Beautiful Outlaw by Emily Minton

Not a Club Whore


All eyes are on us before the door to the clubhouse slams shut.  The tension is thick in the air as everyone scents the fresh meat at my side. I squeeze Shay’s hand and pull her closer to my body. “Stay by my side.”

She looks up and nods.  I can tell she’s nervous, and I wish I could tell her there was no reason to be, but that would be a lie.  She’s fresh blood, new pussy as far as my brothers are concerned.  Until I claim her, she’s fair game.  At Nina’s, she was safe.  The boys knew she was under my protection there, but bringing her here makes it a whole new ballgame. 

I look around the room until my eyes finally seek out Tin-Man and Rollo.  Giving her a light pull, I lead her to them.  I take my place at the table between them and pull Shay into my lap.  Her body is rigid at first, so I place my lips against her neck.  “It’ll be fine, baby.”

After a second or two, her body relaxes into mine.  Then, she snuggles in closely and wraps her arm around my side.  I can tell she’s nervous, and it makes me happy as hell that she’s allowing me to protect her.  I place another kiss on her neck, rewarding her for her trust, before lifting my eyes to Tin.  “Brother.”

“What’s up?” he asks just as he lights up a cigarette. 

Rollo lets out a laugh.  “Judging by the hot piece on his lap, I could probably tell you what’s up.”

I cut my eyes to him.  “Don’t.”

He throws his hands up in the air and laughs even harder.  “I was just fuckin’ with you, man.”

“Not about her,” I say, rubbing my thumb along her ribs.  “She’s not a club whore.”

Rollo looks at Shay then back to me.  “I can tell that.”

Tin butts in, getting us back on topic.  “What’s going on?”

“I need you to take a ride with me,” I answer, giving him no further information.  I’ll tell him more later.  For now, I don’t want to talk about this shit in a clubhouse full of our father’s lackeys.

“If the riding has anything to do with the woman sitting in your lap, I’m in.” He shoots Shay a wink then looks back to me.  “Especially, if she’s the one doing the riding.”

I look down at Shay, trying to judge her reaction.  She’s smiling, fuckin’ smiling.  “The only riding she’ll be doing is on my bike.”

He ignores me and looks right at her.  “Come on, Shay.  You know you want me to take you for a ride.”

She shakes her head but never loses her smile.  “Nope, Bowie already told me to stay away from you.  You’ll have to wait ‘til he’s not around and ask me again.”

My arms tighten around her, letting her know I don’t like the game she’s playing.  Then, I realize that it’s the first time I have seen her smile since she heard about her mom- a real fuckin’ smile and I love it.  Just like me, my woman lets her worries go as soon as she gets on the back of a bike. 

Tin-Man throws his head back and laughs.  “You are going to cause all kinds of trouble for my hermano, aren’t you?”

“She sure in the hell is,” Rollo adds.

Her body tightens again, and she loses her smile.  Finally, she whispers out, “More than you know.”

Tin’s eyes narrow on her, but she ignores him and looks up to me.  “When are we leaving? I really want to see Mom as soon as possible.”

Just by the tone of her voice, I know all her worries are back.  I wish I could take them away, but I can’t.  I can get our asses on the road, though.  “Just a minute. I gotta grab my shit.”

I raise my eyes to Tin-Man.  “We’ll be gone for a few days.”

“Do you need me riding back-up?” Rollo asks. 

“Nah, man, we got it handled.”

He nods before standing up.  “I’m gonna head out then.  If you need me, just call.”

“Thank you, brother,” I say before he walks away, then I look back to Tin.  “You ready?”

He doesn’t ask any questions, just nods his head.  “My saddle bags are still packed from my last ride.”

I lift Shay from my lap and stand up.  “Give me five and meet us outside.”

He cuts his eyes to the hall then back at me.  “Leave Shay with me.  I’ll walk her to the bikes.”

I’m about to say no, when I see Domino leaning against the doorway to the hall.  She looks at Shay then brings her eyes to me.  The smirk on her face says she’s about to cause trouble, and I don’t want my woman having any part of that.  She takes a step forward, and I shake my head.  Luckily, the bitch stops in her tracks. 

Finally, I look down at Tin-Man.  “Take her out.  I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I lean down and place a kiss on the top of Shay’s head then motion for her to go to Tin.  As soon as she is safely by his side, I make my way to the hallway.  As I pass Domino, I mutter,  “Get the fuck in my room now.”

I walk straight to my door and swing it open.  She steps in a second later.  “I thought you said you’d never invite me in here again.”

Ignoring the sarcasm dripping from her voice, I place my face inches from hers.  “If you fuck with my woman, I’ll bury your ass.”

Her eyes go hard, and she moves even closer.  When her lips are just a hairsbreadth from mine, she lets out a quiet laugh.  “Why the fuck would I bother your new whore?”

Every damn word out of her mouth is pissing me off even more.  It takes every bit of self-restraint I have not to knock her fuckin’ teeth down her throat.  “Don’t fuckin’ talk about her like that.  She’s nothing like you, and we both know you’re the whore.  I’ve dished out enough money for your pussy.”

“You seemed to like this whore just fine when I was sucking your dick,” she replies, running the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip.

She looks me up and down, eyes settling on my crotch.  Not even a twitch, my cock wouldn’t rise for her if she was sucking it right now.  Just watching her attempt to seduce me has it shriveling up.  How the fuck did I ever touch this stupid bitch?  “Don’t even try it, Domino.”

“Why not? You don’t really think that new little piece you brought in is really gonna hang around for long, do you?” She looks at me for a second, trying to find the answer to her question.  “You can’t be that stupid.”

Just the thought of Shay leaving causes an ache deep in my chest. As far as I’m concerned, she will stay.  If Shay has other plans, she better change them.  “Even if she doesn’t stay, I would never fuck your rotten cunt again.”

“I’m an Old Lady now, so I don’t need your ass.”

I take a step back as what she just said sinks in.  “Who the fuck claimed you?”

“Someone with more power than you.”

Her words shock me to the core.  There is only one person in the whole fuckin’ club that she could be talking about, but that bastard has never put his colors on any woman.  “My father?”

She laughs again; this time it comes out like a cackle.  “Oh, your brother didn’t tell you everything that happened while you were gone, did he?”

“You’re fuckin’ lying. You’ve gotta be,” I say, fisting my hand against my leg, barely controlling the fury boiling up inside of me. 

She shrugs, a bitchy smile playing on her lips.  “I’m telling the truth. Just ask the spic.”

The words are barely out of her mouth before my hand is wrapped tightly around her throat.  Not caring that touching another brother’s woman could be a death sentence, I lift her by the neck and carry her to the wall.  Slamming her against it, I start to shout.  “I don’t give a fuck who claimed your skank ass. If you ever call my brother that again, I’ll kill you.”

“I can’t breathe,” she gasps out. 

Her eyes are round and filled with fear as she claws at my hands, but I don’t fuckin’ care.  I send my fist flying into the wall next to her head, splintering the sheetrock.  “Do you understand?”

She does her best to nod, but my hand is so tight that she can barely move her head.  I squeeze once more before I toss her onto the floor.  I look down at her as she gasps for air. “I’m done with your shit, bitch.  Don’t come near me again, and if I even see you breathing the same air as Shay, you’re done.”

With that, I walk over to the closet and grab my bag that’s still packed from my last road trip.  Not bothering to look back, I step out of the room.  Then, I walk out of the clubhouse, not caring that a shit storm will be waiting for me when I walk back in.  That bitch deserved everything she got.