Sexy SEALs by Sarwah Creed


Icalled the guys to my room. It was bigger than the three of theirs, I wanted them to know something, well this was happening, quarantine was ending and they would be on their way.

We’d never sat down and just spoken about my relationship with the three of them, until now, I didn’t even know that they knew each other, until they came here. There was a knock on my door, and then I took a deep breath, ready to face the music. Dinner time, was over and I needed to know what their plans were and to put all the cards on the table.

I knew Chaz and Adonis over email, but I’d never really sat down and taken the time to get to know them since I’d been back.

I opened it, thinking that all three of them would be on the other side of the door. Adoni’s blue eyes lit up as soon as he saw me. I was worried, that I didn’t look as excited.

“Where’s the other two?”

“Hi, to you too Kiara. I came alone. I want us to talk.”

I nodded, and then shifted out of the way, motioning with my hand for him to enter. I felt as if my heart was beating out of control as I shut the door and lingered in front of it for a few seconds. Then I turned to face him.

He appeared to be just as nervous as I was, as sat at my table and stared at the floor. It was late, getting to midnight and as much as I wanted this conversation, part of me wanted to tell him to forget it, and leave it for another day.

He opened his mouth to speak, and my heart felt as if it’d come to a complete stop, as I backed against the door for support.

He stood up a little, and motioned his hand for me to come nearer. As I did, he swept me in his arms. This time, I was sitting on his lap. Adonis, always had a way of making me feel safe, and I did as I sat and stroked his face, and he stroked my arm.

“We don’t know what to do with ourselves. We know that you’ve been with the three of us. We know we want to be with you, but we’re not sure how.”

“You mean? Why choose?”

He nodded in confirmation.

“That’s the thing, you say that now, but then I remember my friend, Lucy.”

“Your roommate?” He asked.

“Yes, in college, she said that it was great at first, having three guys, but then there comes a time when one gets jealous. Or it just gets complicated.”

He stroked my arm, and then moved up to my face. I loved his hands, they were slightly rough, he had a farm and used to work there before joining the SEALs, but he would always touch me so gently.

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. I couldn’t believe that I wanted them to choose, but it felt as if they had discussed it, and they didn’t want me to do it.

“We’re grown men. We know what we want, and you don’t have to Kiara. This is the real reason I came to see you alone, to find out if you would have not just me. But all three of us.”

I pressed my lips against him, thinking that they were thinking the same thing as I was, which meant that Lucy wasn’t right. There was a way to be with them all, but they had to all be on board with it. That must be the difference between her guys and mine. I didn’t have to let them go.

I broke our kiss.

“I’m right where I want to be.”

I confirmed to him.

“And me.”

This time, I opened my mouth, and he slipped his tongue inside of it. My hand moved to pull him closer towards me. The feeling that he brought out in me, made me feel alive. Not just Adonis, but all three of them.

* * *

Finally,I had a day off. I could do that, now the quarantine was over, and we were free to do whatever we wanted and that meant spending time with my three men.

“Oh, I’m more than ready, Kiara. I’ve been thinking about nothing else for the last two hours,” Adonis spoke as Chaz turned the television off. “I think what you need, my dear, sweet girl…”

Chaz paused as he stood up, in a pair of low-slung black pajama bottoms now, to walk towards me. Chaz stalked up to me until I had to look up at him, my eyes full of curiosity and longing. What was he going to do? What was he going to say, more importantly?

“I think you need…” his words trailed off, holding me in suspense as his finger trailed down my face and his other hand pulled my hands up over my head. “A good, hard fucking.”

My head spun as his tongue traced a wet path up my neck. Why did that feel so good? David tasted me, gathered my scent in his nose, as if he wanted to make sure he could find me later by smell and taste alone. That tongue moved up to my earlobe where he whispered to me.

“You’ve been fucked twice now, but it’s my turn, Kiara, and I’m not always the gentlest of lovers.” David’s teeth bit down on my ear, for only a second, just hard enough to get my attention. It made my nipples go tight and every other part of my body come to life.

“I like to make sure my lover knows I’ve been there.” His lips moved down to my neck, to suck in a spot that made me want to cross my legs to press my pussy into submission. Or to wrap my thighs around his so I could ride it like a madwoman.

I wanted to do so many crazy things and new things that his provoking words teased me into thinking. I squirmed there beneath him. Not to get away or make him stop, but because I wanted more of all the naughty things he wanted to give me.

His teeth scraped the supple skin of my neck as he stopped sucking there and pulled away. It was only him and me, the others sat on the couch and watched. That was fine with me, but I kind of missed them at the same time.

His hands moved down to my bare bottom to slide a finger between the rounded flesh there.

I looked up at him, my eyes wide with shock. Surely, he didn’t want to, I looked up at him and gulped. Oh, he did, that deep stare declared he did. He wanted to fuck me outside.

He lifted my shirt, then Chaz’s finger touched the base of my neck before it slid down my back. Every inch made me shiver as the finger moved down, closer to my ass. When he reached that wide part of me, his hand came down to clasp my skin. A soft slap made the skin of my other cheek burn, and I looked back at him.

His other palm smoothed over it and I felt the burn increase but in a way that felt… good. Oh.

“Just let me guide you, Kiara.”

“Give me your hands,” Chaz said quietly and I did as he asked.

I felt something silky wrap around my hand before he pulled me up. From behind, he pushed my hands in front of me and then tied the other hand. I felt every inch of him pressed into me, and he was hard. Ready for the festivities. Very ready.

It was a black, satin ribbon, but it didn’t matter. He hooked a length of the ribbon around a hook that must be some kind of plant hanger or something. I didn’t know, didn’t care. I was fascinated. Where was I about to go now?

“I’d blindfold you…”

I hadn’t expected him to slide his cock into me so quickly, but my body was ready for it. My hips surged back to meet his thrust as he slowly pulled back out. I didn’t want him to leave my body. It felt so good to be opened with his long, thick length and I didn’t want it to end.

I felt the thick power of his thighs tight against my ass as he thrust back in. Only it wasn’t just a thrust. He fucking slammed into me and I felt my hips bang into the wall. More pain, but it centered my mind, brought me a sting of pleasure that I hadn’t known I was capable of.

I wanted to move my hands, to dig my nails into whatever I could reach. I wanted to give just as much pain as I got because it felt good. I’d never been told to enjoy pain before, to relish being marked, but I did. It was only light marking, anyway. I wouldn’t go home with bruises on my hips or anything.

I clutched at him as held me in place by the tie. I groaned in frustration as a wildness suddenly released inside of me I didn’t understand. I just felt it and wanted to release it. I pulled at the ribbon, but it held fast, and I couldn’t get free, no matter how hard I tried. I gave up, the only way I could release this caged animal inside of me that wanted out was by voicing it and thrusting back at him.

I set a pace that he couldn’t keep up with, not until he took control of my hips in a punishing grip. That’s when Chaz showed me his own wild side. He all but fucked me into that wall, and I couldn’t keep up. All I could do was feel as he hit the right spot, deep inside of me, that made me scream his name.

My nipples were hard little pebbles that tugged against his chest. Each tug was pleasure/pain, a burn that went to my untouched clit. But that didn’t matter, the drive of Adonis’s cock into me was enough. Fuck was it enough.

I gripped the bed so that I could brace myself to move, just an inch higher, just to the spot where I needed him to hit directly with that luscious cock of his.

A whimper broke from my throat as he thrust right into me, repeatedly. I screamed again, a guttural sound that more a roar than a scream. I felt like I was about to turn inside out and I wanted to do just that, as my eyes rolled back up in my head.

“That’s it, Kiara. That’s it, baby,” Adonis urged me on again, to a higher place, but I was still higher than I thought I could go. My body buzzed with delight, with pain as muscles that were already well-used strived to take a little more punishment.

“I’m going to be right behind you, Kiara. Right behind you, baby.” I felt him pulsing inside of me.

I felt my walls clench at him as pleasure rocked me one last time. I felt the way he pulsed harder when he felt that clench. My responses prompted a response in him, as it had with the others. I was fascinated and wanted to test out this clenching thing further, to do it on my purpose, not just by accident.

I felt his body go slack behind me and knew we were done. Adonis was finished, and so was I for now. I was exhausted and in need of a nap.

Chaz came to pick me up. He lifted me without effort until I was in his arms. Chaz moved to untie my bonds as Adonis lifted me and I was free.

“Let’s take you to bed, sweetheart.” Adonis kissed my forehead. “You deserve it.”

Adonis carried me to the bed. I looked up at him as he put me down on the bed, my t-shirt now back down around my hips.

“We’d all planned to sleep in here with you tonight, but I think you need some rest,” Adonis, now in pajama pants of his own, spoke to me as he crawled in a curled up behind me. “I’ll stay with you tonight if that’s alright?”

“It’s perfect,” I murmured, a little too tired to think about something better to say.

“Let me cover you up, Kiara. It’s always cold in these bed-and-breakfast rooms.” Adonis pulled a slate gray duvet up over us and I snuggled down into the lush mound of pillows against the headboard.

I felt myself snore as my eyes closed all over again. That woke me back up to hear the chuckles of my three lovers behind me.