Unexpected Lovers Box Set by J.B. Heller

I’m just applyinga coat of mascara when knocking sounds from the front door. “Can you let Sebastian in, Len? I’ll be out in a minute,” I call to my roommate. She’s been working from home a lot more lately. I should ask her about it, but now’s not the time.

The muffled sound of Lennon greeting Sebastian filters down to my room, and I quickly finish up with my makeup then take a second to check myself over one last time in the mirror. I scrub up okay in a pair of high-waisted cream pants, an emerald-green off-the-shoulder top with long sleeves, and a pair of simple black heels.

I snatch my small cross-body purse off the bed on my way out of my room then head down the short hall. When I step around the corner, Lennon and Sebastian’s conversation ceases. My gaze darts between them, and I arch a brow. “Did I interrupt something?”

Sebastian moves toward me, his stare hot and penetrating. “You look incredible.”

My lips rise. “Thank you,” I say, raking my eyes over him in a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, and a pair of dark jeans and dress shoes. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

He winks then brushes a soft kiss to my cheek. “We better get out of here before I decide to bail on my sister and devour you instead,” he whispers in my ear.

I fan myself dramatically. “Keep talking like that and my clothes might just melt right off.” I chuckle then take his hand and lead him to the door.

“Have fun, kids,” Lennon calls after us.

Glancing at her over my shoulder, I grin. “We will.” I blow her a kiss as the door closes behind me.

* * *

Walking into the restaurant,we’re directed to a private function room in the back.

“I like it when you leave your hair out like this,” Sebastian murmurs, toying with a strand of my hair.

“It was pure laziness that inspired this particular look,” I tell him then gesture to my head. “Taming all this is a full-time job. It’s easier to throw some product in and let it do its own thing.”

He grins. “Well, I like it.”

“Like what?” a stunning woman in a white, knee-length dress asks, stepping up to Sebastian’s side.

She has to be his twin. They have the same amber-colored eyes and matching smiles. They even share the same shade of dark-brown hair.

Sebastian tilts his head toward me. “Emory’s hair,” he tells her. “Storm, this is Emory Moss,” he introduces me. Then to me, he says, “Emory, this is my sister, Storm.”

Extending a hand, I say, “Lovely to meet you. Thank you for having me be a part of your big, uh, wedding week.”

Storm laughs. “Thank you for being here, Emory. I haven’t seen my brother smile so much in a long time,” she says, clutching my hand in both of hers. “And I know a whole week of wedding activities is a bit overboard, but Jake doesn’t get to see his family much. So, this is our way of taking advantage of every moment they’re in town.”

“My ears are burning,” a guy says, coming up behind Storm and wrapping his arms around her middle. His gaze fixes on me, and he smirks. “Ah, you must be the infamous Emory,” he says then offers me his hand. “I’m Jacob, but you can call me Jake.”

I take it, giving it a firm shake. “That’d be me, but I don’t know about the infamous part. Nice to meet you, Jake.”

“And you,” he says, then, grinning at Sebastian, he motions over his shoulder to the bar. “Come get a drink with me.”

“You want something?” Sebastian asks me.

“I’d love a white wine, please.”

“Done,” he says, brushing his lips over my cheek, then he strides away with his brother-in-law to be.

Storm wastes no time taking Sebastian’s place at my side. She hooks her arm through mine. “Bash tells me you’re writing a review for his book.”

“Yeah, I am. That’s how we met,” I tell her as she guides me through the room teeming with people.

“I guess that means you liked it, then?”

My eyes widen at her. “Uh, yeah. Have you read it? It’s brilliant.”

She grins but shakes her head. “I haven’t. He says he doesn’t want me to because it would be too weird. But I have no doubt it’s great. Bash never does anything halfway; he’s an all-or-nothing kind of guy.”

I nod because that sounds accurate from what I’ve seen and know of him. “I’ve gathered as much. Actually...” I pause, glancing around the room. “Where are Everly and Hazel?”

Storm chuckles. “They’re with their grandparents. They’ve been stuck to them like glue since they arrived last night.”

“Oh, that makes sense.”

“Bash will be a free agent for the whole week while Jake’s parents are here,” Storm says, her amber eyes sparkling.

“I see,” I murmur. I’m pretty sure she’s telling me this for a reason, one that involves potential sexy times, and I’m not sure how I feel talking to a practical stranger about that kind of thing. I’m an open book with my girls, but I’ve only just met Storm.

Then she waggles her eyebrows at me. “If he were to not make it home tonight, he wouldn’t be missed...”

My lips tic as I try to resist smiling. “Okaay.”

She sighs and tips her head back. “Ugh, I’m no good at this subtlety thing, so I’m just going to lay it out for you.” She levels me with a serious stare and says, “Bash hasn’t been laid in over six months. If you were inclined to change that, this week would be a good time to make that happen.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Wow, yeah, you suck at subtlety. I knew what you were getting at before you spelled it out. For the record, we’ve already fooled around a bit, and I definitely plan on doing it—and more—again. Does that satisfy you?”

Storm beams at me. “Yes,” she chirps.

“What’d I miss?” Sebastian says, approaching us with a skeptical look on his handsome face.

“Your sister’s pimping you out,” I tell him.

He blanches. “W-what?”

I grin, then press up on my toes to kiss his cheek. I wrap myself around his bicep. “Don’t worry. She was just letting me know that the grandparents will be on babysitting duty this week,” I tell him with a wink.

“Jesus, Storm,” he says on an exasperated sigh. “I don’t need a wing-woman.”

She shrugs. “I was just trying to help.”

Sebastian adjusts his glasses then hands me a glass of wine before curling his arm over my shoulders. “I’ve got this,” he tells her. Then, dropping his gaze to me at his side, he asks, “Right?”

I nod as butterflies swarm in my stomach. “Yep, yep.”

* * *

The luncheon went far longerthan I expected. It’s almost five, and we’re just heading back to my apartment now. I rest my head on the headrest and watch Sebastian as he maneuvers his Range Rover through the thick city traffic.

Damn he’s hot—in that incredibly sexy nerd kind of way. His glasses really do it for me, as does his A-type personality.

“What?” he asks, pulling into the same parking garage he’s previously used.

I unfasten my seatbelt and shrug. “I was just thinking how sexy you are with that look of concentration on your face.”

He arches a brow. “Oh, really?”

“Yep,” I affirm then slide out of the car. I wait for him to join me on the sidewalk, then we stroll the block and a half to my building, hand in hand. It feels good having his warm palm pressed to mine.

We don’t speak until we’re locked in the elevator—alone. The tension between us thickens the air, and my teeth sink into my bottom lip. Sebastian spins in front of me and pins me to the wall with his hips. His hands take mine, and he holds them above my head.

My breath catches in my throat. My body bows, trying to get closer to him. His heat seeps into me, and I push up on my tiptoes, needing his mouth on mine.

“I’ve wanted to do this all damn day,” he groans then drops his head the final inch and takes my mouth in a desperate kiss. We’re all tongues and teeth and need and want.

He grinds against me, and the feel of his massive erection pressing into me has me yanking my hands from his grip to grab onto his shoulders. I jump a little, just enough that I can wrap my legs around his hips, and he growls as I rub myself against his hard length.

The elevator pings, then the doors slide open. Sebastian keeps me in his arms and walks us down the short hall to my apartment. I snatch my key from my purse and unlock the door, then he carries me inside, kicking it closed with his foot.

My hands go to his hair, and I tug on the silky strands, drawing his head back so I can kiss him again. He spins us, pressing my back to the door, then rolls his hips into me. I moan into his mouth, and then the sound of shattering glass has us turning our heads to the sound.

Kins stands in the kitchen, her mouth agape and a hand covering her eyes. “Is it safe to look?” she asks.

I can’t help it; I laugh. “It’s safe, Kins,” I say as Sebastian lowers me to my feet.

She scissors her fingers and peeks through the gap before dropping her hand completely. “Now I know how Arlo feels when he walks in on Atticus and me making out,” she mutters.

Sebastian frowns, glancing between the two of us. “Who’s Arlo?”

“Kins’ sixteen-year-old stepson,” I chuckle.

“Oh,” he says, a smirk on his gorgeous face.