Own Her by Jenika Snow


Mekenna moved out of the bathing chamber, her flesh warm and pliant from her bath, her dark hair in a braid and hanging over her shoulder. She was nervous, because these males were so unlike what she was used to. They appeared like they would mistreat women, only because of their sheer dominance, height, muscle mass, and the reputation they had on the battlefield.

But in truth, they were far more loyal and honest than any other male she had been around in her entire life.

Mekenna stepped into the dining chamber and saw the three brothers sitting at the levitating eating platform. There were plates positioned in front of them, and the lone empty seat was clearly for her. She walked farther into the room and took the empty seat.

Viktor was beside her, and Fillip and Savastian sat across from her. The plate sitting in front of her held a piece of meat, some rehydrated vegetables, a square of bread, and there was a small salad in a bowl beside the plate. It certainly was not the five-star dining that her former owner had indulged in, but for her, a former lowly servant, it was a feast.

She was used to the thick and protein-rich bowl of grains that were made into a type of soup. It packed on the weight but was cheap and tasted like it had been cooked in a pot made of sewage water.

“The food is okay?” Fillip asked in a genuinely caring voice. “Would you like more, or maybe not as much and something different?”

Emotion clogged her throat as she looked at these men. Savastian stared at her with this small smile on his face, and to say the moment was surreal was an understatement. And then, because she couldn’t control herself any longer, and holding in her happiness was too much, Mekenna started to cry.

She was aware of the silence in the room, and then the sound of rustling from the males had her wiping her face and lifting her gaze to them. They looked like they were confused, didn’t know what in the hell was going on, and wanted to kill something all at the same time.

“Are you still in pain?” Savastian asked. “Do you want us to go back to Sessinea and kill that bastard who owned you?”

The room grew silent again, and then she smiled, feeling a comfortable warmth fill her. Mekenna couldn’t help herself. She went over to Viktor first, wrapped her arms around his waist, and rose on her toes to kiss him on the lips. She moved to Savastian next, saw that he was tense, and she did the same, holding him and kissing him.

When she went to Fillip, he growled low, pulled her in for the embrace, and slanted his mouth on hers. He was hard, and the evidence of that arousal was pressed against her belly.

“I want you, female,” he said against her mouth.

“And I want you three.”

He made that animal-like sound again, and her pussy clenched on its own.

“I am so thankful for you three, and I barely know you.” She started crying again, everything from her past, the life she had led, and the fact that she was free now rushing to the surface. She was about to fall to the ground, her emotions so strong she couldn’t even stand any longer. It was like something broke inside her, and all of these feelings swamped her like a swarm of warriors.

But Fillip caught her before her knees hit the ground, cradled her in his arms, and then strode out of the dining chamber. She saw Savastian and Viktor following closely behind, their expressions intense.

When they went into a sleeping chamber, she tensed, not from fear of what might happen sexually right now, but because she felt anticipation for her future and of spending it with these three males.

“Don’t worry, Mekenna, we just want to comfort you right now,” Fillip said and gently laid her on the silken coverings. And then all three warriors moved onto the platform with her, curved their big bodies around hers, and for the first time in her life, she fell asleep with the feeling of being comforted and safe surrounding her.

* * *

Viktorand his brothers left Mekenna to sleep. They had to prep for their trip back to Hades. Although they didn’t explain what their world was like to her, because she had gone into some kind of emotional shock over her situation, they had plenty of time to show and tell her about their world later.

“She is the one for us. I knew it from the moment I saw her,” Fillip said.

“Yes, she is our mate, and she has already accepted us, brothers,” Savastian spoke next.

Viktor grunted his approval. He moved over to the control station at the front of the ship and pulled up the map of the galaxy and their planet. Hades was another day or so away. Even using their increased speed to get there, it was a long way away from Sessinea. “She is our mate, and what is shocking is that she is so strong she hasn’t let her servant life control who she is.”

“She is as strong as any warrior in the Hades regimen.”

Fillip and Viktor nodded their agreement after Savastian had spoken. She might not be ready for their kind of claiming, the fact that they bred with the purpose of mating with their females until their lives ended. But they would not push her; they would never rush her into anything, no matter how much they ached for her. It was in their blood to mate with her right away, to fill her with their cum so she knew how much they wanted her.

Their kind was not gentle, but when they found that female they would share for the rest of their lives, they changed. Something shifted inside them, and that basic, primal beast in their bodies lessened toward their mate.

It was no secret that he and his two brothers were hard as fuck for Mekenna, but until she told them she was ready for this to progress, they would take their time. She would lead them in this journey, be the mother of their future sons, and she’d never know the feelings of pain, disappointment, or heartache ever again.