Sexy SEALs by Sarwah Creed


Did I dream about everything that happened last night, or did it really happen?

I opened my eyes, to discover myself not only in the arm of one man, but two. Yes, it really happened. No doubt Adonis, must have got up early for his morning run. He had the energy of a bull, not just in the bedroom, but out of it too.

I smiled, as I closed my eyes repeatedly and opened them again, thinking that this was better than a dream. Better than anything that I could ever imagine in my life.

“I need to go,” I said as I crawled out of their arms and dragged myself out of bed. I knew I had to get out of bed and show my face. After all, I wasn’t into living here for free, and I had to help with the business and maybe possibly another extension.

I smiled as Chaz eyes open as he grabbed my arm.

“Hey, where you running off too.”

I said cheekily “Some of us have to work.”

He nodded, and then pulled me in closer for a kiss. I knew that if I lost myself to him, I wouldn’t be going downstairs to work I’ll be staying even longer in bed.

I pulled back. “Seriously, Chaz. I have to go.”

David stood up, with all his glory showing, and he scratched his head, before he started heading to the bathroom. I rushed to the closet and grabbed anything that I could find, and put them on, before the guys changed my mind.

As David came out of the bathroom, he followed suit, as I took my run to brush my teeth and freshen up before going downstairs. David wasn’t a morning person. I knew that from the start, so as I came out and saw that he’d put his shoes on and was heading out of the door without a word. I knew better than to take it personally. I smiled about them being perfect on the inside, but then they had these little quirks. Some would think are rude, or even inconsiderate, but they were just being them.

The same way, that I didn’t feel the need or desire to be anyone else, whenever I was with them.


I turned and as expected, Chaz was sleeping. Adonis would joke that his best friend could sleep through a war; which was probably what was doing when the bomb hit. That was the part that I loved about them, they would laugh about it, but I knew that their time on the field was far from a joke.

I shut the door and headed down the stairs. I had a spring in my step and it started from the moment the guys told me I didn’t need to choose, and it wouldn’t end until the day came to a dramatic end.

“Mom,” I cried out, as I saw her heading down in front of me.

“Hey. I didn’t think that I would see you here today,” she winked at me. I stopped in my tracks feeling embarrassed that my mom knew what I had been up to. That was something that I had to get used to, we didn’t have a relationship before, but it was something that I was working on, and I knew I came home for a reason and it wasn’t just to help around the B&B but to be part of my family again.

“We weren’t making noise were we?”

She choked. “Well, there was one guest who came to see us. But don’t worry, your Nan talked about the good times, and they soon forgot about it.”

I sighed. “You know Adonis had a good idea. The barn at the back, he said to maybe to convert it into a place for you guys.”

We continued walking side-by-side, because it was at that point, that I realized something that I never ever thought about, the future. Sure, we were together, but what did that mean? The guys would stick around? Visit? Or what?

“He has it all planned out, then again he isn’t the only one, your Nan too.”

“Oh, you mean Judy?” I said raising an eyebrow.

Mom said, “Why do I always forget?”

As we reached the end of the stairs, and I never thought about mom moving on from dad, or even the little time that they spent together the idea that she spent so much time alone.

“What about you mom? Are you going to find someone special?”

Again, she winked, “Who says that I haven’t.”

I was just about to ask her, who was the lucky guy. I was glad that she could openly talk to me about it, but as soon as we hit the reception desk, there was a crowd behind it.

“Mom, what’s going on? Who are all these people?”

She smiled, “Get behind the desk, and help me. We have a show in the hall tonight.”

I froze as everything about what mom had said just a few seconds ago, hit home. There was a flyer with David, Chaz and Adonis face on it. They were half-naked and called the Light Lakes. It was then that I realized Adonis planned to make this his home, he planned to put on shows and raised the money that way. I smiled at the idea of it. I would love to see them on stage, our own Magic Mike in town. It was a brilliant idea. I was happy that they thought of it, but I could see how Nan was taking in the bookings, that she had a little more to do with it.

The good part about it all, was that was when it was all said and done, they would come home for me. Women could look all they wanted, but I would be the one that they would touch, every night.