Sexy SEALs by Sarwah Creed


Light Lake was an enormous success. So big that the B&B was always booked up, and near-by motels the same because of it. Women flew in from all States to see the group. My group, that I was at the stage that I was recruiting new men. Well, Nan and the boys were, because the guys didn’t want me to get any ideas.

Not that I would.

I was more than satisfied not just with one of them, but all of them. They were all I could want and more. My role around the B&B had changed from being hands-on, to be being more hands-off, especially seeing as I was expecting, not one girl, but three.

Yes, I thought I would go to college and come out with a bright future. Like every student who goes to college, that was their goal. But I got more than I bargained for, five years after the death of my dad, I finally mourned. When he died, I didn’t even cry and months after, I couldn’t even think of anything but being with him. This was why I wrote to Adonis, Chaz and Mateo. I wonder about Mateo what he is up to, and if my life would be totally different without him. Out of curiosity and nothing else.

I talk to Lucy once in a while, her life is different now. She’s not the girl with a RH like she was in college. The opposite as she said she would be after it was all over. She’s married with a baby on the way, like me. With the husband that her parents picked out. She’s happy, something that I didn’t even think was possible, but seeing her life planned out seemed to be the golden ticket for her. And she may not be a top designer and traveling the world, but she said that she had enough experience that she didn’t need to go to design school and opened a boutique in New Jersey.

Amanda settled down too. I never thought that would be possible, but she never went home and has promised to visit next month. I didn’t think that she was just coming to see me. No, she said, she was coming here for her bachelorette party, seeing as we may travel freely once more, and the quarantine period helped stop the cases rising and putting this virus not to an end, but not from spreading, not like it did back in 2020.

I should sit down and be relaxing. If I wasn’t that would be the case, but I’m checking the bookings, and making sure everything’s in order for the next show. Nan aka Judy is out picking out the next B&B for the new show. She has found a little niche in life, it seems one thing for sure, Judy’s great at entertaining and keeping people happy that is for sure. She promises to be back before the babies are born, but I’m not sure what she plans to do when she’s here. The only thing she has done and continues to do is talk about her past, and let everyone know she was famous.

She was.

She still is in my eyes.

I close my eyes as get up and away from the computer and decide that I really need to lie down. Mom’s on a dirty weekend with Ken, the local baker and the man that’s been putting a smile on her face for the past year.

Everything about my life was working out. As I headed to my room and crawled into my Queen-sized bed I smiled, thinking about life not only with my babies. Our three little daughters that will be born any day now, and my three men too.

As for Rambo. I keep him close at night. Not that I need him, or have had to use him, but as a reminder of what I used to be like, and what I’ve become.