Omega Found by E.L. Rose


The cabin is a gorgeous, two story with green shutters and the classic cabin look. I run up the stairs to the front door, I am ecstatic.

“Honey, you get the biggest room.” Cam is smiling as he enters the cabin along with Ronnie.

“That’s not fair Cam, you guys can have it.” I don’t want to take something that maybe one of the others needs more than me.

“Honey, you are the center of this bond, which means everything will be focused on you. This also means Ronnie and I—plus any future mate you may have—will be in your room anyway.”

I blush at that; Ronnie smiles at me as they both step up to grab one of my hands. I want to cry. I never thought that I would ever be blessed like I am. I never thought anyone could love me.

“I love you both so much.” I snap my mouth shut lowering my eyes. I spoke too soon—maybe I scared them.

Cam steps in front of me, making me meet his eyes.“Honey, I love you, too. You gave me everything I could have ever imagined.” He leans in and gives me the sweetest of kisses.

Ronnie goes next and smiles at me with a dreamy look in her eyes. “Honey, you have no idea how scared I was to find a mate and think they wouldn’t accept me. Worse, I thought that my mate would be a male, but instead, I found you—the woman of my dreams. I love you more than you can possibly imagine.”

She kisses me the same way and I feel flutters run through my body. They love me back.

We decide to check the cabin out. It has three bathrooms and one large kitchen that is done in a country style with wooden countertops and high-backed bar stools. It opens into a large dining room that seats eight. The living room is homey, a giant brick fireplace stands front and center. There is a TV mounted on the wall. Deep seating couches in beige with a black, wooden, glass top coffee table.

When we head upstairs, we notice that my belongings are already in a room while Cam and Ronnie have theirs outside my door.

I peek in the room and my mouth hits the floor. There is a bed that looks like they pushed two California king beds together and threw on a bunch of plush pillows, everything is white, including the bed and pillows. I look around the room and notice a tall white dresser and a vanity table next to it. There is another door and when I walk over to inspect it, I see it is a huge bathroom with a closet. There is also another TV in the room.

I turn to face Cam and Ronnie, “I love it here, you two.” They have matching smiles on their faces.

“Okay, babe, we are going to let you get settled and go pick out our rooms.” Cam leans down to grab his bags and backs out of the room while Ronnie does the same.

I quickly change into my favorite pair of bedtime shorts and a tank. I walk over to my window and look out. I have the uneasy feeling of being watched. I decide I will close these curtains permanently. I don’t like how I feel, and I don’t want to feel unsafe ever again.

I head downstairs and see Ronnie and Cam there. Ronnie is flipping through movies and Cam is in the kitchen.

“Hey, babe, you sit with Ronnie and I will make us dinner.”

The rest of the night goes by quickly. When it comes time for bed, they both climb into bed with me, one on either side. This is going to be one of the best nights of sleep that I have had in a long time.

Sadly, my little bubble deflates the next day in school.

When I go to my locker, there is a printed picture of me— chained and bruised in the basement—but this time the word ‘whore’ is written in all caps. My locker is spray painted with the slur ‘slut’. I crumple up the picture and try to keep the tears from falling.

* * *

My first class is with Syler, the future Alpha of one wolf territory. When I sit down, he goes rigid. He breathes through his mouth, making obscene noises. When Miss Foster finally has enough, she calls him out and in the calmest voice ever he says, “Sorry Miss Foster, Honey smells like garbage and slut.”

The teacher turns crimson before she shouts at him to leave. The rest of the class laughs, covering their noses like I smell. When Cam and Ronnie pick up on my emotions, I try to block them. I don't want to upset them and have them storm into the class to make a bigger scene.

When I leave the classroom, Cam is waiting for me. “What happened, Honey?”

“Nothing, Cam, just something Syler said.” I plead with him to not push and he reluctantly lets it drop. “Where is Ronnie?" I thought with how she felt my emotions she would be here, but I can’t see her.

“She is on her way; her class is halfway across the school. Let me walk you to your next class.” He takes my hand and entwines my fingers with his. We walk hand in hand and when we arrive at my next class Ronnie is waiting.

She rushes to hug me and pecks me on the lips. “I knew what class you had next, so I came here.”

By now the rumors are swirling around us, people talking amongst each other about the widowed wolf who won’t leave my side and the fox shifter who openly kisses me. Many times, I hear ‘Omega’ whispered. People are figuring out what I am.

By lunch, everyone knows what I am, despite not having it confirmed. Why would I hide it? People look at me with awe and fear. The last known Omega was over six-hundred years ago. Cam and Ronnie are able to find a table for us, so we can eat.

When we sit down, people stare at me. I look around for the heirs and find them at their normal table. They aren’t joking and laughing like normal. Instead, they seem depressed. I know I shouldn't feel anything for those guys, but I know they are my mates. I cannot help feeling sympathy for their plight.

As if they can sense me looking at them, they all look up as one, their expressions range from sadness to hate. Cam and Ronnie both follow my gaze over to their table and as one they each reach out and squeeze my hand.

“Honey, don't worry about it. They will come around, and if not, you still have us. We will always take care of you.”

“I know, Cam. I can't help but feel there is a part of me that is missing. I am supposed to have all of my mates—they are the people who were made for me.”

Ronnie looks at me with sadness in her eyes. “Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Mates are rejected all the time. It can be for many reasons, but the result is always the same—one mate is always left broken. I promise you; I will never hurt you.”

My next class after lunch is combat. I am excited because Cam has been teaching me and I feel like I have been improving.

When we walk into the classroom, Raider immediately motions us over. “Since you two are mates, I can no longer have you working together. I need you focused and not screwing around. Honey, you will be with Syler.”

My breath hitches, I look around the gym until my eyes land on Syler. He looks like he has already been sparring for a while. At the sound of his name, he stops what he was doing and turns to face us. The shirt he is wearing is sweaty and clings to his chest, showing off his abs and well-formed arms. He walks over to Raider and acknowledges us standing there.

“Did you say that I was sparring with Honey?” he looks questioningly at Raider like he is hoping to hear a different answer.

“Yes, I did. Since Cam and Honey are mates, it would not be a good idea to keep them training together in class. This class is to teach you about defense and weapons, not to ogle each other.”

Syler looks at me and looks at Raider and begrudgingly shakes his head. I quickly lean up and kiss Cam on the cheek and follow Syler over to the middle of the mat.

“Stand here and show me how you get into position.” I quickly spread my legs, hunker down a little bit, the way that Cam showed me, and raise my fists, blocking my face. “That's good, but what if I hit you? Are you able to properly block me?”

“I believe so. Go ahead and try.” He takes a swing at me and I immediately block it and go for a soft punch to the stomach.

“Good. Now we're going to work on some defense moves and how to get out of being taken down. I want you to turn around and I'm going to attack you from behind. I want you to throw me over your shoulder and pin me down.”

My stupid traitorous body heats with the image of me on top of Syler. When I feel him coming at me, I prepare myself. I feel his arms go around me, and I quickly drop to one knee, using my shoulder and my arm to flip him over my body. When he lands, I climb on top of him and hold him down. I know he could get out of this, but he doesn't try to. The lust in his gaze is evident, and a huge part of me wants to lean in and press my lips to his. Pride makes me tighten my grip on his wrist instead.

The hardening of his cock underneath me has me shamelessly grinding on him. When his breathing picks up and lust completely clouds his eyes, I lean forward and sniff his neck, giving him a perfect view down my shirt. I hear his moan, and with one last look, I stand up and kick him in the side.

I can hear Cam laughing through the link. He is telling me I did a good job, to make him work for it. I grin down at Syler, and hold out my hand to him. When he grabs it and pulls himself up, he says nothing, just grins back at me. For the rest of the class, we continue to work through the moves.

The rest of my classes go by smoothly with the same chatter as this morning. By dinner time, the entire school knows that I am an Omega wolf. The Headmaster joins us in the dining hall for dinner, and the entire time I can’t help but wonder what his fangs would feel like grazing my body. For a moment, we lock eyes, and I think he can tell every dirty image that goes through my head about him.

I am starting to understand things about mates, and by the way my mind conjures dirty images of Roman all the time, I know he is my mate.

The problem is, when is he going to tell me?