Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 30

Ice leaned back on the sofa. He pulled in a deep breath. “No, I didn’t meet a nice human on the stag run, Mom.” He shook his head.

By scale, he hated the disappointment on his mother’s face. Her shoulders sagged. “That’s a pity. Maybe on the next stag run.” She made a face and wrinkled her nose. “Such a horrible name. Why can’t it be called something else? Something nicer. Human females are nice, aren’t they?”

“Yes, they are.”

“You should have another cookie.” She pointed at the plate on the coffee table loaded with various kinds of cookies. His mom was such a nurturer. To make her happy, he leaned forward and grabbed a large choc chip cookie with extra chocolate chips. He’d already eaten too many of the things, but what was one more if it made her happy?

“These are delicious.” They were. The best. His mom was the best. She cared deeply for him, and he knew that all of this ultimately came from a good place. It did irritate him at times, and it was worse today since he had found someone. Someone special. Someone he was beginning to think he could spend the rest of his life with. Azure. His mother didn’t need to know just yet. Soon. Soon everyone would know. The thought warmed him.

His mom beamed as she watched him eat. “I baked them today. You’ll take some to work tomorrow for your team, won’t you?”

“I will.” Azure would love the peanut butter cookies. His female could have some later when she came around. She was staying the night. He couldn’t fucking wait to see her.

“What about that sweet female, Crystal?” His mom was relentless. Ice had to bite back a groan. Just when he thought he’d dodged a silver bullet. Holy fuck! “Her mother and I were chatting about it the other day, and—”

“No, Mom. Crystal is not the right female for me.” Ice shook his head hard.

“How can you say that?” His mother frowned.

“Have you ever met Crystal? I know you’re good friends with her mother, but have you met her daughter?”

“Well, no, but I’ve seen pictures. And she’s fertile. She will be expected to take a mate soon. Why can’t that person be you?”

Ice shrugged, getting annoyed. She means well, he told himself. “There are other things that are important aside from fertility.”

“What could be more important?” His mom sat up straighter, her voice a touch shrill.


She narrowed her eyes, which softened. “Of course, love is important, son. It’s the most important.” She sounded exasperated when she said the last. “I’ve never said otherwise.”

“Don’t you think I should put love as the number one requirement when I look for a mate? Not any of that other stuff?”

“Of course, son, and I know you’ll find someone who will love you endlessly. That other stuff is important, too, though. I just know you’ll find someone wonderful and that you’ll be one big, happy family.” She smiled broadly. “A house filled with love and the sound of little feet and laughter.” Her eyes got this faraway look.

For the love of freaking scales!“Okay, Mom.”

“Don’t worry, my son, you will find the right female. I know you will.” She reached over and patted his hand.

“Me too, Mom.” Ice had already found her. He knew that his mother would love Azure when she got to know her better. The fertility thing wasn’t important. It might take a while for his mom to accept that, but she would. Especially when she saw the happiness Azure brought him. “Can I get you some more tea? A juice, perhaps? I have peach. It’s one of your favorites, isn’t it?” Ice asked her.

“It certainly is, but I need to get back to your father. He’ll be wanting his supper. What’s on the menu tonight?”

“White-tailed deer,” Ice replied.

Her eyes flared. “Lovely, your father will be pleased.” His mom stood up. “I’d better get back, or we’ll end up eating too late to go on our evening flight. There’s been this lovely cool breeze these last few nights. Feels wonderful on the scales.”

“Sure does, Mom.” Ice walked his mom to the door. He hugged her tightly. “Thanks for the visit.”

“Don’t avoid me again. I know I get on your case sometimes, but it’s ultimately because I love you.” She took his hands. “I want the best for you, you know that, right?”

“I do.” He hugged her again. “I’ll come by for Sunday lunch?” he said as he pulled away, lifting his brows.

“That would be wonderful.”

“Great! I’ll see you then.” Ice watched his mom walk away. She turned after a couple of strides and waved at him. Ice smiled and waved back. He was going to tell them both about Azure on Sunday.

It was still a little early for Azure to come by. She would still be helping Melina at the salon. He couldn’t wait for her to arrive. He wanted to fill her in on what had happened with Storm. First, though, he wanted to make the night special. He was going to prepare something delicious for dinner. Then he was going to set the table. Go the whole nine yards for his female.



His dragon rumbled in agreement. He could feel his beast stretch in satisfaction. Mine! Everything had fallen into place for him yesterday. Everything! It had happened when Azure had bitten him. It had felt right. Like she belonged to him, and more importantly, like he belonged to her. Not just him, apparently, but his dragon, too. She had somehow, somewhere along the line, captured his heart…and she’d done so without him even realizing it.

When he looked back, he could see it clearly now. He had broken things off with Crystal soon after Azure started with the team. He hadn’t gone on any stag runs. He hadn’t hooked up with any of the she-dragons. None of that. He’d enjoyed spending time with Azure. Looked forward to seeing her at work every day. It took her heat for him to realize that he was also insanely attracted to her. She was it! She was everything. He was going to tell her how he felt about her this evening. He was going to say those three words. Words he had never uttered to anyone else.

Then he was going to make love to Azure. Something else he had never done before, either. He was going to make love to her and sink his teeth into her. Mating behavior? Hell, yes!

Ice jumped in the shower, scrubbed down, and then toweled dry before dressing in a pair of black pants and a pale blue button-down shirt. He wanted to look good.

Then he got started on dinner. He was making venison bourguignon with baby potatoes and long-stemmed broccoli. Ice had found a recipe online and was following it to a T. Once the food was bubbling away, he set the table using a white tablecloth, plate settings, and even candles. Then he opened a bottle of red wine and left it to breathe, placing glasses on the table as well.

Nearly there.

The food smelled fucking amazing. He couldn’t wait to see Azure. With that in mind, she should be nearly there. Any minute now. He absently checked his messages. There was one from Azure. She’d sent it earlier. He felt himself smile as soon as he saw her name. The smile quickly turned to a scowl when he read her text.

Azure: Lots of work here at the salon. Looks like I’m going to be late. You eat without me. I’ll probably end up sleeping at home. I don’t want to end up waking you up.


They had plans. They had spoken about this today at work.

Ice: I’ll help out at the salon tomorrow. Please come over. I want to celebrate with you. Dinner is nearly ready. I opened wine. There are even candles xxx

This was fine. Azure hadn’t been expecting a whole romantic dinner. Once she read his message, she would come right over. His phone beeped, and he couldn’t read her message fast enough.

Azure: I can’t! I’m sorry.

What?This made no sense.

Ice: Why not? What’s going on? Are you okay?

This felt all wrong. His gut was going nuts. This wasn’t right at all. He paced for five minutes, but Azure never answered his message. She’d read it but didn’t respond. He switched off the stove at the wall.

Ice left, walking fast. He needed to know what was going on.

This couldn’t wait. Not for a second.