Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 27

Azure sat upright in bed. Her alarm was blaring. She was tired and a little sore.


Everything came rushing back to her. The sex, the conversation, more sex…dinner, followed by even more great sex. They finally ended up in her bed, exhausted.

She sucked in a breath as she looked next to her. The bed was empty. That meant that Ice had snuck out at some point…but oh, how sweet! There was a rose on her pillow. A rose made out of paper. Simple but effective. She picked it up. Ice had gone to the trouble to make this for her. Last night didn’t feel like a quick rut, either. It felt like something more. This silly little paper rose felt like something more, too. Azure smiled. She’d thought about asking him where they were headed, but their relationship seemed a little fragile right now. Like this rose. Something that could easily go in either direction. Try to put pressure on what they had, and it could be crushed before it had a chance to develop.

Azure checked her phone. She had several messages. One from Mel, one from Storm, and two from Ice.

The first one from Ice was when he was asking if he could come over. She grinned. He’d sent the text before he’d come by yesterday.

Then there was one from Melina, wanting to know if Azure had messaged Ice. If they had spent another night together. Azure chuckled to herself. If only her friend knew.

Then the one from Storm had her sobering right up. He wanted to see her and Ice first thing this morning.

The last one was from Ice wanting to know if she’d gotten the message from Storm.

Shit! Throwing the covers off herself, she jumped out of bed, dashing for the shower. A few minutes later and she was throwing on a dress. Her hair was still wet, but it would have to do. Their meeting was in ten minutes.

There was a knock at the door just as she was grabbing a banana. “Coming!” she yelled.

“Hey,” Ice said as she opened the door. “I wasn’t sure you’d seen the message from Storm.”


Ice kissed her. A quick brush of the lips. “Sorry, I didn’t say good morning,” he said as he pulled back.

“Morning.” She smiled. His mouth was an inch or two away, and so she kissed him again. Oh, shit! Shit! She was falling hard. So darned hard, it was scary and wonderful. “I got the message.”

He pulled away. “Are you ready to go?”

She nodded. “I was on my way out when you knocked.”

They walked out into the hallway. “At least we’ll get some answers,” Ice said.

“I hope so. I just want to see him and then never think of his sorry ass again,” she said.

“I want to punch him in the face a couple of times, maybe break a rib or two…hell, I’d like to skin that bastard alive. Gut him while I’m at it. Then, yeah, we wouldn’t have to think of that bastard again.”

“Hang him on a hook and finish the job those creatures started,” she added. “I’ll take an apology over all of that stuff. After that, the Earth dragons can decide what to do with him.” She shrugged.

“I hope it involves bleeding and screaming,” Ice muttered.

“Thanks for coming with me. I’m glad I don’t have to be alone.”

“Anytime.” He took her hand and squeezed it for a second before letting go. “I have to attend as your superior.”

“Oh…of course.” She nodded a couple of times, feeling like an idiot.

“I’m not just here as your superior, though. You know that, right?”

“Yes…thanks.” She smiled. Her mouth felt a little dry. Nerves made her stomach feel like she’d swallowed a rock. She could see Storm’s office up ahead. They were right on time. She wondered if Skarn was in there now. Azure hoped so; the sooner she faced the male, the sooner she could put the whole incident behind her.

“Ready?” Ice put a hand to her back.

“Yes.” She was as ready as she’d ever be. Azure squared her shoulders.

“Let’s do this.” He knocked on Storm’s door.

The prince called for them to enter. Storm was sitting behind his desk. As usual, he wore a suit and tie. He stood for a moment, gesturing to some chairs. “Please sit.”

Azure noted that Skarn wasn’t there. They did as the male asked.

“I’m sure you will have heard that Skarn was picked up by one of our patrols yesterday morning.”

“We heard,” Ice said.

Azure nodded once.

“The male was unconscious and bleeding. He had been walking for over thirty hours. He was dehydrated, his feet were blistered and bleeding…” Storm pushed his fingers into the corners of his eyes. “Worst of all, his wings had been hacked from his body.”

“Where is he?” Ice asked.

“We’re getting to that,” Storm said.

“Who took him in the first place?” she asked.

“Blaze, Granite, and Thunder met late yesterday afternoon,” Storm went on without answering her question.

“We’re aware,” Ice said. “We tried to meet with you but were turned away. We’d heard that Skarn was back.”

“My guards informed me that you tried to meet with the Earth male in the infirmary. Skarn was able to tell us some of what he went through. He was able to give information on the beings that took him. The kings have decided that most of the information is need-to-know at this stage.”

Ice narrowed his eyes. “What does that mean exactly?”

“Some of the information will not be shared with the tribe. In fact, most of the information will be kept a secret. Information on these creatures. Information on what transpired in those caves. It is important that you know that Skarn suffered greatly during his incarceration.”

“Good,” Ice growled.

“His wings were removed on the day they captured him.” Storm picked up a gold pen, rolling it between his fingers.

Azure frowned. “That doesn’t make sense. Did they use silver? His wings would have grown back after a day or two, yet he was found wingless a week later.” She spoke almost to herself. Thinking out loud.

“His wings did grow back,” Storm said. “The creatures didn’t use silver. They hacked Skarn’s wings off. They threw him in a pitch-black room in the bowels of the earth. He was questioned relentlessly for hours at a time, over several days. We believe that they had indeed scented your heat. That is what drew them to the heat cave. What drew them to you,” Storm told her. “Once they were convinced that you had left, they decided to take Skarn for questioning.”

“You don’t plan on telling anyone about what happened? Why it happened? Who the perpetrators were?” Ice’s voice was animated.

“The Water King will be informed, of course.”

“These creatures could be planning a war against us,” Ice continued.

“We don’t believe that it is the case. We don’t want to cause unnecessary fear among the tribes. The royals and second in commands will be informed. Only those who need to know. It’s not something you should concern yourselves with, I assure you,” Storm told Ice, still playing with the pen.

Ice’s jaw was tight. “With all due respect, let us be the judge of that.”

“It’s out of my hands. I have been given my orders.” Storm shrugged.

Ice’s eyes were blazing. “What about a suitable punishment for the male? At the very least, he needs to apologize to Azure for what he tried to do to her.”

“Skarn is an Earth dragon. It was up to Granite to decide. The Earth King feels that Skarn suffered enough. That—”

“What?” Ice snarled.

“He had his wings cut from his body twice. Do you have any idea how painful that is?”

“Not painful enough,” Ice growled.

“I want to see him,” Azure said.

Storm looked at the big, gold watch on his wrist. “The Earth dragons left twenty minutes ago. They took Skarn with them.”

Ice jumped to his feet; the chair he had been sitting on clattered to the floor behind him. “That’s unacceptable!” he growled. His eyes were narrowed and glowing. His hands tightly fisted.

“Watch your tone and sit down,” Storm growled.

“Azure wanted to talk to the male,” Ice said. “It was her one request.”

“Granite felt that—” Storm started to say.

“What about Azure’s feelings? Does she have no say in any of this? That asshole tried to force himself on her. If she wasn’t the strong, resourceful female that she is, he would have raped her. Do you comprehend that reality?”

“Don’t speak to me like I’m a child. I know what Skarn did. I’m fully aware of what happened.”

“Yes, but can you comprehend what it is that he did? I’m not talking about the facts here,” she said, her voice shaking. “Have you ever felt weak and afraid? Like your voice or your opinion didn’t count? Small, powerless, defenseless. Have you ever felt voiceless?” She knew full well that the male had never felt any of those things. Not for one minute. None of the other kings had either, for that matter.

Storm squirmed in his seat. She could see him trying to come up with something to say and failing.

“I didn’t think so. What if it had been one of your sisters? What if Skarn had tried to force himself on one of them?”

Storm growled low in his throat, dropping the pen on the table with a clatter.

“Exactly,” Ice said.

She put her hand on Ice’s arm to calm him down. “At the very least, I wanted an apology from the male.”

“The Earth dragons chose to take him back.”

“You didn’t fight hard enough for one of your own.” Ice was struggling to keep his decorum. “Thunder should have. You should have.”

“I’m so disappointed.” Azure’s voice hitched as she spoke. She felt a lump rise in her throat. She wasn’t sure why this was so important. No, that wasn’t true. She needed the male to know that what he had done wasn’t right. She needed him to understand that. Somehow, she didn’t think he did, which meant that he might hurt someone else in the future. That was her fear.

“That’s it then?” Ice’s voice was deep and hard. “There will be no more mention of this, and that prick will get away with it?”

“I’m sorry.” Storm really did look apologetic. Azure almost felt sorry for him.

“Not good enough!” Ice snarled.

Azure took Ice’s arm. “Leave it,” she told him. He was going to get himself in big trouble. “Let’s go. We need to get to work.” She pulled on his arm.

By now, Storm was standing, and he and Ice were having a stare-down. She could feel Ice shaking with rage.

Azure sighed with relief when she managed to finally pull Ice away. The door was slightly ajar. She kept tugging at him until they were finally outside in the hallway. Azure shut the door. “It’s fucking unacceptable,” Ice growled as soon as they were outside.

Two guards were standing there. “Hi, Azure,” one of the males said.

“Oh, hi, Cirrus.” She recognized him because he and Summer hung out together on and off.

“How are you?” Cirrus asked, frowning.

“Doing okay,” she mumbled, not really wanting to engage in conversation. “How is Summer?” It was something she had been wondering since she hadn’t heard from the other female since the day Summer closed the door in Azure’s face. It felt like a long time ago, even though it wasn’t.

“Fine. I’m seeing her tomorrow evening, actually. I will tell her I saw you.”

Azure nodded once. They said quick goodbyes.

The other male inclined his head as she and Ice walked past. They walked in silence for a minute or two.

“The information is going to be kept from us on a ‘need-to-know’ basis?” Ice growled, still clearly pissed off.

“What was that all about?” she asked. It wasn’t adding up. Why not just tell the tribes exactly what was going on? Why all the need for secrecy?

“I don’t know. I don’t like it. I don’t like any of it.” He turned to face her, taking both her hands. “Are you okay?” His whole demeanor softened.

She nodded.

“Are you sure, Azure? You’re not just saying that. I don’t mind if you take the day off. Heck, take a couple of days. I’m going to put a formal complaint in about this. If those—”

“Don’t.” She shook her head. “Thank you for everything – for caring so much. But I don’t want to drag this out. I want to put the whole thing behind me. I want to look to the future. I want to be happy, and I won’t be able to do that if I’m looking back.”

“You’re right.” Ice gave her the sexiest half-smile. He let her hands go. “Sexy, resourceful, and highly intelligent.”

“How did you get so lucky?” she blurted, wanting to bite her tongue the instant the words were out.

Ice choked out a laugh. For a second, he looked like he was going to say something, but thought better of it. He finally said, “We’d better get going. The others will be waiting.”

It wasn’t exactly the reaction she’d been hoping for.