Healed by Evan Grace

Chapter Twenty-Five




Five months later


I stare down at my son, Cole, and still can’t believe he’s mine. Heidi and I made this beautiful boy, and I’m so in love with him.

He was born a week ago today, and thankfully it was a smooth delivery; Momma and baby did amazing.

The past five months have been insane, but it has made Heidi and me stronger. Two months ago, I entered the maintenance portion of my treatment, and I’m finally on a med that doesn’t make me vomit after every treatment.

That has allowed me to go back to work, which has been great—my employers have been so good to me.

Now, instead of just walking for exercise, which is all I’ve only been able to do, I’m back up to light weights. I’m glad I’m starting to gain some weight. I no longer look gaunt, but I’m still a long way away from looking like I did before.

After Heidi shared her fears with me five months ago, I knew I had to get my shit together and quit wallowing in self-pity. I got myself on the right path and started taking better care of her, and I felt much better physically and mentally.

Don’t get me wrong, chemo has taken its toll on me, but now I’m more myself and feel semi-normal. Heidi and I were able to enjoy the rest of her pregnancy. Since we didn’t know what we were having, we decorated Cole’s room in a light gray and light green. My parents and hers bought all the furniture, and my parents put it together for us.

We didn’t have a baby shower, only because we didn’t want to expose me to germs with my weakened immune system. Now that I’m on the last phase of my treatment, I don’t have to worry about it as much as before, so we’ll probably do a shower so everyone can meet Cole.

I stare down at my son and still can’t believe he’s mine. He came so fast that the doctor told us that she was going to induce Heidi next time.

Cole squeaks in my arms, and I bend down and kiss his forehead. He has tufts of dark blond hair and chubby little cheeks. Heidi’s milk never came in enough, so we’ve had to bottle feed, which is good because I can help with feedings.

Once he’s finished, I put him on my shoulder and gently pat his back until I hear the cutest little baby burp. I carry him into the nursery to change his diaper and then I bring him into our room, where he has a little bassinet that he sleeps in.

I lay him down and wrap the little thingy around him that keeps him swaddled, and it helps him sleep longer, thankfully. The little mobile plays soft ocean sounds for him.

Heidi stirs as I climb into bed. “Is everything okay?” Her cotton candy pink hair is in a haphazard bun as she pushes up in bed.

I pull her to me, and she snuggles in close. “Yeah, baby, it’s all good.” She falls back to sleep, and thankfully I’m close behind her.




Dad follows me into my oncologist, Dr. Wagle’s office. I stop at the desk and give the receptionist my name before taking the seat beside my dad. Mom is getting some baby time while Heidi naps.

“You look better, more relaxed,” Dad says quietly as he leans toward me. “I can tell you’ve put on more muscle.”

I nod. “Yeah I’ve been working out with Ty. My appetite still fluctuates, especially the week after treatment, but I can deal with it.”

The nurse calls me back, and Dad comes with me. They take my vitals and weigh me; thankfully, I’m up another five pounds since my last visit. The nurse directs me to an exam room. She draws several vials of blood and then covers the spot with a blue wrap.

We talk about nothing important as we wait for the doctor to come in.

Dad holds out his phone to show me that Mom sent him a picture of Cole sleeping on the sofa next to her. “He looks like you did as a baby. He is such a good-looking baby.”

I smile and nod. “He’s so chill all the time. He cries when he’s wet or hungry, that’s it.”

“That makes me happy, son.” He slaps me on the shoulder. “You were a pain in the ass.” He laughs as he sticks his phone in his pocket. “Just so you know, Heidi showed me how to make a photo album on my phone. I titled it ‘Grampy’s boy.’”

I can only shake my head. “Of course, you did. Just remember that Heidi’s parents are coming at the end of the week, so you’ll have to share the grandbaby love.”

“Oh, John knows I’ll share the love.”

Dr. Wagle comes in, and I move to sit on the table. “Hello, Colton. I hear congratulations are in order.” He reaches out and shakes my hand.

“Thanks, Doc.” I pull out my phone and show him a picture of Cole. “This is Cole.”

He smiles and then hands me my phone. “What a handsome boy. Now, how are you doing? I know how it is when you’re trying to navigate the new baby thing, and you’re exhausted.”

I shrug. “I’m doing pretty good. I’ve increased my weight training a bit, and it feels good to be lifting again.”

“Great, what about the nausea and vomiting?”

“It’s better. The pills you gave me to take after treatment seem to be helping. My appetite has increased, that’s for sure.” Heidi and I have started eating a plant-based diet.

We make dinner together, and we’ve played with recipes until they were perfect for us, and that’s what I tell him.

“That’s great. Foods that haven’t been overly process are so much better for you.” He examines me and finally peels off his gloves. “Everything looks good. We’ll call you with the results of your lab work, and the next time I see you, we’ll order a scan.”

I shake his hand, and then we wait for the nurse to check me out, before we head out.

We decide to stop for lunch at Urban Fusion, and Nick is in. He stops at our table. “Gentlemen.” I stand to greet him, and we share a backslapping hug. “Lunch is on me today. Order whatever you want.”

“No, we couldn’t, but thank you for offering,” I tell him.

He starts backing away. “You can, and you will.”

Nick ends up bringing out a variety of things for us to try. I only eat a little of each thing because I don’t want to push it with my stomach. We end up taking lunch home to Heidi and my mom.

After my folks leave, I grab my girl and boy and pull them onto my lap. Heidi snuggles against me, and Cole sleeps peacefully in her arms.

This right here is what heaven must be like. To think I almost missed out on all of this. Heidi is so much stronger than I ever gave her credit for. We snuggle for a bit, and then Heidi lays Cole in the bassinet in the living room; she likes to keep him close.

She comes back to me, and we get situated like we always are on the sofa—me with my back against the cushion and her back against my chest. That’s how we lay until we both fall asleep.




I groan as Heidi wraps her lips around my cock. We still have several weeks before we can resume sexual activity, but how could I resist having her gorgeous lips wrapped around my length.

She holds my gaze as she swirls her tongue around the head and then swallows me down. I hit the back of her throat and groan as she uses more suction. I spear my fingers through her hair, griping the strands as she bobs up and down.

Heidi gives a sexy little mewl as she sucks my cock like she’s starving for it. The desire to come hits me too fast. “Oh fuck,” I groan before I shoot my cum down her throat, and my girl sucks every little bit down. 

She pushes up and smiles as she wipes a little of me off the corner of her mouth; fuck, that’s sexy. I pull her on top of me, and she snuggles close.

“Thank you, baby. I can’t wait until I can return the favor.”

I smile as she nods and then yawns. “I’m sleepy.”

“Yeah, baby. Get some sleep, just in case little man decides to wake soon.” Heidi rolls off me and gets settled beside me and snuggles in close. I fall asleep shortly after, and I do it smiling.