Immoral by Nicole Dykes

It’s beena couple of days since the shit show with Grady’s father. He’s been in his head over it, which is a strange switch of roles. But I get it. God, do I get it. I’ll never forget being forced to sit in the front pew with my parents and listen to the hateful shit coming out of his father’s mouth.

And his parishioners shouting a resounding “amen.”

Grady and I would sit there solemnly, silently mocking all the ignorant bastards, but it still gets to you. It still gets deep inside your subconscious, and I know he worries there’s an ugly side to him.

If only he knew—he’s beautiful, inside and out. Always has been.

“Vicky is somewhere tropical.” He smiles, showing me a pic on his phone of Vicky in a bikini with her beautiful girlfriend leaning on her shoulder.

“She looks happy.”

He nods, putting his phone on the side table next to the sofa, running his fingers through his hair. “Yeah. Thank fuck.”

“It’s not your fault, Grady.”

“What if they’d been attacked, Ry? For being gay. What the fuck is wrong with this world?”

“A lot.” I move closer to him, pressing a kiss to his temple. “But there’s good too.”

“How can you say that? With all you’ve had to deal with?”

I don’t like this side of Grady—not because it’s not as fun or because I want light and carefree—but because that truly is Grady’s personality. It’s not a front. He lives life to the fullest. He has a good time and can usually spin everything into good.

I’m the grumpy bastard.

I brush a kiss against his lips and smile as I remain there. “You make it good. You show me the good. Always have.”

He finally grins, and now, things feel right again. “You’ve always been good for me too. I hated my father, but you made it okay to be happy.”

“I think I can make you really, really happy right now.” I waggle my eyebrows at him, and he snorts, shoving me back but not far. He lifts his shirt off, tossing it behind him, and I do the same, not wanting to waste any more time.

I practically growl when he pulls his sweatpants down, his cock hard and slapping against his abs. “Fuck.” I’m starving for him.

The last two nights he’s slept in my bed, but other than a few kisses here and there, there hasn’t been much physical activity.

Which I’m cool with, but this is more like it.

I let my fingers slide over his abs, my mouth following as I leave a trail with my tongue. “What do you want, Grady?”

“You.” His hand slides through my hair, and I smile like an idiot.

“You have me. What do you want me to do?”

“Stop talking and use that mouth to suck my cock.” His fingers grasp my hair tighter as he gets bossier, and I groan, leaning down to lick the tip, teasing and making his hips buck upward impatiently. “I said suck, not lick.”

“You don’t like my tongue?” I run it along the vein on the underside of his dick, and he moans.

“Fuck. I do. I really do.” I smile, putting him out of his misery and engulfing his shaft, cupping his balls, and loving his moans of ecstasy, knowing he’s right on the edge.

Of course, that’s when my nosey-as-fuck agent with zero boundaries decides to burst into my home.

Because why the hell not ten minutes ago? Or an hour from now? No, it had to be with Grady nearly naked on my couch and his cock deep in my throat.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

I pull away from Grady, not wanting to, but he tugs his sweats up over his ass and stands, glaring over the couch at Jenny. “You have the worst fucking timing. Anyone ever tell you that?”

She doesn’t flinch, just walks closer. “You’re supposed to be fucking straight. How was I supposed to know you two would be playing a new little game in the middle of the afternoon?”

I sit up, not pulling my shirt on. “Why are you here?”

She puts a hand on her hip, raising her perfectly manicured eyebrow. “Why the hell did you have your best friend’s dick in your mouth?”

I’m guessing she doesn’t want to hear “because I wanted him to come down my throat,” so I stay silent.

Grady, on the other hand, must be feeling back to his normal self because he smirks at her and answers, “Because it’s a fantastic dick. Duh. And he really knows what he’s doing.”

She rolls her eyes, and I fight a laugh. This is why he’s my best friend. She walks to a chair and slumps down, looking pretty damn defeated for her. “Your contract is already in danger, and now this. Are you trying to kill me? I’m thirty. Too young to have a fucking stroke.”

“You can have a stroke at any age,” Grady offers, not helping.

She glares at him, but I intercept, “What do you mean my contract is in danger? What now?”

She leans forward. “You and Bennett are considered a package deal, but lately, he’s been floating the idea that he wants to move to the West Coast.”

“He wouldn’t do that.” I turn my body so I’m facing her, on high alert now.

“His wife’s family is there, and they’re starting their own family. She wants to be near them.”

Grady looks concerned, but he doesn’t say anything. “He’s never said anything to me. He wouldn’t do that. He loves it here. He loves the fans. They stuck by us when we fucking sucked.”

“I know.” She sighs, seemingly having lost all fight, which is just not good. “But I don’t think it’s a rumor, and it’s affecting the negotiations. It puts your contract at risk.”

“They would be stupid not to keep Ry.” Grady’s voice is a low, defensive growl.

“I agree.” Her eyes meet his. “But it doesn’t mean they won’t let him go without Bennett. Or pay him far less.”

“Then I’ll walk.”

She sighs. “You really want to walk away from here?”

I don’t know. It’s where I started. It’s close to everything I know, but maybe they’d be more accepting of me out west. Who the fuck knows?

“I don’t know.”

She nods her head, already knowing my answer before I said it. She waves her arm in our direction, “And now this? You’re fucking Grady Bell? Seriously?”

Again, Grady goes on the defense. “And what’s wrong with that? You already know he’s gay.”

“I know he goes to clubs occasionally with a hat and sunglasses and selects a cute twink who’ll sign an NDA and who he’ll never see again. Fucking his best friend that the whole country has eyes on? Not great.”

I bristle, hating that she’s right about this being far more dangerous. “We’ll be careful,” Grady insists.

And he gets another famous Jenny eye roll. “It’s really only a matter of time before this comes out.” She throws her hands in the air as she stands. “I can’t believe I didn’t see this before. I’m getting soft.”

Grady snorts, “This is you soft? Jesus.”

She flips him off, and I stand up between them. “Stop. Both of you.” I aim my look at Jenny. “We’ll be careful.”

“The meeting is coming up. Can you keep this a secret until then, at least?”

“I’ve been doing it all this time.”

She doesn’t look convinced but takes a deep breath. “I’ll be in touch.”

She starts for the door, and Grady turns around, looking over the back of the couch. “Yeah, maybe you should start knocking. Unless you want to see a lot more of my dick.”

“Not helping,” I say in his direction but can’t fight the smile on my face.

He winks, and I shake my head, ushering Jenny outside and saying a quick goodbye before walking to the patio door and looking outside, grateful for the large yard and the fence that surrounds it. It gives me the illusion of privacy, at least.

I feel Grady’s body crowding mine from behind. “It’s going to be okay.”

“Is it?” I don’t turn around, back to being the one in his head. I can’t believe Bennett did that shit without at least talking to me first.

But I give him the benefit of the doubt. Not like there isn’t a hell of a lot he doesn’t know about me.

His mouth is on my neck now, leaving sweet kisses. “I bet I know what can make you feel better . . .”

I roll my eyes. “Sex can’t fix everything.”

“No, but it can’t hurt.”

I laugh and turn to face him. “Your balls as blue as mine?”

He groans and leans his forehead against mine. “Probably bluer. I mean, your mouth was sending me straight to heaven when Jen-nay had to burst in here and ruin it.”

I laugh, “She fucking hates when you pronounce her name like that, but I think I can finish what I started.”

He shakes his head, surprising me. “I was thinking of something different.” I quirk an eyebrow, and his mouth moves to my ear. “I was thinking you could fuck me.”

My mouth is suddenly dry as I try my best to swallow. He pulls back and looks into my eyes. “I want that.”

He grins and grabs my hand, leading me to my room.

I guess he wants that too.