Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 31

Azure sat at her kitchen table, her head in her hands. She kept on running through every aspect of her budding relationship with Ice, of their possible future together, and what that would look like. Kept on trying to find a way for them to be together and for him to get the family he had always desired. The one he had talked about plenty of times since she had known him. Azure couldn’t do it. The two futures couldn’t coexist.

If she was selfish, she’d hold on to him with both hands, mate him anyway, and as soon as possible. That wouldn’t be fair to him, though. He would never truly be happy if he wasn’t a father. Azure knew this deep down. If she really loved him, she would let him go before their relationship progressed any further. It could be a clean break if it happened now. Ice would be upset, but he would get over her soon enough. He’d move on and find a nice female, one who could give him what he needed. One who could give him what she couldn’t.


Azure pushed out a heavy breath and then jumped when a knock sounded. She dropped her head onto her arms on the table. Deep down, she knew that Ice would come. Especially after she ignored his last message. This confrontation had been inevitable. It was best to get it over with. She had a plan. One she was sticking to.

Ice knocked again. This time, he called her name. He sounded concerned.

Azure sighed. It had been amazing while it lasted. The best few days of her life. There was a part of her that wished it had never happened. At least, then she would still have had a friendship. She’d have the memories of their time together. Memories she would treasure. Azure would keep a little piece of Ice’s heart within hers.

He knocked a third time as she made her way to the door. “Coming,” she told him. This was going to be the single most difficult thing she would ever have to do, but she would do it. She had to. For him. This was for Ice, even if he didn’t realize it.

Azure opened the door.

“What’s going on?” Ice’s eyes were filled with concern. He stepped in closer and tried to cup her cheek, but she took a step away from him. He frowned harder. “Are you angry? Did something happen? You’re making me nervous, Azure.”

“There’s nothing to be nervous about,” she deadpanned.

“Okay, now you’re really worrying me. Can I come inside?” He looked over her shoulder.

She nodded once and moved away to make space for him to enter, closing the door behind him.

“Melina said that you messaged her to say that you weren’t coming.” Oh shit! He went to the salon. She didn’t react. “You apparently told her that you were going straight to me. Then you tell me that you’re with Melina. What is going on?” His jaw was tight. His eyes radiated with emotion. “You lied to both of us.”

“Nothing is going on.” She shrugged, trying to look as casual as possible. “I didn’t feel like doing either of those things.” She licked her lips, her mouth feeling dry. “I was tired, and I came home. I’ll make it up to Melina tomorrow.”

“What about me, Azure? Us? We had plans. Don’t you want to know how it went with Storm?

She didn’t say anything, but only because she did want to know. It shouldn’t matter. It didn’t matter anymore, but she still wanted to know.

Ice rubbed a hand over his face. “Okay, I’ll tell you, anyway. Storm was great for a change since he can be such a prick. He congratulated me…us. He was happy for us, Azure. He said it would be better if we were on separate teams if we are going to be in a relationship. He will organize for someone from another team to swap with you. It will take a day or two, and until that happens, he knows that we will behave responsibly. Don’t you have anything to say?” He was starting to get angry. Ice folded his arms across his chest and ground his molars. His eyes were stormy. “Anything at all? I made you dinner. There are candles for fuck’s sakes.”

All she wanted to do was come clean. To tell him what his mother had said. To tell him what was going on so that he could talk her out of breaking up with him. Ice would talk her out of it. She knew he would. Azure had to be strong. “I didn’t ask for candles,” she pushed out. “Quite frankly, I didn’t realize we were this serious. I’m sorry, Ice, I—”

“Didn’t realize…?” he snapped, his eyes blazing. “You didn’t…” He sighed, shaking his head. She could see that he was trying to compose himself. He looked at the floor, breathing deeply. “What have we been doing this whole time, Azure?” His eyes locked with hers.

“This whole time? It’s only been a few days. We’ve been fucking.” She forced herself to say it without a hint of emotion. She did a good job. It broke her inside. “We’ve been having fun. I thought you were going to let Storm know as a formality until our hookups have run their course.” She snort-laughed. “You’re making it sound like we were going to mate each other next week or something.” She pushed out a laugh that sounded exactly how it was…fake.

“What’s going on?” His voice lowered. The look of concern was back. “I know you don’t mean all of that.”

“Nothing is going on.”

“Speak to me. Please!” He took a step toward her.

She held her ground. “There is nothing to speak to you about. I think we got our wires crossed here. I mean, you didn’t think this was serious, did you? I’m so sorry if you did, Ice. I really thought we were just fucking around. I sensed that you might be pushing for more yesterday when I chose to go home…alone. It’s part of the reason I decided not to go to your place tonight. Looks like I was right.” She made a face. “My bad.”

“My bad?” He wiped a hand over his face, sniffing once. “My bad. I know there’s more to this. I fucking know it!”

She frowned. “Nope. Nothing more. We rutted a few times. It was good. I enjoyed it while it lasted, but I think it’s better if we leave it at that. I didn’t think I needed to give you the whole ‘this is just sex’ speech. I thought you knew. That you knew me. I don’t do serious relationships. I never have, and I never will. It’s not me.”

This isn’t you.” He gestured at her. “All of what you are saying isn’t you. It hasn’t just been a few days. I’ve known you longer. I’ve… Never mind.”

“Just because it isn’t what you want to hear doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.” She shrugged. “There’s nothing I can do.”

“You can tell me what the fuck is going on.”

“Nothing to tell. I think it might be better if I still swap to another team even though we’re over. Not that we were a ‘we’.” She made a face. “I’ll call in sick tomorrow and stay home until the swap happens.”

“You do that.” Ice’s eyes blazed. His jaw was tight, his face red. He had this vein throbbing on his brow. “I can’t believe this.” He sounded hurt for just a second. His eyes clouded with emotion. Then it was gone, replaced with anger. He gritted his teeth, pursing his lips. Then he stormed off, banging the door on his way out.

Azure felt the tears roll down her cheeks. Her throat was clogged with pain. A sobbing wail was drawn from her.