Striker’s Claim by Lila Fox

Chapter Seven

She let him lead her toward a line of bikes and balked when she got close to the one he wanted. “Wait. I’ve never been on one of these.”

Striker grinned. “It doesn’t matter. I know it will be hard since you don’t know me, but you just have to trust me. I really think you’ll like it.”

She exhaled and nodded.

He got on the bike and then helped her on behind him.

You might want to hold on to me,” he said.

She looked over his shoulder at him because she sensed he was laughing at her by the tone of his voice.

She wrapped her arms around him. When he started the bike, she gasped as it vibrated under her. A squeal came from her throat when he took off.

Oh, Jesus. The man already made her feel hot and achy. This vibration was just going to ramp it up more.

He chuckled when she pressed her knees tighter against his hips. Embarrassed, she relaxed them and moved back an inch or two. She felt him reach back and cup her ass to pull her tighter against him. After a minute, when he didn’t release her ass, she realized he was just going to keep it there. Was that even possible? Didn’t he have to have both hands to do something with the gears? It was something she’d learn about once she moved in.

Shit, did she really want to do this? Striker had talked to Casey, so maybe that was enough to keep her away?

You’re thinking too much.”

Her attention and gaze jerked to the back of his head. Now, how in the hell did he know that?

Her attention was diverted when they pulled in through a tall gate and up alongside a massive building. It was made of steel and white cinderblock. Her eyes widened. Was this where she would spend the rest of her life?

Striker got off and then lifted her off. His strength surprised her. He picked her up like he would a toddler, and she’d never been handled that way. Fortunately, he held on to her because her legs shook, and she felt week.

Why do I feel like this?”

He chuckled. Just that was enough to make her mouth water and her cream slip out of her pussy and into her already soaked panties.

You’ll get used to it.”

She really hoped so because she knew she looked pathetic from the smiles she got from the other bikers as they walked by them.

Are you good?” he asked.

She nodded. “I think so.”

Okay, once we’re inside, we’re going to make a list of the things you want at your place, and a few of the guys will go get it.”

Can’t I go with them and show them? It would be easier.”

Striker shook his head. “No. It’s not safe right now.”


He sighed. “One of the most important rules is never to question me.”



Jesus, if it had been anyone else, he would have flattened them, but she was so fucking cute standing there looking up at him with wide, trust-filled eyes already. He didn’t want to fuck it up.

We’ll discuss this later. Right now, I want to introduce you to the rest of the crew.”

Her eyes widened dramatically. “You mean there’s more?” she asked in a high voice.

He rolled his eyes, grabbed her hand, and started tugging her into the building. When the door closed behind them, she jerked. He brought her to his side and wrapped an arm around her.

He grinned when he whistled to get everyone’s attention, and she gasped and covered her ears. “Guys, and sweetbutts, I’ll explain everything at church…”

You go to church?” she whispered.

The guys who heard that laughed hard. He just smiled shook his head. “Later, babe. This is Kristina. She’s a new addition to the group, and she’s mine.”

We can’t have a taste? She looks like she’d be as sweet as candy.”

Striker grunted. “Let me put it this way, Gunner, if anyone touches what I’ve claimed as mine or looks at her the wrong way, I’ll cut your hand off.”

She gasped and tried to pull away from him. “You’re kidding, right?”

He shrugged and grinned. “Sure.”

She narrowed her eyes when everyone laughed.

I’m going to show her to our room, and then we’ll be back down.”

They were halfway up the steps when she realized what he said and screeched, “Ourroom?”

The guys laughed uproariously.

Yes, Kris. After I explain, you’ll understand.”

No one has ever called me that before.”

What?” he asked.


Now, I do. Are you going to hate it?”

No.” She shook her head. “Not when you say it.”

He shut the door behind them, leaned against it, crossed his arms and his legs, and stared at her.

She looked around, and he wondered what she thought, not that he gave a fuck. But this would be her room now, too. His space was the biggest and one of the few that had a TV. It sat in a shelving unit across from the huge bed. There was a desk and laptop computer against one wall. He also had a big closet that stored all his clothes and a nice bathroom to himself.

He was older than most of the guys and was tired of partying every night, so he spent time in his room watching movies or reading. The fact he wasn’t a little freaked about sharing his space with her made him think this was the right move, taking her into his club and making her his.

He noticed her gaze hadn’t strayed from the mattress.

We’re both going to sleep in one bed?” she asked.

Yes, but nothing has to happen right now. I just want you where I know your safe.”

Your men would hurt me?”

Fuck no, but all kinds of shit can happen.”

She sat down, then sprang up and wrinkled her nose.

He sighed. “Now what?”

Are the sheets … you know … have stuff on them?”

He chuckled. “Fuck no. I’d rather use my hand than something everyone else has used a hundred times. I haven’t been with a woman for a long time.”