Their First Time by Lena Lucas



We headed outside and I stayed close even though the neighborhood was safe. My arm brushed against Adria’s and the warmth and softness of her skin had my heart racing and my traitorous cock thickening even more.

We said nothing as I walked with her around to the driver’s side, as I opened the door for her and watched her slip inside. God, she smelled good and when she turned away from me to set her bag on the passenger side seat, I found myself leaning in and letting my nose brush along her hair. I inhaled deeply, the sound meant to stay in, but when it forced its way free and she snapped her head in my direction, I didn’t bother moving. No point in pretending it didn’t happen.

Now my face was only an inch from hers, and the small sound that escaped her turned me on more. I saw the way her eyes widened, how her pupils dilated. I could practically smell her innocence, her desire for me.

“Are you ready for our tutoring session?” she asked softly, this slight tremor in her voice. She hadn’t moved away, our faces still so close, if I leaned in that last inch I’d be kissing her.

I looked at her mouth again, her bow-like lips so pink, so lush.

God, I was hard for her. Only her.

“I’m ready,” I responded but I sure as fuck wasn’t talking about being tutored. “Are you ready?” My voice was deep and smooth, liquid. I noticed her pulse jump at the base of her throat.

She nodded slowly but her expression showed me her thoughts were far from studying. Her breathing changed, picking up, and I noticed the way her pupils dilated slightly. Maybe it was just the darkness and her eyes needed to swallow up whatever light there was, but I liked to think it was because of me, because she wanted me just as badly as I wanted her.

Surely the way she looked at me, her eyes catching mine, the change in her body language when I was near, meant more than just nerves.

And I planned on finding out come our tutoring session.

I had to force myself to push away from her car, to let her drive off. And still I stood there. I wanted her, wanted her in a way I’d never wanted anyone else. She made my heart skip a beat with just a look. She made me desire things that I’d never even thought about. I saw no one else but her, wanted no other girl but her. She had the prettiest face, the sweetest smile. She had the most feminine body I’d ever seen, and the tiniest hands with little pink painted nails.

God, she was everything I’d ever fantasized about and more.

When I was back in the house with the door shut behind me, I saw Morrison standing by the window, his arms crossed, this goofy fucking smile on his face.

“What?” I didn’t like the way Morrison was looking out the window with that smug smirk on his face. Was he watching Adria? Possessive jealousy slammed into me, and it didn’t help that I was drunk, which seemed to intensify the feeling of bitch slapping the look right off his face.

“Dude, I’d hit that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.” Morrison grinned as he stared out the window at where I knew Adria had just left.

I growled low and Morrison snapped his head in my direction.

“What?” he asked, genuinely curious, his eyebrows raised.

“Say that shit again and I’m gonna knock your teeth in.” I didn’t bother hiding the real threat in my voice.

Morrison’s eyes widened a fraction, then his brows pulled down low. He didn’t speak for a second then said, “Damn dude, you got it bad for the tutor?” He held his hands up in surrender. “I didn't know she was yours.”

She is mine.

I scowled once more at Morrison, a silent threat that he better keep his fucking thoughts to himself, and his comments about Adria locked down tight. I’d pop him in the mouth to shut him up, friends or not.

I’d already deemed Adria as mine. Now I just needed to get my shit together and show her that.