Unexpected Lovers Box Set by J.B. Heller

Sebastian didn’t even balkwhen I told him I’m heiress to one of the biggest publishing houses in the country. Then again, I didn’t blink when a sleek white Range Rover pulled up and we all piled in.

He doesn’t strike me as a guy who comes from money, though. He’s not a pretentious prick for starters, and then there’s the fact that he didn’t go to college. This car would suggest it wasn’t for lack of funding.

“Why didn’t you go to college?” I ask.

The GPS instructs him to make a left. He does then clears his throat. “I went for a year, then Storm fell pregnant. College was always her dream, not mine. So, I dropped out, got a full-time job until Ever was born, then switched to a night-shift job afterwards so I could look after her through the day, and Storm could go back to classes.”

I stare at his profile as he maneuvers the car through the packed Manhattan streets. “What about your parents? Where were they?”

His shoulders tense. “They’re not part of our lives anymore.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, placing my hand on his rigid thigh.

He scoffs. “Don’t be. We’re better off without them. When Storm refused to get an abortion, they told her she was ruining her life and destroying any chance of a decent future. Then, when their bullying didn’t work, they disowned her.”

My jaw drops. “I thought you meant they’d passed away, not… that.”

“They may as well be dead. The only time they’ve tried to make contact in the last five years was when Storm and Jake’s wedding announcement was published, and they found out she’s marrying into money. Fuck them,” he says with finality.

I give his thigh a squeeze. “Yeah, fuck them,” I parrot, and when he side-eyes me, I grin. “Like you said, you guys are better off without them.”

He returns my smile, and my heart clenches in my chest. “Thanks,” he murmurs.

Thank God Everly is still singing louder than a freight train, so she didn’t pick up on our potty mouths. A few minutes later, he pulls into another parking garage, and we pile out. Sebastian drops his keys into the attendant’s hand, then we hit the street.

Everly is practically vibrating with excitement. “I wub shopping,” she chirps, smiling up at me from her spot in the front of the futuristic-looking stroller.

“Me too,” I tell her then ask, “What are you going to buy today?”

She shrugs her little shoulders wrapped in a fur-lined jacket. “I dunno yet.”

“I’m sure we’ll find you just the right thing,” I say, and she nods, smiling brightly as her eyes devour the shopfronts.

“So,” I say, matching my steps with Sebastian’s, “what exactly are we shopping for today?”

His grin makes my stomach flutter with butterflies. “I can’t exactly let you come to the wedding in a T-shirt and yoga pants.”

“Pretty sure that wouldn’t have the desired effect,” I say, making him frown down at me. “I’m not going to be making anyone jealous if I look like I’ve just rolled out of bed.”

His eyes heat, and I’m thrown back to the night of our video chat. Sebastian licks his bottom lip then says so quietly that only I can hear, “I like that look on you. In fact, I’d like to see it again.”

My cheeks flush, and I smirk at him. “I bet you would. Now, back on topic. What’s the dress code for this shindig? Will I be shamed if I don’t arrive in Prada or Marchesa?”

“Umm.” His face scrunches adorably. “I’ve heard of Prada, but I have no idea who the other one is.”

I give him my best condescending-heiress smile and pat his cheek. “Looks like today is going to be very educational for you, then.”

He grimaces. “Can’t you just pick a dress, I’ll pay for it, and then we can get the hell out of here?”

Throwing my head back, I laugh. If he thinks I’m letting him pay for a designer dress, especially after he just told me what he did for his sister, he’s insane.

“What’s so funny?” he asks, coming to a stop in front of a cute boutique.

“You are,” I say. “I’m buying my own dress.”

His brows furrow. “No, you’re not. I asked you to come with me; you’re doing me a solid. The dress is on me.”

I snort. “And I’m an heiress who has her own money to burn however I see fit. If I want to buy an incredibly overpriced gown, I will.” He’s about to argue—I just know it. So, I pop up onto my tiptoes and brush my lips over his. “I got this,” I whisper then walk backwards into the store behind me.

He follows me in, and I spend the next half hour picking up dresses and waiting for him to nod or shake his head. Once I’ve got half a dozen, I lead him to the dressing room where he takes a seat and waits for me to do my thing.

“If you’re so well-versed in designer clothing, why have I never seen you in anything other than T-shirts and jeans?” he calls to me over the divide.

“My mother taught me well. But since I’m not part of corporate America, I get to wear whatever the hell I like,” I call back.

He hums his acknowledgement, then I exit the change room in the first dress. It’s a beige piece by a smaller design house that only came on the scene a year or so ago. I shimmy my shoulders a bit, making sure Sebastian gets the full effect of the Swarovski crystals as they catch in the overhead lighting.

Ever is the first to comment. “You wook sooooo pwetty, Emwee.”

“What she said,” Sebastian says, his eyes raking over me like he’s never seen me before.

“Yes, no, maybe?” I ask him.

He swallows, his eyes still devouring every inch of me. “Yes, let’s get that one.”

I snort. “Oh, honey, this is just the beginning,” I tell him as I disappear behind the curtain to try on another.

We’re on dress number five when Hazel begins to fuss. “She’s hungry,” Sebastian says, digging around in the diaper bag. He presents her with a pouch of food. Her little hands grab at it, and she shoves the little nozzle in her mouth instantly.

“Thoughts?” I ask, doing a little spin for him.

“Nope,” Ever says, crossing her arms.

I arch a brow. “No? What’s wrong with this one?”

She purses her lips and shakes her head. “I don’t wike bwack.”

“Fair enough,” I tell her then slink back into the change room again.

Sebastian has kicked back, his long legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles, when I exit in the final dress. He bolts upright, his pupils dilating as he takes me in. “That one,” he breathes. “That’s the one.”

I grin, looking down at myself. I do like this one the best. It’s gold and strapless and hugs my curves then flares out just above my knee and cuts off at my calves. I’m barefoot right now, but with the right heels, this dress will be perfect.

“It needs some accessories,” I say, more to myself than anyone else, but Sebastian is up and in my space as soon as the words are out of my mouth.

His hand cups my cheek, angling my face until our eyes meet. “It’s perfect just like this,” he murmurs. His thumb glides over my bottom lip, pressing against it just the slightest bit as he drops his head and whispers in my ear, “I’m trying so fucking hard not to kiss the shit out of you right here, right now. I want you so bad I can’t think straight.”

Oh, holy shitballs. Yes. Please.

“Bash, I’m borewed,” Everly groans.

Sebastian looks at her over his shoulder then returns his gaze to me. “And that right there is why I can’t touch you the way I so desperately want to.” Stepping away from me, he drops his hand to rearrange his package then turns to face his bored niece.

Everly stares him down, and he slides his hands into his pockets then rocks on his heels. “What do you suggest we do to alleviate this boredom, princess?”

Her blue eyes sparkle, and she announces, “Shopping!”

“We are shopping,” he tells her.

She scrunches her nose and shakes her head. “Not wike dis. I wanna hop out. I wanna wear a pwetty dwess wike Emwee.”

I slip back into the change room, remove the dress and redress in my regular clothes, then swish the curtain open. “Do you want to help me pick some jewelry to go with this dress?” I ask Everly.

The little girl beams and nods at me. Sebastian unclips her belt and helps her out of the stroller, then he follows us back into the main area of the boutique.

Everly and I waste no time getting down to business, but we come up empty. She’s surprisingly good at finding things that match the dress, but nothing’s quite right. “I think we need to go to another store,” I tell her when we both agree we’ve run out of options.

Sebastian’s face falls. “Seriously?”

We both nod at him, then Everly places her tiny hand in mine and says, “Wet’s dow, Emwee.”

Good lord, the way she speaks is so freaking cute. I want to run away with her and keep her forever. But that would be crazy—not to mention illegal.

Approaching the cashier, I pull out my wallet. “I’ll just take the dress, thanks.”

Sebastian appears at my side and hands her his credit card. “Actually, I’ll take the dress,” he says, smiling down at me.

When the cashier rings it up and announces, “That’ll be two thousand, three hundred and twenty dollars, and ninety cents,” Sebastian’s jaw drops.

He blinks at her then shakes his head. “Whatever the lady wants, she gets,” he says.

Once on the street, I curl my hand around the crook of his arm as he pushes the stroller. “You didn’t have to do that,” I say.

“No, I didn’t. But I wanted to.”

His eyes bore into mine for what seems like an eternity but in reality is only a moment. He lightly brushes his lips over my cheek and smiles. “Where to next?”