Sexy SEALs by Sarwah Creed


“They’re where?” Lucy asked, like for the fourth time, since I sat at the lake talking to her.

I ran here as if they were chasing me. I didn’t think that I could run so fast. Then again, I used to run when dad was chasing me, he said that I needed to do some sport. He was the active one in the family for sure.

“And you’re on the phone talking to me. Your Nan will eat them up alive.”

“You mean Judy.”

She laughed, “Oh my, they say age makes some people grow up.”

We both laughed in unison at the idea that my Nan just wasn’t one of them.

“Seriously, why are you talking to me? You need to get your ass back home, and find out what they want?No, forget that, they want to be quarantined with you.”

I choked. “I need to keep running in the opposite direction!”

“Kiara, they came to see you. Damn, what I would do to be quarantined with one, let alone two of my ex-men, and you have the whole getting to know each other and all that kind of thing. I mean this is just what you need, yeah this is exactly what you need to make you feel…”


I slumped on a branch and hurt my butt doing so, she was right I was too sad. Scared to come home, in case in some wrapped up way, it meant that I stopped missing him. Scared of graduating and not doing with my life. Just plain old scared. No one had ever been with me, and there were not one SEAL, but two. Yet, here I was running away from them, I needed to grow a bone. The same one that I’d grown when I wrote to them.

“Hey!” I heard a voice call out from behind me.

“I think that one of them is here.”

“Oh you lucky girl,” Lucy said before hanging up, and then I turned around to face Adonis, whose blue eyes shone as he moved closer towards me. I realized then that he was hot. A lot hotter than his photo. He towered over me at six foot two and his athletic frame made me feel as if he was way out of my league.

But that smile, the shiny white teeth that belonged on the cover of a magazine, and those sky-blue eyes that glistened in the light. He was that way, because I was in front of him, and no more did I fear him, but welcomed him with open arms.

“What the hell? You guys are here?”

He nodded. “Come here girl, give me some love. You don’t know how long we’ve wanted to see you.”

I smiled as he lifted me up, as I struggled to reach the top of his shoulders. He was tall. Really tall. He made me feel so short with my five foot, six-inch frame.

I smelled his cologne, and I felt as if I could just stay in this position forever, until he squeezed me just a little too tight and I screamed.

“Put me down!”

He laughed, “Sorry, I got a bit carried away. Four months and we finally meet.”

It was then that it hit me, the reason why I came to hide. He was perfect in every way and I felt so subconscious as he put me down and then smiled at me once again, but I shifted my eyes away from his gaze.

“You’re everything I imagined and more.”

He put a smile on my face. The same way that he did when he first replied to my email. I decided I had to stop being a chicken and face the fact, the guys spent quarantine with me, they must have thought of our messages as something special, just how I’d done for the past few weeks. There was one thing that bugged me, how the hell did Chaz know Adonis?

* * *

I was just headingto the kitchen, to help prepare for later this afternoon, when I heard my name being called out, by a voice that I didn’t recognize. I turned to face, Chaz, but he was with another guy. His dark eyes shone as I approached him. His wide shoulders, were greeted by a guy on the other side of him.

“Hey,” I smiled, trying to think of something else to say, but I was stuck. Speechless. He was at least six foot two and I felt like a small, quivering mouse as I approached him.

“You’re working?”

I nodded.

“Oh, it’s just that I want you  to meet my best friend. Funny, one night Adonis and I were talking and then we figured we were talking to the same girl.”

Shit, they’d caught me a while a go, and neither of them said anything. I didn’t know whether to laugh or run, like I’d done earlier.

“Anyway, with Adonis heading here, and my best friend who isn’t a SEAL, wanting to come too. He said that he would come down and quarantine with us, your mom has got no rooms, so we’re bunking.”

I realized why I was attracted to Chaz differently compared to Adonis. He loved to talk, he was the chatty one out of the two, Adonis could be but not as much as Chaz.

“Does your friend have a name?”

His friend. His best friend, as he’d described him was quiet. Maybe a little too quiet for me, because he didn’t say a word, but his emerald eyes felt as if they were stripping me down from head-to-toe. I shifted from one leg to the other, as his lips parted and he didn’t say a word.

Not one.

“David stop doing that, you’re freaking her out. His name is …yeah, you just figured it out.”

I started laughing, but stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Well, I knew my granddaughter had taste, but not this sort of taste. Now, are you going to introduce me’”

That was the crazy, part Nan could call me granddaughter, but I wasn’t allowed to call her Nan in public.

Chaz smiled, “Granddaughter, I thought you were her sister.”

Nan purred, “Oh my. Handsome and charming.”

Then she walked to the other side of Chaz, and no more was she interested in being a part of the conversation that she was engaging in before, as Chaz charmed his way to her heart and they headed to the reception desk, leaving me alone with David.

“I may bunk with Chaz, but that shouldn’t stop you visiting.”


I shook my head, “I don’t even know you.”

He nodded his head, slowly and then his hand rolled on top of his jet black hair. He was dressed differently too, with his olive skin and matching polo and black pants. It was as if he was a businessman. I could ask Chaz later, right now he was too busy flirting with Nan.

I laughed, as I decided I wasn’t getting anywhere with David, and I should be on my way. He swiftly blocked my way.

“I didn’t say that this conversation was done.”

I was about to tell him, I did and we weren’t really talking.

“You can visit whenever you like. The door is always open.”

I should have told him, to fuck off. Who did he think he was? But I didn’t, instead I just nodded my head, and he moved out of my way. David was the quiet one, but I could tell by the lust in his eyes, he didn’t want me to go to his room to talk. He had something much dirtier in mind.