Own Her by Jenika Snow


Viktor walked into the auction house, his two brothers following behind. The second eldest, Savastian, was right behind him, and although he didn’t look at his brothers, he knew Savastian was scanning the establishment. Viktor scented their youngest brother’s arousal.

Although Fillip was only thirty years his junior, he acted far younger. He sowed his seed in plenty of females, far more than either Viktor or Savastian ever did at his age. At one hundred and ninety-five Hades years, Viktor was the eldest, the most brutally trained, and was the leader of Savastian and Fillip.

Savastian came in at one hundred and seventy-three, and Fillip was one hundred and sixty-five. They were as close as siblings could be. But because of their ruthless and warrior-bred bloodline, Hades males, related or not, fought side-by-side as comrades and men in arms. He shared a home with his brothers in the Goomata forest on his home planet, deep within the caves that ran underground.

And so they would share a female to breed with, to share and cherish.

The buildings on this planet hovered high above the ground. Why they did not use the land given to them was a mystery to Viktor, because it seemed smart and would help their world if they utilized the flora and fauna given to them by the planet. Either there were launching docks for ships to travel to each one attaching to all the buildings, or there were airstrips that allowed patrons to travel in clear pods to each business.

And although they would not have stopped on the planet of Sessinea normally, because it was for the wealthy and held no desire for his kind, the auctions were here this quarter. Harems filled the large establishment, and a massive stage was erected in the center of the room. Drapes of shimmering and luxurious materials lined the stage, the walls, and covered the ground. It certainly was a place fit for royalty, and he felt a sense of displacement at being here.

“This place is too much, brother,” Savastian said in a low, deep voice.

“That it is, Savastian,” Viktor said and stopped to look at Fillip. He still stood by the doors, speaking with a Franche-Yeaht species female. Her dark-green flesh spoke of her reptilian ancestry, but her horns, glowing white eyes, and black claws said she was also part beast. They were here to purchase a female to be their mate, not fuck a random auction female with no end result in sight.

Fillip pushed away from the female and went to stand beside them. They scanned the room, looked over the females currently being ushered onto the stage to be sold to the highest bidder, and went over to an open table. After sitting down and getting a pitcher of ale, they watched the wealthy men with servants aplenty cast their bids. The holographic screen above the stage pointed out the winning males and the sold females.

And when a female with fiery red hair and a thin frame stepped up on the block, he thought maybe she’d be the one for them. Her species was the fierce Threma kind, ones who had a powerful, stubborn personality. He knew a female would need to have a good disposition to deal with his kind.

But something had him dragging his gaze from the stage and scanning the crowd. He saw many different kinds of males, some with single servants at their sides, and others with three or four females wearing near to nothing. The females who were not fully clothed were their sex servants, and he knew enough about this culture to realize that the ones who had tunics and pants on were of the domestic servant variety.

A small form on her knees in the front of the stage, with this luminescent blue skin and raven-colored hair, had everything inside him freezing. Her flesh was the same shade as the Cellulion aliens but lighter, and he could tell she had to be a hybrid species, given the fact that she didn’t have the neon-blue eyes like the Cellulions did. The longer he stared at her, the more he saw her body tense.

“That female,” Fillip said from beside him, and Viktor looked over at his brothers. Both Fillip and Savastian were now staring at the servant female, both having this almost rapt expression on their faces. Yes, the brothers wanted the same thing, and that was the female who wasn’t even for sale.

As the evening progressed and the females continued to be sold off, all Viktor or his brothers could do was stare at this woman. She was different, and it wasn’t because she had clearly two mixed species in her bloodline. Although she could be an alien breed he was unaware of, he sensed she was different, a female who was unlike any other, and for more than that, he wanted her.

And then she stiffened further when the man who was clearly her owner removed his hand from her head and lifted it in the air. He bid on a human, and while his attention was on the stage, the female lifted her head and glanced over her shoulder. She stared at them with these wide green eyes, ones that scanned first him and then moved onto his two brothers. Everything inside him tightened more, his dick grew hard, and his balls ached.

The sound of Fillip and Savastian groaning softly, clearly feeling the same thing for this strange, wondrous little being as well, told Viktor she was the one. She would be theirs, already owned by another or not. The Hades warrior brothers would have her.