Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 28

The next day…

Wings and Thingswas pretty busy for a weeknight, Azure thought to herself as she looked around the restaurant/bar. It was situated in a large part of the lair overlooking the ocean. “I’ll buy the next round,” Fog shouted. “Is everyone having the same as before?”

Avalanche grunted. “Don’t forget the umbrella.”

They all laughed.

“I can’t believe you’re drinking a piña colada, dude,” Sun said between chuckles.

“I like them,” Avalanche announced. “Coconutty pineapple goodness.” He licked his lips and pushed an empty cocktail glass away.

“Actually, I think I’ll try one, too,” Azure said, still smiling.

“You too, now?” Fog rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

“I’ll have another beer, since you offered,” Ice said.

“Me, too,” Sun added, putting his empty bottle down with a bang as Fog walked away. “Thanks, bro,” he shouted after him. They continued to talk about work for a few minutes.

Then Sun piped up, “You haven’t told us anything about how the stag run went, Ice. You’re being quiet about it.”

“I’m always quiet about things that are my personal business,” Ice said. They sat around a large table in the bar section of the restaurant. There were empty plates to the side, since they’d just finished eating. The team sometimes had dinner together. This was nothing unusual.

“Don’t be like that,” Sun pushed. “I know you spent the night with someone. Just like I know Fog was a pussy and wasted a perfectly good stag run by sleeping alone. Such a fucking waste.”

“Again,” Ice’s voice dropped by a few octaves, “none of your fucking business. How is your mom doing?”

Sun’s shoulders dipped. “Much better. It’s been nearly eight months since my dad passed away. It seems to be getting easier for her. I must go and visit her again soon.”

“I need to visit my mom, as well,” Ice muttered.

“Did somebody say piña colada?” Fog laughed as he deposited a tray on the table. “I organized two umbrellas for you, Avalanche.”

“Thanks, bro.” The male grabbed his drink and started slurping.

“Hey, Ice, I thought I heard your voice.” Crap with scales! It was Crystal. The she-dragon pulled up a chair and sat down next to Ice without asking if she could join them. Damned rude, Azure thought. Crystal didn’t even greet the rest of them. “How have you been?” the female asked, eyes firmly on Ice. She wore a tight blue dress. It wasn’t their usual garb, but something she must have ordered from a catalog, like Melina did. The dress suited the she-dragon. Her fiery red hair cascaded around her shoulders. No wonder she was so popular with the males. Aside from being fertile, she was gorgeous.

“I’m good.” Ice glanced her way before looking back at Crystal.

“I’ve been missing you lately,” the she-dragon sighed. “You stopped calling a couple of months ago.”

“Yeah, well—” Ice started to say.

“How’s your drink?” Fog asked Azure, pulling her attention to him instead of the conversation going on across from her.

“Um…” She hadn’t even tried it yet.

“Ignore them,” he said under his breath. “Try it!” he urged her, pushing her cocktail closer. Azure took a sip, not tasting much of anything. Crystal had pulled her chair up right next to Ice.

“How is work?” the redhead asked, leaning in so close that she might as well get on his lap.

Argh!It was annoying.

“Your eyes are glowing,” Fog said. “Are you two still…?” He widened his eyes.

She nodded.

“Interesting. He’s not into her,” Fog whispered. “Not even a little bit. Keeps giving her one-word answers. He’s not biting.” He winked at her. “I wouldn’t worry.”

Crystal put her hand on Ice’s leg.

Fog laughed. “Chill,” he warned. “You just growled.”

“Do you blame me?” she whispered back. “I’m feeling…” She shook her head.


“That wasn’t the first word that came to mind, but...” She nodded.

“Jealous?” Fog lifted a brow.

“Both,” she muttered, feeling irritated with herself. Ice didn’t owe her anything. He hadn’t made any promises. She needed to do what Fog had suggested and chill. Easier said than done when a gorgeous and very fertile she-dragon was all over Ice. Not to mention that the two of them had a history.

“So, it’s serious, then?” Fog asked. “It looks like it is for you.”

Azure didn’t say anything. She didn’t have to.

Across the table, Ice was shaking his head at Crystal. “Why would we want to leave? We’re having a good time right here,” Azure heard him say.

By all that was scaled, the female was trying to get Ice to leave with her. Azure’s scales rubbed so hard she was sure she could hear them under her skin. Her teeth felt sharper, too. She wanted to rip out the other female’s gorgeous locks. Maybe gouge out her eyes while she was at it.

“We’ll stay. I’ll order a drink,” Crystal purred. “I see you’re hanging out with your work friends.” The female exaggerated the word ‘friends’.

Azure’s phone vibrated on the table. She noticed that Ice had his phone in his hand, that he was watching her.

She checked her messages.

Ice: Want to get out of here?

She bit back a smile.

Azure: I’d love to, but we just got our drinks.

He typed back, ignoring something Crystal was saying.

Ice: Forget the drinks. It’s suddenly become a little crowded at our table.

Azure: That so?

Ice: Most definitely. I’m not sure what I ever saw in her.

Azure bit back the biggest grin as her phone vibrated again straight away.

Ice: You leave first. Give me two minutes, and I’ll be right behind you.

Azure: If we both leave before we finish our drinks, they’ll know.

“Who are you messaging?” Crystal whined, looking put out. The female was pouting.

“No one you know,” Ice muttered.

It was true; even though they were sitting at the same table, Crystal didn’t know who Azure was at all.

Azure: I’m game! They’ll totally know, but I don’t care.

She hesitated and then pushed “send” anyway.

Ice’s mouth twitched. He picked up his beer and downed half of it in one go, making her want to laugh.

Azure took a sip of her drink. She made a face. “I’m not sure I like this piña whatever it’s called.”

“What?” Avalanche looked at her like she’d lost her ever-loving mind. “You can’t be serious!”

“Maybe they made mine wrong?” she suggested.

“Let me try it.” Avalanche grabbed her glass and took a sip. “It’s delicious.” Now he was looking at her like she’d suddenly sprouted a second nose.

“You keep it,” she told him. “It’s too sweet and far too creamy.”

His eyes lit up. “Don’t mind if I do.” He slid her glass next to his half-empty one.

Crystal continued to talk to Ice, oblivious to the fact that he wasn’t really listening. The female sat so close to him that their thighs had to be touching under the table. There was nowhere for Ice to go. He’d moved his chair as far away from her as he could.

Azure: Let’s do this.

“Can I get you something else?” Fog asked her, looking concerned.

“No, thanks.” She smiled at him. “I really appreciate the offer, but I’m tired. I think I’m going to head on home.” She touched the side of his arm, feeling bad.

“No.” Fog was looking at her like she’d just broken his heart. “Stay a little longer. One more drink.”

“I can’t. I’ll see you all tomorrow. Have a lovely evening,” she said, noting that Crystal didn’t even look at her. “Enjoy the drink,” she told Avalanche, who showed her two thumbs up.

They all said their goodbyes, and Azure left. It couldn’t have been more than a minute later, and someone put their hand to her back. “I was trying to think of an excuse to leave when Crystal showed up.”

“She’s really pretty. Love her red hair.”

“Pretty is an accurate description of Crystal. She’s pretty shallow and pretty self-centered. Pretty annoying would be on the top of my list.” Ice looked irritated.

“You seemed like you were quite close at one stage. I must say, I was surprised when you stopped seeing each other.”

“Crystal isn’t my type. My mother introduced us. I was taken by her looks for a while, but,” he shrugged, “there’s not much to her. Not much substance.”

“She’s a little rude.”

“She considers most people to be beneath her.” Ice shook his head.

“She should watch her step,” Azure said. “I know that she is very fertile, and that she gets heats often, but with this Kikalla crap, they might force her to start popping out whelps.”

Ice laughed. “She’d hate that. Enough talk about Crystal.” He gripped her arm to stop her from walking. His eyes glinted with humor.

“What?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.

Ice smiled, and his three sexy dimples came to the fore. “Have you ever had sex in a public place?” He had this look in his eyes. It was downright naughty.

Azure choked out a laugh. “No, and you’re not serious.” She looked up and down the hallway, frowning. “What kind of public place? Not right here?” Her eyes widened.

Ice laughed. “No, not here in the hallway. Somewhere a little more discreet.” He bit down on his full lower lip. His teeth denting the flesh. “It’s been torture sitting across from you for hours.” He stepped in close, his face just shy of being buried in her hair. “You look amazing.” He moved in a little closer and sniffed. “You smell fucking incredible, too.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” Her heart was racing a little faster. “Now, how do you suggest we have discreet sex in public?”

Ice moved back a step and started talking about work. She could hear someone approaching. A few minutes later, they were alone again. “Does that mean you’re interested in trying it? Because you haven’t lived unless you’ve had hard, sweaty sex in a public place.”

She giggled. “How public are we talking? I know you said discreet, but—” She made a face.

He grabbed her hand and led her a few feet to a door. Ice bobbed his eyebrows. He opened the door and pulled her inside. She spotted brooms, buckets, a dustpan…it was a closet for cleaning supplies. “You do know that my chamber is just up the hallway?” She giggled.

“Live a little,” he said, reaching for the top button of her jeans.

“Anyone could come in.” Her voice was a touch husky. She realized that the thought turned her on.

“They won’t.” He positioned her ass against the door. “They might try. Besides, that’s half the thrill of doing it in a public place. Potentially getting caught.”

“Holy shit! This is happening.” She felt heat suffuse her cheeks. Her belly clenched tight with…longing. “Someone could hear us,” she whispered.

“We need to be really quiet. Can you be really quiet, Azure?” He pulled down her zipper.

“I can try,” she whispered, her heart racing.

Ice dropped to his knees in front of her; he looked up at her and smiled. It was wicked and sexy. By all that was scaled, they were really doing this. She gripped his shoulders, then lifted each leg so that he could take her jeans off. Ice picked up one of her feet, hooking her leg over his broad shoulder. His eyes were glued to her pussy. She felt his breath against her sex. It both tickled and ignited a need inside her. He made a groan of pleasure as he sniffed at her. Then his tongue was on her clit, and she was fighting to keep quiet from the word go. His tongue was big and hot, making her groan softly as he used it on her in easy strokes. One hand was flat on the door behind her, and the other clutched at his soft hair. It felt amazing. He felt amazing.

His tongue zoned in on her clit and laved over it a good couple of times. By the gods! She was rocking her hips, but couldn’t stop. Azure gripped his hair tighter. He sucked on her bundle of nerves, making her rock against him. Then he opened his mouth and sucked. Not too hard, not too soft. She moaned again, this time the sound coming from somewhere deep inside her. It was low and raw, and it hurt her throat because she had to swallow it back. Quiet!

Then he pushed a finger inside her, her mouth fell open. She gritted her teeth to stop from crying out when he crooked that finger, pushing it in and out.

“Tight,” he mumbled, his lips against her clit.

By now, she was panting, making soft moaning noises each time his finger slid back into her. There was a coiling sensation in the pit of her stomach. Her skin felt tight. Her eyes wide. Her—

Ice stopped. She tried to hold him there, between her legs, but he pulled away. A feral grin on his sexy mouth. He rose, his hands pulling down his cotton pants as he licked his lips. “Love how you taste,” he murmured. “You need to be quiet, Azure.” His cock sprang free.

“You need to be quiet, Ice,” she whispered right back.

His pants had slipped to halfway down his thighs. His cock was long and thick. His chest was bare. Ice was incredibly sexy. She was shaking with need. That thick, heavy feeling was still there in the pit of her stomach. Her clit throbbed as he gripped her thighs, his eyes on hers. He lifted her easily. “Put your legs around my waist.” She hooked her ankles at his back, his cock flush up against her sex. “That’s it.” He flashed a grin. It was wild. “I can’t wait to make you come in silence.” He held her up off the floor like it was nothing. Hunting was physical work, and he was strong. His biceps bulged. Her back was up against the door.

“I could live inside your snug pussy.” His gaze dropped there, to the junction of her thighs. Her throat closed hearing him talk like that.

Azure licked her lips. She was so needy and achy. So ready.

“So pretty,” he whispered, rubbing the tip of his thumb over her clit. “Your nub is swollen. We’re going to do this with no hands.” He winked at her, making her want to giggle. She was too turned on for that.

The tip of his cock was suddenly at her opening. Nudging its way in. “Oh god…oh…” she whispered.

Ice looked down between them at where they were joined. “I love how my cock stretches your cunt.”

He talked dirty. It just made her want more. It made her drenched. “Tight and wet. You squeeze me almost to the point of pain.” He was frowning, a sheen of sweat on his brow. “I fucking love it. Love it all.” He pulled out and then pushed back in. Within a few seconds, he was flush against her. He was breathing deeply. His huge chest expanding and contracting against her, brushing up against her breasts. Her nipples were so tight that they hurt.

He kissed her neck, nipped at her ear, and she groaned.

“You feel good,” he spoke against her lobe. “Fucking good,” a low growl.

“You do too.” She was appalled at how strangled her words were. Breathless and strangled.

“We need to be quick. Shhhhhh!” It was all the warning he gave as his grip tightened on her thighs. Azure clutched at his shoulders. His face became a mask of what could easily be misconstrued as fury as he pulled out of her. When all of those thick inches jackknifed back in, it had her mouth falling open and her back bowing.

So good.

Soooo freaking good.

Holy shit!

Holy dragon wings!

There was no other way to describe it but rough and primal. Ice held her firmly as he plowed into her from below. His knees were slightly bent, his jaw clenched tightly. His eyes glowed. They were intense. So beautiful. There was a dull thud as her ass hit the door with each hard thrust. Shit!

Ice grinned, and he anchored her more securely against the wooden surface. Her breasts jerked between them, since she wasn’t wearing a bra under her shirt. None of it mattered because she was about to come. It was right there. Her orgasm. Pulling, kneading, coiling, growing. Azure had to bite back her cries. It made her feel everything so much more acutely. He was relentless and strong and—

Then she was coming apart. The orgasm that tore through her had her clenching her eyes tight. It had her bucking against him. It felt like a tornado of pleasure ripping right through her. Like it might just tear her apart if she wasn’t careful. It consumed all of her, not just one part, all of her. Every nerve, every cell, every single one, and all at once. Azure was going to scream. She could feel it building inside her. There was no stopping it. No…way…to stop it. Unless! Out of pure desperation, she bit down on his shoulder, her teeth sinking into the bare flesh.

Ice tensed. He stopped moving for a second, and then he growled long and low. His hips pistoned. His cock seemed to grow inside her. She could feel the spurts as he let go. Pleasure continued to rush through her like a wildfire on a windy day. Ice’s movements were jerky and rough.

It was only when he slowed down that she was able to let him go. Moving less and less until he finally stopped altogether.

Azure slumped against him; she felt boneless. They were both breathing heavily. She was shaking a little. Or was it him? Maybe both of them. Yep, definitely both. It took a few minutes before she could talk. “I’m sorry. I just…I…I was going to scream. I didn’t…I…”

“It’s fine.” He put her down, and she felt his seed drip down her thighs. “It’s…” He started chuckling. “We were very loud.”

“No, we weren’t.” She shook her head.

“We were. Very fucking loud.”

She made a face. “Oh! Sorry.” She covered her mouth with her hand. “I know you don’t want anyone to know…about us.” Was there even a ‘them’? She was getting ahead of herself. The sex had addled her brain.

“It would mean complications, but I wouldn’t mind as much as you think.” He leaned in and kissed her softly.

Her heart raced. It seemed like Ice might be serious about her. It was looking more and more that way. A phone vibrated from somewhere on the floor. Ice pulled up his pants while he picked it up.

“Everything okay?” Azure asked, noticing his frown.

“My mom. I need to go and see her after work tomorrow. I’ve been ignoring her the last couple of days.” He smiled. “That’s all.” He typed a quick message. “That should placate her for now.”

“Your mom is so nice,” Azure said. The older woman had brought the team cookies and cupcakes after their shifts in the past. She doted on her only child.

“She can be a pain in the ass, but I love her anyway.” Ice handed her some tissue paper he’d pilfered from one of the shelves.

“Thanks.” She cleaned herself up. “That’s parents for you. You’re lucky your mom cares so much.” Azure pulled her jeans on. If they passed anyone in the hallway, they’d be able to smell what she’d been up to. What they’d been up to.

“I am lucky. At least I have a mom, and I’m grateful.” He reached out and squeezed her hand. “She’s a little overbearing at times, but she always has my best interest at heart.” He let go of her hand. “Do you want to come to my place? We could—”

She laughed softly. “I know exactly what we would do.” She was very tempted, but they hadn’t had a decent night’s rest in days. “But I think we need sleep more.”

“You could come to my place, and we could just sleep.” He took her hand again.

“We would not just sleep, and you know it.”

“You got me there.” He grinned. “We would eventually sleep.”

“Tomorrow?” She reached up and kissed him.

“Fine.” He gripped her hips and kissed her hard.

“We should probably head out separately. I’ll wait a few minutes and leave after you,” she said as he pulled away.

“No, I’ll walk you home. Unless you don’t want to be seen with me. You might want to avoid complications.” He lifted his brows.

“I don’t mind complications. They make life more interesting.”

He grinned. “They certainly do.” Ice reached over and pushed a few wayward strands of hair behind her ear. “I’m feeling like we might have something here.”

“I think so too.” This felt too good to be true. Far too good.

“Let’s go, then.”

There was only one person out in the hallway. The male looked at them strangely before carrying on, on his way. They looked at each other and laughed. Then Ice took her hand. He. Took. Her. Hand. She couldn’t keep the grin off her face. It looked like she might be in a relationship for the first time in her life. It felt amazing and scary all at once. Luckily, more amazing than scary.