Whispered Secrets by Elizabeth Lennox


Maggie stared at the diorama, not sure what to make of it.  “That’s interesting,” she said, trying to be delicate. “What’s this?”

Abigail pulled herself higher, peering into the shoe box.  “That’s the dinosaur egg,” Maggie’s seven year old daughter explained. 

Gilbreth, their ten year old son, snorted in disgust.  “It’s just a blob, Abby,” he sneered as he passed by, tossing a football in the air and catching it.  “Mom, I’m going over to Marcus’ house, okay?”

Maggie nodded. “That’s fine, but be home in an hour.  Dad’s cooking dinner tonight.”

Gilbreth grunted acknowledgement.  “As long as it’s not Abby’s dinosaur eggs, I’m sure it will be good.”

Abby glared at her older brother’s retreating back. Maggie knew her daughter wasn’t going to let that insult slide. 

Thankfully, Oliver appeared, distracting their mischievous daughter.  She turned around and smiled, running across the hardwood floors to throw herself into Oliver’s arms.  “Daddy!” she shrieked joyfully.  “Gilly called my dinosaur egg a blob.”

Oliver looked around confused as he carried Abigail back into the great room.  “And your dinosaur egg is…where?” he asked, glancing at Maggie for clarification.

She pointed to the show box where Abigail had created a scene for her science class.  “There,” she said, pointing to the blob in the corner. 

Oliver admired the box accordingly, silently agreeing that it did look like a blob.  “Well, he just doesn’t know what dinosaur eggs look like, does he?”

Abby giggled.  “You’re right!  He’s just a dumby!”

Oliver’s gaze sharpened.  “What did I say about calling people names?” he admonished. 

Abby sighed.  “Sorry Daddy,” she said, leaning her head against his shoulder. 

Maggie watched the scene play out, rolling her eyes when Abby did the whole “Daddy” routine. She had him wrapped firmly around her little finger.  He was such a sucker!  But he was her sucker, she thought. 

“How are you? Did you have a good day?” Oliver asked Maggie as he set Abby down so she could continue to work on her school assignment. 

“I’m doing great!” she replied, wrapping an arm around his waist so she could lean her head against his shoulder.  “Dinosaur blobs and all.”

He laughed and kissed her.  “You’re going to explain that to me, right?” he asked, glancing over at the table worriedly. 

“Not a chance,” Maggie replied, looking as mischievous as her daughter.

Oliver sighed as he tugged at the knot on his tie.  “Didn’t think so.” 

And in truth, he wouldn’t have it any other way! 

A message from Elizabeth:

Thank you ladies!  I received a record number of e-mails from all of you after you read “Heated Secrets” and I sincerely hope that Whispered Secrets didn’t let you down! 

As usual, I’m asking for reviews on your preferred retail site.  Reviews are so painfully important and I read all of them.  Here’s a QUICK LINK to the review page – and I thank you – as do so many other readers who are looking for a story to escape from their problems. 

(As usual, if you don’t want to leave feedback in a public forum, feel free to e-mail me directly at [email protected].  I answer all e-mails personally, although it sometimes takes me a while.  Please don’t be offended if I don’t respond immediately.  I tend to lose myself in writing stories and have a hard time pulling my head out of the book.) 

Thank you!  Seriously – a big, huge hug for your help in making this book, and all of my stories, a success!  I can’t do it without you! 


(Keep scrolling for a fun excerpt from next month’s “Breathless Secrets”!)