Daddy’s Nervous Little by Jess Winters










“I made it clear last night you’d get a spanking this morning, little girl. Didn’t I?”

I bite my lip. I feel like I’ve learned my lesson already. No, that’s not true. I mean, I have indeed learned my lesson, but I still deserve the spanking. I need to feel consequences when I behave badly. He raises an eyebrow. Before he can tell me to respond, I say, “Yes, Daddy.”

I slip my robe off and stand naked before him. I want to wait because I know the sight of me thrills him, but I also don’t want to manipulate him at all. Head bowed slightly I make my way to him and bend over his lap. “Twenty spanks, little girl,” he says.

I wince. I don’t know exactly what I expected but twenty is more spanks than that. Of that, I’m sure. His hand falls hard and I yelp with the impact. I feel a burst of shame and humiliation along with the pain. I know there are nineteen more coming, but I can’t believe how shockingly bad that first spank is. Another falls. Another. God, the pain is terrible, but I know Lawrence isn’t angry. This isn’t about settling a score. This is all about me behaving the right way, a way that helps me instead of hurting me.

But Jesus, the spanks hurt!

Twenty spanks.

Twenty hard spanks.

I start crying on the fifth spank and after the twentieth I weep for a good fifteen or twenty minutes while Lawrence holds me. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I say when I can finally stop crying.

“No, little girl,” he says. “The spanking means this is over. No more saying sorry. It’s over and we’re going to do better now.”

I smile and throw my arms around him. “Yes, Daddy,” I say. “I love you so much. Sorry, Daddy.”

“I love you, too, little girl,” he says. “I mean what I say, though. No more saying sorry. The matter is closed and you need to move on.”

I bite my lip and nod. My eyes grow wide with a bit of fear when he says, “I don’t want to reach a point where I feel like I have to spank you for not letting go, for saying sorry when it’s over.”

When the knock comes at the door, I cry out, “Oh no! Jeanie’s coming to pick up Sammie early! I totally forgot!” I quickly pull my robe back on, but he reaches out and takes my hand.

“I’ll take care of it, honey,” he says.

I still walk with him to the nursery so I can give my daughter a kiss before the babysitter takes her. She’s beautiful. If I thought Lawrence was a great Daddy, that’s nothing compared to how great a father he is.

He takes the baby bag in one hand and lifts Sammie up in the other. “I’ll be right back, love,” he says. “Do we owe Jeanie anything?”

I shake my head. “Paid her yesterday.”

“Good girl.”

As he leaves I think about how wonderful good girl feels. Then I sit on the rocking chair in the nursery and realize how damn sore my ass is. I wince, but I still smile.

When she leaves and he returns, I say, “I can’t imagine how hard my life would be if you really spanked me for apologizing all the time.”

“Don’t test me,” he says.

“I won’t Daddy,” I say with a giggle. “I already have three cushions on my desk at work. I’ll have to get a taller desk if I make things even harder on my butt!”

He laughs and leans down to give me a kiss. Before long I realize we’re going to do a whole lot more than kiss. When he pulls me to him and lifts me up, sharp pain shoots up from where my ass presses against his arm. That’s fine by me. It’s just from my Daddy taking care of his wife, his forever little girl.



Did you like Daddy’s Little Girl? You’ll be glad to know there’s more excitement in the world of Please Me Daddies. Keep your eyes out for Daddy’s Obstinate Little Princess. Lawrence’s partner, Detective Gavin Markwell, has seen enough working on a series of assaults to sour him on life, but then comes Lydia, Rita’s younger sister. Maybe life has some promise after all. As for Lydia, she’s confused and reeling after a bad relationship. Is it possible the two of them could find happily ever after together? Find out in Daddy’s Obstinate Little Princess, the next sexy and exciting tale in the Please Me Daddies series.