Beautiful Outlaw by Emily Minton

Not my Old Lady


I walk into the clubhouse just as dawn is breaking. I walk straight to the bar and tap its top.  “Give me a shot of Jack and a beer.”

It only takes the prospect a minute to get my order.  Walking away from the bar, I see an empty table at the back of the room and take a seat. I grab the shot and toss it back.  A vision of the pain in Laura’s eyes is playing on a loop in my mind as I swallow the fiery liquid.  I’m irritated as fuck, mad at myself for putting that look in her eyes.  It was like she was breaking in two, but too damn proud to show it.  I felt like shit for just dropping her off, but a woman like that doesn’t belong at the clubhouse.  Nina’s is the safest place for her. 

I lift my beer to my lips as Tin-Man sits down next to me.  “Hermano, glad to see you’re back.”

“Glad to be back, brother.”

“Took her to Mamá’safterall?” he asks with a smirk.

I nod my head but don’t bother replying.  No need to tell him that the girl I thought I wanted in my bed turned out to be an uptight bitch.  Shit, that’s not true.  She may be about as uptight as a person can be, but there wasn’t a bitchy bone in her body.  I swear, looking at her reminded me of a broken glass.  It was like she was begging me to put her back together.  That shit ain’t happening.  I don’t do commitment, and a woman like her would want it all. Even if I did want an Old Lady, she isn’t what I want on the back of my bike. 

“Not what you were expecting, huh?”

“Nah, man, she’s nothing like I thought she’d be.  Doesn’t matter, though. Nina will take care of her.”

“If Mamá’s not around to do it, Priss will.”

I smile, thinking about how our sister will react to Laura.  Shit, Shay.  I have to start thinking of her as Shay.  “Priss will have a hell of a time with Shay.”

His eyes narrow when I say her new name.  He doesn’t ask any questions, though.  “If anyone can fix a broken soul, it’s our hermanita and Mamá.  A woman running away like that, her soul is probably shattered.”

I nod in agreement. Shay will be fine at Nina’s.  She has to be, because I can’t help her.  I’ll protect her, but that is all.  “She’ll find her way.”

He’s about to reply when the sound of heels clicking against the concrete floor draws my attention.  I turn my head just in time to see Domino walking my way.  As soon as I lay eyes on her tits, barely hidden behind her shirt, my dick goes to half-mast.  A slow smile spreads across my face as I lift my chin to her.  “Domino.”

“Bowie,” she purrs as she slides into my lap, barely fitting between me and the table.  She grinds her ass against my dick, turning it to stone.  “I missed you.”

I’m just about to lay my hand on her lap, but her words cause me to pause.  She’s been getting needy lately, texting and calling while I’m on the road.  Even worse, she somehow ends up in my bed nearly every damn night.  If her pussy wasn’t so damn good, I would’ve kicked her ass to the curb a long damn time ago.  

I place my hand on her hips and lift her from my lap.  “You’ll have to miss me a while longer, cause I’m talking to my brother right now.”

She looks between the two of us before a pout forms on her lips.  “I guess I’ll have to wait.”

“Yeah, you will,” I say with a hard nod.  “Now, go.”

She lets out a nervous laugh.  “There’s no reason to be such an ass.”

“Get the fuck away, right now, or I’ll show you how much of an ass I can be.”

She hesitates for just a second before turning on her heel and heading toward the other free pussy hanging around the club.  “That bitch is getting clingy.”

“You don’t know half of it, Hermano.”

I look to him, not liking his tone. “What the hell are you talking about?”

He takes another pull from his beer before answering.  “She’s been hanging around here all night, waiting for you.  One of the prospects wanted a piece, but she told him no, said that you had claimed her.”

“What the fuck?” He better be lying, or Domino will be learning there is hell to pay for running her mouth.

“She’s here all the damn time, making herself at home.  The other bitches are calling her your Old Lady.”

I jerk my eyes back to her, glaring at her skank ass.  “I fucked her a few times, but that’s all.  A bitch that’s been passed around by half my brothers will never wear my patch.”

“You’ve done more than fuck her a few times, man.  She’s been in your bed for nearly a month.  You haven’t had a piece of club pussy in weeks. That’s a first.”

“That’s not true,” I say with a shake of my head.  “I had Noelle in my bed a few nights ago.”

“Look around. Do you see her now?”

I scan the room, only seeing a couple of stragglers from last night’s party. “It’s six in the damn morning. Everyone’s asleep.”

He shakes his head.  “She hasn’t been back since the day after she was with you.  I heard Domino ran her ass off.  I’m not sure what really happened, but I know she asked Cash if she could be moved to the house on Front Street. She’s been working for Belle ever since.”

“No fuckin’ way.  She begged to get out of the flop house, hated the customers.”

Some of our girls don’t mind turning tricks; Noelle isn’t one of them.  She doesn’t mind selling her pussy, but she doesn’t want to sell it to strangers.  She had a bad john not long after she started.  After that, she pleaded to work the clubhouse.  We may be a bunch of thugs, but other than a few of the brothers, most of us treat the girls with respect. 

“I guess whatever Domino threatened her with was worse than being worked over by a customer every now and then.  Plus, Homer and a few of the boys have been making stops over there.  Someone in a cut on the property keeps the trouble down.”

“Fuck! Domino’s pussy is stellar, and she gives a killer blow job, but that’s it.  Her thinking that she’s going to be my Old Lady is just a fantasy.”

“Her pussy is toxic.  It latches on to your fuckin’ dick and doesn’t want to let go.  When you’re balls deep, it feels like heaven, but as soon as you shoot your load, you realize how bad you’ve fucked up.”  Tin-Man shakes his head.  “You’ll wear scars from that shit for years.”

Setting the nearly empty beer on the table, I lean back in my chair.  “I don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about, man.”

“She’s going to cause you problems, Hermano, especially when she lays eyes on your hidden treasure.”

I don’t have to ask who he’s talking about.  “She’s never going to meet her, because Shay is never going to be within a mile of that bitch.” With that, I stand up.  “I’ve had a long damn night. I’m hitting the bed.”

“Sleep well, Hermano.  I’m heading out, riding the lead to Nashville.”

“Ride safe, brother.” I lift my chin before heading to my room.

As soon as I walk through the door, I shed my clothes and climb into bed.  Folding my hands behind my head, I lean back and close my eyes.  Sleep comes fast, and dreams of Shay follow closely behind.  Sweet fuckin’ dreams.



As sleep clears from my brain, I feel a weight on top of me.  I’m about to reach under the pillow for my extra piece, when the strong scent of perfume reaches my nose.  Instantly, I know who is in my bed, and I’m fuckin’ irate.  Shrugging Domino’s body from mine, I climb out of the bed.  As soon as my feet hit the floor, I kick the mattress so hard it nearly comes off the frame. 

Domino’s eyes open as she reaches up to grab the headboard.  She barely catches herself from sliding to the floor.  She slowly sits up and runs a hand through her tangled hair before looking up at me. “What the hell, Bowie?”

“Why the fuck are you in my bed?” I ask, furious with her. 

“I fell asleep,” she explains, dropping the sheet and giving me a view of her ample tits. 

I know what she’s trying to do, but it’s not working.  My dick wants something else, someone else to be exact.  “Explain to me how you ended up falling asleep in my damn bed when I never invited you into it.”

She looks away, staring at her hands.  She’s doing her best to look hurt, but I know better than that shit.  Domino has never been hurt by anything except not getting her damn way.  “I asked you a question, and I want a fuckin’ answer.”

She finally looks up, anger flashing in her eyes.  “I came in after you fell asleep. I’d been sitting at the fuckin’ bar all night, waiting for you.  I wasn’t going to run away just because you were in a shit mood.”

I lean down, placing my face only inches from hers.  “Listen to me, you stupid bitch.  Never walk into my room without being asked, and just so you know, that’s not gonna happen anymore.  If you pull shit like this again, or if I hear about you telling anyone else you’re my woman, you’ll never step foot on Outlaw property again.”

“Bowie...” she starts, but I cut her off.

“Get the fuck out of my room before I throw your naked ass into the hallway myself.”

She opens her mouth to say something else, something that is probably going to make me even more pissed, but shuts it when someone bangs on my door.  Without waiting for a reply, Cash walks in.  He looks from Domino to me. 

“You can get your rocks off later.  Right now, I want you in my office.”  He turns around and walks out without another word. 

My eyes follow him until his shadow fades down the hallway, then I look back at Domino.  “Get your clothes on and get the hell out.”

She starts to say something else, but I shake my head.  “I don’t have time for your shit, and I never will.  Now, fuckin’ go.”