Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers



After moving in all morning, I’m hot and exhausted. I still have to go over and sign that paperwork at Ryan’s, but not before I freshen up a bit. I re-do my messy bun, check my makeup and slide some gloss over my lips. Then, I reach for my vanilla-scented perfume and spritz it all over.

Much better, I think, and head out.

I want to find out a bit more about Foxy Flyboy and when I set my mind on accomplishing something, there’s no stopping me. I have a very persistent, tenacious personality so once I have a goal, I will go after something until it’s mine.

And, right now, I’m determined to see if Ryan Fox could potentially be the one.

The sun is starting to lower and it’s early evening as I walk past the crystal blue pool and small barbecue area. The setup here is really nice and there’s a shaded area and a couple of benches. Right now, the place seems deserted. I guess everyone is at work or out pursuing a dream. Which reminds me that I need to hit the pavement and start trying to book some singing gigs as soon as possible.

At the very end of the building, I stop in front of number 7, the corner unit, and knock. A moment later, the door swings open and Ryan stands there, shirtless and only wearing a pair of worn jeans that hang low on his slim hips.

Um, yum. My gaze slides down his ripped chest and then pauses on his carved abs that have obviously seen thousands of crunches. There’s a tattoo on his left bicep and I try not to stare too hard.

“Hey, Hailey,” he says and motions for me to come in. “Thanks for coming by. I know how busy you are, trying to get settled and all.” He scoops a t-shirt up, guides me over to the kitchen table and opens a folder. It’s almost a crime against women when he pulls the t-shirt on and covers all those rugged muscles. “I highlighted all the places where you need to sign. It’s pretty straightforward-- a one-year lease, no pets, my responsibilities and yours-- but, take your time and read through it. If you have any questions, just ask.”

When he pulls a chair out for me, I sit down. “Thanks,” I say and look up into those light, very intense green eyes of his. He holds a pen out and, when I take it, our fingers brush. It’s like a warm current passes between us and his eyes seem to darken a shade.

Oh, wow.My heart skips in my chest and I force myself to look down at the paperwork, but everything is a blur. No one has ever had this kind of effect on me and it’s a strange, yet exhilarating feeling. Ryan turns and I watch him head over to the fridge. He pulls out a beer and a bottle of water then offers me the water.

“Since you don’t have any yet,” he says and gives me the smallest wisp of a smile. “It’s too hot and you’ve been moving all day.”

I take the water from him and purposely make sure our fingers touch again. Call it an experiment. And, yep, damn, when they come into contact, I feel a zing shoot straight up my arm. “Thank you,” I murmur and twist the cap off. I take a couple of gulps and try to get my head clear.

Something about Ryan Fox leaves me feeling a little unbalanced.

Maybe because I’m not used to men being kind and polite. No man has ever pulled a chair out for me before or given me ice-cold water because I’d been working all day. Usually, I’m used to getting yelled at and slapped around a little because I’m too slow or too mouthy or too something. My Uncle Wayne had no patience for me and I think he enjoyed making me feel bad about myself.

I sneak a glance up and watch Ryan crack the beer open and then take a long drink. I notice the way his throat moves when he swallows and the scruff coming in on his lower face and I feel a tug in my lower belly. Everything about him is incredibly attractive and so very masculine.

My thoughts whirl as I sign the first page. I have no idea what I’m signing and don’t even care. Ryan Fox could be the Devil and I could be signing my soul over to him and I’d have no idea because I’m feeling too flustered right now to read the contract. I flip the page and sign my name on the next highlighted line.

I really want to get to know him more, but I have no idea what to say. He’s so much older than me and it’s a little intimidating. It’s probably ridiculous to think that he’d have any interest in me. He probably likes more sophisticated women closer to his age. Nevertheless, I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge and I’m going to try.

I lower the pen and meet his green gaze. “I’m so glad you had a vacancy. I really love the building.”

He leans a hip against the counter. “You have excellent timing because Savannah just moved out.”

“Guess it was meant to be,” I say and give him a smile. His eyes narrow just the slightest bit then he looks away and takes another drink. I take a good look around me and notice his place is very clean. No dirty dishes on the counter or in the sink. No crumbs anywhere. The garbage can looks nearly empty. “Your place is set up a little differently than mine. Is it bigger?”

He nods. “Yeah. Since it’s on the corner, it’s a little more spacious.” He taps a finger on the counter and looks down at the paperwork I’m not signing.

“I’m sorry,” I say and flip to the next page. “I hope I’m not keeping you.”

“No, it’s fine. Like I said, read through everything.”

I sign my name then look up at him with a flirty smile. “Do you have any plans tonight? A big date? Or, is your girlfriend coming over?”

A muscle flexes in his jaw. “No. No big plans.”

He’s avoiding the rest of my questions and, after what Jasmine said, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a girlfriend. And, I’m glad. “Yeah, me neither. Just going to unpack all weekend and get settled.”

He turns to face me, leans his rear against the counter and crosses his arms. “Do you know anyone out here? Have any friends from back home here?”

I shake my head. “No. I’ve never even been to California until now.” I see something shift in his gaze.

“If you need help with anything-- moving furniture or whatever-- don’t hesitate to ask. I’m always around.”

I love how polite he is and I nod. “Good to know.” I take another drink of the water and decide how to let my interest in him be known. Because, yeah, I want this man to be the one. I have a feeling that Ryan Fox is exactly what I need-- a man who would be gentle, slow and get the job done without hurting me.

I let out a little sigh, remembering how good he looked with his shirt off.

“Everything okay?” he asks.

My gaze snaps up and I nod. “Actually, everything is better than it’s been in a very long time.” That’s the truth and being here and far away from Indiana and my uncle, I feel safer. I lift up the bottled water, wrap my lips around it and drink. I’ve never tried to seduce a man in my life, but I watch movies and read books.

Ryan watches me, eyes glued to what I’m doing, so it seems to be working. I notice him swallow hard then push away from the counter. He turns around and looks out the window. “So, you, ah, meet any of your new neighbors yet?” he asks.

I shift in my seat and mentally will him to turn back around. I need him to look at me, to notice me, to want me. It’s as though he hears me, because he slowly turns again. “I met the girl who lives next door to me, Jasmine.” I cross my legs, glad that I’m wearing my shortest shorts. His green gaze dips and I feel a surge of triumph.

Ryan clears his throat. “Yeah, Jasmine is a nice girl.”

Girl.He must think of everyone here as a girl or kid, but I need him to start viewing me as a woman. “She mentioned you used to be in the military?”

He runs a hand through his brown hair. It’s a little longer than it probably should be and looks overdue for a cut. But, I really like it and wonder what it would feel like to run my fingers through it. It looks soft and thick. “That’s right.”

I quirk a brow, waiting for him to tell me more, but he clams up. “What branch?” I ask.

“Army. Then, I became a Night Stalker.”

I frown. “What’s that?”

“Part of the 160th. I was a pilot and flew special ops in and out of missions.”

I get a feeling that he’s being extremely modest. “Night Stalker. Sounds like a superhero.”

He chuckles. “No. Just a pilot.”

Foxy Flyboy. I wonder what he would think if he knew his nickname? I think it would be a quick way to embarrass him. “But, a pilot who must be really good.”

He shrugs. “I got the job done.”

“Do you still fly?”

“I haven’t flown in a long time.”

“But, you enjoy it?”

“I did...I do.”

“So, why don’t you fly anymore?”

“Do you always ask this many questions?”

My cheeks flush, but I don’t break eye contact. “Maybe you could take me out flying sometime.”

For a moment he doesn’t say anything, but I can see the surprise flit across his face. He lets out a breath. “I told you, I don’t do it anymore.”

I sign the last page, stand up and summon my most flirtatious smile. “That’s a shame, Ryan Fox. I would love to soar above the clouds in a tiny little plane with you.”

His mouth actually drops open and it’s kind of adorable.

“Thanks for the water,” I say and head toward the front door, making sure to add an extra swivel in my hips just for him.

He follows me at a safe distance. I can tell he’s interested, but wary. Very wary.

“I’ll, ah, make a copy of the contract for you.” He skirts around me and opens the door.

So polite. Something I could definitely get used to.“Sounds good. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around,” I add with another little smile. I can feel his gaze on me as I walk back to my apartment and I’m glad.

I don’t think I could have made my interest any more apparent. I’ve never been so brazen or forward with a man, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And, I am positively determined to make Ryan Fox my Mr. Right.

My mind is made up so now I just need for him to accept it. Hopefully, if I keep the pressure up, he will come around sooner than later. I mean, I’m not completely unfortunate looking or anything.

Back in my apartment, I know I should start setting the place up and getting unpacked, but, instead, I open my laptop, curl up in a chair and begin to make a list of potential bars and clubs where I can try to sing. And, one of them is right up the street. No time like the present, I think, and decide to go check it out.

Half an hour later, I walk into a hole in the wall club and sit at a table near the stage. A waitress who looks around my age comes over to take my order and, though I don’t want to waste any money on a drink, I order a vodka sour.

When she returns, I say thank you and then start to ask her how I can book a gig.

“You’re a singer?” she asks.

I nod. “Just moved here.”

“From where?”


“Oh, nice. I have family from the Midwest.”

“I’m happy to finally be here, though,” I say.

I’m not sure if she senses that I’m all alone or it’s just a slow night and she wants to kill some time and talk, but she taps her pencil against her little notebook and leans closer. “I shouldn’t say this, but this isn’t the best place to sing and the owner is weird about it, anyway. If I were you, I’d go over to the Magnolia Club. Way classier and agents hang out there all the time.”

“Really?” That grabs my attention. The whole point of performing is to find an agent who will help me get a record deal. “I’ll definitely check it out, thank you.”

“No problem. Good luck.”

“I appreciate your help. I’m Hailey, by the way.”

“Isa,” she says. “Welcome to LaLa Land, Hailey.” As a new group settles down at a nearby table, she gives me a wave and moves off.

Suddenly, I’m very happy. Tomorrow night, I’m going to head over to the Magnolia Club and check it out. In the meantime, though, I finish my drink and listen to a few performers on the small stage nearby. Not to be a jerk, but they aren’t very good. I hope all of my competition is of similar caliber, but I know that won’t be the case.

This city attracts the best and I need to be prepared to prove to everyone that I have what it takes to make it. And, I won’t stop until I do.

On my way out, I thank Isa for her advice about the Magnolia Club. We end up talking for like 15 minutes and totally hit it off. She’s really sweet and we exchange phone numbers and promise to hang out soon.

As I walk out, I can’t help but smile. It feels really good to have a new friend. Actually, the second friend I’ve made if you count my new neighbor Jasmine.

I am definitely on a roll.