Echoes & Ink: Raven by Emily Rose

Chapter Eight


The room is packed with people, all chatting and talking like this is the most normal thing in the world. Falcon’s eyes are wide as he stares around, shocked that so many came to learn to communicate with him. He looks at me, pulls out his notebook, and quickly scrawls a message.

Falcon: Why are they all here? Don’t they have stuff to do?

Me: They wanted to come and learn with you. Make it so we can all talk with you.

I don’t mention how shocked I am as well. Hell, I knew the guys from the shop and my girls were coming, but I had no idea that half the MC would show up as well. Okay, so maybe that’s an exaggeration, but Rose, Bullet, Viper, Shadow, and a few other guys all came for this lesson.

I can only imagine what the interpreter is going to think when he sees them. I snicker softly, then smirk when a few people look my way. Including Rose, who arches a brow at me and asks, “What’s so funny?”

“Just thinking that when the guy shows up for the class, he might run out the door at seeing your bunch.”

Rose scoffs. “Then he’s not much of a teacher then is he? Besides, I made sure that everyone knew to be on their best behavior tonight.”

“Are you taking your own advice?” Wolf asks coyly, laughing when Rose turns to glare at him.

Ember shakes her head at him, even as Rose gives him a prim smile. “You act as if I never behave,” she sniffs.

The entire room goes quiet for a moment, and then Bullet starts laughing, making everyone else join in. Rose turns to him and puts her hands on her hips, narrowing her eyes and giving him a hard glare. Bullet grins at her, not the least bit worried, and says, “Woman, you’re about as well behaved as Raven is sane.”

“Hey!” I snap, glaring at Bullet for his insult.

“Didn’t say it was a bad thing,” Bullet continues, ignoring me.

“So much for getting your dick sucked when we get home,” Rose snaps, turning and stomping her way over towards me. I’m only glad that her back was to Falcon and he couldn’t make out what she said. Probably not the best thing for a kid to understand. Especially not at his age.

Bullet laughs, but doesn’t say anything. The rest of us on the other hand, all groan. “Seriously, I can go for a long time without knowing that shit,” Wolf growls at Rose.

Rose looks at him, but stops when there’s a knock on the apartment door. Shadow moves to answer it but I growl, “Don’t even think about it! I want him to come in, not run away screaming.”

Shadow holds up his hands in surrender as I make my way towards the door. “Not my fault if he’s a pansy assed bitch that’s scared of me,” he mutters, making me glare at him.

I open the door and smile at the older man standing there with a smile on his face and a bag in his hand. “Raven? I’m George Holland, the instructor,” he asks in a gruff voice that sounds like he’s been smoking cigarettes for a long time.

“Yes, come on in,” I invite, stepping back. “Sorry, there are a lot more people who wanted to join in,” I say as he steps in and stops, eyes widening as he stares at everyone.

“Oh, well, the more the merrier,” he says brightly after a moment.

“Hi George,” Piper says warmly as she steps forward to hug the man.

“Piper, my dear, you’re as gorgeous as ever,” the man flirts shamelessly, hugging her back. I bite back a laugh at the scowl on Talon’s face, but thankfully Piper pulls away and steps back into his side before he can go all caveman. “Where is the best place for me to set up?” George asks me.

“Probably the living room, since it’s open and there is more space for everyone to spread out,” I suggest.

George nods and makes his way over to near the window, quickly setting things up. “Alright,” he says briskly. “Let’s get started shall we?”

* * *

By the timeeveryone leaves the apartment, I’m wiped. Wrangling this crew while trying to learn is like herding a pack of spastic chickens because we didn’t even get to cover a lot of information. God, poor George looked like he was in heaven and hell at the same time before the end. Though mostly that was Rose’s fault as she wouldn’t leave the poor man alone. To the point that Bullet all but growled at the poor guy when he went to help Rose with whatever letter she was “struggling” with.

Guess he was paying for that crack about her earlier. By the time he left, he was scowling fiercely and all but dragging Rose out by the hair.

Thankfully though, George was more than happy to schedule more sessions, though he suggested somewhere a bit more spacious. Which had Rose automatically volunteering the clubhouse, much to Bullet’s exasperation. That will be interesting in itself, but I’m all for it.

Now though, Falcon wants to keep practicing with me, making sure to get it right. I know it’s important to him, so I just nod and take a seat with him on the couch.

Falcon soaked everything up like a sponge. George paid particular attention to him, making sure that he was understanding and grasping the lesson. Falcon, of course, had no trouble and was helping me out by the end of it. Who knew learning the alphabet and a few phrases would be so hard?

So we practice a bit more before I finally have to stop. Can’t have tired hands when you need to work the next day, and your schedule is full of piercing appointments.

Falcon grins at me and rushes to grab his pen and paper.

Falcon: That was a lot of fun. Thanks Raven!

Me: No problem. Did you learn a lot?

Falcon: I knew most of it, but I really needed to practice. At least now you can spell things out to me.

Me: Did you learn the alphabet on your own or did someone teach you?

Falcon’s eyes cloud a bit at my question, but he shrugs.

Falcon: I learned on my own. I found a book in the school library and took it home to teach myself. It had the alphabet and words that I learned. It took me a long time to figure out it all out, but eventually I got it.

Me: How old were you?

Falcon: Six. The school didn’t have an EA for me, so there was no one to teach me or help me. I had to learn a lot of things on my own.

Anger burns through me. It’s like history repeating itself all over again. No one there to help someone who obviously needs it. This time, he’s going to get the help he needs. Including at school.

Me: Well you did a good job. And I guess it taught you how to be independent.

Falcon: Yeah I guess so. Thanks for doing this for me, Raven.

Me: I’m always going to make sure you have everything you need, Falcon. I promise.

Falcon: I figured that living with you would suck, but it’s been pretty cool so far.

I smile at that, relief coursing through me. Well I guess I’m not doing a horrible job then.

Me: I’m glad. I didn’t realize how much fun it would be to have a little brother. Though, I feel as your sister I should warn you that if you mess with my shit, you’re going to wish you hadn’t.

Falcon opens his mouth on a silent laugh, grinning at my threat, and not the least bit concerned.

Falcon: Isn’t that what little brothers do? Mess with their sisters?

Me: Not if you want to live to go to college.

The easy banter is relaxing. Okay, so maybe we can do this. I mean, we have a long way to go before we know each other, but we don’t have to dwell on the past. Falcon and I can work on our relationship, and maybe by the time he’s eighteen and heading off to college, we’ll have built a solid foundation.

I’d never admit it, but I envy Sloan, Ash, and their brothers. They obviously love one another, and even when they’re giving each other shit, you can tell it’s the norm for them. That and they all obviously enjoy it with the way they rag on each other. Falcon is slowly coming out of his shell, so time will tell if we’ll be the same, or if we’ll end up trying to murder each other. Let’s hope it’s the former and not the latter.

Falcon smiles at me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Falcon: I could just mess with your comic book collection.

I glare at him. No one, and I mean no one, touches my comic book collection. He just gives me an innocent grin, but his eyes are full of mischief. I snatch the paper and pen back, making him huff out a small sound.

Me: Touch them and you won’t live to see your next birthday.

Falcon: I’ll tell Rose you’re being mean to me and she’ll protect me.

The kid seriously knows who to use as a deterrent. As much as I love Rose, deep down, I’m also a teeny tiny bit scared of her. That woman is the kind of mother I wish I had, and she would not hesitate in kicking my ass for picking on Falcon.

Me: Touché kid. I’m going to bed. Don’t stay up watching TV all night.

Falcon: I’ll be glad when I have my own room.

Me: You and me both, kid. Now goodnight.

Falcon: Night Raven.

I smile and stand up, heading for my room. It was a good night, and I’m happy to see that Falcon is already starting to fit in. Hopefully us moving into the new apartment will aid in that, but the last thing I want is for him to get a big head. Sloan might have convinced me this is a good idea, but time will tell.

The thought of Sloan makes me scowl. That asshole showing up at the shop today was a surprise, but not him talking about my obsession with his dick. The last thing I want in my life right now is another asshole thinking he runs the show when it comes to me. Even if said asshole is gorgeous and occupies more of my thoughts than I would ever admit.

Whatever, I’ll probably never see him once we move in.