Echoes & Ink: Raven by Emily Rose

Chapter Nine


It’s moving day and I’m about ready to pull my hair out in frustration at the realization there’s so much to do in such little time. Not to mention the fact that my current landlord is being a prick and refusing to give me my deposit back because I didn’t give a full month's notice that I was moving.

I’ll deal with him later, because right now, I have to finish getting my shit packed. Like hell is anyone going through my underwear drawer. Some of these bastards would probably get some sick kind fun out of running around with it to show their buddies.

What can I say? I love sexy underwear and I’m not ashamed of it, but it’s best not to give any of these assholes any ideas. Especially Viper. He’s finally gotten the hint I’m not going to sleep with him, but it’s not really stopping him from trying either.

“Hey there, darlin’,” a voice behind me says, making me turn and smile when I see who it is.

Rose saunters into my room, all tattoos, leather, and hair colored to a fiesty red. It shouldn’t work, but she rocks it, just like everything else she does. She’s wearing her Property of Bullet cut over a Devil’s Soldiers MC tank-top, and a pair of cut-offs that show off her killer legs. For being in her fifties, the woman doesn’t look a day over forty. I hope that whatever her secret is, she’ll bottle it up and give me some.

“Hey,” I say warmly. “I didn’t realize you were here.”

“Just got here,” she says, coming to help me grab clothes from my closet and start folding them so they can go into a box. “Figured if I’m here, between the both of us, we can keep those boys in line.”

I snicker. “Ash and Ember are on their way over, they just had to stop and drop the baby off with Leonora. And Piper is going to come over tonight after her shift to help unpack.”

“It does me good to see you surrounded by a bunch of good people,” Rose says happily. “I saw all those boys from the shop are here too, helping to lug. Probably why I rushed over here so fast. Nothing like a little eye candy while we’re working,” she says with a wicked grin. “Think I can convince them to take their shirts off while they do it?”

I laugh as I move to grab another armful of clothes. I really need to purge some stuff. Then again, I’m going to have a huge ass closet at the new place, so maybe not. “For you, they’d do it,” I say over my shoulder. “Even if Bullet would kill them for it.”

Rose laughs. “He’s out directing the prospects and the guys where to load stuff in the truck we brought. Right up his alley.”

“Bet he’d take his shirt off for you if you asked him,” I snicker.

Rose’s eyes heat and she makes a “hmm” sound in the back of her throat before she says, “He would. Though, then I would be too distracted to help you.”

I’m not a big believer in love, but it’s clear to me that if I ever do experience it, I want my relationship to be just like that. Where even after so many years, we’re still so hot and bothered for each other it’s like we never aged a day.

“Just remember that there’s no bed in here once it’s gone,” I snicker.

“Pfft,” Rose scoffs. “Who needs a bed? I have some stories I could tell you from when we were younger and where we shucked our clothes. Almost got arrested a few times too.”

“Why does that not surprise me?” Wolf announces from the doorway, making us both turn to look at him. He gives Rose an exasperated look and then looks at me to say, “We’re just about done with the furniture. We should have you all moved before Falcon’s done with school.”

I nod, glad for that. Falcon had protested about going to school today, insisting he stay home and help, but I know him missing a day of school so soon after just starting wouldn’t look great for his record. Or mine, seeing as the social worker has already called the school to request access to said records and ensure he’s actually showing up.

“Thanks,” I say with a smile. “We’re almost done and then you can take the stuff in here.”

“Alright,” Wolf agrees. He looks at both Rose and I, and says warningly, “Behave.”

I snicker and Rose just flutters her lashes at him innocently. “Now why would you need to worry about a little thing like me?” she says coyly. “What kind of trouble could we get into packing up some clothes?”

“That’s what worries me,” he mutters, before turning and walking away.

Rose snorts and winks at me. “Nice to know I can still cause a little bit of worry every now and again.”

I just laugh and shake my head. Ash and Ember show up not long after and help get the last of my things all packed.

I’m surprised to see just how much I’ve accumulated over the years, but it’s not like I won’t have the space in the new place.

Ash, Ember, Rose, and I all load up as much small stuff as we can in my car and in the back of Ember’s before we head over to the new apartment. I still feel awkward walking inside, but Leonard welcomes me with a warm smile and instructions that the apartment is open and ready for us to unload. Seeing as the guys are already back at the service entrance, it’s a good thing. With this many people, we should have it all unloaded in no time.

When we walk into the apartment, Rose and Ember gape. “Holy shit,” Ember whispers. “This place is stunning.” She walks to the windows on the other side of the open space, pressing her face to the glass. “I think I can see the bar from here. And the tattoo shop.”

Rose nods and smiles at me. “I like it for you. Just need to get some paint and artwork on the walls, and it’ll be perfect. Now, let's get started unpacking, darlin’. Has Falcon picked which room he wants?”

I nod. I had shown him some pictures and he took the bedroom furthest away from me at the beginning of the hall. “First door on your left is his. My room is at the end.”

“You should see her bathroom,” Ash gushes. “And her closet. It rivals mine at the house. I love it.” She drags Ember down the hallway, leaving me standing with Rose.

I look at her. “I think it’s too much,” I tell her honestly. I don’t know what possesses me to open my mouth and say that, but there’s no turning back now.

Rose looks at me, eyes knowing. “You said Sloan offered it to you?” she asks. I nod. “He wouldn’t have offered it to you unless he thought it was a good option. Personally, I say don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

“It’s so fancy. I don’t really know how I’m going to use anything here. I feel like I’ll break it or smudge it.”

Rose chuckles softly. “That’s what a home is, darlin’. You break things, you fix them, you make them yours. Falcon will have a safe place to live, you have the extra security that no one can get up here without permission, and you know that social worker can’t find fault with anything about it. Not to mention,” she adds with a wiggle of her brows, “your landlord is mighty fine to look at. Have you discussed how you could take a little extra off the rent?”

I snicker at her suggestion. “I told Ash I’m not into chicks, but for her I could make an exception if she was the landlord. As for Sloan, well, he’s definitely good looking, but we’re strictly acquaintances, nothing more.”

Rose smirks at that, but just nods. “Well, if it were me, I would be offering the man a blowjob just for looking that handsome,” she says wickedly.

“Woman, the only blowjobs you’ll be offering are to me,” Bullet growls in exasperation as he walks in, people following in behind him with boxes in their hands.

“Of course, honey,” Rose coos soothingly. “And I’ll make sure to do that as soon as we get home.”

“Dear God, shut the hell up,” someone growls as they walk in the door. I look over and see King, one of Rose and Bullet’s sons, and the look of disgust on his face makes me chuckle. “God you two are worse than fucking teenagers.”

King is the youngest and is a nice combination of the two of them. He has his mother’s eyes and hair coloring, but his father’s stern jaw and broad shoulders. He shouldn’t be handsome in the traditional sense, but he is. It probably also helps to know that the man is sporting metal in some interesting places. That, and he’s not lacking behind his zipper, if you know what I mean.

“Boy’s just pissed I made him come here instead of letting him get his rocks off at the clubhouse on his day off,” Bullet informs me with a smirk.

King sets his box down by the island, flips his father the bird, and walks back out. Rose and Bullet snicker, and I just roll my eyes. I have no doubt that any of these guys can get pussy if they want it. It must be a club requirement to be tall, sexy as hell, and able to make women drop their panties with a single look.

Thank God I’m immune.

I get to work on unpacking boxes as they come in, determined to have this place somewhat in order before Falcon gets home from school. Thankfully, Rose, Ash, and Ember all pitch in, so it’s going a lot faster than I thought.

“How is Falcon doing? He’s settling in okay??” Rose asks me as we work on putting my bedroom together. Ash and Ember are working in the kitchen, and I can hear them arguing about the best placement for things from here.

“So far so good,” I answer with a smile. “We’ve been practicing our ASL every night so we can at least communicate somewhat.”

“I can’t wait to see him again,” Rose says happily. Then she stops and looks at me closely. “Though I can imagine it’s still an adjustment for you.”

I swallow hard and nod. “The kid and I never knew each other. Hell, I didn’t know he existed, but now that he’s here, it’s hard for me not to think of what it was like before him.”

“You didn’t have a good childhood.” It’s a statement, not a question.

I give a dark burst of laughter at her assessment. “It was hell,” I answer bluntly. “Shit happened, I left when I was sixteen and never looked back. I feel guilty I didn’t know about Falcon, but I couldn’t have helped him. I could barely help myself.”

Rose nods in understanding. “He’s here with you now, so that’s what matters. The next few years are when he’s going to make decisions that will affect the rest of his life and the path he takes. If you’re there to help, you can help steer him in the right direction.”

The idea of having that much influence makes me panic a little inside. Okay, a lot. I mean, I barely know what I’m doing half the time, so how can I raise a teenage kid? Lord help me when the hormones start kicking in and girls start fluttering around. Or boys. Whatever floats his boat is fine with me, but I’m not ready for it to happen yet.

I startle when I feel Rose’s hand on my shoulder. She looks at me and says softly, “I don’t know what happened, but I know when I look at you, I see the shadows in your eyes. The hurt. When you’re ready, you come talk to me and get it out. It’ll stay with me and no one else will know.”

Emotion rises in my throat and my eyes sting as I try to hold them back. I don’t know what it is about Rose, but she always makes me want to just blurt everything out. Tell her all the dark, dirty details that rip me apart and still plague me. All the pain I’ve suffered and still hold deep inside me.

Instead, I nod and whisper, “Thank you.” It’s all I can do right now. I’m not ready to tell, not ready to re-live it.

Rose nods, kisses my forehead, and steps back to continue putting my things away.

I move to continue my own, but stop when I hear someone approaching. Viper stands in the doorway, jaw set, and a hard glint in his dark eyes. Unease settles in the pit of my belly. Not from Viper, though he is one big and scary looking motherfucker, but for him to look pissed off means something is wrong.

“What is it?” I ask, straightening and moving towards him.

“Landlord and Sloan are here, but they’re not alone. Some prissy looking social worker is here too, and she’s already making noise that you can’t afford this place and being associated with us.”

Fucking hell. Really? She had to show up today?

“Thanks,” I say stiffly, quickly moving past him and down the hallway.

All movement in the apartment has stopped. Ember and Ash are in the kitchen, glaring at the social worker, who is sneering at Bullet and his brothers. Sloan and an older man with a mop of curly red hair with white at the temples, stand there, arms crossed, not looking too happy either. Though their glares aren’t at me, but at the woman currently writing furiously on her notepad.

“Ms. Liscumb,” I say coolly as I make my way into the room.

She rounds and turns her beady eyes on me. “Do you really think that you can fool me into thinking this is where you’re moving?” she sneers at me. “A place like this is well above your paygrade. Not to mention, these thugs are helping you to move in? Fallon will be moved out of your care immediately if I have anything to say about it.”

I look at Ash, Ember, and the rest of the crew and ask them, “Can you guys give me a minute with Ms. Liscumb? Sloan, you and Bob can stay.” I think his name is Bob. Pretty sure that’s what Sloan said his name was the other day. He can correct me later if I’m wrong.

Ash and Ember look like they’re about to argue, but thankfully don’t and walk out the door. The MC guys and Rose, glare at Ms. Liscumb as they leave, while Wolf and the guys from the shop all give me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before shutting the door softly behind them.

Once we’re alone, Ms. Liscumb curls her lip at me and orders, “Get Fallon and his things and we’ll be leaving.”

“One, his name isn’t Fallon, it’s Falcon. Something you would know if you actually bothered to read your file instead of spewing shit out of your mouth. Two, he’s in school, where he’s supposed to be. And three, he’s not going anywhere. I have a bigger apartment, with fresh food in the fridge, and he’s perfectly happy. You have no cause to take him out of here.”

“I have every cause,” she snaps back at me. “Those thugs that just left here are perfect examples.”

“They’re about as much thugs as you are Susie Sunshine. Just because they wear leather and ride motorcycles doesn’t make them any less than I am. Actually, they’re probably way nicer.” I hear Sloan snort out a laugh, but I ignore him. “As for the apartment, Bob has an the agreement in his hand that says I’m renting this place and it is well within my budget.”

Ms. Liscumb looks at Bob and dismisses him. She looks back at me. “You seriously want me to believe that you can afford a place of this caliber without help? You’re delusional. You’ll end up on the streets in a month, and then Falcon will suffer because of your poor choices. Falcon deserves someone who can give him stability. A receptionist at a tattoo parlor is not that person. If you had someone to help you, like a boyfriend, I might be lenient, but we both know that’s not the case.”

“Apparently you didn’t see me standing here,” Sloan jumps in, his tone cool, bordering on icy. “Sloan Lincoln. Raven’s boyfriend and the one who owns this building.”