Omega Found by E.L. Rose


This day should have been going better.

I thought that with Roman’s parents’ things would run smoother, I did however appreciate how they seemed to accept me.

Walking hand in hand with Roman and Grady, we start towards Cam and his mom. She is wearing leggings and knee-high boots and a fuzzy white sweater. Her hair falls down in waves around her face, and unlike the other moms I have met, she doesn’t have a stitch of makeup on. She has big brown eyes that shine with such happiness.

Standing in front of them, Cam pulls me from the guys and engulfs me in a hug. “Are you okay?”

I nod into his chest. “Yes, I am.”

“Cam Pierce, let me meet your mate.” I lift my head in time to see Cam roll his eyes and smile.

“Mom, meet my mate, Honey, and two of her other mates Roman and Grady.” I let go of Cam and move back from him, the next thing I know another pair of arms are around me.

“It is so nice to finally meet you. Thank you for giving my boy another chance at life.”

I know I immediately like her. The way she hugs me tight has my eyes filling with tears. My mates touch me and love me all the time, and I eventually stopped flinching around them, but having a hug from a mother, even if it isn’t mine, is something I have missed so much. I squeeze her tighter, taking in the scent of wildflowers and honey.

She leans down and kisses the top of my head. “Oh, sweetheart, don’t cry.”

I sniff bringing a hand up to wipe the tears away and lean back to look at her. “I’m sorry, I just haven’t felt a hug like that in so long.” I pull back from her.

“You can hug me any time, I too know what it feels like to lose a parent.” The look on her face is sincere with a hint of sadness. She turns to Roman and Grady, shaking their hands and greeting them with warm smiles as well. “Headmaster, look at you, finally settling down.”

“Yes, and I couldn’t be happier, I will leave you to it.” He shakes her hand once more, then kisses me before heading off to his family again.

Cam’s mom claps her hands, “Okay, where do we start, you two?”

Cam turns to me and smiles. Grabbing my hand and pulling me close. “Sorry, my mom is just thrilled for us and doesn’t know how to control herself.” He turns to his mom. “How about we start with the classrooms so you can tell me how much better yours are at Deadwood.”

She smiles and starts heading back to the school. We start with our first class. His mom commenting on most of the décor as we walk down the hallways. When we get to the History of Wolf Species, Miss Foster is behind her desk looking over assignments. When she hears us come in, she straightens up and smiles at Cam’s mom.

“Headmaster Pierce, what a pleasure.” She stands up wiping her hands on her skirt stepping around her desk to shake his mom’s hand. “I am honored you stopped by, let me grab Cam’s grades to show you.”

Cam steps back making gagging faces about the teacher who is clearly laying on the flattery thick for his mom. “Actually, if Honey doesn’t mind, I would like to see hers as well.”

They both turn to me and wait for my answer. I am stunned, memories flood me, memories of Sam and I coming in from school and our mother in the kitchen, sometimes she was baking, sometimes she was prepping for dinner, but she always dropped what she was doing, prepared us a snack and came to help us with our homework. We would work together until it was all done. It was one of my fonder memories and made me smile.

“Sure, you can look.”

Cam's mom’s smile lit up her face. “Wonderful.” She moves over to the teacher’s desk and waits. When she is handed our grades, her smile grows. “Very nice, you two.” Cam is almost puffing up his chest with how his mother is praising us.

She continues to look over some papers we had filled out through the day and my project that was supposed to be with Syler, but I ended up doing alone. “Honey, this is amazing. Cam, I knew you would do fabulous yourself.” She walks over and hugs him again, pulling him close and kissing the top of his head.

His cheeks turn red with embarrassment. “Mom, stop.” Cam moves away from her, never losing his smile.

“I can’t help it, I’m just so happy and proud of you.” When she finishes looking at everything, Cam leads the way to the next class. We demonstrate some of the training that we have been taught, even in my dress the moves aren’t complicated, just enough to show Cam’s mom we are learning how to defend ourselves. The whole time she is smiling. We walk around the school, showing the classrooms, and occasionally we stop while she greets other parents. Most of them are from the wolf community, while some are from different species.

Cam leans over to me while his mother is talking. “You know my mom is the Headmaster at Deadwood Academy, right?” I nod, listening to him. “Well, that school is strictly for wolves. They bring pack members from all over the world six months out of the year to train them to be rulers of their pack, and some even go to meet their pack. When they get there, it usually involves a fully bonded unit.”

“What do you mean?” I knew what bonded meant, but this was getting confusing.

He moves me farther away from his mom so we can talk more without people interrupting us. “Most wolves have a bonded unit, they have an Alpha, Beta, and Gammas. Some wolves have more th+6an one Beta and one Gamma, they are also bonded with their Lunas.” He scratches his head pushing his hair back, which he had left down to hang at his shoulders. “They learn how to work as a unit and how to make their packs fruitful moving forward, since sole responsibility will be on them to care for their packs once their Alpha steps down.”

I am even more confused, there are a ton of wolves here. “So, the wolves here are not a part of a mated unit and are just a part of the larger packs.”

“Some are, but some of their Alphas sent them here, it depends on the Alpha of the pack.”

When Cam’s mom calls us over, we move back to her side. “Well, it was wonderful again catching up, Moon. I hope to see one of your kids at Deadwood soon.” She turns to us. “Okay, you two, let’s head back to the dining hall. I saw the other parents of your mates headed there.”

I check my phone, still acting like a kid in a candy store when I touch it. Time has flown by and it is already dinner time. We follow Cam’s mom to the dining hall where I search for my mates. Finding them, we walk to the table and I take one of the open seats placing myself between Roman and Cam, and across from Ronnie and Grady.

When I feel eyes boring into the back of my head, I turn it slightly to see who has their eyes on me. The first one I see is Hailey. She is sitting with her parents at another table and all of them have hatred burning in their eyes. There is something just a little more in Hailey’s, she looks almost evil and it makes my stomach churn.

“Love, don't worry about her.” Cam whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my spine and making my body heat almost to an inferno. I look across at Cam's mom and her eyes widen. Crap, can she smell me too? I look down, not wanting to see any more of her reaction.

“Honey, can we go have a private talk, sweetheart?” My head snaps up looking at Cam’s mom. I look at Cam and Roman and they both look torn between not wanting to let me out of their sight and giving me the option to do what I want. “Boys, she will be with me, I just need to talk to her.”

Roman snorts. “I am older than you, Viola, and yet you insist on calling me a boy.”

She stands up and pushes her chair in, coming around to my side of the table. “That is because you stopped aging and look to be still in your twenties, while I age, even if it is slowly.” They share a laugh before she taps me on the shoulder and motions for me to follow her.

Once we leave the dining hall, I notice she is looking in the classrooms. “What are you looking for?”

“I need a private classroom so we can have a talk. I don’t want anyone to overhear us.” When she finally finds one, she pulls the door open and motions me in, immediately turning to me. “How long have you been in heat?”

“Heat? What?” I know what that is, but it wasn’t supposed to be already happening.

“You do know what heat is right?” I nod my head yes. “Honey, you realize you’re going into heat. You may have felt the first tingles, which felt like your body was overheating, have you felt that?”

My cheeks grow red again, I never had the talk with anyone. I mean, I’m not stupid, I know what it is, and this conversation is starting to feel a whole lot like the birds and the bees talk. “Um, yes. I have been feeling this way, but it goes away after a while.”

It is her turn to blush. “Um, so, yeah, that will happen when you, um, well, when you, ah, have sex with one of your mates.” I almost laugh out loud, now I know why she is blushing, knowing her son is one of my mates. “The most important part is that you are close to full blown heat, you will need all your mates to make it through it. Your heat cycle I mean.”

“What if I don’t have all my mates?”

“What do you mean you don’t have all of them?”

I shift nervously, not really wanting to tell her they rejected me. “I am also mated to all the heirs. Two of them are now trying when they had originally rejected me.”

Her intake of breath has me looking at her. “They rejected you?”

“Yes, but it's okay. I won’t mate with someone who doesn’t want me.”

“You will need all of them to make it through your heat, and by the way you smell, it’s almost time.” She takes a deep breath “Let me explain how it will work, you will go into heat and the mating cycle will start and your body will release the mating hormones, driving your mates insane. The need to mate will affect all of them, including Ronnie.”

“I didn’t know that.” They had not gone over this in class with us.

She chuckles, then her eyes turn sad. “They don’t teach it, because most females know about this by the time, they are twelve.” She steps closer to me and gives me a quick hug before chuckling. “I am sure that your mates will catch you up, but we better get back to them. They will feel the urge soon, and they will get edgier and more protective of you the closer you are to full blown heat, which is soon.”

She smirks again. “Benefits of having the Headmaster as a mate, he can give you the three days off you will need to be functional again, since he will need them too, and don’t be surprised if your other mates come crawling back to you. They will also feel the need to mate you.”

* * *

We leave the class and go back to the dining hall. I sit back down and avoid most of my mate’s eyes, too shy to tell them what is happening when Roman leans close to my ear.

“What’s wrong, what did she say?”

“I will tell you later, Roman, and before you get upset, it is nothing to offend or hurt me.” He seems to accept my answer for now, but I can feel the underlying tension in the bond.

When my stomach clenches and I flood my panties again, all my mate’s eyes turn as one and zero in on me. I drop my eyes again. Leaning back over to Roman I whisper, “Roman, we should leave right after dinner.”

He nods his head and when the food arrives all my mates have been told through the bond to quickly eat. Halfway through dinner, I watch as more seats are added to our table.

Grady speaks to the servers. “I’m sorry, what are you doing?” His voice has an edge of anger to it, I have not heard before. I look at Cam’s mom who mouths that it is time.

“I’m sorry but the dragon prince, and the Fae prince both requested to be moved over to your table.” The server is looking around nervously as if he really doesn’t want to disobey and I can understand that.

“That is fine; they can sit here.”

“Why, thank you, little wolf. I thought you were going to come find me today.” Phoenix is smirking at me, so I know he isn’t mad about me not coming to find him.

“I ran out of time and technically you are not my bonded mate, now are you?” I start to feel edgier the more I sit here. It pisses me off he wants to claim me as a mate now that we have fucked, like that was enough to make me forgive him.

“I’m trying, little wolf, and you will be my mate, as it should be.”

I look at the older couple who are sitting next to him. His father has short blonde hair that is parted to the side. He has dark brown eyes making them look black, and his frame is sturdier. His mother has long white hair and glacial blue eyes, her frame is tiny, even smaller than my own. It is weird to know that this woman sitting across from me is a huge predator.

“Honey, meet the dragon king and queen, Beldon and Blythe Presley.” Their eyes meet mine and it looks like they are trying to smile while getting a needle shoved under their fingernails.

“Nice to meet you.” I go back to eating, trying to hurry along, when three more chairs pull out, and Legion and his parents sit down.

“Hello, love, how are you?”

I am gritting my teeth now, trying not to be rude but feeling the sweat dripping down my back, and the flood currently going on in my panties needs tending to right now.

“Legion.” I attempt to smile but it comes out looking more like a grimace than anything else.

“I want you to meet my parents Cynric and Daralis Maddox, the Fall Fae king and queen.”

I turn my head and smile at each one, my breath hitching the more I take them in. They are gorgeous. Legion's mother has small delicate features with bright emerald green eyes. What is really different is that her hair looks like spun gold, like the sun itself shines on her hair. She is stunning, skin kissed by the sun. Her ears pointed slightly at the end like Legions are.

When I turn to his father, I have to make sure my mouth isn’t hanging open. The Fall Fae king is gorgeous. No, I am not sexually attracted to him, but I am also not blind. His hair is the color of fall: ambers, reds and spun yellow. His eyebrows match his hair, which falls down his back. He has high cheekbones, and his eyes are also the color of fall. His skin looks like he has a permanent tan. They both wear a mix of oranges and red with small delicate crowns that encircle their heads.

Food is immediately placed in front of the new arrivals, and I go back to eating with vigor. Trying to hurry so I can leave the dining hall with my mates.

“Honey, I was wondering if you would join us for a moment after dinner to have a talk, please?”

I look back up to Legion. “I’m so sorry, but I can’t right now, I have to go back to the cabin.” The look that crosses his face is one of sadness and longing. I know he thinks I mean he can’t come, when I don’t mean that at all. “Legion, I didn’t...”

Before I can continue, Legion’s father pushes his chair back, I can feel heavy wind around the dining hall that wasn’t there before. “Are you saying my son is unwelcome, he is a prince, you filthy wolf.”

My mouth drops open. “No, I wasn’t saying he couldn’t…”

Once again, I am cut off when Roman and Cam stand up, one growling and the other hissing. This is getting out of control and fast.

Cam’s mom stands up, “Everyone just calm down. You didn’t let Honey finish what she was saying, give her a moment to talk since time is of the essence now.”

Legion's father turns his head to face Cam's mom. His eyes turn to slits.

When I feel a tap on my shoulder everything happens in slow motion. I turn to see Riddic standing behind me, with his parents, who are so beautiful it makes my eyes hurt.

When he leans in to whisper in my ear “Love, can we start again?”

The feel of his lips near my ears and the closeness of him makes me orgasm, hard. Oh my God, I just came in the middle of the dining hall.

Everyone immediately stiffens, then the shouts come from all sides.

The loudest being Cam’s mom. “Roman, get her out of here, now.”

Roman grabs me as I see other wolves and shifters moving closer to our table, some sniffing the air, others snarling in our direction. “Wrap your arms around my neck and close your eyes.” He is speaking through gritted teeth; I think he is mad at me. “Honey, don’t think I am upset with you, I am upset that we didn’t know you were going into heat.”

The next thing I feel is the cold of the air from being whisked outside. “Keep your eyes closed we are almost there." My body is vibrating with need. I want him. When we arrive back at the cabin, he sets me down. “I can feel what you want, and I want the same things, but the rest of your mates and their parents are coming. I am going to make this quick, I promise you.” I nod my head and just wait.

When the rest of my mates arrive with only their mothers, I know I have affected many people. Cam's mom takes the lead and informs my mates and their mothers what is happening.