Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers



Today was literally the perfect day,I think as I float on my back in the pool. I was back in the skies, doing what I love, and I was with the woman I-

I let out a long breath. Here’s where things get complicated, I realize, as the word love floats around in my head. It’s not possible that I can be in love with someone so soon after meeting her, my rational side tells me. I’m a thinker, a planner, a man who doesn’t let his emotions rule his life.

Yet, the simple fact is I can’t stop thinking about Hailey Aurora Lane. I know it’s silly, but when she told me her middle name over dinner tonight, I wasn’t surprised. It’s like I knew that it would be somehow related to the skies. To the thing I love most in this world.

I want to know everything about her and we ended up spending over two hours at the restaurant getting to know each other better.

I’ve also decided that I want to pursue a relationship with her and I know that we may get some backlash because of our age difference, but I really don’t care anymore. I’ve never been so happy as I am when I’m with her. At the same time, it doesn’t mean I’m quite ready to announce it to the world yet, either. I like to move more slowly when it comes to anything serious with a woman.

I’m smart enough to know that we won’t be able to keep it under wraps for long, though, especially at Sunset Terrace, so I purposely held her hand in front of everyone when we passed by the pool earlier today. I’m sure the news spread like wildfire, but I have a feeling most people already figured it out. Especially after our screaming match and when I jumped in the pool with my clothes on like a complete lunatic.

The sun is starting to go down and I swim over to the edge and pull myself out. Dripping water, I walk over to the nearest lounge chair, grab my towel and wipe my face and chest off. My mind wanders to tonight and I’m looking forward to spending it with Hailey.

Right now she’s over at Jasmine’s and I can only imagine what they’re talking about. Us, I’m pretty sure. But, what does it matter? I’m claiming Hailey as mine and there’s nothing that anyone can say or do about it.

After I take a shower, I pull on some pajama bottoms and check my phone. When I read the text from Hailey saying she’ll be over at 9pm, my cock twitches. I’m not sure how we can possibly have a better time tonight than last night, but I’m willing to give it a try. I also have a message from Bella and I hit play.

I’m a little surprised it’s a voicemail since she never calls. Only sends text messages.

“Hi, Dad. I just wanted to say that I had a really nice time with you today and, I don’t know, I was thinking that maybe, if you want, we can start doing weekly lunches together? To catch up or whatever. Just an idea. Anyway, sorry I missed you and talk to you soon.”

I really can’t express how happy I am that she called and I immediately dial her back. And, to my surprise, she actually answers.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Hey, Bella-Vanilla, I just got your message and, yes, I think that’s a terrific idea-- to meet for lunch each week.”

“Really? I wasn’t sure if you had the time-”

“I always have time for you, honey. And, if I didn’t, I’d make it.” When she doesn’t say anything, I let out a small sigh and press forward. “You’re the most important thing in my life and I hope you know that. I want to see you more and to have you in my life. I’ve missed you so much and you mean the world to me and-” Fuck. My voice catches with emotion.

“Are you okay?” she asks.

“I’ve never been better,” I say in complete honesty.

“Well, I’m not sure what your schedule is like, but maybe we could meet Saturdays at noon? And, we don’t always have to go to a vegan place,” she adds. I can hear the smile in her voice.

“That would be really great,” I tell her. There’s this pressure rising in my chest and I rub a hand over it, suddenly feeling ridiculously emotional over such a small thing. But, for us, this is a big step.

“Oh, just not this Saturday, okay? I already made plans to go listen to my friend sing at the Magnolia Club.”

A strange tingling skitters down my spine. “The Magnolia Club?”

“Yeah, it’s this jazz club over on Sunset. I met this girl and we’ve hung out a couple times and she’s a singer. So, she invited me to her gig. Isn’t that cool?”

Oh, no.There’s a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and there’s no way she could be talking about Hailey. The world isn’t that small or cruel.

“Her name is Hailey and she just moved here from Indiana.”


“Anyway, other than this Saturday, I’m good.”

Isabella and Hailey are friends? How did this even happen?

I’m having trouble wrapping my head around it, but tell her that’s fine. Inside, though, I’m reeling. Just when I thought I was ready to try things with Hailey, I realize that I don’t want my daughter to know that I’m not only sleeping with someone her age, but also her friend.

Shit, shit, shit.

This is literally the worst-case scenario. Bella and I are finally finding some common ground and communicating and I couldn’t be more thrilled. But, how is she going to react when she finds out that I’m sleeping with her friend?

What if she’s pissed? Disgusted? Decides that she doesn’t want to have a relationship with me after all? Is that a chance I’m willing to take?

I’ve worked hard to stay in Bella’s life and want nothing more than to have a strong father-daughter relationship with her. But, I’m terrified that being in a romantic relationship with Hailey could potentially ruin all of that.

I think I know my daughter well enough to know that she wouldn’t want a step-mother that’s her age and her friend.

God, this is fucking twisted,I think. How could things have gone from so damn amazing to this? I feel like I’m back in the cockpit and spinning out of control. I didn’t tell Hailey the story of when I crash-landed during one of my missions.

But, it wasn’t the enemy fire and near RPG hit that took us down. It was a bolt of lightning. The storm had been bad, really intense, and I was flying the guys through dangerous territory. At the time of the strike, two SEALs were rappelling down beneath the Blackhawk and I’ll never forget the loud, cracking sound that had filled the air.

Then, even more frightening, was the eerie silence that followed when the engine noise suddenly decreased to idle and the ground came rushing up at an alarming rate.

In my training, I learned how to autorotate a helicopter. It’s something that all helicopter pilots practice. Basically, as soon as the engine loses power, the pilot lowers the collective to spin up the main rotor as the aircraft loses altitude, or at least reduce the rate at which the rotor is slowing. Then, just above the emergency landing spot, the pilot pulls up on the collective to increase the angle of attack and create more upward thrust. This slows the aircraft's rate of descent in preparation for the landing.

Right before we hit hard, the two SEALS rappelling beneath the Blackhawk released their rope, letting their snap links be the only thing slowing their descent. Then, right before impact, those fuckers jumped back inside and told me they watched as the rotors impacted the ground, broke up and went flying around the LZ.

Once we were out of enemy range and safely back at base, we all had a pretty good laugh about it and got roaring drunk. But, close calls and heart attack situations were all a part of the job. You couldn’t dwell on it and the fact that we made it out safely is all that mattered.

But, for that split second when the engine first goes out on a bird, panic and fear slide through your belly like a slick, oily serpent. You know there is no guarantee that you’re going to survive, but you stay calm and let the thousands of hours of training and endless experience take over.

And, hopefully, it’s enough to get you through.

I run a hand over my face and look down at my phone. It’s 9pm and, right on time, Hailey knocks on my door.

Right now, I have that same feeling as I did when the engine in the Blackhawk stopped and we began to plummet. But, unlike last time, I have no idea what to do. No training has prepared me for this and I can’t deal with it right now.

When I open the door, Hailey breezes in looking so happy and my gut twists. She pushes up on her tiptoes to kiss me and I pull back. I see the confusion flicker through her big, brown eyes and I take a step back. “Hailey-”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m just, um, not feeling well.”

Her face falls. “Oh, no. Can I get you anything? Make you some tea?”

“Thanks, but no. I think I’m just going to go to bed early.”

“Oh, okay.” She lays a hand over my cheek and smiles. “If you need anything, let me know. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, but I understand. And, I need you to rest up so you’ll be all healthy for my gig Saturday.”

Now my stomach really hurts. Just the thought of seeing Bella there and having to explain what I’m doing there, too...Shit. I’d rather be back in that crashing Blackhawk, hurtling toward the ground.

What am I doing?Suddenly, the thought hits me hard that I am being a complete coward. This is where I’m supposed to be an adult and talk things out. Even though we had the most wonderful day, I start questioning if we’re moving too fast. Bella’s revelation shocked me, but it also put things back into perspective.

It reminds me how I should listen to my gut which originally warned me to stay away from Hailey. She’s too young, too tempting, too everything. I should turn my attention elsewhere. To someone more appropriate like Darla. I mean Daphne. Dammit. I can’t think straight when my nostrils are full of Hailey’s soft vanilla smell.

“Hailey…” She looks up at me, trusting me not to hurt her, but I don’t know how this can end well. I let out a sigh and grit my jaw hard. “I know you’re friends with Bella.”

She frowns. “Who?”

“My daughter.” She looks at me like I’m crazy.

“I don’t know anyone named Bella.”

“Isabella? She told me she’s going to your gig Saturday.”

Something clicks in her brown eyes. “Isa? Isa is your daughter?”

I didn’t think she really used that nickname anymore, but apparently I was wrong. “Yeah and we’re trying to mend our relationship, but I’m not sure how she would react being together.”

A million emotions cross her face. “I had no idea she was your daughter. But, if you’re happy, isn’t that all that matters?”

I shake my head. “It’s not that simple. Bella blames me for a lot, especially for the divorce, and this is the first time things are starting to go well for us. I feel like I’m still walking on eggshells, though, and I don’t want to do anything to upset her.”

“And you think that if she found out about us that she’d be mad?”

“My biggest fear is that I would lose my daughter. For good.” I reach for Hailey’s hands, lift them up and place a kiss on their backs. “I don’t think that’s a chance I can take, Hailey.”

Her face falls and I feel like the world’s biggest jerk. “After everything we’ve done,” she whispers. “And, after today…” Her voice catches and it feels like a knife just stabbed into my heart.

“I need you to understand-”

“Oh, I do. I understand that you think you have to choose between me and your daughter. And, that I’m not worth the risk.” Hailey pulls her hands away and gives me the saddest look I’ve ever seen. “No one said you have to make a choice. You didn’t even try, Ryan.”

Then, she walks out. I have the urge to reach out and grab her, but I don’t. Instead, I lean against the doorframe and drop my head into my arm.

One of the best days of my life just turned into the worst.

Later that night, I pull a chair up next to the window and hear Hailey singing. Her voice sounds melancholy and I know that’s because of me. Oh, my little nightingale, I’m so sorry. Just like the little bird, she always sings at night and never tires of it.

For as long as she sings, I listen and wonder whether I made a huge mistake. But, then I think about Bella and know that a good father would put his daughter’s needs and wants first. Before his own.

Even so, I know that giving up Hailey is going to be the hardest thing that I have ever done.