Beautiful Outlaw by Emily Minton

Brothers for Life


I slam into Domino again and groan, “fuck,” into her neck, when my phone starts to ring for the third time.  “Shit, babe, it could be Cash. We have chapel in a few hours.  He probably needs me.”

She huffs out a frustrated breath and pushes against my chest.  I barely have time to roll off of her before she leans over and grabs the phone.  She tosses it toward me then crawls out of bed and walks to the bathroom.  “At least you got off.”

I smirk at her, wrapping my hand around my still hard dick.  “Only once, darlin’.  If I’m not mistaken, you screamed out my name three times.”

She smiles as she walks into the bathroom.  “If you’re off the phone when I get out of the shower, I might have time to give you a blow job before I head to work.”

I watch the door shut behind her naked ass as I sit up and toss the condom into the trashcan next to the bed.  I take a second to think about her lips wrapped around my cock, before picking up the phone.  Sliding my finger across the screen, I lift it to my ear.  “Make it quick.”

“Bowie, man, I need your help.”

The sound of the voice on the other end causes me to sit up straighter.  It’s the voice of someone I rarely talk to but think about all the fuckin’ time.   “Lock, that you?”

He lets out a bark of laughter before replying,  “I haven’t been called that since I left the sandbox.  I’m a civilian, or as close as I can get. It’s just Jeremy now.”

Fuck that, he’ll always be Lock to me.  He is one of two men I call brother, even though they don’t wear a Savage Outlaw MC patch.  Lock, Shooter, and I were in basic training together.  Luckily, we were shipped out in the same unit. Then, we served in the Army together for nine years, fighting side by side more times than I can count. When we got out, I returned to the Outlaws.  Shooter went home to his woman but ended up finding a club of his own, the Hellions.  Lock joined the police force.  We all live different lifestyles, but it didn’t end our friendship. 

“What do you need, Lock?”

He’s quiet for a minute before letting out a deep breath.  “It’s Laura.”

“What the fuck?” I ask as I swing my legs over the side of the bed and grab my jeans from the floor.  “What the hell happened to her?”

I’ve never met his sister, but I feel like I’ve known her for years.  During endless hours melting under the desert sun, we would shoot the shit.  I talked about the club, Shooter talked about his girl back home, and Lock told us all about his family.  Laura, his little sister, was the main topic of conversation most of the time.

At first, I listened to him talk about her just to cut through the boredom.  That all changed when he showed me a picture of her.  She was a little over seventeen and hot as fuck.  From that point on, I absorbed every word he had to say about her.  To him, she was his little sister. To me, she was prime spank bank material for the lonely nights. 

“Shit, man.  Her husband, he’s a damn nutcase.”

That’s nothing new.  The bastard married her when she was barely eighteen, and he was in his forties. Lock, Shooter, and I were still in Iraq at the time.  I don’t know much about their marriage, other than Lock’s stories stopped soon after, and I never saw another picture of her again.  Pulling on my pants, I bend down and grab my boots.  “What did he do?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

Tugging a boot on, I respond, “Try me.”

“I don’t have time, Bowie.  I will, but not right now,” he says, sounding like he’s about to break. 

Grabbing a tee from the dresser, I pull it over my head then grab my cut off the back of the closet door.  “Just tell me what I can do to help.”

Most people I would be telling to kiss my ass.  I don’t get in other people’s shit; I have enough problems of my own with my fucked up father trying to run the Outlaws into the ground.  But for Lock and his sister, I would do anything they need. 

He’s quiet for a minute, long enough for me to pull out a Marlboro and place it between my lips.  “Brother, you know I’m here for you, so tell me what you need me to do.”

“I want you to take care of my sister for me. I need you to get her somewhere safe, hide her somewhere that crazy bastard can’t find her, until I can get this shit straightened out,” he finally answers, his voice filled with anguish.

“What the fuck, man?  Is she hurt?”  Just imagining some motherfucker putting his hands on her has me mad as hell.  The feeling has nothing to do with my dreams of her; instead, it’s all about the pain it’s causing my brother.

“No, Bowie.  Not the way you’re thinking, at least.”

Growing up with a bastard for a father, I have a pretty good idea of what he means.  Cash never laid a hand on any of his women, but the fact that he had more than one in his bed at a time caused a hell of a lot of pain.  “I’ll take care of her.”

“Do you have someplace safe that she can go?”

I’m about to tell him that I’ll take her to Nina’s, when I notice Domino’s panties laying near the edge of the bed. They’re light blue, so sheer they’re nearly see through. They looked fuckin’ amazing on her, but I bet they would look even better on Laura.  I stare at them for a second more before a slow smile spreads across my face. Yeah, I’ll keep her somewhere safe, in my bed. Unlike her husband, she’ll be the only one in it until she is gone.

“Yeah, I have somewhere for her,” I state, still smiling.  “You bringing her to me or you want me to come get her?”

“I need you to get her.  I’m putting her on a bus in a couple of hours.  She should reach Madisonville around midnight tonight. Can you pick her up?”

“Why the hell are you sending her there? I don’t mind the ride, it isn’t that far, a little more than two hours, but why the hell don’t you have her come into Owensboro?”

He sucks in a deep breath, letting me know how nervous he is.  “Madisonville is far enough away from you and the club that her husband will have a hell of a time tracking her to you.”

For the first time since we started talking, I feel a tingle of real unease about the situation.  It sounds like there may be more to this story than just her husband getting his rocks off with someone else. “Is it that bad?  Should I be expecting this dickhead to show up at the door?”

“I hope the hell not,” he says before lowering his voice to continue.  “If he does, everything she has done will be for nothing.  Her whole life will be wasted.”

What the hell?  “Man, I think you need to tell me what the fuck is going on.”

I hear the sound of a car door opening just before it slams shut again.  “I really don’t have time.  I only have a few hours to get her shit sorted and head out of town.  I’ll call you later and fill you in.”

Shoving my wallet in my back pocket, I start to wonder what the hell I’m getting my ass into.  “Just tell me- do you think this bastard will cause trouble?”

“Not if he doesn’t find out she’s alive.”

His words stop me dead in my tracks.  “What the fuck, man?”

Before he can answer, I hear a feminine voice in the background.  I can only guess it is his sister when I hear him ask if she’s ready.  They talk for a minute more before he asks, “Will you be there to pick her up?”

Finally lighting my cigarette, I pull in a long draw.  “Yeah, but I need a little more information than just Madisonville, around midnight.”

“She’ll be at the Greyhound station at 11:55.” He’s silent for a moment before he continues in a hushed tone.  “She has red hair now. She looks nothing like she used to.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll see,” he answers, still in a near whisper. 

Well shit… there went my fantasy, but it sounds like I need to be more concerned with her safety than getting my dick wet.  “I’ll be there, Lock.”

“Take care of her, Bowie, please.”

I can hear the fear in his voice, and I have the urge to drive to North Carolina and kill the fucker who put it there.  “I will, man, promise.”

Without saying goodbye, he hangs up.  I pull the phone away from my ear and shove it into my pocket.  Walking over to the dresser, I stub out my cigarette in the ashtray and turn to the door.  I only make it a few steps before Domino walks out of the bathroom, covered in only a towel.  She lets it drop before walking over to me and laying her hand on my chest. 

“You’re not running off, are you?  I thought we had plans,” she says as her hand makes its way down to my jeans covered cock.

I look across the room at the clock and see that it’s still early; I don’t need to be at chapel for a while.  Looking back at her, I slap her bare ass.  “I’m not going anywhere until I’m finished with you.”