Omega Found by E.L. Rose


Getting ready for Parent’s Day was something I was dreading all week. I had tried to corner Hailey a few times, telling her not to show up with her parents like we were engaged, but I had a feeling the bitch would, anyway. She was still seething that I had ended our engagement, breaking the contract between the kingdoms. What disturbed me the most was that she had gone eerily silent the last couple days, and I knew from experience it meant she was planning something.

“Hey, Legion, let me ask you a question?” I focus my eyes over my shoulder as I stare into the mirror.

“Riddic, we have been over this, just apologize to her, and make sure you mean it.” Riddic rolls his eyes at me. “Honey has a forgiving heart, and she will accept you if you make a genuine attempt.”

“I know, I know. I can’t wait to see if my mother can make more than one facial expression when I tell her I am mated to a wolf. I even have my phone at the ready for when she breaks, because believe me, I will break her today.”

I turn and grin at him, reaching out to fix his shirt. “At least you’re not breaking an engagement that unites two kingdoms for the better of your people.”

“True that.” He slaps my back and heads out to the hallway. “Good luck today, Legion.”

“Yeah, you too.” I follow him out to the hallway, dread creeping up my spine as I round the hallway catching sight of Hailey in her white dress, standing with both hers and my parents.

I groan. This is going to be a bad day. Some part of me had a kernel of hope left that she would just back off. Fae know how important a true mate is. I walk over to them with a frown.

My mother swoops down hugging me. “Why do you look like that, we haven’t seen you in so long, dear.”

“Mother, father, we need to talk.”

Both of them turn to look at me closer, but before either of them can say anything, Hailey makes her way over to me, linking her hand through mine and squeezing, daring me to make a scene in front of our parents. I dig my fingers into her hand forcing her to release me, when our parents turn their backs, she sends a dirty glare my way.

When we make it to the dining hall, I see Honey eating with Ronnie and her parents. She looks so beautiful and I want so badly to go to her, but I know I have to tell my parents everything first.

Sitting at the table, servers come and take our orders. Hailey’s parents and mine start to talk, when I hear them say wedding, I freeze.

Hailey leans over “Don’t you dare say shit, or I swear you will regret it.”

I turn to stare at her, unable to believe that this woman was the one that I thought was for me for so long. “This is not up to you, Hailey,” I turn to our parents. “I am breaking the engagement.” When they laugh, thinking I’m joking, I say it again, “I am breaking the engagement, Hailey will never be my wife.” Now they are looking at me closely, my parents' faces and hers turning redder by the moment.

“Son, that’s not funny.” My father is trying to keep calm.

“I’m not joking father; I found my true mate and I want to be with her.” Everyone at the table looks shocked. “Hailey is not her and will never replace a mate in my life.” I turn to her parents. “I am sorry you had to find out this way, but I do not intend to continue playing pretend when I am currently trying to get back into my mate’s good graces.”

“What type of Fae is she?”

I turn to my mom who has some hope of saving this conversation. “She is a wolf.”

The audible gasp that comes from my parent’s mouths makes me flinch slightly, but what doesn’t escape my notice is the lack of surprise or comments coming from Hailey’s parents. They are silent, watching my parents unravel.

“Legion, you can’t be serious, that’s not possible, unless she is an Omega wolf, and one hasn’t been seen in hundreds of years.” My mom chuckles trying to brush it off.

“Mom, listen to me, she is an Omega wolf.” My mom’s smile drops instantly.

“Are you going to let your son ruin the contract between our kingdoms? Our children have been betrothed since they were born.” Hailey’s father's face is carefully blank of any emotion.

My father turns to him. “No, they will be married as planned.”

That pisses me off, I am no longer a child, and from the look on Hailey’s face she thinks she has won. I stand up, I slam my hands down on the table, making the nearby tables jump. “I have told you now three times, Hailey will never be my wife, my mate is over there.”

I turn and point at Honey, catching her staring at me. Her eyes widen in shock, before she turns her eyes back to Ronnie. My mother looks to my father, and gauges at his response. “We will discuss this as a family later.”

He drops his head and continues to eat while Hailey’s parents look like they want to murder my entire family. Finishing the meal, I know better than to bring Honey back up while tensions are still high. I know I want them to meet her and that is going to be the first thing I say when we have that talk.

When my father moves to stand, everyone gets up. “Legion, show us your rooms.”

I nod, standing up as well and pushing my chair in. Following my dad out of the dining hall, I am able to catch a glimpse of Honey. She is smiling at one of her mates and my heart longs for her to smile at me like that. I need to make it up to her. What I did to her was horrible and for her to allow me to try shows she has a huge heart. Heading to my room, I mentally prepare myself to have this talk.

When we get there, Syler is leaving the room looking grim, his father and mother behind him, and he has a mark under his eye.

I lean in to whisper to him, “Are you okay?”

A nod is the only response I get before he straightens his spine and walks away. I notice he is limping and a strong anger surge up. Syler’s father is not the nicest person, he is on my list of assholes to deal with, right next to Honey’s father. Entering my room, I close the door and walk over to the small table we have in the kitchen area.

I sit down while my parents take the chairs opposite me, my mother looking around, taking everything in.“Legion, your room is very nice.” I smile at her knowing she is just trying to start the conversation off in a lighter mood.

My father looks around the room taking everything in, his face in a grimace. “Talk, Legion, I want to know how you know wolf is your mate and why you are just now telling us about this.” He steeples his hands, piercing me with his gaze. I stumble over how to tell them that I was an asshole to her, mainly because of them and how they would react. “Well, son, we don’t have all day. I need to know why you are ruining something that has been in place since the moment we knew you were a boy?”

“She has my mark on her spine father, there is no doubt she is mine.”

The intake of both their breaths has me dropping my head. My mother and father are not even true mates, so she doesn’t have the mating mark. They were bound by marriage, Summer Fae court and Fall Fae court.

My father stands, his anger showing, His voice rises with every word until he is yelling. “WHY HAVE YOU NOT TOLD US BEFORE NOW?”

I stand up as well. “Because of this, because of you, because of what I did to her. I knew how you would react to me telling you about her, that she is not Fae.” I am shaking, my father looks taken aback.

“Son, she is your true mate, this is a unique situation. I am angry that you waited until today to tell us, having a true mate with the royal mating mark is something to be celebrated. Few people get lucky like your mom and me. We fell in love at first sight, most matches hate each other.” He turns to my mother with a look of such love and adoration, which she returns.

I hang my head. “You’re not mad that she is a wolf?”

“You said she was an Omega, right? In lore, they are the only ones able to have purebred species with the mates that they have, so let’s go meet her, since she will be queen one day.”

Now my cheeks redden, and shame pours through me. “I hurt her; I don’t know how she will take to me just coming up to her.” I know trying to demand time with Honey will make her shut me out.

“You are a prince, and you will do what you want.”

I nod my head. “Let’s give her some time, she is meeting her other mate’s parents and I don’t want to interrupt her time with them and make her mad.”

I know they aren’t entirely okay with me having a wolf as a mate, my parents think they are filthy. But I am going to meet her in the dining hall for dinner and introduce my parents.

* * *

The rest of the day is spent walking through the classrooms with my father and mother, going over the curriculum, making sure it is up to their standards for a Fae. In the History of Species class, they tell the teacher what they want changed in the curriculum. The teacher listens with rapt attention, greedily taking in the information from the Fae king. When the teacher agrees to the changes to the schedule, we leave.

We will meet the other heirs before dinner. My father has planned a small meeting with them where the teachers usually meet, so we can discuss any fresh developments. “It is time.”

We head to the meeting room. I see Phoenix following his parents in, a slight nod of his head is the only acknowledgment I will be getting. Our families tolerate us being friends since we will take over as heirs. None of them like the other and they never tried to make it work as friends, all thinking they are superior to the other. When we step up that will all change.

Walking in, I look around the room noticing all of them but Riddic and his parents are already here. Syler is stone faced, sitting next to his father, not looking around, while his father looks right in his element. It takes everything I have not to snarl in his direction. Sitting down, I smile at Phoenix, he seems less tense now than from when I saw him earlier.

I am wondering how Syler is keeping his claim as Alpha now that Honey and Roman are clearly out in the open with their relationship. He had told us he had taken a video clip of them and some pictures, which I knew already but the other guys did not. Now that they are out, Cam could make a claim again. I will have to ask him about that later, if he will even talk about it with me.

As we sit there and listen to the different things happening, my mind drifts to Honey and what she is doing. Is she having fun?

My mind filters back in when the room thickens with lust. I roll my eyes. Riddic arrives with his parents, late as always, his parents probably had people trying to molest them. From what Riddic says, they have a hard time reeling in their lust, their realm is booming with babies and has the highest population even above the wolves.

When they sit, I watch my dad wipe the sweat off his forehead and squirm. He is staring hard at the table in front of him, refusing to look up at the new arrivals, which is something that I don’t miss either.

“So sorry we are late.” Riddic’s mom glides into the chair and rests her hands on the table, she smiles around the room, looking at all of us.

Even Riddic has his lust cranked up. Phoenix is trying his hardest not to eye fuck him while Syler keeps his eyes firmly on the wall.

Riddic’s father claps his hands, bringing us back into focus. “Riddic tells us that all of our boys share a mate, an Omega wolf, which one has not seen for over six hundred years.” No one talks, my parents taking the additional information in their stride, I had not told him that Honey was all of ours. “What I want to know is why she is also with those other people, they are not royal, and why she would pick them over our boys.”

The guys fidget in their chairs, so I decide to be the one who speaks up. “We were not the kindest to her, but she bears the royal mating marks down her spine.” I turn to Syler and speak. “All but Syler’s mark, since he hasn’t bitten her.”

Syler and his father wear matching faces of red, though I think that Syler’s is for a different reason.

“Well, she is an Omega, she can have purebred kids of any species she mates with. Has she gone into heat?” Riddic’s father looks around at us, seeing the cluelessness on our faces.

“We don’t know, we haven’t fully mated with her.” Riddic slinks down in his chair as his father turns on him.

“You what? Riddic, this is unacceptable, we will clear this up over dinner.”

Syler’s father stands up, his eyes flashing his wolf as he takes in the incubus. “Syler is taking over as Alpha so he will be the one to mate with her first, you incubus have enough people.”

I grow mad, “She doesn’t even like Syler, we do not decide for her.”

Everyone in the room looks at me, I don’t understand why they are all okay with us being mated, when I was certain that they would be against it. When my father gets up, I quickly interrupt him. “We need to get to the dining hall.”

He nods his head and holds his hand out to my mother, both of them leading the way to the door while everyone else heads there as well.

Arriving at the dining hall, I catch sight of Honey, sitting at the table with all her mates. When we get to the table and the server appears to take our order, I hold out my hand, making him stop his sentence. “I want to be moved to that table.” I point to Honey's table just as I watch Phoenix and his parents sit down there.

“Well, sir, there is not enough space over there.” He looks scared and I feel somewhat bad for him. He is doing his job.

“Do you know who we are?” My mother’s face is turning redder the longer he stands there with his eyes popping out of his head.

“Yes, your Highness, I do, let me fix this for you.” He hurries away and within five minutes he is back ushering us to my mate’s table. When she sees me, she gives me a polite smile through clenched teeth. It looks like she is in pain.

“I want you to meet my parents, Cynric and Daralis Maddox, the Fall Fae King and Queen.” I proudly say their names and watch as she says a polite hello.

Food is delivered and we begin to eat. When Honey states that she has to go back to the cabin, instead of meeting my family, at first, I am upset, until she tries to explain further. My father, not hearing her full explanation cuts her off, his temper ruling him and calling her a filthy wolf. Cam’s mom tries to calm my father down, making it worse.

Just as I feel like things are going to escalate further, Riddic moves behind Honey and as she stands up, he leans in and whispers in her ear. To my utter shock she comes, right there in the dining hall. The males are all on edge, including my father. Cam’s mom shouts to Roman, telling him to take her to the cabin and fast.

I am looking around as other wolves and other shifters are moving closer to our table. Roman lifts her up in his arms and using his speed leaves the dining hall, too fast for my eyes to track.

When Cam’s mom turns to us, looking at all our stunned faces, she studies us. “Honey is in full blown heat and will need all of you to get through it. I need all of you at the cabin.” When they all start to follow her out, she turns, “Men need to stay behind. Mothers you can come, but it is not necessary.” She turns around again, only to be stopped by Syler’s parents.

“My son is one of her mates and will go there as well.” Syler’s father leans closer to Cam's mom sneering in her face. “Since he will be the Alpha of the pack, he needs to make heirs.”

Cam’s mom does not react and just continues to walk out. All of us follow her out. When we make it to the cabin, I can see sweat dripping from Honey’s head.“We need to be quick; Honey, follow us to another room.”

She holds out her hand and drags Honey to what I am assuming is her room, the other mothers trailing behind them, while the rest of us look at each other awkwardly. When the moms come down the stairs, we are all on edge. We know our mate is in heat by everyone pitching tents in their pants, we are all hurting. Our moms’ take one look at us and decide it would be awkward to hug us goodbye.

Cam’s mom stops to look at us, taking us each in with interest. “She will need all of you. She may not allow all of you, but you need to be near her in case she calls you.” Cam’s mom turns and walks out the door.

Riddic’s mom however stops at the door, a devious smirk crossing her face. “Mom, don't!” Riddic’s urgent shout is ignored as his mom waves her fingers forward, and pink magic bursts through the air, making all of us drop to our knees, groaning.

Honey is shouting down the stairs. “Grady, Roman, Cam, Ronnie, one of you get your asses up here now!”