Unexpected Lovers Box Set by J.B. Heller

By the endof the day, I’m exhausted. Everly is a force to be reckoned with when she’s on a mission, and she wasn’t going home until we’d found the perfect jewelry and shoes to complement my dress.

Sebastian pulls over to the curb out the front of my building and gifts me with a devastating smile.

“I’d ask you to come up, but…” I say then gesture to the back seat where both the girls are passed out cold.

His eyes dart to the sleeping beauties then return to me. “I would have said yes,” he breathes, leaning toward me, his forearm braced on the center console.

I close the small distance between us, and as soon as I’m close enough, Sebastian tangles his fingers in my hair and tugs me the rest of the way until our mouths crash together in a desperate kiss. He swallows down the moan that escapes me and strokes my tongue with his until I’m worked up beyond belief from nothing more than kissing.

Pressing my forehead to his, I close my eyes and catch my breath. That was a freaking amazing first kiss. And with that thought, I laugh.

“That is not the reaction I was going for,” Sebastian murmurs.

Moving my face back from his just enough that I can make eye contact, I tell him, “The kiss was aces. I promise. But I was just thinking how awesome it was for a first kiss and realized we’ve watched each other get off, but this was our first kiss.”

His lips quirk into a smirk, then his tongue flicks out to lick his bottom one, making me want to kiss him all over again.

“Ugh, don’t do that. I’ll never leave this car,” I whine.

“Do what?” he asks, his eyes telling me he knows damn well what I’m talking about.

“Stop being all sexy and shit. It makes me want to sit on your face, and I can’t very well do that with two little girls sleeping in the back of your car now, can I?” I say, narrowing my gaze on him.

He groans, “Fuck me.” Then, he takes a deep breath and says, “Get out of my car before you drive me insane, woman.”

I chuckle, scoop up my shopping bags, and reach for the handle when Sebastian’s hand curls around my bicep, pulling me back for one last scorching kiss.

Driving homewith a boner is not ideal, but there’s nothing much I can do about it with Ever and Hazel in the back seat. I pull into the garage, get out, and rearrange my junk before unbuckling Hazel first and carrying her inside.

Storm’s head pops up as I enter the kitchen. “You’re home. I thought you must have forgotten where we live.”

I roll my eyes and take Hazel to her room. When I return, Jake’s already gotten Ever out of the car for me, and he’s taking her to bed. Storm eyes me across the counter, a mug of tea clutched between her palms. “What?” I say, losing my patience.

She grins. “Have a good day?”

“Yeah, it was alright,” I say, turning to grab a beer from the fridge.

“Only alright?” she pushes, and I spin around, beer in hand, in time to see her eyes sparkling with humor.

I flip her off. “Not much I could do to make it better with the girls in tow.”

My twin’s smile widens, and she places her tea on the counter then rushes me. I have just enough time to put my beer on the bench before Storm crashes into me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. “You look happy, Bash,” she says into my shoulder.

“I am happy,” I assure her. When her arms tighten and she makes no move to release me, I curl mine around her, stroking her back. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

She sniffs, and I go rigid.

“Stormy, what’s wrong? Talk to me.”

“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just happy to see you happy,” she sniffles.

“Okay...” I murmur. “Are you on the rag? You’re being super emotional...”

She moves back and swats me upside the head. “No, I’m not on the rag, you asshole.”

“Hey, no hitting,” I shoot back, rubbing the side of my head.

“I can’t leave you two alone for five minutes,” Jake mutters, coming to join us in the kitchen. “Have you told him yet?” he asks Storm.

I’m instantly on alert. “Told me what?”

“We’re pregnant,” Jacob says as he wraps his arms around my sister and nuzzles her neck.

My eyes widen. “Damn, you guys don’t waste any time. I didn’t even know you were trying. Also,” I say, pointing to Storm, “this explains the emotions.”

She rolls her eyes then turns in Jake’s arms and lays her head on his chest. “We weren’t. But it happened anyway. Just like with Hazel.”

“Well,” I say, clapping my hand over Jake’s shoulder, “with your super sperm and Storm’s overly welcoming uterus, I’ll never have to worry about job security.”

* * *

Monday arrives all too soon,and it’s time to set this fake relationship—that I really want to turn into a real relationship—ruse into action.

SEBASTIAN: Hey, beautiful, I’ll pick you up in an hour so we can collect Jacob’s parents from the airport, yeah?

EMORY: Crap, that’s tonight?

I frown at her reply then punch out a response.

SEBASTIAN: Ah yeah, that a problem?

EMORY: Kind of…

What the hell does that mean?

SEBASTIAN: Want to elaborate?

EMORY: Okay, this is probably TMI, but here goes… I’m on my period and ain’t nobody want to be around me when I’m surfin’ the crimson wave.

I snicker, catching Storm’s attention from where she’s sitting at the kiddie table with the girls, feeding Hazel some strawberries. She arches a brow at me, and I shake my head, pointing at my phone. “Emory can’t come with me tonight because she’s surfin’ the crimson wave.”

Storm laughs. “Oh, I like that one. I’m going to start using it.”

“Thought you would,” I say then turn my attention back to my cell as I settle further into the couch cushions.

SEBASTIAN: I can handle period talk. My twin is a woman, and I’m helping raise her two daughters... I’m a grown-ass man who can talk about menstruation. You should lock me down before someone else does. I’m a catch, damn it.

EMORY: Lol. You certainly are. I have four brothers who still stick their fingers in their ears at the mention of the female cycle.

SEBASTIAN: Amateurs.

EMORY: I’ll send them to you for some schooling on the topic. Anyway, I should be okay for the luncheon... you said it’s tomorrow, right?

SEBASTIAN: Yeah, but if you can’t, it’s okay. I can make your excuses.

EMORY: It’s almost over. I’ll be okay tomorrow.

SEBASTIAN: Alright then. I’ll pick you up about 11.

EMORY: Dress code?

“Storm,” I say, lifting my head. “Em wants to know what the dress code is tomorrow?”

“Dressy casual,” she chirps.

SEBASTIAN: She says dressy casual, whatever that means. Obviously, I’m not dressing myself. Storm’s already picked out everything I’ll be wearing for the next week.

EMORY: Got it. I can work with that. Oh, do you want us to be that couple that matches? If so, I’ma need to see what you’re wearing so I can color coordinate.

SEBASTIAN: That sounds like a couple I’d want to punch in the face. Let’s pass on the color coding... We can be the couple that goes overboard with the PDA instead.

EMORY: Right, lots of not so subtly touching your dick. Got it.

This girl is going to kill me if she actually does touch my dick in public. I’m already barred up from the mere thought of touching her again.