll be gone, and if you know anything about the guys, it’ll be like a herd of elephants when they come in.”

I smiled and nodded. The college guys I tutored were less than thrilled about studying, most of them didn’t take me or the tutoring seriously.

We stood there for a long moment just staring at each other, me feeling like his gaze was this tangible touch. He cleared his throat and lifted his hand, rubbing the back of his neck and looking… shy or uncomfortable, almost even nervous in my presence.

“Should we get started?” I tipped my head toward the living room and I swore his eyes darkened.

“I think we should study in my room.”

I felt my eyes get as big as saucers. “Your room?”

He nodded slowly, his eyes locked on mine. “Just so we’re not disturbed, so the guys don’t distract us when they come home.”

I didn’t ever tutor anyone in their room, not even at the dorms. It was always either in a public space if they were in the dorms, or if they had their own place off campus, we worked in a common area room.

But this was Xander we were talking about, and the very idea of being in his space, surrounded by his things… being alone with him in his room, had me nodding instantly.

“Okay,” I said after nodding and watched his smile grow before he tipped his chin toward the hallways.

I couldn’t stop staring at the wide expanse of his back as he led the way to his room, how the muscles under his shirt flexed with every little move. He wasn’t huge or bulky like a bodybuilder, but his form was authentic, lean and hard, defined and powerful.

He started walking toward me, heading toward what I assumed was his room. His arm brushed gently against mine as he passed, and the way he slowly turned his head to look down at me at that moment, made me feel he’d done it on purpose, that he’d needed to touch me as much as I needed him to.

I’m letting my feelings for him drive me crazy.

My knees felt weak, my legs feeling like pudding when he stopped at the bedroom door and pushed it open. I followed him into his room and instantly smelled him.

His scent was like cinnamon, a little spicy as I inhaled, but cooling like mint as it settled. It was woodsy yet masculine. It was everything that had my body awakening as if I’d been asleep my whole life.

My heart was beating a mile a minute, but I tried to act collected, like his very presence didn’t affect me. For a second I just stood there looking around. His room seemed small for such a large guy, but in reality it was average, with a big bed in the center pressed against the wall, a dresser to the left, a nightstand to the right, and a small lamp on top of that. There was a large flat screen TV hanging on the wall across from the bed, a small table below that, which held what I assumed was a video game console.

I didn’t know what I’d assumed his room would be like, maybe messy, in disarray, but it was clean, organized.

I glanced at Xander and saw he was already staring at me, his focus clear, penetrating. I swallowed roughly. Why did he make me feel bare, like I stood here totally naked in front of him? Maybe it was the way he raked his eyes up and down my body, slowly, thoroughly, as if he didn’t want to miss one inch of me?

I started to feel hot, the room stuffy, closing in. My desire for him, how I felt for Xander probably wasn’t sane, but I didn't care. I wanted to be consumed by the way he made me feel.

“I don’t really have any place for us to study aside from the floor... or the bed.”

His voice was husky as he said that last word. He’d said bed like it was this sexual, sensual word.

As if I couldn't help myself, I glanced at that large bed again, imaging us on top of it doing everything but studying. God, I felt hot. Why was it so damn hot in here?

“And the floor is hard as hell...”

I snapped my attention back to him, my face on fire. I had no doubt he could see how affected I was.

Get a grip. You’re acting like some kind of blushing virgin.

I mean I was a blushing virgin, I supposed, but I didn't need to act that way. “The bed is fine,” I found myself saying and then I felt my eyes widen. I’d actually said that.

His face was stoic for a long second, and then he smirked, his eyes darkening even more as he tipped his head toward the bed, as if saying “after you, then”.

We stared at each other for a moment, and I realized time was being wasted over me being so nervous. I was here to help him, to help raise his grades. Snapping into focus, I gave him what I hoped was a “let's get to work” smile and headed toward the bed. I sat on the edge of the mattress, the scent of him wafting and I felt my heart jump a little. I smelled clean linen, cotton, like the comforter had been freshly laundered. I cleared my throat, very aware he still stood a few feet away just watching me.

I started getting the books I’d need to tutor him out of my bag, and set them beside me. A second later Xander sat beside me and I was very aware of his presence. He was just so big, so masculine that all I could feel was him.

I kept telling myself I could be professional. I could do this because letting my mind be consumed with his closeness, the fact he smelled so damn good, would only have me screwing this up and making a fool out of myself.

When I reached for the first book, he did at the same time, and our fingers brushed. I felt a jolt of electricity travel into my arm and all the way up. I snatched my hand away as if he’d burned me, then felt ridiculous and gave him a smile. God, he just kept staring at me, watching me.

“What?” I finally said.

“What?” he responded with that deep, husky deep voice that had my body clenching.

“You keep staring at me.” Those words came out low, whisper-soft.

He didn’t speak for a second then said, “Do I?”

I licked my lips, noticed he looked down to watch the act, then lifted his eyes back to mine. “Yeah,” I said a little breathlessly.

“It’s because you’re so pretty.”

Oh, God.

My face heated again and I glanced away, embarrassed by his compliment. We were silent for long seconds, and then he cleared his throat.

“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

I looked at him again, knowing my cheeks were probably flaming red. “You didn’t. I--I’m just not used to compliments, I guess. I get all awkward.” He gave me this sexy smile.

“I find it hard to believe you’re not beating guys back with sticks.”

I snorted and shook my head. “Yeah. Right.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Well, I can’t say that doesn't please me.”

I sobered. “Please you?”

He nodded slowly. “I don’t like thinking about guys trying to get to you.”

I didn't know what to say to that so I kept my mouth shut. The fact Xander admitted he didn’t want any other guys interested in me, thought I was pretty, and because of that couldn’t stop staring at me, had only been things I’d ever thought about in my fantasies. Hearing him actually say that left me speechless.

He was close, far too close for me not to notice every hard inch of him, every defined muscle, every single thing that made him male. And the longer I stared at him, the more things became hazy, and the more I found my arousal taking control. I was very aware of the changes in him as well, the way his breathing changed, how he kept looking at my mouth, how he seemed to move closer.

“We should study,” I whispered but there was no strength, no heat behind those words. And he still moved closer, he still had his eyes locked on my lips.

“Studying is overrated,” he murmured then lifted his eyes to mine. He was so close we shared the same air. I couldn’t breathe.

God, I couldn’t breathe anything but Xander.

I didn't know what was happening, but it was like all my preconceived notions of what was supposed to happen tonight had just fled.

“What’s happening,” I found myself saying, feeling like I was in this dream, a very good one where I didn't want to wake up.

“Whatever you want to happen,” he responded low and deep, no cockiness in his voice, nothing but this thick heat laced in his words.

“Xande--'' I didn't get his name out fully before I heard his low growl a second before he curled his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me the rest of the way forward, slamming his mouth on mine.

And the feel of his lips on mine had a moan leaving me, had me closing my eyes, and my mind saying, screw it. I’m doing this.