Own Her by Jenika Snow


Mekenna stared out the window of the spacecraft and watched as Sessinea faded in the distance. They’d launched many hours ago, and although she was still in shock over the turn of events, she also thought maybe she was dreaming.

How had she woken up this morning as a servant to a man who was her father and owner, one who despised her and wanted to punish her for the very fact that she lived, yet she was no longer his property? It was surreal, strange, and fantastical, and she didn’t know if she would ever get used to it.

She heard someone enter as the sliding door whooshed open. Turning around, she saw Viktor, the one she’d found out was the eldest out of the three Hades brothers, entering the room she was in. The chamber was an observation deck, with floor-to-ceiling windows that gave a view of the planets and stars.

“You’re okay, female?” he asked, and she nodded. But honestly, she wasn’t, and she didn’t know when she would be. She felt off-balanced right now, like she didn’t know what to expect, if this was really her life now, or what her future held. He had spoken to her in his native tongue, and although she wasn’t exceptionally fluent in their language, she was comfortable speaking it and knew she’d need to get used to it.

They were her owners now, all three of them, and she needed to adapt to their life.

“I’m fine.” She lifted her hand to her lip that had been spilt and sore when they first had her board their spacecraft. They put healing gel on it, and now there was just a faint pink line showing where her wound had been. “Thank you.”

He nodded but didn’t respond. Viktor stepped closer to her, and the scent of him filled her nose. Whatever it was about the three Hades warriors was instantaneous inside her, had her warm and soft, and made her think about everything she wanted to do with them sexually. She had never wanted a male to be with her in that way, and never had the desire to allow a man into her bed.

They had just come to her, expecting her to give them whatever they wanted because they were the males and she was the servant. To them, she wasn’t anything more than a vessel for their pleasure.

“I want to thank you again for taking me away from that life. You’ll never know how much it was like a living hell.”

He moved closer to her. “I can imagine.” He stepped nearer still. “Are you comfortable speaking my language, or would you prefer I speak Sessinea until we implant a language chip in you?”

She shook her head. “I would prefer to speak Hades.”

He nodded, and she pressed her back to the glass. It was chilled slightly, and the feeling of her warm, sweaty palms on the cool glass sent a shiver through her. She waited for his next move, but he just stood there for several moments, staring at her. Her arousal for this male, for the other two Hades warriors as well, was not something she was used to, and honestly she felt a little out of her element.

A lot, actually. They were not of her species, maybe even saw her as some kind of oddity because of her half-human and half-Cellulion genetics. But she couldn’t scent any mistrust or deceit from them, and couldn’t see any hidden agendas on their expressions.

“We have no hidden agendas, female,” he said softly, and she realized she had spoken out loud. “We do not want to own you in the sense that you were a servant and piece of property to that motherfucker.”

The sound of him cursing the name of her former owner was a shock at first, but then she found a thrill from it.

“We want you in the sense that you are our equal and we are owned by you just as much as we own you.” He moved closer, and she felt his heat intensify. “We want you as our mate, as our female and breeding partner.” He lifted a hand and brushed a lock of her hair away. “We want to share you, to be one with you, and in return, you will be cherished and protected like you never have been.”

Her breathing hitched as he brushed his fingers along her cheek.

“Your skin color is such a contrast to ours,” he said in a low voice. “Yet strikingly beautiful and unique.”

Her pussy became wet for the first time in her life, and she thought of lewd images of Viktor and her on his sleeping platform, his brothers watching, waiting for their turn to claim her. “How long before we reach your planet?”

She was nervous and didn’t know how to properly respond to what he told her about being their mate. So these males wanted her as a breeding partner, as a female who would carry their young and be shared amongst them. Although to some that might sound like a prison all in itself, the way he spoke about it and the scent that came from him told her he was true and honest in his words.

Because of her Cellulion genetics, she had acute and heightened senses—just like many of the alien species in the galaxy—able to tell a being’s true intent. And the fact that Viktor and his brothers wanted her as an equal was something she never thought she’d experience in her life.

He smoothed his finger along her cheek and over her bottom lip. “It will take two more Sessinea days before we reach Hades,” he said in a low voice. “And then a half a day before we make it to our home.”

Her heart beat fast, and the feel of his warm skin along hers had tingles racing throughout her body. She stared into his black eyes, taking in the sharp angles of his face. The male was not handsome in the classical sense. He looked like a warrior, like a fighter, as did his brothers.

She knew nothing about these warriors aside from the hurried introductions they had given as they boarded their craft. But Mekenna didn’t need to know every little detail about these aliens to know their intentions were not vile as her owner’s had been.

“You have been hurt your whole life,” Viktor said, as if speaking to himself. “You have fought to stay alive, to rise above the oppression of your kind and the class they deemed you.”

She didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to voice her opinion on the matter. Mekenna had never been allowed to speak her mind, to tell anyone her worries or fears, or what she dreamed about. Her mind was her safe haven, her retreat, and in there was where she envisioned her life away from servantry, away from being the abused property of men who thought she was nothing more than a piece of meat to be handled any way they saw fit.

But even though her life had been horrid and her body used, she never allowed that to break her spirit. Maybe she had gotten that strength from her human mother, the one she had never met but who was mistreated in the vilest of ways.

Her skin temperature was nearly the same as the Hades males, and she envisioned herself giving them everything she had, not because they wanted it, but because she wanted to give it to them. Not thinking anymore and acting for herself for the first time in Mekenna’s life, she rose on her toes and took what she wanted.

She placed her hands on his firm pectoral muscles, steadied herself against him, and kissed him. This was her first kiss, her first intimate encounter that wasn’t forced. He was tense at first, and she feared she had overstepped her bounds, but when she was about to pull back, he gripped the back of her hair.

Viktor growled low in his throat and tightened his hand in the strands, keeping her right where he wanted her.

The flavor of his tongue as he moved it along her lips, coaxing, asking her to open for him, slammed into Mekenna’s body with so much force she braced her hands on the glass behind her. Viktor took one more step forward, pressing his chest to hers and causing her to move completely back on the glass now.

He took control of the kiss she started, licking at her lips, pressing between the seam of her mouth, and making these deep animalistic sounds. The vibrations went straight to her pussy, speared the bundle of nerves at the top of her mound, and had her gasping for air.

He pulled back only long enough to look at her and growl out, “You’re ours now, Mekenna. I will say it again, and again, until you understand that we own you as much as you own us. You will never be abused, never mistreated or forced. You are here of your own free will.”

She nodded even though he didn’t phrase it like a question, and even though technically he had not asked her what she wanted after he took her from her former owner. But it didn’t matter, because she realized as soon as she saw these males that she wanted them. It was an awareness in her body, in her very soul, that spoke of something more than the life she led. “I do want this, want all of you.”

And gods help her but did she mean every word she spoke.

He took her mouth again, licked and sucked, and the vibrations that came from his chest had these tremors moving through her body. Involuntary noises left her, ones of need and comfort, of gratitude and arousal. All of these sensations and emotions filled her, threatening to take her down, because she was on sensory overload. But she wanted that, needed it even.

They kissed for what seemed like long, drugging minutes, and the more she was pressed up against his hardness, felt the strength that came from him, and felt his hard, thick, and long erection press into her belly, the more she wanted to give herself to them.

She didn’t know where the brothers were, but she had them on her mind, picturing herself in this relationship with three powerful males where she was theirs and they were hers. It was not unusual for a male or female to have more than one life partner, and that was what Viktor was saying he wanted with her and his brothers.

Viktor pulled away, breathing heavily against her mouth, and she felt her lips were swollen and wet from the kiss. He had possessed her with that one kiss, taken control in a very primal way, and she knew that when she finally gave herself to them, it would be explosive and change the very course of where her life was heading.

“If you want to join us in the dining deck after you bathe, we would love to enjoy your company and explain our world to you,” he said softly, and it sounded strange hearing a male so virile and of a breed that was known for their killing and brutal war tactics speak as if he was trying to be caring and gentle with her.

“Okay.” She offered a smile and looked down at her hands that were clasped tightly together. He moved back farther and took her hand in his much larger one. When he turned and started leading her out of the observation deck, she stared at his back. The thick, intricate lines of wings looked tattooed on his flesh, but she knew that actual wings sprouted from his red skin.

She had seen a few of the Hades males in action, watched as their wings came out of their backs, so massive in length and powerful in appearance that wonder had filled her.

He led her down the steel and chrome corridor until he reached the large bathing chamber. Viktor let go of her hand and moved over to the metal basin situated across from them. He pressed a few buttons, and the water started to fill the large tub. The steam rose up, and he pressed another button on the console on the wall.

A flash of light came from the controls, and then clear glass materialized, surrounding the basin and trapping the steam that accumulated.

“Take your time, and when you’re ready, just meet us in the dining hall, and we will talk about Hades.” He gave her a smile, and it looked a little strange on him because of his massive size and the way he intimidated people with just his very presence. But she liked it and smiled back. He turned around and left her alone. The door materialized, the frosted synthesized glass allowing her to see through it and into the corridor, but not allowing anyone to see inside the bathing chamber.

Mekenna removed her clothing, the same pants and tunic that showed her as a servant on Sessinea and wanted to burn them. She would never wear anything like it again. Mekenna walked over to the shelving beside the basin, pressed her hand on the scanner on the wall, and everything inside came into view.

There were some bathing cloths, an oversized dress-like gown, and a pair of pants with a cream-colored unisex top. The clothing was far too large for her, but she took out the gown and would just have to tie the sleeves and bottom to make it work. Anything was better than what she had on.

She turned and stared at herself in the glass situated on the wall behind her. Her body was thicker than what was sexually appreciated on Sessinea, but it seemed that the warriors enjoyed her larger, curvier frame. She cupped her breasts, moved her thumbs along the hard tips, and felt the arousal that had dimmed since Viktor left fill her again.

Moving her hands down her belly, she grabbed the extra flesh and shook it a little bit. What would they think when they actually saw her naked? When the guards had taken her against her will, they made comments about her being too heavy for their liking, yet they still took from her.

Her light-blue flesh became damp from the moisture accumulating in the air, and she turned away from her reflection.

She smoothed her hands over her thighs, wiped away the droplets, and moved toward the basin. When she waved her hand in front of the glass that surrounded it, it opened on its own, and she stepped inside. The water was the perfect temperature, and when she slipped inside, she rested against the edge and closed her eyes.

This was like a dream come true, like she was in her own personal Elysium, and she hoped that whoever was looking down upon her and gracing her with this gift knew how thankful she was.