Whispered Secrets by Elizabeth Lennox

Chapter 19

Oliver was going to spank Maggie’s ass as soon as he found her.  In the meantime, he ran a hand through his hair, scanning the horizon in the hope that he’d see her.  Unfortunately, Maggie still hadn’t returned.  Molly assured him that Maggie was safe, but that she was also hurt and confused.  He’d tried to convince Molly that he’d messed up.  Molly had simply told him to be patient.

“Right!” he snapped, turning back to the architect, who was taking measurements.  Patience wasn’t in great supply just now.  He’d be more patient if he could just talk to Maggie, explain to her what had happened. 

Three days!  She’d been gone for three days!  It felt more like three years.  He barely slept, hated eating without Maggie smiling across the table, and he struggled to focus on work when all he really wanted was Maggie in his arms. 

Yeah, he’d messed up.  But not in the way she thought. 

An hour later, he was leaving the Center when he spotted a man that looked vaguely familiar standing in front of the building.  “Can I help you?” he asked, instantly alert and curious. 

The man pulled off his sunglasses.  “James Morgan,” the man said, extending his hand with an easy smile.  “And you’re Oliver Fenton, correct?”

Oliver liked him at once.  It didn’t hurt that the man’s reputation as a determined and hardworking legal genius preceded him.  The man had won some pretty amazing lawsuits over the years. 

“That’s right.  James Morgan.  You’re running for Senator Von Deuch’s seat this time around, aren’t you?”

“That’s me,” the guy replied.  “I was just–” he stopped, his eyes focusing on something over Oliver’s shoulder.   Oliver turned, following his gaze. Molly came around the corner, laughing as she ran full out with something in her arms.  About three seconds later, a stream of kids galloped after her.  Oliver chuckled softly when Molly spun around, hiding behind a tree.  It wasn’t a good move, because those kids were street smart.  They surrounded her without mercy.  Within moments, the kids had her on the ground, cheering with their success. 

Molly emerged from the dog pile, laughing and tossing her curly ponytail over her shoulder as she stood up.  “Okay!” she laughed.  “You win!”  The object in her hands was a box of popsicles that she immediately began handing out to eat. 

“That’s Molly,” Oliver offered.  “She’s the director here at the Center.”  He looked at the man who appeared to be too stunned to speak.  “Would you like an introduction?”

The man continued to stare.  Then slowly, as if still entranced, he nodded.  “Yes please!”

Oliver chuckled. “I know the feeling,” he said, having experienced that same kind of lightning bolt when he’d first laid eyes on Maggie. 

And that’s when he saw her.  She was getting out of her car.  She looked around, obviously looking for Molly, but spotted him first.  He saw her stiffen and knew that she was considering getting back into her car.  Thankfully, she decided against it. 

It wouldn’t matter.  Not this time.  He would have followed her.  And he would have caught her.  Maggie was just too important for him to lose again. 

“Sorry buddy,” he told James, patting him on the back.  “You’re on your own.  I have an important mission.”

The other man might have nodded, or he could have started doing cartwheels.  Oliver had no clue since his attention was focused on Maggie.

“What are you doing here?” she asked as he reached her.

“Waiting for you,” he admitted honestly.  “I knew that you’d come back here eventually.”

Maggie sighed, disconcerted because she hadn’t expected Oliver to be here.  She knew that they needed to talk, if only so that she could get the keys to his apartment back.  But she didn’t like confrontations.  Not like this.

“Well, are you moving out?”

“Nope,” he replied, taking her arm and leading her over to an area that was partially hidden by a group of bushes, giving them some privacy.  “I’m not leaving, Maggie.  And you’re going to listen to me.”

“I am?” she demanded, glaring up at him. 

Damn, he loved her spunk.  “Yes.  You are.  This isn’t what you think.”

She folded her arms protectively over her stomach and glared at him.  “So, you didn’t buy up all of the properties in an eight or nine block area with the intention of tearing it all down and building sky rises?”

He rubbed the back of his neck.  “Okay, so yeah.  That part is right. As far as it goes.”

“And you didn’t inhabit that apartment with the intention of getting information out of me?”

“No!” he replied forcefully, shaking his head.  “Absolutely not.  I didn’t move into that apartment to spy on you or anyone else.”

“You just wanted to slum around for a while?   Ignoring your luxurious penthouse?  Which is ugly by the way!” she told him.  “I looked it up online.  The decorator you chose needs to add more color to their designs.  The place looks like a morgue.”

He chuckled. “Because you’ve been inside so many morgues lately?”

Her eyes narrowed.  “Point made, but your penthouse is still cold and soulless.”

“I agree,” he replied easily.  “That’s why I put it on the market.”

That surprised her.  She blinked and her lips moved, but she didn’t speak for a moment.  “Why?”

“Because I realized it wasn’t what I wanted.  And because I didn’t think that you’d like living there.”

Her mouth fell open and he knew that he had her now. 

“You’re right,” she rallied, looking away.  “I wouldn’t like living there.  Especially because you live there.”

“No, I live two doors down from you.  And maybe,” he moved closer, “if you’ll listen to me, maybe we could find a place to move into, together.”

She’d stiffened at his softer tone, but when he finished that suggestion, Maggie was already shaking her head. “No!  Not gonna happen.  I don’t trust you.”

He sighed, nodding his understanding.  “I know that.  And I’ll work on earning your trust back.  But Maggie, I didn’t move into the apartment to spy on you.  That move was only to get to know you better.  Although, I’ll admit that moving in with you and getting to know the residents around here, did change my plans for the neighborhood.”

Maggie snorted.  She was losing the battle and wanted to step back.  But he took her hand instead. “Will you come inside and look at the plans?  You only saw one option.  Which I’ll admit was the initial plan.  It’s what I would have done here in the area if I hadn’t gotten to know you, and Louise and Nora, Mick, Eddie, and Jimmy, and the girls on the soccer team, and everyone.”

“What plans?” she asked, confused.  She looked around, but only saw Molly and some stranger. They seemed to be arguing about something. But Molly?  Arguing?  That was strange.

“Will you let me show you?” Oliver asked, squeezing her hand.

Maggie was confused.  “Okay, show me.”

He led her into the community center and she was shocked when several of the teenagers high fived him as they passed on their way to the basketball hoops.

She felt his hand on her back and wanted to lean into it. But she couldn’t!  She had to be strong.  She had to put Oliver in her past and…what in the world?

She stared at the big layout set up in the middle of the lobby.  It was huge and incredibly detailed.  This was similar to the other diorama she’d seen in Oliver’s office, but there were differences.  There were no skyscrapers.  In fact, most of the buildings looked…well, like they looked now.  But cleaner.  Different.  More….interesting!  There were trees everywhere.  And the abandoned apartment complexes were different.  Modernized.  She stared.  All of the apartments around the neighborhood shared similar traits to what she’d done at Rose Gardens!

“What’s this?”

“This is option three,” Oliver explained.  “You only saw option one that afternoon.  Matt was bringing in all three options for my review that day.  And this was the winner.”

“But…the other buildings,” she stammered.  “They were bigger. That would mean more business.  More profits.”

“You’ve shown me that profits can be made by changing simple things.  And taking out the buildings around the neighborhood would change too much.  This is a better plan.”’

Maggie agreed, but…he would lose so much money.  “What about your multi-use ideas?”

He shrugged.  “The plans are good.  We’ll just build that idea in a different area.  One that doesn’t already have a vibrant community.”  He sighed and moved closer, taking her hands.  “Maggie, my goal isn’t to destroy communities.  I prefer to go into areas that need help and make things better.”  He nodded at the plan.  “That’s what this idea does.  It doesn’t destroy.  It improves and revitalizes, without pushing out the people and families that are the heart of this community.”

She blinked, trying to remain tough and in control.  But his plans…they sounded lovely!  “So, you’re not going to tear everything down?”

He pulled her closer.  “We’re not,” he emphasized.  “I’m hoping that you will join me in changing things around here.  This area has so much potential.  The family owned businesses are what so many people crave.  But the store fronts aren’t bringing in the business that they could be, if the area was a bit more interesting.”  He tightened his fingers on hers.  “Will you do it, Maggie?  Will you help me?  Will you work with me to improve things here?”

“Yes,” she replied, because there was nothing she’d rather do. 

“And will you give me another chance?  I know I wasn’t completely up front with you about what’s going on.  But I promise, I wasn’t hiding something because I was being nefarious.  It was only that I met you and you…well, you blew me away.  I’d never met anyone like you.  I wanted to get to know you.  From the moment you showed up, I was completely lost.  And never, not once, did I think about using you or spying on anyone.  If anything, the residents around here changed my mind, showed me a different way. A better way.”

“Yes!” she laughed, tears streaming down her cheeks.  Because his words were beautiful!

He moved even closer.  “And will you marry me, Maggie?  Will you share your life and your dreams with me?  Will you grow old with me and make a life with me?”

Maggie’s happiness couldn’t be contained.  “Are you serious?” she whispered.

“Completely serious.  I love you, Maggie.  I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you!”

“Yes!” she sobbed.  “I love you too.  I didn’t want to love you.  Not after Jerry, but you got to me, Oliver.  Damn you!”  She couldn’t say anything else since he kissed her.  And she didn’t care that she couldn’t finish her thought.  Because when he kissed her, every thought flew out of her mind.