Immoral by Nicole Dykes

This is ridiculous.

He’s here, and I can’t contain myself, but I know I have to reel it in. “Hey.” I give him a half-bro-type hug when I want to kiss the fuck out of him. It’s only been a few days, but my entire body is thrumming with excitement to see him.

He’s in jeans and a plain tee with a baseball cap pulled low. “Hi.”

I release him and step back much sooner than I want to. “Where to?”

“My hotel to check in.” I try not to let my face fall, but he notices instantly, keeping his voice low. “Relax, I’m staying in your bed tonight. But in case anyone checks, I have my own room.”

I smile and nod, noting there at least five people with cameras aimed our way. “Okay, sounds good.”

I lead him to the car, both of us climbing in the back, and I direct the driver where to go. He checks into his room at the front desk, and then we go up to the room, deciding not to let it be a total waste.

When the door closes behind us, we don’t lose anytime, undressing in record time and letting our clothes fall wherever. We don’t make it to the bed, though, kissing and grinding against each other, his back pressed against the wall.

“Fuck, I missed you.”

I moan against his mouth, having missed his body being pressed against mine. “I missed you too. So goddamn much.”

How the hell are we going to make it for six more months? When he can’t get away like this?I try to shake that thought from my head. I’d rather think we can always find time to sneak away for each other.

His hand grasps my hard cock, stroking it, and when I do the same to him, his head meets the wall, tilting back and exposing his throat. I take full advantage, sucking and biting along the column. “I’m not going to last.”

“We have plenty of time later.” My hand moves faster, loving the feel of him in my grip. When he pushes my hand away from him, using his spit to lubricate his hand and wrapping it around both of us, I thrust against him, bracing myself on the wall with both hands.

“Fuck, Ry.”

“Come with me, Grady.”

It doesn’t take long before we’re both exploding with ecstasy, cum spilling over his hand and both of us groaning with spent desire. “Jesus. Fuck. I really, really missed you,” I say with a smile that makes him laugh and then kiss me.

“I missed you too, asshole.”

“Apparently.” We both take a shower in the hotel bathroom that isn’t anywhere near the luxury of his house, but it gets the job done.

When we’re both cleaned and dressed again, we’re ready to head out for dinner when his phone rings. He checks it and curses, “Shit. It’s my mom.”

I take a seat on the edge of the bed. “Better answer it.”

He sighs and takes a seat next to me, answering it and putting it on speaker phone. “Hey, Mom.”

“Hi, sweetie. What are you up to?”

I offer him a wicked grin, challenging him to answer that honestly after what we just did, and he shakes his head with a laugh. “Hanging with Grady.”

“Grady Bell?” She sounds so excited.

“Yeah, the one and only.”

I greet her, “Hey, Mrs. Bailey.”

“Oh, sweetie! How are you? We’ve missed seeing you around town. I’m so happy you and Ryan are friends again.”

I see the shame on his face, and I don’t like it. I don’t let him get by with it for long. We were both responsible for our time apart. “Me too, Mrs. Bailey. He’s not getting rid of me this time.”

“I’m so happy to hear that! How are you these days? I’ve asked your father about you a couple of times. But you know him, he doesn’t say much.” I cringe at the thought of my father.

“Yeah, sounds like him. I’m fine, thank you.”

Ryan gives me a cautious look, knowing how much my father bothers me, but his mother either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care and continues, “Well, I’m sure he’s extremely proud of you like we are of Ryan.”

Right, except for ignoring the fact that he’s gay. Ry gives me a pleading look, and I comply, keeping my mouth shut even if it grates on me. “Right.”

She switches her focus to Ryan. “Ryan, we heard the contract negotiations have been pushed back. What happened?”

Fuck. My plan was to keep his mind off that shit this week.

“It’ll be fine, Mom.”

“Oh, honey, I hope so.” I can see the stress rolling off Ry in waves now, and I’m pissed because I just worked really hard to relieve his tension. Not that it was a hardship. “You just have to stay here.”

“Yeah, that’s the plan.” He sounds resigned.

“But if not, you know someone will want him, and they’ll be the luckiest team in the world.” I add, trying to get her to shut up.

It doesn’t work. “No. There’s no other team for Ryan. He needs to be here. Near his family and in the town that loves him.”

The town that makes him hide who he really is.

I’m pretty sure I’m tasting blood from biting my tongue so damn hard.

“It’ll be fine, Mom. I’ll call you when I know more, okay?”

“Okay, sweetie. I’ll pray for you. We love you.”

“Love you too. Tell Dad hi.”

They hang up, and Ry lies flat on his back, covering his face with his hand, the phone next to him on the bed.

“You okay?” I lie down next to him.

“I’m fine. Should have known it would be news that my contract is in danger.”

“Yeah well, they’d be fucking stupid to let you go. You just won the World Series, Ry. You have a pretty big bargaining chip.”

“Not without Bennett. Not for the price we’re trying for.”

I don’t think he’s that concerned about the money, but no doubt, Jenny and his team are going for the biggest payout possible. And the more he gets now, the better for retirement. “It’ll work out.”

“I hope so. I don’t even know what I want anymore.”

I find his neck with my lips. “I know what I want.”

He laughs, and surprisingly, it sounds easy and free. So damn beautiful. “We need to eat. And I’m pretty sure you have a sound check to get to.”

“Eh, fuck ’em. I can be late.”

He sits up, shaking his head. “No way. You’re not letting your fans down because of me.”

“I’d do anything for you.” I sit up and kiss him. He indulges me, letting me kiss him softly for a while, but then pushes me back before I can take it any further.

“I know you would, but you’re forgetting I’m a fan too, and I don’t want to miss this show.”

“Fine.” We stand up and head out to dinner together.

But we keep our distance the whole time, and it fucking guts me.