Theirs to Correct by Ivy Barrett

Chapter 8

Emily felt the strangest rush of emotion as she stepped off the shuttle and looked at Sector Four headquarters. Home. If she accepted the cadre’s claim this would become her home. No, this was just a house. Home would be wherever her mates were, wherever they could be together.

Family had always been important to her. She wanted a life partner and children of her own. Joining with three alien males would certainly be a nontraditional family, but in many ways it was more secure. She wouldn’t have one partner to love and protect her, to support her and offer encouragement. She would have three. That also meant she would have three males to annoy her and make demands on her time and energy. Was she up to the challenge? And was it a challenge she wanted to embrace? Her life before the lottery had been well ordered and meaningful. All she’d lacked was someone with whom to share it. But was this the answer to her loneliness? It seemed awfully extreme.

Lahval slipped his arm around her and pulled her snugly against his side as they walked up to the front door. “Nothing more needs to be decided tonight,” he reminded. “You can relax and just enjoy being with us.”

It was good advice, so she did her best to follow it. They moved into the family room instead of going straight upstairs. Brydon printed a carafe of auline wine. Nayez had introduced her to the Kobar beverage during one of their snuggle sessions. Fermented from a variety of berries, the wine was crisp yet slightly sweet. Different berry combinations resulted in different color combinations. Tonight’s selection was pale gold with vivid purple swirls. She had no idea how the two colors remained separate, but the effect was lovely as well as delicious.

Nayez moved over to the wall of windows. His body was angled so he could see the living room and the scene beyond the balcony. Lahval sat facing Emily’s chair while Brydon poured the wine. She tucked the blanket around her with her arms free. Brydon handed her one of the glasses then went to stand near Lahval.

The uncertainty surrounding Charlotte nagged away in the back of Emily’s mind. Her determination to protect her sister had put her at odds with her potential mates. She did not want to rekindle the conflict, but there was no way she would be able to enjoy the ‘celebration’ while Charlotte was still in danger. The mood was rather subdued after the passionate encounter on the shuttle, so Emily decided to speak her mind.

Reinforcing her nerve with a sip of wine, she asked, “What happens to Charlotte if we can’t convince her to cooperate?”

Lahval shrugged. “If she refuses to talk, I’ll read her mind.”

She thought Lahval was joking, but his expression remained grim. “You’re serious? You can go digging for information? Isn’t that dangerous?”

“It seldom comes to ‘digging.’ Usually asking a person the same question over and over is enough to bring the information to the surface. I found your attempt to keep me out with silly songs and rhymes particularly amusing.”

Annoyed by his flippancy, she tensed. “I’m glad I could amuse you, but did it work?”

“You were particularly motivated to keep me out, and I didn’t want to hurt you.” He scooted to the edge of his seat and rested his forearms on his knees. “Does Charlotte love the rebels as much as you love her?”

They were rehashing the events that led to Emily’s escape attempt and that hadn’t been her intention. “Will you show me how it works? Ask me a question and I’ll do my best to think of anything but the answer.”

“A rematch?” Lahval grinned. “I love the idea. Let’s see.” He paused, eyes slightly narrowed. “Emily, think back to the night you lost your virginity. Did you care deeply for this human or was he a casual flirtation?”

His voice was low and silky, coxing the images to the surface of her memory. She quickly started reciting the U.S. presidents, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson.

“What was his name?”

James Madison, James Monroe.

“You started to say something. Was the J for John, or James?”

She inhaled sharply. The jerk’s name was Jason, but had Lahval picked the J out of her memory or the names she’d been listing?

“Say his name.” It was an order this time.

Distracted but not defeated, she switched to the Pledge of Allegiance. It was easier to remember.

“Jerry? Jason? James? You tensed when I said Jason. Picture Jason. See his face. Remember the sound of his voice, how he smelled.”

Ignoring him, or trying to, she slowly raised her wineglass and stared out the window. Dusk had given way to night and clusters of lights hinted at a city that was no longer visible. Memories of the jerk teased her mind, threatening to surge into vivid focus.

“Was his kiss tentative or hurried? Was Jason a good lover? Did he make you come?”

She scoffed. All Jason made her feel was anger. He had never heard of foreplay and couldn’t leave fast enough once he got his rocks off. The entire situation had been—she grimaced, realizing what she’d done.

Lahval chuckled. “His name was Jason and he left you frustrated, not because of his utter lack of skill, but his indifferent attitude. You gave him your virginity, so you wanted it to mean something. It was obvious that it had not. It is our nature to provide answers to questions,” Lahval concluded. “And if the questioner can spark an emotional reaction, it’s almost impossible to silence one’s inner voice.”

“A female’s first time should be special,” Brydon growled menacingly. “Does this Jason yet live?”

Emily nearly spewed her wine. The combination of his murderous expression and the absurd question caught her by surprise. “You can’t kill someone for being a horrible lay.”

“Then I will kill him for daring to touch my mate. Only my cadre has that right.”

She didn’t want to encourage his possessiveness, but she couldn’t help smiling. Turning back to Lahval, she asked, “How much of that was courtesy of our mind-link? Or can you do that with anyone?”

“It requires more concentration without the link, but my empathic abilities make it hard to hide things from me.”

She nodded then took a deep breath. The rematch soothed her concerns about Charlotte, yet reawakened her frustrations about the night before. “I don’t want to fight about last night, but I need to understand. If Lahval can extract information that easily, why did you not at least try it before you resorted to pain?” She looked at Brydon. He had set the tone and been the first to punish her for her stubbornness.

“Part of it was instinct,” he admitted. “If sector leaders show mercy to anyone, they are often overthrown.” He rushed on when she started to object. “However, I did not expect you to withstand our questioning as long as you did. I thought the combination of pleasure and pain would quickly result in the names of a few rebels and then we would reward you with a long night of pleasure. I—” He paused to clear his throat. “I apologize for allowing my pride to control me. As soon as I realized that you would never back down, I should have changed tactics. You are my mate, not a prisoner of war.”

Heart thudding in her chest, all Emily could do was stare up at him in wonder. Sector Leader Four, the fiercest and most ruthless of all, just apologized to a human female? Never in a million years would she have predicted this development.

Nayez crossed the room and stood beside Brydon. “I too apologize for choosing pride over compassion. I will not hesitate to correct your behavior when your actions warrant it, but we took things much too far.”

The unexpected shift in their attitude shocked and pleased her, but she wasn’t as blameless as they were making her sound. At any point all she had to do was offer some tidbit of information and the downward spiral would have stopped. They’d been locked in a battle of wills, neither side willing to compromise even a little. She was about to share her thoughts, when Lahval joined the other two.

“I hope you already know how sorry I am for manipulating you, but I will happily repeat it. I apologize for abusing and manipulating you.”

“Manipulating, yes. But none of you abused me,” she insisted. “I defied you and chose to protect my sister instead of trusting you. The situation spiraled out of control for all four of us. I was not the victim. I was a participant. I accept your apologies, but I offer one of my own. I’m sorry I didn’t trust you. You made it clear that you were trying to save lives, both human and Kobar. That should have been enough to make me want to help you. Now, I think we should move on. We are supposed to be celebrating our renewed dedication to our courtship.”

“Agreed.” Brydon took her empty wineglass and set it aside. “But I have one last comment regarding the loss of your virginity.”

“That entire night is best forgotten,” she dismissed with a nervous smile. She was no longer being pressured in any way. She had chosen to be courted by this cadre. Her excuses had been stripped away and she was finally ready to admit that this was what she wanted, what she needed.

“Your first lover was a selfish bastard. Luckily life is a series of firsts. We will make damn sure your next first is memorable as well as satisfying.” He held out his hand.

First? What was he talking about? Had he heard her rambling thoughts?

A sexy smile parted his lips as he helped her to her feet. “All three of your mates are about to enjoy your amazing body at the same time, or had you forgotten?”

She hadn’t, but she was afraid they’d temporarily lost interest because of what happened on the shuttle. “I wasn’t sure if that had been postponed or not.”

“Definitely not.” He pulled her against him and bent to claim her mouth.

She opened for him, needing his taste and the strength of his arms surrounding her. He took his time for a change, allowing their arousal to build gradually. She wrapped her arms around him and savored the emotions flowing into her mind. They weren’t lost in passion. This was an intentional exchange, which made it even more meaningful.

He separated their mouths, but pressed his forehead against hers. “I do not expect you to exorcise my demons. I will overcome my past as I overcome any challenge. But I will work much harder not to let my emotional scars sabotage my feelings for you. Having you here has been a joy and we will fight like hell not to ever be without you again.” He reinforced the vow with another lingering kiss. “Come, my love.”

The command as well as the endearment sent a shiver down her spine. She was finally going to have all three of them at once, and their mind-link would deepen the physical intimacy. Rather than reply, she let go of the blanket and it pooled around her ankles. He took her by the hand and led her upstairs. Nayez and Lahval trailed behind them.

She wasn’t surprised when Brydon guided her into his bedroom, but tension coiled through her belly. She didn’t want to think about last night, didn’t want to undo the progress they’d made. But the memories lingered, leaving her restless and unsettled.

He squeezed her hand and she looked up at him. “Never again,” he promised. “Politics will never enter this or any of our bedrooms.”

Relieved by the declaration, she followed him to the foot of the bed and watched with rapt interest as he undressed. She had seen the other two naked. They often fell into an exhausted sleep, sometimes all three of them together, after vigorous sex and simply stayed in bed for the rest of the night. This was the first time Brydon had offered her the privileges of seeing him nude. Taking their cue from their leader, Nayez and Lahval quickly shed their uniforms. Brydon’s coloring was darkest: dark hair, reddish brown skin, and gold-green eyes. Nayez’s skin tone was more red than brown and his eyes were vivid green. Lahval was the only one who might be able to pass for human. With shaggy blond hair and what appeared to be a deep tan, he could easily have been mistaken for a beach bum.

Brydon moved directly in front of her, drawing her attention back to him. “This is a preview of what it will feel like when you’re ready for us to claim you. It is not meant to pressure you. A soul-bond is permanent, so you must be sure. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” she said softly, wishing he would kiss her again. Unable to resist the temptation of his naked body, her gaze drifted away from his handsome face. His shoulders had never looked so broad, arms so impressive. She admired his well-defined chest and corded abs, then sucked in her breath as her wandering gaze encountered his long, thick cock. Fully dressed, Brydon was intimidating, but seeing him like this made her desperate to begin. “May I please touch you?”

He caught her wrist and guided her hand to his chest. “I am yours as you are mine.”

Trying not to be greedy, she explored his chest and shoulders then ran her hands down his arms. His skin was warm and soft, yet the muscles beneath were rock hard and sculpted to perfection. She reached for his cock, but he stopped her. “You have three mates, and two are feeling left out by your focus on me.”

She smiled and turned around. “I’m sorry, Sirs.”

Nayez stood on her right, Lahval on her left. She wasted no time reacquainting herself with their bodies. Nayez was tallest of the three. Lahval was lean and toned, yet not as heavily muscled. Each was uniquely appealing and different enough that she could tell them apart even in the dark.

When she reached for Nayez’s cock, he stopped her also. “You already gave us pleasure. Now, it’s our turn to devour you.” He swept her up in his arms and placed her on the bed.

Her legs hung over the end, her hips near the edge. Nayez knelt in front of her and pushed her knees up then rotated them outward. Brydon sat on the bed to one side of her, Lahval to the other. Then as if hearing some signal, they launched into action as one. Nayez lowered his head between her widespread thighs, his mouth covering her slit. Brydon and Lahval drew her hands above her head and fastened their mouths onto her nipples. She moaned, arching helplessly, as three mouths sucked in perfect unison, two on her sensitive nipples, the other on her clit.

Their hands slid boldly over her squirmy body while their mouths drove her wild. Nayez alternated long pulls with skillful licks, and tension coiled through her abdomen. Each firm pull of Brydon’s and Lahval’s lips seemed to echo in her clit, or perhaps it was the other way around. Her arousal had been simmering ever since they left the shuttle so the heat built quickly.

She squirmed, oddly restless. Their attention was amazing. Usually, their sessions were more interactive. It wasn’t often that they focused entirely on her. She savored their selfless attention, yet her orgasm remained out of reach. Something was missing. She knew what it was, but couldn’t bring herself to admit it out loud. Begging for pleasure after being aroused by pain was humiliating enough. Could she really beg for pain while they were giving her pleasure?

Nayez raised his head and grinned at her as he licked her juices off his lips. “Something wrong, angel?” He slipped two fingers into her pussy and began to fuck her with tantalizing slowness. “Does this naughty pussy want something other than my mouth?”

“My body has a mind of its own lately. What you were doing felt amazing, but… I don’t want to need pain to come. That’s so damn twisted.”

He pulled his fingers out and made a show of licking them clean. “I can’t come without pain. Am I twisted?”

“You’re Kobar,” she pointed out.

“So are you.” Lahval pinched her nipple and sensation zinged from her breast to her clit. “You are a human-Kobar hybrid in the first stages of bonding fever.”

“If you need anything, sweet mate, all you have to do is ask,” Brydon joined in.

They were hers as she was theirs. “I want to feel the sting of an ekolet on my breasts and p-pussy.” The confession sent tingling heat cascading through her body and her core fluttered around Nayez’s fingers.

With his fingers still sliding in and out, Nayez bent and sucked on her clit. She thought it was his way of refusing and tried not to let her disappointment show.

Brydon squeezed her nipple hard enough to make her gasp. “Patience, love. Your pussy tastes like candy to us. He just wanted another taste.”

Nayez drew his fingers out and drove his tongue deep into her core. His low groan was animalistic, but she knew exactly how he felt. She’d always enjoyed giving head, but Kobar cum was addictive. Not only was the taste pleasant, it sent ripples of pleasure all through her body often making her orgasm spontaneously.

“I will never get enough of you, mate,” Nayez predicted as he wiped off his face with his discarded uniform top. “But there is something I enjoy even more than licking your sweet pussy.” He stood and walked across the room, opening the wardrobe filled with disciplinary implements.

She sat up and crossed her legs, more because of the ache throbbing between them than any need for modesty. When he returned the tool he held was not the same ekolet he had used the night before. This one looked more like a riding crop. It had a long shaft, but at the end there was one piece of synthetic leather rather than multiple thin strands.

“You seem to be in the mood for something intense.” He swung the crop, a sexy smile parting his lips.

She swallowed hard. “I didn’t say that. I—”

“You asked for pain.” His voice dropped and took on the autocratic edge that never failed to give her shivers. “The rest is my choice, not yours. Now, back on the bed, knees bent, legs wide open.”

She must not have moved fast enough for her mates’ liking. Brydon and Lahval caught her upper arms and urged her down onto her back. They raised her arms above her head, then lifted her heels to the edge of the mattress and spread her thighs as wide as they would go.

“No restraints of any kind,” Nayez directed and the other two let go of her. “She asked for this. I want her to willingly offer me her pain.”

Her nipples hardened and her core clenched. Reluctantly finding pleasure in something that she had no control over was bad enough. She’d instigated this, asked for it, and she couldn’t wait for him to begin. “Please, Sir. Spank my naughty pussy for not being satisfied with your mouth.”

He chuckled. “We’ll get there eventually. But you are not in control here. I am.” He slapped her right breast to prove his point.

She gasped, then moaned as heat replaced the initial sting. “I’m sorry, Sir. I trust you to give me what I need.”

“Good girl. Now no more talking unless I ask you a question.”

He skillfully warmed her breasts with the ekolet, each stinging slap landing in a different place. It hurt, but it was obvious this was a warmup for what he planned to do next. He swatted one nipple and then the other, not allowing the pain to dissipate before he moved to the other side. She cried out, panting and clenching her fists to keep from covering her breasts. Thankfully, he moved on, slapping her belly lightly, more of a tease than actual strikes. He caressed her knee with the ekolet, then slid it down her inner thigh. She held her breath, waiting for the blinding pain as it connected with her pussy. He bounced the tip lightly against her mound then slid it up her other thigh.

“Do you ache, mate?”

“Yes, Sir. Very much.”

He rewarded her with a controlled slap to her mound. She shuddered, absorbing the sting with greedy relish.

“Don’t hold back, Emily. Scream for me.”

He spanked her folds and the explosion of pain left her no choice. She cried out sharply, writhing as the intensity rolled over her. The sting had barely subsided when he swung again, centering the slap over her clit. She screamed even louder, but within the hurt other sensations built, quickly overtaking the discomfort. “May I come? Please, please let me come.”

“Come, love. Come nice and hard.” The final swat ensured her obedience. She screamed again, coming in violent spasms that drove the breath from her lungs and made her legs tremble. Nayez caressed her legs and hips, soothing her as she floated down from the staggering peak. “You are so damn beautiful when you come. It should be illegal.”

“My turn,” Brydon announced once her breathing had returned to normal.

“Your turn for what, Master?” she asked with a contented smile. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to continue or curl up and go to sleep.

“Your master wants your cheeks hot and red while you ride his hard cock. Do you have a problem with that?”

Sleep forgotten, she whispered, “Of course not, Master.”

“Then turn over and get that ass in the air.”

She rolled to her hands and knees then lowered her upper body toward the bed. Finally she moved her knees apart, displaying her wet pussy as well as her behind.

“Lovely,” Brydon said distractedly as he bent and licked her pussy several times. Then he swatted her up-turned cheeks. “That’s for tasting so damn good that we can’t stop eating you.”

She laughed. “I didn’t realize that was a punishable offense.”

Brydon spanked her harder. “You do not have permission to speak. Close your eyes and think about how good it’s going to feel with all three of your mates fucking you at the same time.”

She thought he would spank her a few times then move on to the promised joining. She should have known better. This was Brydon, and he liked administering pain even more than Nayez. His hand connected with her bottom over and over, spreading heat and compounding the sting. She tried to remain still and quiet, but it was really starting to hurt. Her gasps became soft cries and finally little yells of frustration and pain. Yet, as before, threading through the pain were ribbons of arousal, tantalizing spasms of raw need. She grew wetter, her inner walls tightening each time his palm connected with her burning cheeks.

He thrust his finger into her core, fucked her a few times, then stilled. “Is this pussy ready to be ravished?”

“Yes, Master, more than ready.”

“Then beg me,” he ordered, giving her ass another stinging slap.

“Please, Master,” she cried. “I need your cock deep inside me.”

Quickly withdrawing his fingers, Brydon sat down beside her. “Straddle my legs and lower yourself onto me.”

Happy to oblige him, she crawled onto his lap and guided his cock to her vaginal entrance. Her bottom protested each movement and her pussy was still tender also, but that only added to her desperation. She was soaking wet, but he still felt huge as she slowly sank down, impaling herself until his entire length was buried inside her. She shivered. Brydon was one of three she would be taking tonight. The thought sent a fresh wave of desire crashing over her.

“Ride me, mate.” He squeezed her breasts while she took his cock deep over and over. Her bottom and pussy were still sore from being spanked, so she shifted her weight to her knees and rolled her hips instead of bouncing up and down. It helped, but she was distracted, not sure what she needed now. Brydon slipped his hand between their bodies and found her clit with his fingertip. He looked deep into her eyes as he caressed her. “Come for me, sweetheart. Come for your master.”

Reaching back, she braced herself on his knees, giving him easier access to her clit. The position increased the pressure on her tender bottom, but she sank into the pleasure/pain. His fingers rubbed her clit and tension quickly mounted. Brydon pinched her nipple with his other hand and an orgasm shuddered through her. Deep rippling spasms spread the pleasure all through her body. She floated, vaguely aware of his cock still sliding in and out of her pussy. So much pleasure and yet they had barely begun. The thought was intoxicating, yet daunting.

Brydon lay down on his back and pulled her forward. She braced her hands on his chest as he grasped her hips. He fucked up into her fast and hard until her orgasm ebbed completely. Then he drew her down against his chest and ran his hands up and down her back.

Nayez leaned over her and kissed his way from the nape of her neck to the small of her back. “Ready for more, my love?”

“Yes, Sir.” The tremble in her voice was excitement, not uncertainty.

Nayez carefully parted her sore cheeks and smoothed lube over her back entrance. She groaned as he pushed a slick finger inside her and then two. “Such a tight little hole, but it will open wide for me. Won’t it? Do you want that, mate? Do you want me deep in this tight little hole?”

She helplessly raised her hips. “Yes, Sir. I want that very much.”

“Then beg me, Emily. Say, ‘please Sir, fuck my ass.’”

She shuddered. She loved and hated it when they made her talk dirty. “Please, Sir, fuck my ass.”


He positioned himself against her puckered opening then advanced with steady pressure. She clutched Brydon’s shoulders as her bottom stretched and stretched some more. All three of them were so damn big. It always stung a little when they entered her. But the momentary discomfort gave way to breath-stealing fullness as his long shaft drove deeper and deeper into her ass.

“Fuck, you feel good, mate. So damn good.” Nayez grasped her hips as he slid in and out a few times.

Brydon remained still, allowing her time to adjust to the fullness. She’d done this before with Nayez and Lahval, but Brydon’s size made her body even tighter.

“You were made for this, mate, made for us,” Brydon murmured. “Just relax and let instinct take over.”

Affection and desire flowed into her mind as tangible as any touch. She moaned and shifted her hips to a better angle for Nayez’s movements. Brydon took her waist and pushed her upward enough to give him room to move. Soon they slid in counterpoint to each other, like pistons inside an engine.

Lahval brushed her hair back from her face and smiled at her. “Forget about me?”

“Never,” she assured and pushed up against Brydon’s chest. She took Lahval’s cock and guided it to her mouth, circling him with her tongue before sucking him inside.

Lahval pushed his hand into her hair and rocked his hips, sliding his cock in and out of her mouth. His eyes closed and his head dropped back as he abandoned himself to the pleasure.

Emily followed his example. Closing her eyes, she let the sensations and shared emotions sweep her along. Feeling how much this excited them heightened her desire. She let Brydon and Nayez move her as they liked, vigorously using her willing body. Lahval did much the same. She kept her head tilted and swirled her tongue around his tip, but he controlled the motion.

Content in the passive role, she sank deeper into submission. She was theirs to use, to dominate and command not because of some contract but because she willingly gave them the right. She was their mate, and they were hers. They were her mates. Not potential mates. Forever, destined to be together mates!

Don’t stop. I want this. I need you. I accept your claim!

All three of them froze mid-stroke.

“This isn’t something you can decide in the heat of passion,” Brydon cautioned.

Lahval pulled out of her mouth so she could speak.

“I don’t think my answer will change.” As Emily spoke, she was breathless and quivering. “I don’t know if my Kobar DNA burned away my inhibitions or if this just feels incredibly right, but I have never been so certain of anything in my life.”

“We are thrilled with your decision,” Brydon said carefully, “and if you still feel this way in three months we will form the soul-bond.”

“One month,” she said firmly. “I am not waiting longer than that.”

Lahval laughed, bending down to kiss her lightly on the mouth. “Can we finish this argument after?”

“I suppose.” She chuckled then reached for his cock. Drawing him into her mouth, she resumed her steady bobbing as the other two started moving again. They caressed her as well as filling her, but it was obvious that all three were distracted by her sudden change of heart. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Why is that so surprising?

Keep it up and we won’t pull out, Brydon warned. We want this more than anything. It is torture for us to give you time.

A wicked possibility occurred to her as their respective paces sped up. She could probably keep Brydon in her pussy and Lahval in her mouth, but she didn’t see a way to prevent Nayez from pulling out of her bottom. All three of them needed to come inside her to trigger the link.

Nayez slapped her hard on the ass during his next out stroke. “You will not trick us into claiming you. Now relax and focus on the present. This union will last our lifetimes and beyond. There is no reason to rush its formation.”

He was right, of course. So she relaxed, concentrating on the touch of their hands and the sensual motion of their surging cocks. The emotional urgency gradually eased as she let the physical sweep her along. Her mates weren’t going anywhere. She didn’t understand what had come over her, but the ache was still with her, controlled yet ever-present.

We are moving deeper into bonding fever, Lahval explained. We have wanted each other physically since we met. Now we are starting to crave the actual bonding.

Understanding her reaction allowed her to push the idea to the back of her mind. They were together, moving inside her. That was enough for right now.

Energy flowed into her mind along with a whirlwind of emotions. Consuming desire, protectiveness, and affection swirled and twisted into a wonderful deluge. Passion swept through them, making their thrusts more forceful. Brydon cupped her breasts, his hips bucking as he pushed his cock even deeper into her pussy. Nayez steadied her hips while he moved steadily in her ass. So blissfully full. She arched her back but accepted their control, happily submitting to their desires.

Her head began to spin as Lahval’s rhythm became more demanding. He held her face between his hands and drove his entire length into her mouth with each stroke. She closed her eyes and surrendered body, mind, and spirit. She was here for their pleasure, for their use.

Fueled by her mindset, her body came alive. Her clit tingled and her pussy clenched. Pleasure unfurled, spreading from her abdomen to her arms and legs. I’m coming, she cried helplessly. Please! The orgasm crested before they could respond. There was no way she could have stopped it if they denied her. She shook, her body tensing as her inner muscles rippled around their hard shafts.

Gasping harshly, Lahval jerked out of her mouth and came on her upper chest. His body shuddered and pleasure bombarded her mind, assuring her that his sudden withdrawal hadn’t disrupted his enjoyment.

Nayez pulled out next and she felt his warm seed splash against the small of her back. He groaned and joy pulsed through her mind, then warm, almost sleepy satisfaction.

Brydon was barely moving, but he was still rock hard. Blinking several times, she focused on his handsome face then adjusted her position so she could move her hips. He wrapped his arms around her suddenly and rolled her to her back. Brydon could never come unless he was in complete control. He caught her hands and entwined their fingers as he drew her arms over her head. She opened her legs as far as they would go, making room for his hard, fast thrusting.

His gaze caught and held hers. “Say it, mate. Tell us how badly you want us to claim you.”

The bonding couldn’t be triggered with only one of them. He needed a promise, a vow for a future happening. “I want you to claim me more than anything. I want to spend the rest of my life with this cadre, loving and being loved by the three of you.”

His hips slammed into hers, his cock bucking inside her and his hot cum bathing her inner walls. Echoes of her orgasm throbbed through her body as Brydon rode out his bliss. “Soon, my love,” he whispered then kissed her mouth. “Very soon.”

Lahval and Nayez joined them on the bed as Brydon rolled to her side, and they spent the next hour kissing and caressing her. After a long hot shower, they all piled onto Brydon’s bed so they could sleep together for the first time. Emily lay surrounded by her mates, content and drowsy. Tonight had been amazing, but she was worried about Charlotte. Rebellious teenagers could be so unpredictable, and Delacroixs were known for their stubbornness.

Nayez pressed in snugly against her back, his hand stroking her hip. “Your sister needs to understand the seriousness of her actions, but no harm will come to her. Jesorax can be ruthless, but he is also fair. Charlotte is young and impressionable. Our goal is to shift her trajectory, not crush her spirit.”

Lahval, who was lying on his back on the other side of Nayez, sat up so he could see her. “We have Charlotte’s computer. Even if she won’t cooperate, we can likely learn what she knows.”

“Then why interrogate her like a criminal? She’s little more than a child.”

“Treating her like a criminal is what we are trying to avoid,” Brydon said without opening his eyes. “The primary reason Jesorax is allowing you to talk some sense into Charlotte is because she is so young. Just say thank you and put on your best bitch face.”

She smiled and returned her head to his shoulder. “Yes, Master. I will trust my mates to protect my sister.”

The following morning, Emily dressed in jeans and a crocheted sweater. She wasn’t sure why she felt the need to look ‘normal’ considering what was about to happen, but the instinct would not be ignored. Emily didn’t eat much for breakfast. She was too nervous about the outcome of the interrogation. The supreme commander had allowed this intervention because of his friendship with Brydon and Charlotte’s youth, but what happened if the attempt failed?

The shuttle arrived as they were clearing away the breakfast dishes. “Jesorax is waiting for a full report, so make this good,” Brydon advised.

Heart thudding wildly in her chest, Emily opened the front door as Charlotte approached.

“What the hell is going on? No one will tell me shit.” Charlotte looked tired and slightly unkempt. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and she had obviously slept in her clothes. She pushed her glasses up her nose and arched her brows, silently demanding answers.

“You better check the attitude.” Emily summoned her best ‘bitch face.’ This was no time for teenage angst. “Belligerence will land you back in a detention cell or worse.”

Charlotte walked into the house and paused to look around. “What is this place?”

“Sector Four headquarters.” Emily put emphasis on the sector number and waited for her sister to react.

“Sector Four?” Charlotte’s eyes widened as the implication sank in. Everyone knew Brydon’s reputation, even wannabe rebels. “Why was I brought here? The White House is in Sector Two.”

“You were brought to your sister’s house so I can save you from yourself. But I only get one crack at it, so you better listen.” She took Charlotte by the arm and led/dragged her across the room. “Have a seat.”

“I’d rather stand.”

Emily shoved her down into the waiting chair. “This isn’t a game, Charlotte. You’re in serious trouble. The kind Mom’s power won’t be able to protect you from.”

“Mom has never needed to get me out of trouble. I’m the good daughter, remember?”

“You’re a rebel,” Emily snapped. “They could execute you for what you’ve done.”

“Only because I’m not old enough to fuck my way out of it. Right, lottery girl?”

Emily took a deep breath, refusing to fall for the bait. Charlotte was scared. Despite her bravado, fear was clearly written in her eyes. “Did you know that the Scotts have been arrested?”

Charlotte shrugged. “They were has-beens anyway.”

“When is the last time you spoke with Vixen?”

Charlotte looked at her and smirked. “Vixen who?”

“You might know her as Victoria Somersby, my old friend from college. I know you remember Tori. Anyone who has ever met Tori remembers her. She’s got one of those personalities.”

Lahval and Nayez strolled into the room, emanating menace.

Charlotte sucked in a breath. She shot to her feet and moved behind her chair. As if that would protect her. “Stay away from me.”

“You’re being rude and uncooperative,” Nayez pointed out. “We don’t allow anyone to be disrespectful to our mate.”

“Mate?” Charlotte’s gaze flew to Emily. “You let these monsters claim you?”

Emily shook her head. “You’re not here to judge me. This is your last stop before you’re taken to a penal retraining camp. You will be interrogated by Kobar operatives who don’t give a damn about anything but attaining information. Is that really what you want?”

Charlotte’s chin lifted as disdain twisted her lips. “I’m a minor. We both know they won’t do shit to me.”

“Generally age is a consideration when it comes to criminal behavior,” Nayez told her. “The one exception is treason. You better start talking, little girl. The supreme commander offered us this opportunity as a personal favor to Sector Leader Four, but even their friendship will not save you if you persist with this attitude.”

“Fuck you,” she snapped. “I’d rather die with my soul intact than become a Kobar slave.”

“How about your mind?” Brydon said from the archway. “Would you like that to remain intact as well?”

She looked at him, but wisely held back her smartass remark.

Brydon advanced, gaze icy, expression locked in a mild sneer. He was much more convincing as the ruthless hard-ass than Nayez had been. Of course, Brydon wasn’t pretending. He motioned toward Lahval. “My third is a powerful telepath. Not only can he read minds, he can also mine information. Though the skills are similar, the first is basically harmless. The second can result in permanent damage. I will ask you a series of questions. Answer honestly and I will use my influence with SC Byrne to keep you out of one of our detention centers. Refuse and Lahval will assist me.”

I think you’re all full of shit.

It took Emily a moment to realize she had heard her sister’s rude thought rather than her comment. She looked at Lahval. “Why am I hearing her thoughts?”

Charlotte scoffed. “You expect me to believe that? What did I just think?”

“You said we are all full of shit.”

Her smug smile faltered then faded.

“It’s our mind-link,” Lahval told Emily with a tender smile. “You’re connected with my mind, which connects you with my abilities. It will become permanent once we are soul-bonded.”

“Should I come back when you’re finished?” Charlotte grumbled. “Watching you two fawn all over each other is making me want to puke.”

“Clearly your parents indulged you too often,” Brydon growled. He moved in front of the chair Charlotte was standing behind and clasped his hands behind his back. “Where is Vixen’s hideout?”

“No clue.”

Brydon looked at Lahval. “What are you sensing?”

“Her emotions are all over the map. I’m not yet sure.”

Nodding, Brydon returned his gaze to Charlotte as he continued, “How many rebel encampments are there?”

“No clue.” She uttered the two words in a flat, expressionless tone.

Lahval moved forward and Brydon stepped aside. “Picture the rebel camps. Now see them as names on a list. How many are you seeing? Are there only three? No, more. But how many more? Ten? No, less.” Lahval paused then smiled. “She knows of six.”

“He made that up,” Charlotte objected. “I only know of—”

“Five,” Lahval finished for her. “And one of the locations is Vixen’s headquarters, but Charlotte is not sure which one.”

“How did you do that? I only thought about it for a millisecond.”

“That’s all it takes when I’m focused entirely on one person,” he warned. “I spend most of my time and energy shielding my mind from the random thoughts and internal voices of those around me.”

Emily moved to her sister’s side. “The resistance is all but over, Charlotte. Tori was protected by her anonymity, but they know who she is now. It’s just a matter of time before they find her. One by one they will raid the encampments and arrest the leaders. You can’t protect them, and there is no longer a reason to try.”

Brydon uncrossed his arms, but his features remained tense. “You were immediately loaded onto my shuttle yesterday. Did you happen to see what else my security team collected while they were inside the White House?”

“No clue,” she echoed, though her voice trembled this time.

“Computers,” he told her. “Laptops, desktops, tablets, even mobile phones. And not just yours. They took every electronic device in the residence.”

Charlotte’s jaw clenched then her chin trembled. “I just pass messages for them.”

“We know better. You were using your mother’s logins to access confidential information and pass it on to the rebels. I do not know about human laws, but we Kobar consider that treason.”

“If it weren’t for you Kobar, I wouldn’t have had a reason to turn traitor.” Her defiance flared for a moment then disappeared. “Does my mother know I was using her logins?”

Brydon didn’t answer her question. Instead, he said, “You have this one opportunity to help yourself. Tell us everything you know, every location, every name, every piece of intel that the rebels learned from your illegal snooping, and I will do my best to keep you out of prison.”

Charlotte’s facade crumbled and tears escaped the corners of her eyes. “I want to speak with my mother. I have to at least try to explain. I’m not even sure she knows where I am.”

Brydon nodded once, then said, “Activate comm center. Call President Delacroix’s private line.”

They heard the call connect and then Angela said, “Hello, Sector Leader Four, what can I do for you?”

“Mom, it’s Charlotte. I’m here with Em. Her cadre kidnapped me yesterday. Can you please send the—”

“They did not kidnap you! They arrested you, and I have never been so humiliated by one of my children. I thought you were the sensible, steady one. How could you be so deceitful?”

“It wasn’t my fault. I was just—”

“Stop right there,” Angela snapped. “I raised you better than this. Delacroixs own up to our mistakes and do not blame our failings on others. You joined the resistance of your own free will without concern for how your decision would affect those around you. True or untrue?”

“True,” she sobbed.

“You used my logins to ferret out information knowing it was highly illegal as well as making me look like a fool. True or false?”

Emily could understand her mother’s anger, but she generally had more compassion.

Mom, have you known where I was this entire time?” Charlotte sounded crushed by the realization that her mother had not rushed to her rescue. “Please, come get me. I’m s-scared.”

Tears were flowing in a steady stream now and Emily tried to go comfort her.

Brydon stuck out his arm and blocked her way. Your mother is aware of our plan and agreed to help if your sister requested this call.

Emily fought back a smile. She should have realized. Her mother was never this harsh with her ‘baby girl.’ Of course, Charlotte seldom did anything to deserve a harsh reaction. Until now.

“What do you expect, young lady?” Angela continued. “You joined a criminal organization. This is what happens to terrorists. That’s what the rebels are, domestic terrorists. Imagine how it felt to find out my daughter is one of those cowards.”

“I’m sorry,” Charlotte whined. “Please come get me, Mom. I’m really, really sorry.”

“I will come get you when and if Sector Leader Four tells me you have cooperated fully with his investigation. Do you understand what that means? You start talking and don’t you dare stop until every scrap of information you stole from me has been turned over.”

“I will, Mom. I’ll tell him everything I know.”

“Good. We’ll speak again when you’re done.”

Brydon motioned Emily toward Charlotte with a nod and Emily didn’t hesitate. She rushed over and gave her sobbing sister a huge hug. “It’s going to be okay, Charlotte. Everything is going to be fine.”

Two hours later they sat around the dining room table going over the list Charlotte had compiled. They had real names and the corresponding codenames, locations of the rebel encampments and safehouses, even businesses and government officials that were supporters of the rebel cause.

“I’m not sure which one is Vixen’s headquarters,” Charlotte said apologetically. “If I had to guess, I’d say the old hotel in Manitou Springs but that’s just a guess.”

Emily’s hand flew to her mouth but her gasp was still audible. Manitou Springs was spitting distance from Colorado Springs. Would Tori be that reckless? Of course she would. Being that close to the most ruthless sector leader would amuse her to no end.

“Why did you gasp?” Brydon wanted to know. “Where is Manitou Springs?”

“Six or seven miles northwest,” she admitted.

“From here?” His jaw dropped. “That bitch is walking distance from my home?”

“I don’t know that for sure,” Charlotte emphasized. “I’ve just heard people talk about Vixen’s hotel and that’s the only one the rebels are using. Or the only one I know about anyway.”

“Unbelievable.” Brydon shoved to his feet and started pacing.

“If it’s that close, it will only take a few minutes. I’ll go check it out,” Nayez told him.

“I’m coming too.” Lahval hurried after him.

Tense silence fell as the front door slammed shut. Charlotte looked around nervously, so Emily reached across the table and squeezed her sister’s hand. “You did good.”

“From your perspective.” Charlotte sighed. “From mine, I betrayed everyone who is counting on me.”

Emily shook her head. “The rebels are getting people killed. Lots of people.”

“The Kobar are not people,” she said quietly.

Emily tensed. Their parents had taught them to dislike bigotry in any form. Charlotte knew better. “Could I care about monsters? The Kobar are not what you think.”

Charlotte waved away the claim. “You’re brainwashed. It was obvious as soon as I arrived. They have… It doesn’t matter. We failed. I failed.” She hung her head, looking utterly dejected.

Brydon allowed Charlotte to call Angela a few minutes later and the Secret Service arrived a short time after that.

“The young are incredibly resilient,” Brydon pointed out as Emily watched her mother’s shuttle fly away. “As long as she learns from this, Charlotte will recover.”

Emily nodded and started to turn around but another shuttle landed in front of the house. “Your shuttle isn’t marked. This one has some sort of logo on it.”

Brydon stepped up beside her and muttered, “It’s Jesorax. I told him I would update him as soon as our intervention was over. Apparently, he couldn’t wait.”

Brydon went to open the front door but Emily continued to watch through the window. Two massive guards exited the shuttle, checked to ensure the area was safe, then motioned for SC Byrne to alight. With sharp features and penetrating gold-green eyes, Jesorax Byrne appeared even more intimidating than Brydon and that was saying a lot.

“Miss me so much already?” Brydon teased as his friend stepped into the house. The guards remained outside.

“Hardly,” Jesorax returned. “There has been an interesting development and I was in the area, so I decided to stop by and see how the intervention is going.”

“The intervention is over and the youngest Ms. Delacroix is on her way back to Sector Two.”

Jesorax looked at her, but continued to speak with Brydon. “Were you able to convince her to cooperate?”

“With a strong assist by the other Delacroix females, we achieved Charlotte’s full cooperation. I now have a detailed list of rebel leaders as well as the locations of their encampments and more.”

“You trust this information?”

“I do,” Brydon said firmly. “I will orchestrate simultaneous raids on all the encampments tomorrow and Lahval will begin confirming the other information.”

Brydon motioned toward the kitchen, but Jesorax shook his head. “If it’s all over, I won’t intrude. Just send me a copy of the list.”

“I already did.” Brydon accented the claim with a lazy smile.

Fascinated by their obvious comradery, Emily crept closer. She didn’t want to intrude, yet she seldom saw Brydon this relaxed.

Jesorax look around. “Where are Nayez and Lahval?”

“They went to investigate a possible lead on Vixen.”

“They won’t find her,” Jesorax predicted, amusement rippling through his tone.

Brydon’s brows scrunched up over his nose. “Why do you sound so sure?”

“Because Vixen aka Tori Somersby is currently in the custody of Xoktal and his cadre.” Jesorax chuckled, obviously happy about the development. “She was apprehended early this morning after an exhilarating night of hunting.”

“If anyone can tame a highly spirited female it is our brothers.” Brydon’s warm gaze drifted to her as she drew closer.

“I had been looking forward to facing off with Vixen myself, but I’m not sure I have the patience for such a challenge right now.”

“Will your brothers be more patient with her?” Emily asked as she stepped into the foyer. “Tori is a close friend and she was never the driving force behind the resistance. She is only doing this out of love and loyalty for her stepfather.”

Jesorax turned the full power of his gaze on her. “That might be true of her current role, but she was a key player long before Chris Phaeton was arrested.”

He was right, but she didn’t want to admit it. Everything she’d said to Charlotte was true. The rebels were getting people killed, and Tori didn’t have the excuse of being an impressionable teenager. There wasn’t really anything she could do to help Tori, but perhaps she could make things a little less traumatic for other potential mates. “May I make a suggestion, sir?”

The supreme commander’s gaze narrowed and Emily worried that she’d overstepped. “Regarding?”

“Project Evolution.”

“It cannot be undone, if that is your suggestion.”

Working hard to keep her tone respectful, she asked, “When a human female goes through one of your processing centers, are they given information about what to expect and what will be expected of them?”

“Of course. They are prepared emotionally as well as physically.”

“Are they told about Project Evolution?”

A muscle in his cheek jumped, hinting at a clenched jaw. “No.”

“I understand why you have chosen not to inform the general public. However, the females I’m talking about are obligated to serve the cadre for a year. In my opinion, it would help them adjust more quickly if they understood the changes they will likely experience once they become intimate with Kobar males.”

“The nanites are activated by the hormones released when a female is naturally attracted to the cadre. If there is no natural attraction, she will not feel any different than with any other lover. Was this explained to you?” He glanced at Brydon then returned his gaze to her.

“It was, but I can’t help feeling that it is the female’s right to know that her genetics have been altered. Even if the metamorphosis is not triggered, the potential was still created. She has the right to know the nanites are inside her.”

Jesorax crossed his arms and stared past her for a moment. “I will institute the change on a trial basis. If it creates more problems than it solves, I will return the choice to the cadres as it is now.”

“Thank you, sir. I appreciate it and believe most females will also.”

He looked at Brydon and smiled. “This one has a warrior’s heart. Do not let her slip away.”

“Not a chance.” Brydon opened the door for Jesorax then leaned against it after he closed it. “To borrow one of your human idioms, that was ballsy as hell.”

“Someone has to stand up for humankind. I’m just uniquely positioned for the role.”

He chuckled. “Come on, my little warrior, let’s wait for Nayez and Lahval on the balcony.”

They paused in the kitchen to print steaming mugs of lireff, the Kobar answer to coffee, but before they made it to the balcony Nayez and Lahval returned.

“Was that Jesorax’s shuttle?” Nayez asked as he strode down the central hall.

“It was. He dropped by to tell us that Vixen is officially in custody. Was anyone at the hotel or was it deserted?”

“Cars were speeding away as we landed. They headed off in different directions so we had no idea which one to pursue,” Lahval explained. “We walked through the hotel. It had obviously been in use recently, but the occupants deserted it in a hurry. Now we know why.”

Brydon nodded. “Tomorrow we will start verifying all of the information Charlotte gave us, but I forbid any more talk of work until morning. Our mate deserves our undivided attention and it begins right now.”

“We still need to set a date for the actual claiming,” she reminded with a naughty grin.

“Such things are not usually scheduled,” Nayez argued.

She laughed. “We were negotiating about how long you guys were going to make me wait. Brydon said three months and I suggested one.”

Nayez picked her up and draped her over his shoulder then slapped her firmly on the behind. “If Brydon said three months, it’s three months. Now stop arguing or I’ll make it six.”

She wiggled and kicked, knowing he would spank her some more.

“We could let her work off some of the time with sexual favors,” Lahval suggested gleefully. “I would love to feel her amazing mouth wrapped around my cock.”

Brydon pulled her pants down and delivered a few stinging swats to her bare cheeks. “We will continue the negotiation upstairs when she is naked and on her knees.”

Emily grinned, anticipating the hours, no, the years to come with her amazing cadre.

The End