Omega Found by E.L. Rose


This week flew by, Thursday night Grady came back, he had a black and blue eye and some bruising on his cheek. When I asked him about it, he told me he didn’t want to talk about it. I really wanted to know, but I didn’t push him.

Standing in front of my mirror, I took in the almost innocent looking dress. Ronnie had surprised me with it this morning. It was a white long-sleeved dress, with red trimming and a fur-lined hood. The dress had a sweetheart design to it, the heart started at my chest and the point went to my stomach.

Ronnie had curled my hair, leaving fat curls to fall all over my shoulders and hang down my back. She had put some light makeup on me, darkening my eyelashes. Even I admitted I looked beautiful.

I was nervous, but I knew my mates would be with me. I was starting with Ronnie’s parents and ending with Cam’s mom, putting Roman in the middle. Grady would be with me the entire time. I knew my other mates would be needed elsewhere with their parents. I chuckle a little, picturing Roman with his parents, it was going to be a sight to see. My Headmaster even had parents that still check in on him.

When Grady walks up behind me, my breath hitches, even with the bruising he is sexy as sin. Black hair styled and slicked back, a black shirt with a few buttons undone, tucked into his black slacks. He had a black leather belt with a diamond encrusted buckle, and black shoes. Around his neck he wore a silver chain. “Like what you see little wolf?”

My eyes snap back to his and catch him smirking at me.I turn to him and slip my hand in his shirt. His eyes darken and my body begins the familiar burning. My pussy is flooding with need and I know he can smell it.

He leans down and licks my ear, I almost cum. “Naughty little wolf, I can smell your sweet pussy.” He drops to his knees and lifts the front of my dress.

Bringing his face to my pussy, he hooks a finger in the front of my panties and moves them aside, allowing him just enough room to lick my clit. “We need to be quick, little wolf.” His tongue lashes against my clit making me moan. His tongue swirls, drenching me even more. “I want you to cum on my tongue.” He continues to use his tongue against me.

“Grady, I need more.”

He chuckles at me, sucking my clit hard, sending me almost to my knees. He holds me up by my legs, making sure I don’t topple over. He continues, his mouth making sure to lick my clit and my lips and when I feel I was going to cum, Grady shoves two fingers inside me, giving me a few quick pumps, sending me over the edge. He stands up, turning towards the bathroom, getting a towel, and wiping his mouth and cleaning between my thighs.

He comes back and holds his hand out to me, “Are you ready, little wolf?”

I grab his hand and walk with him out the door. We head to the dining room, where a luncheon is being served, they have reserved all the tables. I will be eating with Ronnie and her parents. Then there will be a tour of the school and parents can mingle and meet mates. “Grady, I’m nervous.”

The closer we get to the school, the more I feel like I’m going to have a panic attack. I have never been part of this world before. I’m just dipping my toes in and I’m afraid that I am going to make a fool out of myself.

“Honey, you will be fine. We all love you and if they are decent people, their parents will love you as well.”

I hope he is right. I know my mates won’t leave me, but I also know that it will be hard if their parents hate me. When we get to the dining hall, I take a deep breath and walk inside.

I search for Ronnie and find her in her light blue, long-sleeved winter dress, her hair done up in a fancy updo with curling tendrils hanging around her face. When her eyes meet mine, she perks up, waving Grady and I over.Grady squeezes my hand, taking the lead and leading me over to the table.

Everyone stands up and I look to Ronnie first to gain confidence then face her parents. Her mother has red hair like Ronnie’s, it flows down her back and curls at the ends. She is wearing a green top that has lace down the sleeves and black pants. Her face is splattered with freckles, making her green eyes stand out. I turn to her father; his hair is slicked back and is as black as night. His green eyes stand out behind his thick-framed glasses. He keeps his face carefully blank.

I feel awkward.

Ronnie quickly speaks up to break the tension. “Honey and Grady, meet my parents, Ben and Michelle Rain; they are the founders of Rain Secure.”

I reach my hand out to her mother and wait.

When she takes my hand, I give it a polite shake. “Nice to meet you. I have heard so many wonderful things about both of you.”

I drop her hand and Grady steps up next to take it while I take her father's that he held out. “Shame we have heard nothing about you.”

I flinch at his tone, hearing the disdain in his voice. We all take our seats as the appetizers are brought to our table. When I feel a tug on the bond, I look around seeing Cam and Roman both staring at me from their respective tables. They were sending me feelings of love and reassurance. I turn to smile at Ronnie who now looks sick. I send through the bond that it is okay and that I still love her.

Once we have eaten a little and the silence makes the situation more awkward, her father speaks again. “Ronnie, so which one is your actual mate?”

I hear her intake of breath before she spits through gritted teeth, “Dad, I told you already, it is Honey.”

“So, then why is this criminal looking male sitting at my table, probably plotting to steal our wallets?”

My eyes go wide. I cannot believe her father, and I am pissed. I hear growling, I look around and realize that it is coming from my own throat. I calm down when I notice her parent’s eyes looking around almost frantically. Even they still have flight instincts.

“I’m sorry; I just don’t appreciate someone making assumptions about one of my mates when they do not know him at all. I don’t make assumptions about your pretentious asses.” I am fuming while trying to calm down and my body is heating back up, almost painfully so.

“OK, everyone, calm down.” Grady squeezes my hand again under the table. “You are here to meet your daughter’s mate and get to know the rest of the people she will spend her life with, because she will be with Honey forever, like the rest of us.”

Her mother sobs, “What about Kits? She will have none of her own.” Her mom is visibly leaking tears.

“Mom, I never wanted to be pregnant, but having Honey and her males gives me the option to have kids, and they would be your grandkids, if you stop acting like that.”

Her father slams a hand on the table making us all jump. “They will not be foxes, Ronnie, why don’t you mate with one male? She has enough, doesn’t she?”

My mouth drops, I am stunned that he would suggest something like that.

“Never, we will never touch Ronnie like that, she is like a sister and that is the way it will stay.” Grady is vibrating now with anger; I know he is trying to control his wolf.

“What part of me being a lesbian did you not understand?” Ronnie was trying to stay calm, “To suggest something like that in front of my mate is extremely impolite.”

I watch as tears fall silently down her face, I reach out and swipe them away. Not caring anymore, I pull her to me, planting a kiss on her mouth. When I lean back her parents have mixed expressions on their faces. I didn’t want to disrupt this meeting anymore and make them hate me, so I plan my next words carefully.

“I understand that you want Ronnie to have Kits for you, but under the circumstances, she won’t. Pushing your daughter away is not the smartest move. We want you to be a part of our family and be involved in any kids I may have.” I make sure to clearly state the ‘I’ in that statement. “Who knows, I may end up with a fox shifter in the future and have Kits myself.”

Her father scoffs. “Are you daft? You can’t have Kits, you’re a wolf.” Ronnie’s mother tries to shush him, which he brushes off.

When Grady leans forward, I know he is about to make this man feel stupid. “Sir, you are the one who is stupid. For being so smart, you don’t know shit about our history.”

Ronnie’s dad’s mouth drops open, “Excuse me?”

Grady holds up his hand, stopping him from continuing. “Honey is an Omega wolf. How do you think she could mate with your daughter? She is also mated to a vampire. Omega wolves are the only ones able to have and create pure blood species that aren’t the same species as them. So, in the event she is mated to a fox shifter, it is a possibility that she will create a full-blooded fox.” Grady let that sink in for a moment before Ronnie pipes up.

“She is just as rare as a Kitsune is in our world, dad.” When I look at her questioningly, she turns to me. “Kitsune’s are a rare species for us as well, they haven’t been around for almost as long as the Omega wolves. They disappeared about five hundred years ago, and the last fox with a hint of their blood in them died over two hundred years ago.”

Her mother speaks next, while my head is still spinning. There was another species that was rare like me. “Kitsune females died out first, so they forced the males to mate with regular female foxes, diluting the pure Kitsune bloodline. Eventually it was rare to have any in your system, and with the death of the last fox with their blood, well, she never had kits, so there are no more.” The look on her face spoke volumes, not having Kitsune blood in their species was a giant loss to them.

Her father is staring at me with a slightly opened mouth. “You’re really an Omega?” He sounds as if he doesn’t fully believe me.

“Yes, I am.” I am getting a little uncomfortable the more he stares at me, almost like I am a science experiment that he wants to cut open.

Ronnie must have felt discomfort too since she hisses at him. “Dad, stop staring at her like that.”

Ronnie’s mom elbows him in the side, forcing him to break eye contact. “I’m sorry, it’s just intriguing to be near another rare species, and to know my daughter is mated to one of them.” He takes a breath, almost looking pained. “Look, we got off on the wrong foot and I know it was my fault, let's finish lunch and start over. I promise for dinner I will be much better behaved.”

I had forgotten that we would all be sharing a table with my other mates and their parents. “I would like that, Mr. Rain, thank you.” I was honest in my statement, as much as Ronnie complained about her parents, she loves them and wants them to be in her life as much as possible.

“May I ask about your other mates?”

I look at both my mates and they nod. “You met Grady, he is a Beta wolf. He doesn’t go to school here anymore but could move to my cabin.”

Ronnie’s parents smile at each other. “We remember the mating cabins. Ours was small since it was only us, and, honestly, we shouldn’t have had one, but, well, Michelle was pregnant.” Ronnie makes a face, most likely thinking of her parents doing the nasty.

I instantly sent a question to Roman in the link making sure it really was okay to tell people we are mated. He sent me his one hundred percent yes. “Then, there is Roman Branch; he is a vampire.”

“Wait, what?” Ronnie’s mom is staring open mouthed at me. “The Headmaster is your mate?”

“Yes, he is.” I turn my head and smile at him, he returns it, and then goes back to his conversation.

“Wow, the Branch family is one of the most powerful families in the supernatural community.” Ronnie’s dad has a look of astonishment on his face.

“Then there is my Alpha wolf, Cam Pierce.” When both of their mouths drop, I know the rest of my mates will really shock them.

“I thought he was already mated; how did that happen?”

I look at Michelle Rain and debate how much I want to tell them. Not knowing a lot about them I decide I will keep it to myself. “It is not really my place to say what happened. He can tell you later, but just know he is mine now.”

They nod their heads with a hint of respect in their eyes. “Forgive me asking, but how does this all work? Most of us only have one mate.”

I turn to smile at Michelle. “My mates are all linked to me, which creates a bond to each other. They can share emotions and link to one another. Ronnie, show your parents your wrist, please.” Ronnie held out her wrist displaying the golden vine mating mark.

“Wait, gold? But none of your mates are of royal bloodline.” The question in Ben’s eyes is clear, he wants to know what else I didn’t divulge.

Before I can respond a throat clears behind me. Turning, I see Phoenix and two very unhappy looking older people, who, by the resemblance, are Phoenix’s parents. “I can explain that. I am also one of Honey’s mates.”

Ronnie’s parents scramble from their chairs, bowing.“Your highnesses. We are so sorry; we weren’t expecting you.”

“That is unnecessary. Now, you’re like family.” Phoenix has an enormous smile on his face while his parent’s scowls deepen.

I have never seen Phoenix or any of the other heirs being bowed to, so I do not know what the protocol is for this type of situation. I now realize that an actual king and queen are standing in front of me.

I am nervous; I was not expecting Phoenix to tell people so bluntly that he is also mine. Judging from the whispers, everyone else is just as shocked by what was just said as well. I, too, scramble from my chair as I come down from the shock, and I do an awkward bow.

When Phoenix hooks his thumb under my chin pulling me up, he leans in and kisses me. “You don’t have to bow to me.” He leans closer to me, dropping his voice “though you can bow in bed if you want to.”

My mouth parts slightly. I can feel the moisture already flooding my panties. When both males and Ronnie’s eyes darken with lust, my cheeks heat. I am embarrassed. If they can smell my desire, I know the parents can. “Um, yeah, Phoenix, I can meet with you later.”

He smiles again, moving to give me another light kiss. I thought he was going to kiss my mouth, but he tilts his head, aiming for my cheek, instead whispering in my ear. “I smell you, mate, and I am going to fuck that sweet pussy.” With that he leaves, his parents falling in behind him.

“Well, that was something. You’re mated to the royal dragon family” Ronnie’s mom looks excited while her dad looks uncomfortable.

We go back to eating. I take a moment to look around the dining hall, glimpsing Legion sitting with Hailey. Part of me wants to cry out, he told me he wasn’t with her and that he wanted me, yet here he is sitting with her.

Before I delve further into sadness, Legion stands up, making the people around him jump. I hear him yell, “She will never be my wife, I’ve said this three times now. I have a mate.” Is he really going to tell everyone right here? He turns and points right at me. “That is my mate.” Two sets of golden eyes blaze at me with anger, another two sets of sky-blue eyes blaze with hate. I assume they are Hailey’s parents.

Noticing my sudden discomfort and the look of shock on Ronnie’s parents faces Grady stands up. “How about a walk outside? We do have to meet Roman's parents next?”

They agree, and I know they will drill me about yet another royal family member in my harem. At least my body temp has cooled down. Walking outside, before they can even say anything, I sigh, coming to a stop near a tree.

“I am mated to the four heirs at the school. Why two of them decided today is the day to tell the world I am their mate boggles my mind.”

“Why didn’t you tell us then that you were mated to them? Does this affect our daughter?” Ronnie takes over for me.

“She didn’t tell you because no one else knew. As her mates we did, but they denied the bond before and Honey would not force them into anything.”

They look shocked at the admission that the heirs knew and denied me as their mate. “Why would they deny their true mate, even if the mate is a different species, it makes no sense?” Her father takes his glasses off, cleaning the smudges he seemed to have.

“They think I am lower than them, and that their families wouldn’t approve, but two of the four seem to be coming around to the idea.”

We continue to walk around, noticing other groups are forming out in front of the school. When I catch sight of Roman and his family, I turn back to the Rains. “If you will excuse me, I need to meet my other mate’s parents.”

I turn to Ronnie, kissing her on the cheek. “I will see all of you at dinner, and Ronnie, enjoy the rest of the day, babe.”

Grabbing Grady’s hand, I walk over to where Roman is waiting for me.