Becoming His by Mariah Dietz

Spring break arrives and Kendall, Shelby, and I board the large ship that will be our address for the next five days. I’d been reluctant to go on the cruise, partly because the idea of being on a boat, surrounded by water—really, really deep water that we aren’t made to survive in—haunts my nightmares. My even bigger deterrent to going is leaving Max for five days, as lame and dependent as that sounds. The latter however, is actually the reason I finally gave in and decided I’d go. The fact that I was allowing my relationship to affect my decisions freaked me out; no other person has ever affected me the same way Max has. The fact of the matter is it scares the hell out of me. I’ve officially stalked, done crazy, been jealous, craved, and felt insane. It has me starting to slowly ask myself if Max is my other half? My soul mate, according to my own algorithm.

We board and receive an introduction and tour before we’re escorted to our room. Three girls in one room hadn’t seemed all that daunting to me when we were planning the trip, I’ve been on multiple trips to Texas in the back of a minivan with my four older sisters, cramped for space and fighting over whose turn it was to pick the radio station, which direction the air vents blew, and who was crossing who’s invisible boundary lines; I knew this would be a cake walk compared to those two-day road trips.

“Alright, I say we get our nails done and then spend some time at the pool,” Shelby says, opening her suitcase and pulling out a tangle of swimsuit pieces.

My mind immediately travels to Max, wondering what he’s doing right now. I pick up my phone to send a text before we leave, not certain how far out we’ll have coverage.


Me: We made it! There’s an awful lot of water ;) love you!


Max: I already miss u. I love u babe.


Me too. His words hit me squarely in the chest, and I feel both elated and homesick at the same time, wishing I could feel Max beside me.


Me: You’ll be having way too much fun to miss me. We’re about to leave the port. I’ll see you Saturday, xoxoxoxoxo LOVE YOU!


Max: Not possible. Have fun! I’ll b counting down the hours til Sat.


“No more lover boy. Let’s go.” Shelby whines. Her tone sends a small fissure of annoyance through me that I work to suppress as I follow them through the maze of doors and stairs until we reach the mall.

My fingernails and toenails glow bright pink—Feisty Flamingo Pink. Kendall seems aware of my tension and orders three Sex on the Beaches, a drink with a horrible name, but delicious taste. The combination of the vodka and my pink nails improves my mood significantly. I’m even joining in the conversation and listening to the itinerary of events, feeling excited for the first time about this trip.

We head out to the pool and I claim a chair under a large umbrella and crack open one of the two books I’d brought along.

After dinner we return to the pool area where Shelby tirelessly flirts with a guy that looks old enough to be our father, possibly grandfather. I try to not roll my eyes as she giggles for the thousandth time.

“Gosh, I’m feeling exhausted.” Kendall sighs, running a hand through her blond waves. “Shelby, we’re going to go head down to the deck, and hang out a while.”

Shelby hardly acknowledges our departure, and I wonder if it’ll be just Kendall and I in the room tonight.

“How are you feeling out here?”

I look out over the railing only fifteen feet away from the stretch of black that is the Pacific Ocean and give her a half smile, shaking my head. “It’s a little overwhelming.”

Kendall smiles warmly and reaches forward to rest her hand on mine. She lifts her chin to look out into the abyss. The setting sun sends warm orange shadows across her face, and I lean back and watch her. My sister who is so beautiful suddenly looks so womanly. How did this happen? Where did time go? It seems like it was only yesterday that we were trampling around the house in Mom’s high heels five sizes too big for us, decked out with all of our Pretty Pretty Princess bling.

“Are you sad Max isn’t here?” Her question brings me out of my nostalgic mental home video, and I look over to see her crystal blue eyes staring back at me.

I give a small smile then move my hand so I hold hers. “A little,” I admit. “But I’m really glad I’m here with you. I was just thinking how crazy it is that we’re in our twenties now.”

“I know. Mindi is about to be thirty!”

“Yeah, but she’s always been old.”

Kendall throws her head back and laughs, squeezing my hand. “She’d kill you!”

“Why do you think I waited to say it until we were out in the middle of the ocean?”

Kendall laughs again, leaning her head forward on my shoulder. When her laugh quiets, she leaves her head resting against mine and reaches around me with both arms.

“So did Max tell you?”

“Tell me what?” I ask, watching as the sun lowers further into the ocean.

“I’m going to move into the house at the beginning of the summer.” I feel my eyebrows rise as I turn to look at her, and she nods at my silent question.

“I’m going to have to teach Landon how to do his laundry.” Kendall grins at me. “But I think we’re ready for this. I’m sure you think we’re moving a little fast, but I really love him, and I want to be with him. I think it will be a good step toward knowing what will come of our relationship.”

I nod a few times, trying to sort my words. “As long as you’re happy.” I study her face as it brightens into a smile, as though my blessing means something significant.

“I love you too, Ace.”

I wrap my arms around her and squeeze tight. “I love you too.”


Kendall and I are tucked in our bed when Shelby arrives. It’s sometime in the early morning based on the glow from our window, but our alarm clock seems to have been unplugged so I have no idea what time it is. I’ve been awake most of the night missing Max and dying of heat. Occasionally I’m tired enough that I can almost feel Max beside me, hear his soft breathing against my neck, but Kendall moves and wiggles so much my delusions don’t last long. I’d stolen one of his T-shirts to sleep in. The warm scent is comforting and familiar, but also serves to make me more homesick.

I don’t know how much time passes from the time I finally fall asleep to the time I wake up again, but it feels like it’s only been a couple of hours. My entire body is sticky with heat. I lift my head to look at Kendall and Shelby who are both still asleep.

Carefully crawling over Kendall, I head to the restroom. I’m engulfed with darkness as the door swings shut behind me, sending a small chill of terror through me. I reach for the door again and push it open. The sunshine reveals the light switch that I flip several times before accepting it’s not turning on.

I go to my bag and hastily pull on clothes before I check the time on my phone charging on the nightstand.

The light indicating it’s plugged in isn’t on. My eyes and fingers follow my power cord to the base of the lamp and see it’s securely in place. I reach for the lamp, flipping the switch twice and then dropping to the cord of the alarm clock when it doesn’t turn on, still wanting something to disprove what’s quickly gone from a suspicion into a realization. It’s plugged in behind the night stand along with the lamp. A long sigh has my shoulders sagging.

I leave Kendall and Shelby to sleep and grab a key to find answers. The hall lights aren’t glowing, just the rope lights along the ceiling. I see a forest green polo shirt and khakis up ahead and rush to the crew member.

I can tell by the guy’s expression that he was hoping to go unnoticed rather than ambushed, but he paints a fake smile on his face and offers me a cheery good morning. I quickly notice that he looks as exhausted as I feel.

“Did the entire ship lose power?” I ask, skipping pleasantries.

His forced smile dims, and I don’t know if it’s because he realizes all hell is about to break loose, or he’s like me and isn’t real big on being surrounded by nothing but miles and miles of endless ocean filled with fish, sharks, and eels.

“Temporarily, yes.”

“Temporarily?” My pulse begins racing, realizing I should never board another boat for the rest of my life. I’m cursed.

“Yes, they’re working on it right now, but there’s no need to panic. Just don’t flush the toilets or use running water at this time.” He turns to leave as his words sink in, and I grab his elbow pulling him back.

My head shakes and my eyes squint with thought. “If this is temporary, shouldn’t it be fine? Aren’t there reservoirs?” I see the flicker of fear cross his face. It’s not like my fear; his fear is of me I realize as his eyes dance around to ensure I’m not creating a scene.

My hand falls to my side as my head falls back and a loud groan escapes my mouth.

“You should probably head up to the deck. I’d advise you to stake out some shaded spots before everyone starts getting up.” With those sage words of wisdom he disappears.

After waking Kendall and Shelby, who are disgustingly optimistic, feeling certain this will be a short-term issue, we lock our bags in the room and head to the dining hall which is starting to buzz with people. Battery-powered lanterns create muted lighting as everyone files around aimlessly, looking both confused and concerned.

“Welcome! Good morning! We hope you all slept well! My name is Jennifer. I just wanted to let you all know that I spoke with the captain a short while ago …”

My attention is diverted to two girls in crew attire whispering nearby. I casually move a little closer to overhear them discussing how the kitchen is putting out all of the cheese, milk and fruit, along with anything else that doesn’t have to be cooked and needs to remain refrigerated and how this is a bad sign.

I pull out my phone which thankfully has a full battery and still shows reception. It’s only seven; I can survive a day without power.

I grab a bagel and opt for orange juice, knowing that the power has been out for several hours and seek Kendall and Shelby to find them eating crab cakes and mimosas.

“You guys shouldn’t eat those. The power’s been off for a while,” I say, taking a seat next to Kendall.

“They wouldn’t offer them if there was a chance they’d gone bad,” Shelby insists as she bites into another.


We spend the rest of the morning with the other cruise goers up on deck where we’ve been instructed to wear life jackets—another sign that seems alarming to me. Most everyone is drowning their concerns in alcohol that the cruise employees seem to be anxiously handing out for free; and I have the suspicion it’s to distract us.

When my phone vibrates shortly after three, I’m relieved to know I still have service. I look down to see that I have a dozen messages and realize we’re dancing on another invisible barrier here out at sea.

Seven of the messages are from Max, the others from my parents, Abby, and Wes. Initially I assume that they’ve heard that we’re stuck out here, but after reading them I realize they’re oblivious; they’re all just asking how we’re doing and how things are going.

I send a message to Max and my dad:


Me: No need to panic, but we’ve lost power, so we’re floating …


Max responds immediately.


Max: Wut about the generators? R there NE ships near?


Followed by Dad:


Dad: Aren’t the generators working?


I feel relieved and a bit silly to read this. Of course, generators! I’m sure they’re trying to repair the main engine, and if they can’t get it working, they’ll flip on the generators.

My relief is interrupted by the horrible sounds of someone retching. I don’t know why I look when I know what’s happening, but I do and see a guy leaning over the railing and decide maybe it’s time I find one of these drinks that they’re so anxious to hand out.

They don’t even ask to see my fake ID. I sit in my lounge chair beside Kendall, who’s busy sunbathing, and drink my warm beer. I don’t like cold beer, warm beer is even worse, but I’m really hoping that by the time I see the bottom I’ll feel a little less edgy.

I’m not even halfway through my beer when Kendall bolts upright and sprints to the side of the boat and throws up over the rail.

Welcome to Hell.

I set my bottle down and hurry over to her and grip her hair as she empties the contents of her stomach into the ocean. Focusing on my Feisty Flamingo pink nails, I tell myself everything is going to be fine and they’ll kick on the generators soon.


Two hours later Kendall and Shelby take turns heaving overboard, along with most of the other passengers. Many have not made it to the edge, covering several areas of the deck in puddles of vomit. The stench from both the vomit and the bathrooms quickly becomes potent with the heat from the afternoon sun.

I drink two more beers to try and calm myself down as I face the reality that the generators aren’t working either. There’s no way they’d allow this to go on for so long if there was an alternative; but no one with answers is anywhere to be found. The crew members handing out drinks look my age or younger, and they flinch every time someone approaches them.

I’ve lost signal on my phone and turn it off to preserve battery life as they start distributing pillows and instructing us all to stay above deck for our own safety and comfort.

I don’t even bother telling Kendall and Shelby they should’ve listened to my warning on the crab cakes. They’re both miserably hot and feeling awful. Instead, I assure them they should start feeling better soon and give them bottles of water that are as warm as a bath to drink.

Sleep is an elusive promise as I try to offer support to a slew of sick passengers, being one of the few that turned down the crab cakes this morning.



We arrive home from our disastrous spring break two days early, and with an extra flight from Texas to San Diego. It’s after midnight and we all feel a common sense of exhaustion, sun-sickness, dirty, and hungry. I want nothing more than to shower the last three days off and climb in bed, but my need to see Max is even greater.

My hot shower feels incredible, and feeling clean for the first time in days is even better. I send Kendall a quick text as I dress, offering her a ride, and gather some things together to bring over to Max’s.

Thirty minutes later Kendall and I are in my car. She looks beat and doesn’t bother speaking as we make our way to their house.

“Hey!” Landon greets us with a grin that falters when we quietly mumble our replies.

Jameson enters from the kitchen and gives a wistful smile to Kendall as he makes his way to her and wraps her in his arms.

“I want to go to bed,” she murmurs into his shoulder.

Jameson nods and leads them down the hall as the front door opens. I turn to see Max holding a couple of brown bags that are bleeding with grease.

“Hey, babe, sorry I’m late. I just wanted to make sure you guys had something to eat.”

My bag falls to the floor as I go to wrap my arms around him. “You’re the best.”

Max presses a kiss to my temple and I feel his smile against my skin. “Where’s Kendall?”

“She went to bed. We’re tired.”

The three of us sprawl out on the couch and dig into the bags of street tacos. Food has never tasted so good.

“I guess the bonus is that you got really tan.” Landon smiles hopefully at me.

“Forget the tan. The last three days were hell. I don’t want to discuss a silver lining right now.” I tuck myself into Max’s side and fall asleep within seconds, feeling complete and relaxed.