Theirs to Correct by Ivy Barrett

Chapter 7

“Why is she still unconscious?” Nayez’s heart thudded in his chest and his worried gaze focused on Emily’s pale face. He felt the shuttle leave the ground, but couldn’t drag his attention away from their mate.

“Varren used a compulsion to keep her from running after Vixen,” Brydon explained. “He said it’s better to let the effects wear off naturally. However, if she hasn’t stirred when we are ten minutes out, I will give her a mild stimulant.”

Nayez nodded. Brydon and Nayez had flown to Dallas with their security detail. Once Emily headed off to visit the Scotts, Lahval joined them on the eight-passenger shuttle, and the security team moved to the smaller ship.

Brydon placed Emily on Nayez’s lap after retrieving her from inside the Scotts’ house. Nayez refused to move her to the seat beside him. There was plenty of room on the bench-style seat, but he couldn’t make himself let go.

“What can I do for you, Commander?”

The formality in Brydon’s tone made Nayez look toward the front of the ship. SC Byrne’s image dominated the main display.

“We are still sorting through all the information that was confiscated at the Scotts’ house, but a couple of the developments affect you directly.”

“Has Vixen been apprehended?” Brydon asked hopefully.

“Her real name is Victoria Somersby and Xoktal has her scent, or psychic imprint. It is only a matter of time now. Your cadre has served me faithfully and played your part extremely well. Let Xoktal finish the job.” When Brydon remained silent, Jesorax added, “That wasn’t a suggestion. You have other targets, other priorities. You will focus on them now.”

“Yes, Commander,” Brydon said.

“We have the messages and know how they were being distributed. The programmer behind it all, however, remains unconfirmed. The most likely suspects are Emily and Charlotte Delacroix.” Jesorax’s gaze shifted from Brydon to Lahval. “You look as if I’ve just unraveled the mysteries of the universe. I didn’t think any of you would be surprised by this.”

“I am not, sir, but it explains so much.” He pivoted his seat halfway around so he could see Brydon and Nayez. “She wasn’t just protecting her friends. She was protecting her little sister.”

Brydon shook his head, looking a bit embarrassed. “How could we not have guessed that it was something like this?”

“You are absolutely certain that Emily is not involved?” Jesorax didn’t sound convinced.

“Her support has always been indirect. She is not the programmer,” Brydon said emphatically. “I am so sure of it that I would like to interrogate Charlotte. We were unable to bring you Vixen. Give us the opportunity to redeem ourselves.”

Jesorax shot Brydon an impatient look. “You do not need to ‘redeem’ yourselves. You have done everything I asked and more. Still, I was not looking forward to questioning a belligerent teen. I will give you the first forty-eight hours. After that I will have no choice but to question her myself.”

“Thank you, sir. We will make the most of them.”

The connection terminated and Brydon contacted the head of his security team. “Proceed to the White House immediately and take Charlotte Delacroix into custody. I will notify Sector Leader Three that you are acting with the supreme commander’s permission. Take her to Post 4-6A and await further instructions.” After receiving a confirmation, he turned so he could see Nayez as well as Lahval.

“So what’s the plan here?” Lahval wanted to know. He was piloting the shuttle. Brydon sat at his side in the other forward-facing seat. “Do we have an actual strategy or are we just winging it?”

“You never interact with humans, so how are you picking up their vernacular?” Brydon shot him an impatient glare.

Lahval chuckled, his mood irrationally buoyant. Didn’t he realize what was at stake? “I find many of their phrases uniquely expressive.”

“And nonsensical.”

“That didn’t answer my question,” Lahval reminded.

“If Emily chooses to stay with us, convincing her sister to confess will be her first act as our mate.”

If?” Nayez objected, his arms automatically tightening around her.

“It’s time for Emily to choose,” Brydon said firmly. “We cannot force her to be our mate, and I do not want a lottery girl.”

Lahval smiled, unmoved by Brydon’s ominous tone. “She is much closer to surrender than you think. Our trip down here gave me the opportunity to ascertain her feelings. All she really needs from us is reassurance. She needs to know that she means more to us than physical pleasure and eventual offspring.”

Brydon did not argue, nor did he relent.

They lapsed into silence for a time. Nayez brushed the hair back from her face. He wanted to accept Lahval’s reassurance, but he shared Brydon’s apprehension. Insecurity wasn’t a challenge Nayez faced often. Still, he had been tortured by the thought of losing Emily. Like Brydon, Nayez did not want some random female in his life. He wanted Emily and only Emily.

The rebellion would demand their attention soon enough. Tonight they would focus on Emily and advance toward claiming their mate. At least, that’s what Nayez hoped that Brydon had in mind. It was obvious that Brydon was as captivated by Emily as Lahval and him. Sector Leader Four, however, was still heavily encumbered by his past.

“We’re approaching the coordinates,” Lahval said half an hour later. “Looks like you need to wake her up.”

Brydon nodded and got up from his seat beside Lahval. He retrieved the medkit from one of the rear compartments and pulled out an auto-injector. After pressing it against the side of Emily’s neck, he straightened and watched her closely. Nothing happened for a heart-pounding moment, then she groaned and gradually stirred.

Her long lashes fluttered as she opened her eyes and looked around. “What happened?”

“Varren Oseff from Sector Eight put you to sleep with a mental command,” Brydon explained conversationally. “Just relax. The wooziness will pass in a moment or two.”

She sat up far enough to look at the main display. “Where are we?” She still sounded muddled.

“We’re halfway between Colorado Springs and Washington DC.” Nayez used the human terms to make sure she understood the significance.

Blinking several times, she appeared to work through the lingering cobwebs. “Are we heading toward DC or Colorado Springs?” She recovered enough to scoot off his lap and move to the bench beside him.

Brydon stood directly in front of her. There was plenty of room for him to sit down, but he chose to maintain height advantage. Nayez wanted to punch him. A confrontation was not what they needed right now.

“Our destination is your choice,” Brydon told her. “We have made our intentions toward you clear. Now it is time for you to decide what you want to do. If you are interested in continuing our courtship, we will be thrilled to have you. If you are not interested in being claimed by us, we will take you home.”

She made an alarmed sound and pressed back into her seat. “I have to let you claim me right now or you’re sending me home?”

“That’s not what he said,” Nayez tried to soothe her. “All you have to decide is whether or not you want the courtship to continue.”

Brydon shook his head. “Her choice is more specific than that. The courtship will continue only if you are seriously considering us as your mates. The final decision can wait, but your intentions must be determined before we move forward.”

My intentions?” she scoffed, suddenly wide awake and feisty. “What about your intentions? Why the hell would I want to spend the rest of my life with you? You’re cold and uncaring. You won’t let me share any part of your life. The only time you acknowledge my existence is when you want to fuck me. What kind of relationship is that?”

He crossed his arms over his chest, eyes narrowed. His sector leader mask was solidly in place so his words surprised Nayez. “There is validity in what you just said. I have not been accessible to you. Expressing my feelings is hard for me, but I am willing and I intend to change.” He cleared his throat and moved closer. “I love you, Emily. I have since I first saw you. Jesorax gave me first pick of the females on his list. There are one hundred names, but you were the only one with whom I felt connected. I am asking for the opportunity to earn your trust and become a worthy mate.”

Her jaw dropped and Nayez held his breath. If she rejected Brydon after that, this cadre was doomed.

She slowly pushed to her feet and closed the distance between them. Placing her hands on his chest, she reached up and tilted his head down so she could see his face. “I hate that there has been so much pain in your life, but I’d like to be part of a happier future. I didn’t want to care for you. Your indifference toward me really hurt.”

“I was never indifferent to you. I pushed you away because you made me feel vulnerable. The last thing I wanted this badly was to be rescued back on Kobar. As you’re aware, that ended in death and horror.”

Nayez was shocked by the comments. He hadn’t realized Brydon trusted her with the story. “When did you tell her about your captivity?”

“I agreed with the advice you gave Lahval, so I told him he had my permission to share my past with her as well as anything else she needed to know.”

Her first reaction to the news was a warm smile, but gradually her enthusiasm ebbed and anger ignited in her eyes. She lowered her arms and stepped out of reach. “My conversation with Lahval took place before I left the shuttle. That means you knew about my ‘escape’ before it happened.”

Lahval stood and joined them between the bench seats. “You knew it was a setup. So why did you play along?”

She pivoted toward Lahval and Nayez could no longer see her face. “What choice did I have?” she cried. “You told me you wouldn’t upload the files, but Brydon was not going to back down. I would have been locked in the guest suite until—”

“Until we figured out a way to learn what we needed to know without harming you further,” Brydon finished for her. “Your loyalty to your sister was in direct conflict with my loyalty to the supreme commander and my determination to end this deadly rebellion. None of us wanted to hurt you or be separated from you, so we—”

“You tricked me,” she snapped. “You lied to me and deceived me.”

Lahval shook his head. “I intentionally led you to the wrong conclusion, but nothing I said was a lie. It is a technique you have used frequently in the past twelve days.”

“You said that you deactivated my tracker,” she challenged. “I find that extremely unlikely.”

Though Lahval’s expression remained mild, his tone began to harden. Kobar warriors tended to react to being challenged in decidedly physical ways. “I did deactivate your implant. I just reactivated it on the shuttle. What I told you in the bedroom was true.”

“Call it what you like. You intentionally tricked me.”

Waving away her comments, Lahval continued, “Despite my best efforts, you were never deceived. Your arrival kept Vixen at the Scott house several minutes longer than she had meant to stay. If it were not for our trick, she would have been gone when Marissa arrived and we would not have learned her identity. We now know the names of several rebel leaders and you were not forced to betray the people you care about. I believe humans call that a win/win situation.”

Emily’s expression grew even more guarded as she fell silent. Something was clearly bothering her, but Nayez wasn’t sure what. The standoff was resolved. They could move forward, so why was she still upset?

“We know about Charlotte,” Lahval told her. “You don’t need to protect her anymore.”

“My need to protect her has never been more urgent,” Emily argued. “She’s just a child. She’s helping the resistance because it feels rebellious. Human teenagers are drawn to anything that defies authority. Please don’t let SC Byrne arrest her. She doesn’t understand the seriousness of what she’s doing.”

“Fourteen is not that young.” Brydon interjected. “However, the top four members of my security team are on their way to the White House. They will collect your sister and take her to a secure location. I want her to spend the night alone so that when she is brought to our house in the morning she will understand the seriousness of the situation.”

“And what happens in the morning?” Emily asked.

“You and Nayez will have an hour, perhaps two, to convince her to cooperate. If she provides a complete list of rebel leaders as well as the locations of their encampments, I just might be able to convince Jesorax to release her into the custody of your mother. If Charlotte chooses to be as stubborn as you were, things could become uncomfortable for everyone.”

“What does that mean? She’s fourteen years old. Are teens subject to the same consequences as adults under Kobar laws?”

“Of course not.” Brydon was starting to sound impatient. That was Emily’s signal to back off, but Nayez wasn’t sure she knew Brydon well enough to respond appropriately. “Age is a consideration, but so is the severity of her actions. She facilitated communications and logistics for many attacks that resulted in loss of life on both sides. That fact cannot be ignored.”

Emily paused for a deep breath, clearly struggling for composure. “I would like to see the messages. Charlotte is analytical. She responds better to data than emotion.”

Nayez glanced at Lahval and smiled. “We know someone else like that.”

Brydon looked at Lahval too. “How long will it take you to work up graphs or charts, something summarizing the information we received from Jesorax?”

“Not long,” he assured. “I can get started now if you keep an eye on the shuttle.”

Before Brydon could answer, Emily asked, “Does the supreme commander know we have Charlotte? Are you sure there’s no possibility he could take her from your guards?”

“Jesorax gave me forty-eight hours to secure your sister’s full cooperation,” Brydon told her. “If we all work together, I have no doubt we can achieve that and more.”

A tentative smile was Emily’s only response.

“We need to decide on a destination.” Brydon shifted back into sector leader mode, grasping his hands behind his back. “Which is it to be? Will you allow us to court you or would you rather go home?”

She licked her lips and looked at each male in turn. “The only reason I left was to protect Charlotte and Tori. I understand why the resistance must end, but I couldn’t betray a lifelong friend or my sister. I want to stay with you.”

Brydon nodded once, accepting her decision but his expression remained grim. “I believe I speak for the entire cadre when I say that we are thrilled that you have chosen to stay. Our mate will have more rights and freedom than a lottery girl, but we still expect you to obey. Misbehavior will result in discipline. That will never change. Do you understand this and agree?”

“I understand.”

There was a hint of challenge in her tone that made Nayez cringe. She had already earned firm correction. Was she trying to add to the severity?

“But you do not agree?” Brydon’s jaw tightened and he moved a step closer. “This is not the bedroom, but you must acknowledge my role in your life.”

A faint smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she elaborated, “You can relax. I’m not going to rebel. I agree to obey and will accept the consequences when and if I disobey. I will even call you Master, though I like the sound of mate a whole lot better.”

“As do I.” Brydon caressed her cheek with the backs of his knuckles then went on, “Once we arrive at our home, I would like to begin the celebration so we will deal with your misbehavior right now. It will also give us the opportunity to test your willingness to submit. Begin by undressing, mate. I want to see your lovely body.”

She didn’t hesitate. After pulling the sweater off over her head, she sat down and took off her shoes and socks.

Without shifting his gaze from Emily, Brydon told Lahval, “You can work up the summary later. This requires the full attention of all three of us.”

“Summary? What summary?” he joked, gaze locked on their mate.

Standing again, she wiggled out of the jeans and unfastened the bra. Nayez helplessly licked his lips as her round breasts were revealed. Gods, how he wanted to touch her, suck firmly on those sweet rose-colored nipples. Her gaze drifted from one of her mates to the next as she slid her panties down over her thighs.

“Has a cadre ever been so blessed?” Lahval muttered. “You are stunning.”

“Your infraction requires harsh punishment, but I am a selfish bastard,” Brydon told her with an unapologetic smile. “I need to feel your skin warm beneath my palm and watch your cheeks redden as I correct you.” He sat in the middle of one of the benches and held out his hand toward her. “Come, my love. Place yourself over my lap and offer your bottom for a long, hard spanking.”

Her steps lagged just a bit as she moved into position. She accepted her punishment, but it was obvious she wasn’t looking forward to it.

“Legs apart,” Nayez reminded her. “Display the pussy that gives us so much pleasure.”

She moved her legs farther apart and tilted her hips, offering them a much better view of her soft pink hole and the delicate folds surrounding it.

Brydon rubbed her bottom and the backs of her thighs then slowly pulled her cheeks apart. “Her pussy is not the only hole that gives us pleasure. I’ve grown quite fond of this tight opening as well as her wet mouth.”

“Three mates and three holes,” Nayez said softly. “It is almost as if she were designed to please us.”

She twisted around and raised her head, looking up at Brydon. “I thought you couldn’t take me together until you claimed me.”

Her wiggling dislodged Brydon’s hold on her cheeks, so he moved one hand to the small of her back and the other to her shoulder. “We can all enter you, but at least one of us would need to pull out before he comes. If all three of us come inside you at the same time, it will trigger the soul-bond whether you’re ready or not.”

The thought of fucking her while Brydon and Lahval were inside her as well was more exciting than anything Nayez had ever considered. He had enjoyed her while the others were present, even fucked her with one or the other, but never both. Always someone was left out. Soon that wouldn’t be a problem. They would fill her together, move in unison, and come—all four of them—at the same time.

“I think she likes the idea of taking all three of us,” Lahval said, his voice low and growly. “Look how wet it’s making her.”

Brydon slid his hand down to her pussy and explored her damp folds. “Do you want all three of us to fuck you, mate? I know you’re not ready to accept our claim but would you like to find out how it will feel?”

“Yes,” she moaned, raising her hips in obvious invitation. “Yes, please.”

“I think we should form a breeding link and give her an accurate preview,” Lahval suggested.

She reared up off Brydon’s lap and looked at Lahval. “I don’t want a baby right away. I want more time with the three of you and more time for the situation to stabilize.”

“Ending the resistance is the fastest way to stabilize New Kobar,” Brydon told her. “Besides, we cannot get you pregnant right now. You require the final step of transformation before conception is possible. The breeding link will simply give you access to our minds. You would share in our thoughts and emotions, as we share in yours. As Lahval said, it is simply a preview. Will you allow it?”

Nayez held his breath as he waited for her answer. He was a tolerable telepath, but his empathic abilities were minimal. If she allowed the link, all four of them would experience each other evenly for the first time. It was something he desired very much.

“Yes, Master. I think I would like that.”

“Lahval is better at this sort of thing,” Brydon admitted. “I’ll let him get things started.”

Lahval moved forward and guided her back down over Brydon’s legs. “Relax and don’t resist me. The more you struggle, the longer it will hurt.”

Brydon stroked her back and bottom, while Lahval sank into her mind. She gasped and tensed, but only for a moment, then Nayez felt her energy flow across the familial link he shared with the other two. She was uncertain, even a little afraid, but of the unknown rather than them. Lahval expanded the link gradually, allowing everyone to sense the others more clearly.

As usual, Brydon was shielded, present but not fully accessible. He was still terrified that she would reject him, reject them because of him.

Lahval’s energy sizzled with excitement and anticipation. He was hopelessly in love with her and not afraid to share the fact.

Nayez was somewhere in between. He had deep feelings for her, yet wasn’t sure that she was capable of returning their devotion. Resentment ran deep in humans. He simply wasn’t sure that their love would be enough to make her happy within the social structure of New Kobar.

“Wow,” she whispered. “This is really strange.”

“The only way to grow accustomed to the surges of emotion is to experience them. Besides, I’m supposed to be correcting your behavior.” Brydon let a firm slap to each butt cheek reinforce the concept. “Why are you being spanked?”

“Because I ran away from my cadre.”

“What else?” he prompted with another set of firm swats.

The distinct crack of flesh on flesh echoed in the shuttle, stirring Nayez’s hunger and hardening his cock. Blood rose to the surface of her skin, turning her bottom a lovely shade of pink. Nayez couldn’t look away. A well-spanked bottom always made him desperate to fuck.

She held still over Brydon’s lap, but her hands clutched his pant legs, revealing her discomfort. “I refused to tell you Vixen’s name.”

“That is the least of your infractions.” He rubbed her pinkened cheeks, stimulating her nerve endings without causing actual pain. “Loyalty is honorable, but protecting Vixen put others in danger.” He spanked her several times, alternating sides, then he asked, “Were you ever in danger?”

“Not really. Lahval was with me until we reached the Scotts’.”

“Oh, you mean the place where you ended up in the crossfire of weapons?” His next few slaps made her yelp and flex, and finally cry out. Her voice rang out with each hard slap and she wiggled helplessly as wetness gleamed on her folds. Her cheeks deepened from pink to red and the shudder in her breathing told Nayez she was crying even though he couldn’t see her face. “Will you ever run away from us again?”

“No, Master,” she lamented. “I didn’t want to run this time. I just didn’t know what else to do.”

He paused, rubbing her reddening bottom. “If you had told me about Charlotte, I would have protected her. She is your blood and you are my mate, so Charlotte will never be harmed by me or my cadre.”

She looked up at him, tears shimmering in her eyes. “I was never worried that you would harm her, just that you wouldn’t be able to keep the supreme commander from terrorizing her.”

Even in the face of her regret, Brydon did not relent. “If that were a concern, I would have told you. You must learn to trust your mates. We would lay down our lives for you.”

“Yes, Master.” She found the floor with the balls of her feet and stood up, thinking the discipline was over.

Brydon stood as well, but he didn’t comfort her. Instead, he guided her to face the bench, and then bent her from the waist and moved her feet wide apart. Her forearms rested on the bench and her silky hair hung down, once again concealing her face. “My second is going to spank your pussy now. If the pain makes you come, you will not incur further punishment but resist the pleasure if you can. This is still punitive.”

“Why?” She was sobbing openly now, but they could all feel her smoldering desire. The first spanking only whet her appetite for harsher stimulation. “I accepted the spanking without complaint.”

Brydon stroked her back, his tone quiet yet firm. “I am not the only one you were disrespectful toward. You mistrusted and deceived Nayez as well, so you will submit to his discipline.”

“Yes, Master.” She sounded utterly miserable, but her inner thighs were slick with arousal and her scent was heavy in the air.

Mesmerized by the erotic beauty of her surrender, Nayez moved closer. He ran his fingers down her spine then reached under her and squeezed one of her breasts. “You are so damn beautiful. All I can think about is pushing my cock deep inside your soaking wet pussy.” Fucking her would never be enough. He desperately wanted to claim her, demonstrate to the entire universe that this amazing female belonged to his cadre. “But we both must wait for such pleasures.” He reached between her thighs and stroked her wet folds. Carnal hunger washed over him, intoxicating his senses. He needed her so badly he could barely speak. “Who does this pussy belong to?” He resorted to the familiar question because anything more complex was beyond his grasp.

“You, Sir. You and the other two.”

He swatted her lightly, careful to avoid her clit. Her juices coated his fingers and her scent filled his nose. Mine. He needed to make her his, stake his claim on her wet and willing body.

She gasped, thighs so tense they shook.

Forcing down his consuming desire through sheer force of will, he spanked her again, then growled out, “You belong to us. Was it wrong to run away?”

“I will never do it again, Sir. I promise.”

“I hope you mean that, because we will not be merciful if it ever happens again.” He spanked her harder this time, wanting her wetness all over his hand.

She gasped then shuddered as pain swept over her.

Thwack, thwack, thwack, the distinct sound of his hand connecting with her wet pussy drove him wild. Unable to resist the temptation any longer, he pushed two of his fingers into her core and fucked her fast and hard. It was a pale imitation of what he really wanted, but it would have to do for now. She lifted to meet the thrusting of his hand, inner muscles squeezing him tightly. Raw desire flooded his mind. The need was so similar to his that it took him a moment to realize she was the source.

His mate needed him. The realization drove Nayez to his knees. He pressed his face against her spank-warmed ass, grabbing the front of her thighs to hold her still. His tongue drove deep into her pussy and lapped up her salty/sweet juices. Another wave of scalding desire crashed over him. He needed more, so much more. Sucking and licking, he feasted on her flesh, unable to hold back his ravenous hunger for his mate.

A long time later, when the worst of his appetite was sated, he felt her simmering need. “Come for me, mate. Let your next cry be one of pleasure.” He moved lower, licking and sucking her clit.

She squirmed, moaning needfully. He squeezed her sore bottom, adding a hint of pain to her rapidly building pleasure. His lips caught her clit and sucked firmly on the sensitive nub. She cried out sharply and came, shuddering against his face.

* * *

Dizzy and breathless, Emily felt her knees give out beneath her. Nayez caught her around the waist and pulled her back against his fully clothed body. Her tender behind pressed against his pelvis and she gasped. “That hurts.”

He loosened his grip, but didn’t let go. Instead, he turned her around and kissed her. His mouth sealed over hers and his tongue eased past her lips, filling her mouth with the taste of her own pleasure. She loved kissing, but their need was often so demanding that there was no time for tenderness. She sank into the exchange, greedily absorbing the affection he offered not just with the kiss but in her mind.

The link added an entirely new level to their intimacies. Sharing in his emotions assured her that his desire went much deeper than physical hunger. Despite his often gruff exterior and strict rules, Nayez longed for the comfort and completeness offered by a mate and offspring.

“Let me return the favor,” she whispered against his parted lips.

“You have three mates,” Brydon reminded. He moved to one side while Lahval pressed against her other. “Are you making the offer to all three of us?”

Sexual power rolled through her, compounding the ache already thrumming between her legs. “I’ve only got one mouth.”

“One mouth and two hands,” Brydon countered as he turned her slightly toward him. His lips captured her reply, the kiss deep and commanding. His hands moved boldly over her breasts and belly as his mouth plundered hers.

Lahval was waiting when Brydon released her. His kiss was slow and tender, yet he seemed even more reluctant to release her when the other two grew restless.

The rest transpired in a sensual blur. Lahval tossed her clothes to the floor and Brydon urged her to her knees on top of the makeshift cushion. Nayez joined his cadre mates in front of her and framed her face with his hands. Brydon and Lahval guided her hands to their respective cocks, while Nayez slipped between her lips. She slid her hands up and down Brydon’s and Lahval’s shafts while Nayez slid in and out of her mouth.

Nayez was so turned on from spanking and licking her pussy that a few minutes in her mouth was all he needed to bring on his climax. He pulled out suddenly and stroked himself fast and hard until streams of creamy cum jetted from him and landed on her upper chest. Still panting and semi-hard, he staggered back and let her focus on the others.

Brydon surged into her mouth as she closed her fingers around Lahval. As always, Brydon immediately took control, and she was happy to let him. The dizzying rush wasn’t as strong when they came on her rather than letting her swallow, but she still felt lightheaded and euphoric.

Clasping the back of her hair with one hand and squeezing her breasts with the other, Brydon steadily fucked her mouth. She tilted her head back, offering him more pleasure, more of herself. Reminding herself that she was pleasuring two of her mates, she tightened her fingers around Lahval’s cock and caressed him from base to tip. He rewarded her with a throaty moan and rocked his hips in tandem with her stroking.

She felt someone brushing his fingers through her hair and realized Nayez stood behind her. She was surrounded by her mates as they touched, controlled, and enjoyed her. For the first time, she allowed herself to seriously imagine what life would be like if she accepted their claim. She’d flirted with the idea, used it to fuel her fantasies, but it had never been an actual consideration before. She wanted them, wanted the security and intensity they offered, wanted to be adored by three amazing warriors. But could she submit to them body, mind, and soul without losing herself completely?

Brydon framed her face with his hands and rocked his hips with renewed purpose. Lahval slid between her fingers, matching Brydon’s rhythm. She closed her eyes and let their emotions flow into her. Tenderness wove through their exhilarating need, and the affection wasn’t just coming from Lahval. He had always been open about his feelings. She’d seen hints of longing in Brydon’s gaze but never dreamed that he cared this deeply.

Crying out suddenly and pushing deep into her mouth, Brydon spilled his seed down her throat. She swallowed around him, greedily taking every drop of his pleasure. Electric tingles cascaded from her head to her toes. Her core rippled and her clit twitched. The sensations stopped just short of orgasm, but left her warm and sated.

Lahval switched places with Brydon as Brydon righted his uniform. She licked a path from tip to base before taking Lahval into her mouth. He brushed the hair back from her face and tilted her head back. “Look at me, sweetheart. I need to see those beautiful eyes.”

She opened her eyes and met his gaze, surrendering completely to his need. He slid deep then pulled nearly out before thrusting forward again.

I love you, mate, he whispered in her mind. I think I’ve always loved you.

She’d been thrilled when Brydon spoke the words, but this time she could feel the emotion as well as hear Lahval’s declaration. Warmth and affection coursed through her senses as his hips rocked faster. Nayez drew her hands to the small of her back and held them there, giving Lahval more control. She sank deeper into submission, freed by the care with which they dominated her.

Staring deep into Lahval’s eyes, she relaxed against Nayez and let Lahval use her. Her passivity emboldened him. He thrust deeper, making her take his entire length with each steady thrust.

“So beautiful,” Brydon praised, caressing her quivering breasts. “Pleasing one of us gives pleasure to all thanks to our mind-link.”

Sensations and emotions swirled around her, flowing through her, illustrating his point. Brydon’s cum left her almost sleepy, but being able to sense Lahval’s arousal had reawakened hers. The nanites surrounding her clit activated and she moaned.

Please, she begged. May I come? I really need to come.

“I’m almost there,” Lahval told her. “You can come when I do.”

Another moan escaped her but she fought off the orgasm threatening to overtake her. She focused on the steady slide of Lahval’s cock and Brydon’s fingers teasing her nipples. Waiting, struggling to resist, always made her orgasm more intense.

Lahval’s hands wrapped around the back of her neck, his thumbs keeping her chin at just the right angle. “Now, Emily. Come right now!”

His hot seed spurted all over her mouth, ensuring that she obeyed him. She sucked hard, wanting as much as he had to give. Swallowing him down, she savored his taste and the knowledge that she had given them pleasure. Pressure swelled inside her as her body absorbed his essence. She shook, her core pulsing rhythmically. The tension wound, gathering tighter and tighter until she cried out around his cock. And then it sprang free. She cried out, shaking violently as pleasure exploded inside her. Pulse after pulse of sensation blasted through her entire body. She gasped and shivered, riding the high so long that her surroundings blurred.

She hung in the blissful nothingness for several long moments, savoring the peace and utter contentment. When reality came back into focus, she was cradled in Nayez’s arms. The other two knelt beside her looking concerned. She laughed and stretched like a well-fed cat. “That felt amazing.”

“Well, you scared the shit out of us,” Brydon grumped.

“Says the world-renowned warrior?” she teased with a dreamy smile.

“You blacked out,” Lahval told her. “Has that ever happened before?”

She shook her head. “I guess this means no more blowjobs.” She delivered the playful threat with another laugh.

“She’s just cum-drunk,” Brydon decided as he pushed to his feet. “Wrap her in a blanket and let her calm down.”

Lahval had a blanket ready by the time Nayez climbed to his feet with her still in his arms. He sat down on one of the bench seats and Lahval wrapped her in the blanket. He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the forehead. “I adore your mouth. There is no way I’m giving it up. We’ll just have to be more careful how much we feed you.”

“It’s only an issue until she accepts our claim,” Brydon said from the pilot’s seat. “Once we’re fully bonded she can have all the cum she wants.”

She grinned and snuggled against Nayez’s chest. She’d grown quite fond of that delicacy in the weeks since she met her mates. “When will we reach home? I’m more than ready for the promised celebration.”

“Ten, maybe fifteen minutes,” Lahval told her as he slipped onto the other forward-facing seat.

The giddy rush gradually faded, but her contentedness remained. When she’d heard about Kobar mind-links, she’d thought that being that accessible would make her vulnerable. In a way it did, but they were just as vulnerable so it didn’t bother her in the least. What she felt most was security. She didn’t need to wander if what they said was true or if they were just telling her what she wanted to hear. Having access to their minds made it impossible for them to lie to her.

“What are you thinking about?” Nayez brushed the hair back from her face and shifted her until they could see each other.

“I understand what the cadre needs from me. Two weeks ago most of it would have been unthinkable, but I’m not the same person I was when this began.”

He pressed his hand against the side of her face, his thumb lightly brushing her lips. “You have changed us as much as we changed you. I hope you understand that.”

“I do. All four of us are… evolving.” Ordinarily the word would have made her cringe. Right now, she just smiled.

“If we are evolving to better meet the needs of each other, is that really a bad thing?”

She shook her head, but hesitated over the next question. Her foundation was almost as important to her as they were. If they wouldn’t support her need to continue her work with the war orphans, she wasn’t sure what she would do. Her feelings for them had deepened with staggering speed, yet the orphans had no other champion.

They seemed to respond best to direct honesty, so she forced aside her reluctance. “Will I be able to go back to work if I let you guys claim me? My foundation is extremely important to me.”

“Of course. Why would that be a concern?” As if hearing his own words, Nayez looked toward the front of the shuttle. “You don’t have a problem with her foundation, do you, Sector Leader?”

Brydon laughed. “I don’t, but the question should have come before your answer.”

“I apologize, sir,” Nayez said. “It’s hard to refuse our mate anything when one looks into her eyes.”

“I’ve experienced the phenomenon a time or two, so you are forgiven.”

Nayez shifted his gaze back to her face, his expression cautious yet hopeful. “What are your other concerns? What keeps you from committing?”

“The unbelievable speed with which all of this is happening. It can take me a week to commit to a date. I haven’t even known you guys two full weeks and the decision you’re asking me to make is permanent.”

“You can’t compare this to a human relationship.” Lahval pivoted in his seat, looking back at them. “Mating is instinctual for us. A Kobar male generally knows within minutes of meeting a female if she is a potential mate. You triggered bonding fever in all three of us so there is no doubt that you would make a fabulous mate.”

She just smiled, not wanting to give him false hope. She cared for them, was well on her way to loving them, but she wasn’t sure that being the mate of a demanding Kobar cadre was how she wanted to spend the rest of her life.

Turning her face toward Nayez’s chest, she sank deeper into her introspection. The past two weeks had been a roller-coaster ride. Everything seemed exaggerated. The pleasure was more intense, the emotions more chaotic, and so much of the time her mind at been at odds with her body. Would living without such extremes feel peaceful or dreadfully dull?

“Life with us wouldn’t be this extreme either,” Nayez said softly.

She gasped and sat up. “I thought Lahval was the only one who could read minds.”

“You’re broadcasting,” Lahval told her. “It happens when humans are upset or conflicted. He wasn’t intentionally reading your mind.”

She nodded in response to Lahval then looked at Nayez. “What was your life like before you met me?”

“Largely routine,” he told her. “We work, spend what little free time we have with friends, sleep, and return to work.”

“Wash, rinse, repeat,” Lahval simplified. “I think it’s the same for most of the Kobar. Without mates, or even the possibility of a long-term relationship, work is all there is.”

“And when ‘work’ is war, that’s a pretty damn depressing existence,” Brydon summarized.

“Project Evolution isn’t fair to human females,” Nayez’s wistful tone drew her attention back toward him, “but it finally gave us hope.”