Omega Found by E.L. Rose


My hands are sweating.

I rub them against my gray slacks and make sure my shirt is still tucked in. I have worn my favorite three-piece gray suit, with a white undershirt. My hair, I have left down and styled it so it curls more and doesn’t hang in my face as much, my mother hates it when she can’t see my eyes clearly.

I haven’t been this nervous since I told my father I wanted to be the Headmaster at this school instead of taking over his clan. Which I am reconsidering now, seeing the threat to Honey’s safety. I smell her before she is even close to me.

Fighting my fangs descent, I turn, noticing Ash shaking silently with laughter. I punch him in the arm making my mother raise her eyebrows at me. My god, she hasn’t looked at me like that in over a decade. “Don’t say shit Ash, you can tell she’s shy.”

I mind-link with Grady who catches me up about the incident with Phoenix in the dining hall. Surprise zings through the bond from me, I wasn’t expecting him to publicly announce that he was her mate with his parents here.

Looking back at my parents, I admire how good looking they both are, in fact they don’t look much older than me.

My mother has raven black hair that is cut into a fashionable bob hairstyle. Her blue eyes stand out amongst her darker features. She has dark eyebrows, plucked to arch perfectly, a tiny nose and blood-red lips. She wears a black long sleeved lace top that dips to a V on her back. Her pants are blood red and she has on her favorite ankle boots.

My father is the opposite, his hair is the color of mine, the honey brown of his eyes is almost golden. He stands about six foot-five inches. He wears a three-piece black suit and a blood red tie, with a white undershirt. He, unlike me, has always preferred short hair, keeping it slicked back and away from his face. He is also clean shaven, which sometimes makes him look younger than I do.

Ash leans closer to me, “She smells delicious, brother.” I snarl at him.

“She’s mine, shut your fucking mouth.”

Ash is younger than me, he is a famous actor who has women swooning at his feet. I am happy for him, but right now I am feeling edgy having him around my mate. He is a flirt who doesn’t know boundaries. Usually, he would have tons of females surrounding him, but here everyone knows better than to follow around the Headmaster.

“Boys, knock it off.” My mother says through her teeth, making me blush for being scolded like I am still a boy.

Most vampires don’t have full families anymore. My family got lucky when my father was turned by one of the original vampires, he then turned my mother and I when I was old enough. Later, they had Ash, who was born a vampire and stopped aging around the age of twenty-three. My father took over as clan leader when the original who turned him was staked by a jealous lover.

When Grady and Honey finally stand in front of us, I step forward. “Mom, Dad, this is my mate, Honey and her other mate, Grady. Honey, these are my parents, Allard and Corliss Branch, and my younger brother Ash.”

Honey reaches her hand out to each of them and shakes their hands.

My brother, being the flirt that he is, pulls her into a hug. “I never thought we would see the day Roman would settle down, the old grump. Nice to finally meet you, sister.” I snort at him and watch as some tension leaves Honey’s face. My family all turn to Grady next and shake his hand. “What is it like living with my brother?”

I watch as the two of them move off to the side to talk, while I reach a handout to Honey bringing her closer.

My mother and father lead the way to a nearby table. “It’s so nice to meet you, dear. Roman has told us so much about you, and we are so happy he found someone for himself.”

“Yes, and he is even thinking about taking over the clan now.” My father’s face is open and showing his honest feelings of happiness.

“Really, Roman? That is great.”

I thought maybe she would be mad hearing it from someone who wasn’t me, but of course Honey is simply amazing. I know she will ask me questions later; I feel the burning curiosity coming from her. Grady and my brother walk over to the table, Grady taking the other side of Honey.

My mother turns to look at Honey. “Roman tells me you’re an Omega wolf, that is wonderful. We haven’t seen one of them in so long. We met the last one right before they disappeared.”

Honey knows there hasn’t been a sighting in over six hundred years so for her, hearing that my parents met the last one, is eating at her. I know she has so many questions and I can’t help noticing her pupils have dilated, I chuckle. When my mother raises her eyebrow at me, I shrug.

“Honey is curious; she is trying to figure out how old you all are.” Honey’s cheeks turn pink. “Honey, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, most people want to know.” She smiles then, the red fading from her cheeks.

“I don’t want to be rude, but seeing as I have seen so little of the world, I am intrigued.”

Both of my parents have stunned faces. I haven’t told them little about what happened to Honey, it is not my place to tell them. “What do you mean, dear, so little of the world? You’re an Omega and should be celebrated.”

Honey looks down at her lap, folding her hands. Grady and I both rub her back.

I lean in and whisper, “You don’t have to tell them anything.”

She takes a deep breath before cupping my cheek, “It’s OK, Roman.” She looks at my parents and my brother. “For years I was kept in a basement, in chains, it was my father’s doing, I was only allowed out to be his slave.” She turns to Grady and smiles. “This wolf was my saving grace, the light in the dark. Roman was my angel, he carried me to safety.”

My mother’s eyes are welling with tears, while my father looks ready to commit murder. “Roman, is this man dead and buried?”

“No, father, but when I do get my hands on him, I will be sure to tear his throat out.” I smile thinking about all the things I will do to the man if I ever get my hands on him. The council won’t be able to stop me.

"Let’s all take a deep breath. We are doing all we can to keep her safe.” Grady tries to make my parents calm when, in fact, it does the opposite.

“Are you implying that she is not safe here at this school?” My father is vibrating now. His fangs are poking out of his mouth.

“Father, calm down.” I hold out my hand to make sure my father stays seated. “Dan Heart escaped from the council. We don’t know how yet, but we do know that someone helped him. There has never been an escaped criminal before.”

He turns his eyes to Honey. “Did I not see you with the Rains?”

Honey shakes her head. My father is scary when he is mad. “Why do you not have one of those state-of-the-art security systems at the cabin?”

“We have not asked yet, father. I don’t want them thinking that we are trying to gain anything by Honey being mated to Ronnie.”

“Well, I won’t let my son or his mate be in danger, Corliss walk with me; you, too, Ash.” My father stands up and my mother and brother follow.

“Where are they going, Roman?” Her eyes are tracking them. When I realize they have spotted the Rains, I stand up and try to stop them.

Using my speed, I almost make it when my father does the same thing and stops dead in front of the Rains, making them panic. “Ben Rain, I’m glad that I caught you.” My father holds out his hand, which Ben hesitantly takes, I can tell he is fighting off his flight instinct. “Now, I see our children share a mate, care to explain why they don’t have one of those high-end security systems when they are in danger?”

I groan, I am sure the Rains know nothing about Dan, and now my father goes and tells them things that are not his business. “Dad, stop, you don’t have the right.”

Honey and Grady catch up to me, followed by my mom and Ash. “We already installed the app on everyone’s phone.”

“What do you mean our kids are in danger, what are you talking about?” Ben spins around and faces Ronnie. “What is he talking about?”

“Dad, it’s fine, like Roman said, we are taking precautions, and everything is fine.” Ronnie moves to stand next to Honey and Grady.

“Ronnie, tell me what is going on? Someone better tell me!” Ronnie’s dad is getting angrier by the minute, while my father wears a smug look on his face. He got what he wanted, a reaction, so we can get the security system.

“It’s not my place, dad.” She looks at Honey, and I know they are holding their own private conversation.

Honey turns to me, sighing. “This was not supposed to be about sadness today, but Roman knows everything so he will be able to tell you what is happening.”

“Can we move this somewhere more private?”

Everyone nods, following me to a more secluded place. I check my cell phone when we stop. I know Honey has to meet with Cam’s mom soon. “We need to make this quick since our mate has one more parent she needs to meet.”

“Well, um, Roman, actually, I have two. Phoenix asked me to meet him as well, and I agreed.”

I raise my eyebrows at her. This is shocking. The dragon prince publicly came out about his bond to Honey, guess he was serious. “Are you sure, Honey? You don’t have to; you know that.”

“I know, but I am going to, he is trying, so I will put in the same effort.” She has that determined look on her face, daring me to stop her.

My cock gets hard from her look alone. It makes me want to bend her over my desk again. In fact, I am going to do just that. I send her a flash of what I want to do to her later, and her breath hitches, and I smell the familiar scent of her arousal. Trying to distract the other males who both look uncomfortable, I begin.

“I found Honey chained in a basement, that was her life for years. Her father was abusing her. Over Christmas she received a present, it was a blanket from her time in captivity with a note from her dad. So, we know he is in the area and that he knows where she is. He was arrested but escaped custody and must have made his way here.”

I pause and let all the information sink in. Both mothers have tears in their eyes and the males look horrified. My brother looks like he is going to puke.

Ben Rain pulls his cell phone out and dials a number. “I need a security system out to Leafwood Academy today.” He pauses and listens for a few minutes. “What do you mean?” After about five minutes he hangs up the phone and runs a hand through his hair. “I can have one out for you at the end of next week, we don’t have any right now, there was a huge shipment yesterday and all of them sold out.”

Honey speaks up, “That's okay, Mr. Rain. We are taking precautions and we are so grateful to you for doing this.”

I do the calculations in my head, Next week will be the end of the year ball and finals. Everyone will be busy and distracted so we will need to be extra cautious. I hold out my hand to Ben Rain. “Thank you, we appreciate everything that you have done.”

Reaching my hand out to Honey, I look at the parents gathered around again. “I have to walk Honey to her next mate and make sure she meets his mom.”

Honey smiles at me gratefully, giving my hand a squeeze and reaching out to Grady, who clasps her offered hand.

“It was a pleasure to meet all of you and I hope to see you at dinner.” She walks away, but at the last moment, stops and pulls us in front of Ronnie and plants a kiss on her mouth once again, before heading toward where Cam and his mom are standing.