Camden by Shey Stahl


I stare at River and the ring on her finger. Long before I knew what the stars had in play for us, River was my friend, and finally, I have one with no end.

“I’m keeping my last name,” she says on the flight back home, Cullen asleep in my arms.

I look up from my son and over to River. “Why?”

She smiles. “Think about it.”

River Rivera. I laugh. “Oh, I never have until now.”

“I have….” There’s a coy grin playing at her lips.

“What about hyphenating it?”

“Nope. I’m a Sawyer.” Her eyes lift to Tiller, who’s asleep on the floor of the plane, something about the seats being uncomfortable and hating flying. “I made a name for myself and I intend on keeping it. Our kids can have your last name and I’ll, you know, wear a ring.”

Our kids will have her name though. Cullen does. They won’t carry the Rivera last name because Jerad doesn’t deserve that and, honestly, I can’t wait to see my dad’s face on that one. “Nice of you.” I smirk, knowing she’ll give in a little, but not a lot. She’s still Savage.

“It should be.” Her eyes land on the ring again. “I’m not a diamonds kind of girl.”

“This I know.” I press my lips to her temple. “Which is why your ring is black.”

“Like my soul,” she teases, snuggling into my side. Sighing, she shakes her head. “I can’t believe you won the Erzberg Rodeo on your first try.”

“I can’t believe we made a baby on the first try,” I reply, my mouth at her ear.

“Okay, stop, or we’re gonna have to try out the bathroom on this plane.”

I grin. “It’s occupied.”

River looks up to see Shade and Scarlet are missing from their seats.

She laughs. “Figures.”

I pull her face back to mine. “But when we get home….”

“I’m holding you to that.”
