Sexy SEALs by Sarwah Creed


There was a knock on my door, and I was exhausted, because ever since I came back home. It had been all systems go, and we didn’t have enough rooms. So, mom moved in with Nan. Something that she did sometimes when there was an overflow, so I learned yesterday when we finally sat down and catch-up.

“Hold on!” I shouted as I struggled to get off my bed. It was late getting to ten, but it felt like the middle of the night. I was that tired.

As I opened the door I was shocked to find Chaz on the other side of the door his dark eyes and dirty blond hair, just made him feel just as cheeky as he was in his emails.

“You keeping the bed warm, I see?”

He said as he raised an eyebrow. He’d been jogging, he was wearing shorts, and his shirt gripped to him. The same way that I wanted to do right now. I couldn’t get over his chest. Everything about him was perfect, from his dark eyes, to athletic body. I wondered if down there, was a good size too and if the dick picture he sent me back then, was really his.

“You thinking about joining me in the shower?”

I shook my head, “No. I. Just.”

He laughed, “You were never this tongue-tied on email, or even when we started sending messages to each other.”

Yeah, that was because it was email. I didn’t have you dripping wet in front of me, making me come up with nasty thoughts. I closed my eyes thinking that this had to stop. It was late, and I had to catch some zee’s to help with the breakfast and setting up in the morning.

“Has your mom ever told you it’s rude to stare?”

I shook my head, I really was speechless, as I saw his groin lift, and then I held on to the doorframe.

“This has been interesting, you’re exhausted or….”

And on that note, he left me hanging, it was clear what he was going on about as I saw his groin move up, before he swiftly disappeared. I looked down and my nipples were hard. I had to have a cold shower tonight, I couldn’t get Chaz’s body out of my mind and as for those oval lips, I just wanted them all over my body.

* * *

You busy?C

I’d been up early working in the morning, and I was supposed to be lying down until the rush hour this evening, but when I wasn’t working or with one of the guys, I was just lonely.


Then there wasa knock on the door. It was funny, because he sent me a message and clearly he already knew the answer to the question, or maybe he was checking, before he knocked on the door.

“You are too funny!”

“Grab your shoes and we’re going for a swim,” he winked at me, and I noticed he was wearing just a white shirt, and matching shorts.

“Ok. Will grab my bathing suite too.”

He waved his finger at me.

“Nope, you won’t need that. Just shoes. Grab them and let’s get out of here.”

He was a man, that said what he wanted and there was no messing around, I was about to refuse, but then I decided I was kidding myself, I had a feeling that we were going to swim, but from the moment he said that I didn’t need my bathing suite, we would not wear one.

“People might see us,” I said as I approached him, and he was so near that I could smell his woody scent and his dark eyes glowed.

“Isn’t that part of the fun?”

He pulled me close to him, I was so close that my lips could easily be nearer his, but he would not kiss me here. No, he saved that for the lake, because he was a man on a mission and there was clearly no one stopping him from doing exactly what was on his mind.

“Right!” I pulled away from him, and grabbed my shoes.

I giggled, like a little girl as he moved away from the door and I did the same, and we were on our way to the lake.

“This time is usually quiet. Most people are eating this time.”

I corrected him, “Yeah, but when the weather is like this, then some like to eat by the lake.”

“They could see us.”

I stopped and repeated what I said, from the time he said that we should go to the lake.

“Yes. But only if we let them, I saw a spot earlier that I think is a little quiet.”

“So, you like the outdoors.”

“Kiara, you do not know how much, but you’re about to find out.”

* * *

We walked to the lake,hand-in-hand, each time he caressed my hand, as if he was taking care of me. He would stop sometimes, to help me over some rocks and to make sure that I was safe. It was sweet to know that he wanted to protect me.

“Right, here it is!” he said as we came to a complete stop and no more was I worrying about if I was about to break my neck and my focus was on the ground, but at the surroundings.

It was funny, he’d only been here two weeks, and he’d already found out a spot, a nice quiet one. I was just about to protest once more, when I saw that not only had he started talking his clothes off, but his shoes, too.

“What are you waiting for?” he screamed, as he pulled down his shorts and I could tell that he was gifted, really gifted. His cock swung between his legs, as he hoped up, on a rock and then dived into the lake. I licked my lips, no more did I feel like the shy, inexperienced girl as I thought about my lips all over his cock. I wanted to taste it so badly, I didn’t think that I would ever feel pleasure from tasting a cock, but I did right now as I craved it, as I threw my clothes to the side and then joined him in the lake.

I hesitated with my underwear, but then shrugged and thought what the hell?

He’d done it, then why the hell shouldn’t I. Besides this was part of the adventure. I swam to be near him, as he put his arms behind a rock and was waiting for me.

“I want to fuck you. But I can’t use condoms here,” he growled as I drew closer to him and realized that between my legs, was his big fat cock.

I shook my head, “Don’t worry. I’m on the pill.” I’ve been on it for years, ever since I had a terrible ache problem and the doctor told me it would help clear it up. That didn’t mean that I shouldn’t be using condoms, but I’d been teased too much recently that the idea of him not fucking me, meant that I would have two hot SEALs with me, but none of them wanted me, not really. Not how I wanted them so badly.

I wanted to tell him I was a virgin, I hadn’t had sex, but it just seemed silly. I knew that there was more to come, and I wasn’t shy about admitting that I wanted every, well, inch of it.

My body ached for him as he spun me around and enveloped my body. It was as if he were not in the lake, the water was smooth, and he had full control.

“I want you so fucking badly. Hold on to me!”

I took a deep breath, slowly laying my hands on his shoulders as he pulled me up to wrap my legs around his waist. He pushed inside me with no warning, and I let out a long breath of surprise mixed with satisfaction. He fit inside perfectly, as though he’d been there many times before.

I hummed in between his growls. “Shit, I fit inside you like a glove. You’re so fucking tight! Kiara are you…?” His voice trailed off as he was lost in it all.

I realized I wasn’t enjoying it as much as I should have done, because I was tense. That’s when I let go, and he took me. I grasped him, so that I could steady myself with my hands.

“Don’t stop,” I gasped as I realized that no more was I feeling the pain, it was as if my wetness and being in the water had eased him into me and it didn’t sting how it’d done once we started, I felt so warm. The coldness that I felt as I swam into the lake, had subdued and it was as if we were making our own private jacuzzi as the bubbles formed in the water. He didn’t even kiss me. His mission was one of fucking me, and I was relishing in every moment. Holding on to him, our cheeks side by side, as he manoeuvred for me to cradle in and out of him.

“Your wish is my command,” he snarled as he held on to my waist and picked up the pace.

Chaz was making animal noises and I could feel every pulse of lust and every soft edge as he continued to rock back and forth.

“Beg me to make you come.”

“Make me come!” I said with no hesitation, I wanted him to do what I’d dreamt about having done to me.

I said it with passion as if I really meant it, “Make me come hard!”

He didn’t say a word as his body did all the action and I felt as if I had a raging fire burning inside of me. My muscles contracted as his hardness filled me up while stretching and claiming me. My moans sunk lower into my throat as flooding sensation filtered through to my brain. And then a fire exploded that left me trembling and feeling as if I couldn’t breathe. I was gasping for air, and it didn’t take long for him to do the same as a rush of heat, then a roar escaped him while his fingers bit into my side. He slammed his cock inside me, one more time and forced my body against him.

“Fuck!” I whispered as I trembled in his arms, my cum was so explosive, so much more than Rambo had ever done. No more was I virgin, and I smiled at the idea of it.

“That was fucking wild,” he said trying to catch his breath. I could still feel him inside of me, even after he came.

“I’ve never…” I don’t even know how to explain it.

I felt as if he’d sucked the last piece of energy out of me. I nodded, knowing that he couldn’t see me. But between lifting me up and pulling me close to him. He pressed his lips against mine.

“I know, you were a virgin.”

I nodded, feeling embarrassed about my status.

Then he pressed his lips against mine, and I parted my mouth, encouraging to do more. He slipped in his tongue and this time he was a lot gentler, then he pulled away.

“I should have kissed you, made it more special.”

I shook my head. “You already did, by bringing me to the lake and skinny dipping. Now just kiss me already.”

He didn’t refuse, as his tongue entwined with mine. I didn’t know how long we were going to stay at the lake, neither did I care. This for sure had been one of the best days of my life, and it was all thanks to him.