Healed by Evan Grace





One and half years later


Today is the day—Colton’s last treatment. I’m not sure who is more excited: me or him.  He’s come a long way, but I’m so proud of him. This past year he decided to go back to school to be a nurse. He wants to work oncology or infusion.

I think to him it’s giving back to those who helped us. For now, he’s just doing his associates, but he’ll do his BSN online. Boy oh boy, does my man look sexy in a pair of scrubs.

Our son is amazing, and I still can’t believe that we were so blessed to have our little wild child. He started walking by ten months, and he hasn’t stopped moving since. He’s our little one-man tornado, causing destruction wherever he goes. My boy loves to snuggle his mama, though, and I love every second of it.

The studio is doing well. We were approached about doing a reality show again, but we declined. They not only want access to our studio, but our homes as well.

None of us are down for that, but we’d reconsider if it was just focused on the studio, and they abided by our rules. Of course, then they declined and that was that. That’s okay, though, because a better opportunity for us could be just beyond the horizon.

My sisters are all doing fabulously. There are babies coming, and I’m excited to be an auntie again. I also love that our kids will all be similar in age and will be just as close as I am to my sisters.

I focus on the task in front of me and grab my Adidas and slip them on. Once they’re tied, I pick up Cole and carry him out to the living room. I set him down with some goldfish crackers, while I double check my backpack to make sure I have a clean outfit, diapers, and wipes.

I grab Cole’s bottles and shove them in my backpack. “Okay, baby, are you ready to go see Daddy?”

He stands and toddles toward me. “Moo, mah, kah. Da, doh, dee.”

My grin is wide because I love his baby talk. “Yep, that’s right, baby.” I scoop him into my arms and kiss his chubby cheek. We head out to the car, and I get him loaded up. We head to the hospital where Colton is having his infusion.

I took today off because I wanted to be there when he rings the bell. I pull up to the valet and throw my backpack on before lifting Cole out of his car seat. He wraps his pudgy fingers around my pink hair and gives me a slobbery, toothy grin.

We head inside and down the long hallway toward the infusion center. The girl behind the counter smiles when she sees us. “Oh my gosh, is this Cole? Your husband said you were coming.”

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. We got married six months ago in a little service at the park that we used to go to when we were younger. It was small and sweet, just the way I wanted it. We haven’t had a honeymoon yet; between Cole and chemo, we haven’t had the chance.

“Yep, this is him.” I grab his hand to make him wave to her, and then he buries his head in my neck. “Are you being a shy boy?” He does his little babble thing, making the other woman smile.

“Colton is in curtain three.”

I smile at her before heading to the back. As I stop outside his room, I see the nurse is pulling his picc line. Colton winces for a second and then she announces she’s all done. She stops by me. “Hey, Heidi and little cutie pie.”

She leaves us, and Colton stands, coming toward us. “Hey, babe.” He holds his hand out to Cole. “Come here, baby boy.”

Our son lunges for his daddy, who catches him with ease. “Dah, do, bah kah,” Cole tells him and then snuggles in close, making my heart melt the way it always does.

Colton leans down, kissing my lips. “Hey, baby. I’m glad you came. Kara should be back in a minute to officially tell me I can go.”

It’s only another couple of minutes before the curvy redhead comes back. “You’re all set, Colton.” She hands him a folder. “You have a follow up with Dr. Wagle in two weeks.” I take the appointment card, sticking it in my wallet. “Okay, guys, let’s do this.”

He wraps his arm around my shoulders as we head to a huge silver bell. I take the folder from Colton, and with tears in my eyes I watch him take our son over to the bell. It symbolizes the end of one part of our journey.

My man looks at me and smiles. With his eyes shining bright, he grabs the string and whips it back and forth, ringing the bell. I cheer and clap along with some of the other staff. Poor Cole looks around like we’re all crazy. The nurses all come and give us hugs goodbye and wish us luck.

It is when we’re walking away the Cole starts waving to everyone, giving them his big, slobbery grin.

We walk hand in hand out to my new SUV, a black Toyota Rav4, and Colton buckles Cole in. He pulls me into his arms. “I will see you at home, baby.” He kisses me hard and then pulls back, smiling.

God, the man looks good. He’s not quite in the same shape he was before the diagnosis, but he’s real close. Hell, since we stopped eating processed foods, I feel like I’m healthier than I’ve ever been.

We head back and find a huge “Congratulations” sign and tons of balloons in our front yard. I know it was our families, and it makes me so happy that they were obviously thinking about us today.

Colton is smiling huge when he climbs out of his SUV. “This is great.” He takes his phone out, taking a picture.

We head inside, and I can’t wait to start celebrating.






I ease out of Heidi’s spasming pussy and roll to my back, bringing her with me. Tonight, we celebrated the end of chemo with a sex-a-thon that she initiated. My parents have Cole tonight, so we can be as loud and as crazy as we want, and we were.

I’m pretty sure her goal was for us to fuck on every surface in this house. We gave it our best shot, but after this—round three—I’m in serious need of a nap to recharge.

Heidi draws patterns on my chest, and it causes goose bumps to pop up all over my skin.

A thought comes to me. “You know, I think you’re the one who healed me.”

She pushes up and looks down at me. “What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything that you wouldn’t have done for me.” Heidi kisses me and then pushes up again. “I love you, and I’d do this all over again if you needed me to. I’ll always fight with you or for you.”

“Fuck, babe. That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. That is why you healed me—you gave me strength when I was wallowing in self-pity. You stood by my side with no questions asked. Even when I was an asshole, you never gave up on me. Thank you for that.” I grab her face, kissing her one more time. “I love you, my pretty in pink girl.”

“Oh, I like that,” she whispers. “You know you healed me too. My heart was broken, and you put it back together. You’re my forever, and I love you.”

I roll us so she’s on her back and I’m between her legs. My cock is no longer tired because he’s standing at attention. “I’m about to show you just how much I love you.”

Her giggles turn to moans, and it’s a very long time before either of us sleeps.




Nine months later, our daughter Harper is born and just like her momma, she’s addicted to the color pink. Shortly after that, Heidi had the tattoo—love don’t live here anymore—over her heart covered by a pink rattle and a blue rattle because my girl is filled with a lot of love.