Own Her by Jenika Snow


Viktor watched the Duamba female as she gyrated her hips, smoothed her hands over her glowing green-and-yellow flesh, and stared at him and his brothers. They were at their last stop before they headed to Sessinea for the auctions. They had come into their breeding need, the desire to find a woman who was compatible with their species for procreating.

As long as she could bear them strong warrior sons, her species did not matter. But it wasn’t just about having a female who would give them offspring. It was also about claiming her, marking her as theirs, and spending the rest of their lives showing her that she was the most important thing to them.

Because they had no females on their world of Hades, a planet filled with lava, fire, jagged rocks, and creatures that were more hellish than most in the Stoker Galaxy, they had to travel outside of their world to find females to be with. Viktor and his brothers tended to stay in the surrounding planets that were close to Hades.

They did so to release their seed in the bodies of willing women who would be considered loose, but the brothers were now ready to settle down. They needed to have a family, to create a world within their world that would carry on their lineage.

The Duamba female went over to his youngest brother, Fillip, cupped her big breasts, and ran her fingers over the two sets of nipples on each of the mounds. Her species was known for their sexual appetites, for draining men dry of their seed and using it as a rejuvenating agent.

They were a voracious species, but their appeal was too much of a temptation, especially when it was known how good they could make a male feel.

Fillip let the female straddle him, and she started to grind her pussy on his lap. Although she was of a humanoid-looking species aside from her coloring, her kind could not procreate with a Hades male. She started working herself on Fillip, and although they were going to be procuring a female in just a week’s time, they were males and needed to relieve the desire that built inside them.

The server—a thin, Jantha female who had three arms on each side of her body, two legs, and a six-inch tongue that excreted a poisonous fluid—placed three mugs of mead in front of them. She said something in her native language, one that he and his brothers were not fluent in, and then turned to leave.

The tavern was old, not as technologically advanced as some of the others they had been to, but it had pussy and alcohol, and that’s what they needed right now.

Leaning back in his seat, Viktor brought his drink to his mouth, watching the holographic screen in front of him as it showed a game in a neighboring planet. The sports channel featured one of the most popular sports in the galaxy at the moment. The Krevlar Series was a species face-off, one that was a life-or-death extreme competition that had two different species going at it.

The terrain alternated every ten minutes, ranging from aquatic to the rocky terrain of the dangerous, deadly planets in their galaxy to ones that were filled with carnivorous beasts and flora that could swallow a male whole.

The crowd went wild as a Lanie plant decapitated one of the competitors. The blood and bones were spit out by the toothy, poisonous plant and covered the rocky ground. But even though there was a willing female ready for his cock, alcohol, and entertainment on, Viktor couldn’t focus on anything but the auctions.

He was ready for his female, to bring her back to their planet and claim her in the Hades way.

It was what he had been thinking about since he went into his breeding need, and he knew his brothers were the same way.

* * *

Mekenna workedon the floor of her owner’s suite, her knees aching, her body exhausted from the long day of work, and her mind protesting the fact that she still had to attend the auctions this evening. She cleaned the blood off the ground, not knowing where it had come from, and not wanting to know.

Whatever her owner did when he was with females in this room while she wasn’t was not something Mekenna wanted to think about. Blood play, knife play, and anything else her owner thought was taboo or exotic, especially if the female he was with at the time enjoyed those things, could be an all-night experience.

She had heard the screams and moans all the way across the corridor and into her cell. They had given her nightmares, because when she had first heard the sounds, and seen the evidence of what they had done just the night before, it left this sick feeling in her stomach.

She could imagine the horrid things happening, of what her fate could very well be if her owner didn’t see her as this silent being who shared his bloodline. She sat back, staring at the ground that was now cleaned but wet from the water. For as advanced as their civilization was, her knuckles and fingers bled from the manual labor she was forced to do.

After gathering her supplies and heading out of the chamber, she passed the dining area where her owner had a female on his lap, her pink skin marked with red lines, her white hair in three intricate braids atop her head, and her forked tongue moved along the shell of his ear. The table in front of them was covered in dishes, sweet and spicy smelling food that had Mekenna’s mouth watering and stomach clenching. She turned away before he saw her watching them, headed back to her cell, and stared out the small window.

She may never have freedom and would die a servant with a collar around her throat, but they couldn’t take away the idea of being free nor the world she created in her mind when she closed her eyes.

They could never take that away.