Whispered Secrets by Elizabeth Lennox

Excerpt from “Breathless Secrets”

Release Date: September 17, 2021

Get Molly’s story HERE!

Should he step in and save her? 

James Morgan watched the chaotic scene in front of him, listening to the frenzied screams and cringed when another small being galloped around the corner of the building.  Ouch!  One of them literally jumped on top of the dog pile happening on the ground!  That thud looked pretty painful but…what did he know? 

Regardless of the person’s pain threshold, the maneuver was definitely undignified, he thought, stepping to the side to see the scene from a different angle.  Yes, definitely painful.  And amusing!  Okay, hilarious, he mentally corrected as yet more unruly screams sounded.  There were a few noises that seemed to be somewhat maniacal in nature…and some other incongruous sounds that he couldn’t identify.

And yet, James continued to stand by the curb, watching the insanity play out with fascination. 

A hand reached from the pile of bodies.  Should he grab it?  Offer assistance?  That would be the gentlemanly thing to do. 

Probably not a good idea.  He didn’t want to enter the fray. 

He felt someone step up behind him.  “Sir, we have a very tight schedule and we don’t…,” his manager began in a hushed, urgent voice as he moved to stand beside James.  But even the never-frazzled Bryan McGregor came to an abrupt halt as he realized what was happening. 

Apparently, Bryan’s thoughts moved along the same route as James’.  “Should we…help maybe?” Bryan asked doubtfully. 

James shrugged, angling his head in an effort to make sense of the scene in front of him.  “I have no idea,” he replied, his tone voicing his confusion. 

The screams seemed to grow louder.  James peered at the pile of arms and legs from a different angle.  Unfortunately, that didn’t help and he simply shook his head, sighing with confusion.  “It looks a bit painful.”

Bryan nodded.  “I must agree.”

They stood on the sidewalk, watching with horrified fascination.

That’s the woman?” James asked, chuckling when a box of…something…was lifted victoriously into the air by a pretty, feminine hand. 

Bryan groaned, nodding somberly.  “I think so.”

James chuckled.  “Probably a good thing that the press didn’t find out about our excursion today.”

Bryan nodded again, watching silently.  Both men hissed, visibly cringing, as they watched an elbow slam into an exposed expanse of pale skin.  James suspected that the skin was part of the woman’s stomach, but he wasn’t positive. 

“This isn’t exactly going as planned,” Bryan commented lightly, then pulled his eyes away from the mess of tangled hands and feet, checking his ever present tablet.  He touched the screen and James’ schedule came up.  “We have only ten more minutes here, then you are scheduled to speak at a luncheon for…”

“Bryan,” James muttered, stopping his manager’s recitation of the day’s schedule.

“Yes sir?” Bryan asked, his finger hovering over the tablet. 

The corner of James’ mouth curled up.  “Shut up and let me enjoy this,” James muttered. 

Bryan blinked, then looked back at the pile of tangled, laughing bodies.  With a sigh, Bryan put his tablet behind his back, resigned to James’ odd interest. 

“I really should help her, shouldn’t I?” James asked, his tone almost contemplative.

Bryan shrugged.  “I have no idea.  You’re the one with the manners.”  James glanced at his friend and manager, one eyebrow lifted in question.  Bryan shrugged, grinning as he continued, “I’m the guy with the ruthless personality.”

James threw back his head, laughing at Bryan’s assessment.  He was correct…sort of.  “Right,” he said, his laughter trailing off slightly.  “That’s why I won the three billion dollar settlement against that pharma company?”

Bryan grunted, shrugging slightly.  “You have your ruthless moments,” he acknowledged. 

Another man, about the same height as James and Bryan, stepped out of an expensive sedan.  The guy looked vaguely familiar, but there was a tension in the man’s shoulders that whispered of anger.  Or maybe fury?  Were the two emotions different?

James turned when the man stepped forward, glancing over at the dog pile of writhing limbs. 

“Can I help you?” the guy asked.

James extended his hand.  “James Morgan,” he greeted the other man.  “And you’re Oliver Fenton, correct?”

The other man nodded sharply, his eyes narrowing on James.  “You’re that hot shot attorney, right?”

“That’s me,” James chuckled, amused as he always was by the various adjectives that people used to describe him.  Hot shot?  He didn’t really consider himself to be that hot.  Angry when big companies abused consumers?  Yeah.  Ready to take on any injustice in the world?  Absolutely! He turned back to the scene on the rough green area that someone might describe as grass, but was really a mix of various weeds that had been mowed to grass height.  “I was just…”

The woman in peril suddenly stood up, laughing and pushing her long, blond hair out of her eyes.  “Okay!” she declared, laughing.  “You guys win!”  A moment later, the kids jumped up and down with victorious delight, and greedily held out their hands while the woman distributed…popsicles?  The chaotic dog pile was about popsicles?

“That’s Molly,” Oliver explained unnecessarily.  “She’s the director here at the Center.  Would you like an introduction?”

James watched, his lips twitching with amusement as the kids greedily ripped open the paper and joyously started consuming their icy treats.  Slowly, they moved away, forming small groups as they perched on the steps of the Center or just crossed their legs and sat down on the green, “grassy” area. 

“Yeah,” James replied, unable to rip his gaze away from the fascinating woman.  She had grass stains on her ragged tee shirt and the soft material hugged her breasts like a loving glove, revealing that the woman had lush curves.  The loose jeans rode low on her hips and had definitely seen better days…as well as other owners.  They were long and loose around her beautiful hips that weren’t slim, but nor would he consider those feminine curves fat either.  Her hips were…perfect!  Absolutely, amazingly, mouth wateringly perfect! 

The man beside James chuckled, and clapped him on the back in a friendly manner.  “I know the feeling,” he said as he walked away.  James couldn’t tear his gaze from the laughing beauty.  James was content to simply stand here and watch her.  Her brown eyes seemed to shimmer with joy and her long hair shimmered around her lovely features which were alive and animated with some sort of inner glow.  She seemed so happy, surrounded as she was by the passel of rambunctious children. 

His body tightened urgently, wondering what she’d look like with her own children surrounding her. Their children.

That terrifying random thought seemed to shock him out of his lust-induced stupefaction.  His children?  What the hell was he thinking?  He didn’t have time to date, much less marry and have children!  No way!  Marriage and children definitely were not on his agenda, he reminded himself.  He had a plan for his life.  Marriage and children simply weren’t in his future. 

Bryan sighed and started forward.  Despite the uncharacteristic thoughts about marriage and children, James was utterly entranced by the woman.  So instead of allowing his manager to start the introductions, James put a hand on Bryan’s shoulder.  “I’ve got this,” James murmured.

“But…” Bryan hesitated, obviously sensing a deviation. James ignored his manager’s startled expression.  It wasn’t as if he planned to sleep with the woman!  He wanted Molly Bradshaw’s endorsement for his campaign.  A simple enough request, James told himself.  Especially considering his competition.  The other candidate for the US Senate seat was pathetically lacking in moral character. 

Molly closed the cardboard box over the last few popsicles, looking around to ensure that every child had a treat.  That’s when she spotted the two large men standing on the sidewalk, watching her.  Swallowing hard past the sudden tension, her gaze moved from the tall one with the hard jawline to the other man.  Then back to the first one. 

Both men seemed to have the same sort of demeanor, although the blond man was several inches shorter.  They were also roughly equal in brawn, except the muscles looked larger on the taller man.  With a mental sigh, Molly acknowledged that it was the first one, the guy with dark brown hair and he blue eyes that caught and held her gaze.  He looked as if he should be on the cover of a Hardy Boys book.  He was just so…all American.  Square jaw, blue eyes, dark hair, broad shoulders, and pristine appearance.  He definitely didn’t belong in this rough neighborhood.  His khaki slacks were freshly ironed and his crisp, white shirt wasn’t a dress shirt, but was made of that thick, no-iron cotton that could only be found at high-end stores.  The kind of store that Molly couldn’t afford to walk into, much less buy from.

And yet, for all of his good-boy looks and clothing, there was something…bad-boyish about him.  While the man next to him looked as if he might be funny in a ruthless sort of way, the tall, devastatingly handsome “good-boy”…definitely wasn’t a good boy.  Nope.  He was naughty.  The look in his eyes whispered that he had some very wicked tendencies. 

Fortunately, Molly didn’t have time for those games.  With extreme control, she ripped her gaze away from the man and looked around at her kids.  They weren’t exactly “her” children.  But she considered them to be under her protection.  They lived in this neighborhood and were here at the Community Center for the last few days of summer vacation before school started back up.  She loved these kids.  Ensuring that they were safe and well educated, even fed when needed, was her mission in life.  Her calling.  Her vocation, some might say. 

“Molly Bradshaw?” a deep voice called out.

Molly cringed. She wanted to ignore that sexy voice, but her kids looked up curiously when the tall stranger said her name.  Unfortunately, Molly wasn’t just their protector, she was also their mentor.  Molly knew that she had to model good behavior, even during those moments when she seriously wanted to run and hide. 

So, Molly turned and pasted a bright, friendly smile on her face.

Blinking and tilting her head way back, she braced herself for…whatever might come next.  And she was pretty sure that she wasn’t going to like whatever it was! 

“Yes?  How can I help you?” she asked as politely as possible.

“I’m James Morgan,” he said, extending his hand. 

That name rang a bell in her mind.  She extended her hand, trying to remember where she’d heard that name before.  But for the life of her, she couldn’t place him.  She’d definitely never met him before.  She would have remembered a guy that handsome and tall and…terrifying. 

Remembering her manners, and the curious eyes watching their interaction, she shook the man’s hand.  “It’s lovely to meet you, Mr. Morgan,” she replied formally. 

“It’s great to meet you as well,” he replied. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Molly blinked, surprised.  “You have?”  Her eyebrows shot up.  “How?”

He laughed and she couldn’t stop the shiver of awareness that rolled over her.  His laugh was deep and incredibly sexy.

“You’re the director of this community center.”

“That’s right,” she confirmed, nodding slightly.

“You’ve done some amazing things in the neighborhood.”

Molly wasn’t comfortable claiming credit for the outstanding programs happening at the Center.  “Oh, the changes around here aren’t mine,” Molly asserted firmly.  “The entire community came together to right the wrongs of the past,” she corrected. 

His grin widened.  “You’re being modest, Ms. Bradshaw.”  He looked around, winking at a group of kids who were still enjoying their popsicles.  “From what I’ve read, you’ve initiated a great many programs for the community that have–”

“We should take this inside,” Molly interrupted stiffly.  “How about if we go into my office?”

He looked confused, but nodded. “That would be fine,” he said.  “Lead the way.”

Molly gritted her teeth, frustration almost overwhelming her.  Was it just frustration or crushing disappointment?  No!  That’s ridiculous!  She couldn’t be disappointed that the gorgeous man was here to sell her something.  Ugh! 

But Molly knew the type.  He wanted something, either from her or from the Center.  She didn’t know which yet, but he clearly wasn’t here for kicks and giggles.  Looking around, she spotted Mary, one of the youth volunteers. “Mary, can you get the kids ready for afternoon practice?”

Mary quickly agreed, then trotted over to the younger kids, three other teenagers trailing behind her.  “Sure, Molly.  I think its belly-ball today, right?”

Molly shot a glance at the man, praying he had no idea what “belly ball” was.  “I think so.  I’ll make sure to send someone out with the equipment.”  Turning back to Mr. All American, she nodded towards the Center’s entrance.  “This way, Mr. Morgan.”

Get Molly’s story HERE!