Own Her by Jenika Snow


It was the following morning, and Mekenna slept in for the first time in her life. She felt rested, actually had energy, and not having to get up before the suns rose to clean and cook and tend to her asshole of an owner was strange but very welcome.

She had eaten breakfast with the warriors, walked around and gotten a tour with Savastian, and now she was doing her own exploring of the impossibly large spacecraft.

A bright light flashed to her right, and she turned and made her way down that direction. The door that was made up of this cloudy-looking glass stopped her from going into the room, and when she lifted her hand and placed it on the smooth surface, it started to ripple. It had the same effect as if a stone had been dropped into a pool of water, rippling outward until it finally settled.

The material just dissipated into thin air, and she was able to walk inside what appeared to be a greenhouse. The lush green plants and colorful flowers were a sensory overload. She had never seen so much flora in person before, not unless they were decoration pieces. But here she was, standing right in the midst of living things.

The scent was something of an olfactory orgasm, with sweet and tangy fragrances filling the air, and the humidity and temperature in the room made her skin damp.

She spent the next ten minutes looking at each flower, smelling each bud and petal, and when she heard the sound of deep grunts coming from a room down the hall, she pulled herself away from the artificial lighting and the beauty that surrounded her and made her way forward.

As soon as she was out of the greenhouse, the door rippled back in place, cutting off the steamy humidity, higher temperature, and the sights and smells. There was more grunting, a little bit of swearing, and then she saw a large room ahead. One wall was made up strictly of some type of crystallized glass. Although she could see movement and colors from the other side, because of the broken, almost grainy texture of the stone in front of her, she couldn’t see solid things.

Moving over to the door, she placed her hand on the pad beside it, the smooth metal cool to the touch. The door dematerialized and showed some kind of vast room where many items for battle were either on the wall, floor, or hanging from the rafters above. It was a huge space with bright florescent lighting, and the three men in the center were currently fighting each other.

She stepped fully inside the almost crude-looking room and went to the side so as to not bother them as they clearly trained with each other. They either didn’t realize she had entered the room—which she doubted—or they were just so focused they didn’t even glance her way.

Savastian threw a right hook at Fillip, and Viktor came after both of them with this massive, primitive sword. She had never seen one in person, knew they were not really used anymore because of the advances in technology, but the Hades males were more brutal than other species. Savastian threw a left hit, and then went back to the right, trying to take Fillip down.

The three males started going after each other with more determination. Viktor swung the sword, barely missing Savastian and Fillip, and fists started flying with impressive speed. Her heart was in her throat just watching.

Rearing his arm back, Savastian was able to get Fillip off his feet and slammed him down on the ground. He went after Viktor, but the eldest brother already had the sword on the ground and Savastian in a choke hold. She covered her mouth at the savagery that was the brothers fighting and could see their muscles tense, bunch, and strain.

And then the fighting stopped, and all three men sat on the ground, bracing their hands on their thighs and breathing out hard and fast. For several moments, she didn’t move, didn’t even breathe as she pictured them fighting again, all sweaty and hard muscles straining. The image was an aphrodisiac that slammed into her like a comet hurtling through space. She was wet, her nipples hard, and all she could think about was sex.

And then all three brothers looked over at her at the same time, rose to stand, and moved slowly over to her. Their red skin was sweaty and glossy, and the closer they came, the more she scented their sweet yet musky and masculine bodies. She felt this thrill move through her and pressed her back to the smooth wall.

They stopped when they were a few feet from her, all of them looking at her up and down. They were breathing heavily, and then when she lowered her gaze, she saw the stiff outline of their erections pressing against the leather of their pants. She swallowed, moved her gaze back up their bodies, alternating between who she was looking at every second.

The sight of their sweat slowly trailing down their chests was so arousing, so intoxicating, that she wanted to run her tongue up their hard expanses.

“I need to go or I’ll be liable to tear that fucking gown off you and fuck you right here, female,” Viktor said in a low voice, and then he was gone faster than she could even process.

Savastian and Fillip stared at her for several more seconds. They each groaned and moved away from her, as if they too had to leave or they would not be able to control themselves. Then there she stood, alone in this combat arena type of room, smelling their scents that saturated the air and wishing they hadn’t left.

Mekenna would have gladly given them whatever they wanted. As it was, she was so damn wet, so swollen and needy to finally give herself to someone—or in this case, more than one male—of her own free will.

She moved away from the wall, smoothed her hands over her thighs, and breathed out. Moving out of the room and back to where the greenhouse was, she stayed in there for several more hours, mainly to try to calm her raging libido.

This was a wild experience she was going through, and she couldn’t have asked for a more exciting or fulfilling scenario.