Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers



The next day, I sit on a stool at the counter between the kitchen and living room and type on my laptop while my favorite vintage jazz plays. In one column, I write up all of the reasons why I should stay the hell away from Hailey Lane. And, there are a lot of them.

I sit back and re-read through them for the twentieth time: she’s too young; she’s a tenant; she’s impressionable; she doesn’t know what she really wants; she’s lonely because she just moved here; I’m an emotional mess and in no place to have a serious relationship; I need to focus on improving things with Bella; Bella would never approve if I dated a girl her age.

In the opposing column, I type up one sentence: She makes me feel things that I thought died a long time ago.

It’s so true. For whatever reason, my love life has been non-existent since I left the Night Stalkers. Shit, who am I kidding? It was also non-existent when I was flying secret missions all over the world. In all honesty, since my divorce from Paige, I’ve avoided anything serious. Getting divorced made me take a step back and acknowledge all of my faults and where things went wrong. And, I wasn’t in any hurry to possibly repeat those same mistakes with someone else.

The last thing I wanted was another failed relationship. No thanks.

But, it’s also a very lonely way to live and I think it’s finally taking its toll on me. I used to just ignore it and pretend everything was fine. But, it was a lot easier to do that when I was busy. Now I have too much time on my hands to think. And, lately, I’ve missed having a woman’s warm body on my arm and in my bed. Not just any woman, though. I yearn for that spark with someone special.

And, I fucking felt it with Hailey.

I read through all of the reasons why she’s off-limits again and then add one more: I’m old enough to be her dad.

Despite that and everything else I wrote, she’s such a temptation. The girl is dangerous and I have to stay away from her. My gaze wanders over to the positive column and I type out another sentence: She makes me want to live again.

I feel sad. It’s like there’s something potentially really good in front of me, but I need to just ignore it and be a goddamn martyr because that is what’s best for everyone. For Hailey, for Bella...well, not for me, but that’s where the sacrifice comes in.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.There are plenty of fish in the sea, I tell myself, and pull up a dating website. At this point, I’m just going to join. What’s the worst thing that could happen? No one will message me? So, what? I can message them myself.

Even though I hate this dating online bullshit, I start to fill out the application. It’s stupid, shallow and doesn’t tell you anything that’s actually important about a person you could potentially have a relationship with, but I force myself to do it.

What’s your story?I write that I’m a divorced father looking to meet someone special when I should write that I’m tired of being lonely and need to have sex with a woman. Preferably soon.

What do you do for a living?Own and manage an apartment complex. The truth is more along the lines of re-live my failures and drown my sorrows and loneliness in alcohol.

Are you a cat or dog person?I type in dog because I do like them, but there’s a no-pet policy here so the question is moot.

What’s your star sign?Virgo. Which means I am a perfectionist, picky and it’s hard to get my attention. Unless, of course, you’re Hailey Lane.

Are you close to your family? What family? My daughter rarely speaks to me and my parents are long-gone. But, I write a simple yes so I don’t sound like a complete psycho.

If you could be a character in any movie, who would you be?God, these are the stupid, fucking questions I hate. I get it, you’re supposed to come up with something witty, but I’m not feeling particularly inspired right now so I just write Maverick in Top Gun. At least then I can fly.

There’s a knock on the door and I glance up. I’m not expecting anyone, but that’s usually the case. Probably a tenant, I think, and walk over and open the door.

Hailey stands there looking edible in a tight, little t-shirt and tiny denim shorts again. God, she’s going to kill me. “Hailey, what can I do for you?” When I realize I’m clenching my fists, I loosen them and force what I hope looks like a smile.

“Hi, Ryan. I hope I’m not bothering you, but I kind of need a man’s help.”

“Uh, sure.” Since I offered to help her earlier, I have to keep my promise.

“Great!” Her big brown eyes light up. “Got a hammer?”

“Yeah.” My toolbox lays nearby and I grab it.

Hailey motions for me to follow her. “I have a couple of pictures I want to hang up.”

We walk over to her place and it looks like she’s unpacked a few boxes, but she still has a lot to do. Hailey grabs a picture of Billie Holiday and walks over to a wall where she holds it up. “What do you think?” she asks and wiggles her ass.

Christ.I instantly go hard and feel my nostrils flare. As my very lonely cock makes its presence known, I swing the toolbox in front of my zipper and pull my gaze up to the picture. “You like jazz?” I ask.

“Billie, Ella and Etta were incomparable. I love to sing their songs. No one even comes close and the stuff on the radio today....It’s garbage.”

I just blink. That’s exactly how I feel.

“I don’t know. I guess I’m an old soul,” she says.

Yeah, me, too.Even so, she’s still too young. Bella’s age, Ryan, I remind myself. Don’t forget that.

When I feel like I’m back under control, I set the toolbox down and pull the hammer out and a nail out. I walk over and grasp the edge of the frame. “Go back there and tell me how it looks,” I say, the nail between my teeth.

With a nod, Hailey moves back and cocks her head. “A little higher,” she says. “And, a bit to the left.”

Sexual thoughts fill my head and I swallow hard. I wonder how she likes it. No, no you don’t. But, yes, yes, I do.


“Okay, perfect. That’s the spot.”

My eyes slide shut. For the love of God. I lower the picture and pound the nail in with more force than I intend. I’m lucky the plaster doesn’t crack. Then, I hang up the picture of Billie with her ever-present gardenia tucked behind an ear. “How’s it look?”

“Very good job. Thank you. I’m terrible at hanging pictures up and it would’ve turned out all crooked. Then, I’d re-do it ten times and there’d be a bunch of holes in the wall.”

“I’m glad I came over to help you,” I say in a dry voice and she laughs. It’s a low, sultry sound and I like it.

“And, I’m sure you wouldn’t have liked it when I filled all the holes with toothpaste.”

I cringe. “You’re one of those people, huh?”

She smiles.

“That’s a pet peeve of mine,” I tell her. “I’m a firm believer in spackle.”

“What else are you a firm believer in?” she asks and takes a step closer.

Call me crazy, but she emphasized the word firm. There’s no way she could’ve known. I had the damn toolbox in front of me. But, I can’t help but wonder. “I’m not sure I know what you mean,” I say.


Her big, brown eyes dip and she’s checking me out, I realize. It should make me uncomfortable, but it doesn’t. Quite the opposite, actually. Those dark eyes running over me are turning me on. “I should probably go,” I say.

“Do you like me?” she asks out of the blue.

“What?” I hiss.

She walks right up to me. “Because I really like you,” she says and looks up at me.

For being so bold, she also looks extremely shy. Like she can’t believe the words are coming out her mouth. Hell, neither can I.

“I’m never this forward,” she admits.

“Of course, you,” I manage.

“I don’t mean as a friend.” She reaches out and touches my arm. I know I should pull away, but I don’t. I glance down and watch as she runs those delicate fingers up and down my bicep. It makes my cock surge to life again, but this time I don’t turn away or try to hide it.

“Hailey, it’s been a while so my self-control isn’t very strong right now,” I warn her.

When she looks up at me, she looks like a beautiful temptress and I start to feel my restraint crumble.

“It’s been 23 years for me,” she says.

“Christ,” I swear. She’s telling me she’s a virgin. But, why?

“But, I’d like to change that. With somebody like you.”

Oh. That’s why.

“I have to go,” I say and jerk away from her. I grab my toolbox and practically trip my way over to the front door. Before I leave, I turn, give her my most serious and somber expression and use my best Dad voice. “It’s not going to happen between us, Hailey. I’m sorry, but the answer is no.”

As I close the door behind me, I’m so hot and bothered that it’s ridiculous. I have a feeling I could’ve just banged that little girl’s brains out and a part of me is disgusted with myself because I wanted to. I run a frustrated hand through my hair and stomp back over to my apartment.

I need to do something about this raging hard-on, I think. It’s been a while, but I grab my phone and search through my contacts for Jessica’s number. She’s my old “friend with benefits” and I start writing a text out to her. God, my fingers are shaking. It’s such an obvious booty call, but that’s all we ever were to each other.

I hit send and drop down on the couch. C’mon, Jess, I need you tonight. I need you badly.

I stare at my phone screen, willing it to light up with a response. Fucking nothing. I’m getting so aggravated that I don’t know what to do with myself. Maybe she found some other guy to call when the need arose.

I don’t think I’ve ever been this sexually frustrated before. It’s like the past couple of years just hit me with the force of a freight train and I need it now. Need it badly. That little tease in apartment 12 is going to be my undoing.

When my phone beeps, I swipe it up and read Jessica’s response: Hey, handsome. Haven’t heard from you in awhile. FYI, I got married about a year and a half ago. Hope you’re well.

A year and a half ago? Holy hell, it’s been longer than I thought since I got laid. No wonder I’m going crazy. Without any other option, I unzip my pants and just take care of things myself. Afterwards, I feel better, but not satisfied.

I wander back over to my laptop, sit down and finish the stupid dating profile. When it comes time to upload a picture, I settle on one I have from my days as a Night Stalker. Dark hair short, sunglasses on, helmet tucked under an arm, I’m in uniform and stand beside an Apache helicopter. It’s a pretty badass shot and makes me look important. Back when I was doing important things.

There, all done.Hopefully, some woman out there in cyberland takes an interest in me and my ass will go out on a date and get laid. At this point, that’s all I want. Forget love and a relationship. I have to remember to not be overly selective or come off as too needy. I need to remember that and-

I tilt my head and hear something. It sounds like...singing. I stand up and walk over to the open window and frown. A light breeze blows in and it seems to also usher in the prettiest voice I’ve ever heard.

I immediately know that it’s Hailey and she has the voice of an angel.

And, then I realize she’s singing an old Billie Holiday song called Lover Man. Of course, she is. Anything to torture me. I press my head against the window pane as the lyrics flow over me. “I don't know why, but I'm feeling so sad. I long to try something I never had. Never had no kissing. Oh, what I've been missing. Lover man, oh, where can you be?”

My eyes slide shut and I picture Hailey singing. Naked.

“The night is cold and I'm so alone. I'd give my soul just to call you my own. Got a moon above me. But no one to love me. Lover man, oh, where can you be?”

She calls to me like a siren and I know all I have to do is walk back over there and she’d fall into my arms.

“I've heard it said,” she sings, “That the thrill of romance can be like a heavenly dream. I go to bed with a prayer that you'll make love to me. Strange as it seems. Someday we'll meet and you'll dry all my tears. Then whisper sweet, little things in my ear. Hugging and a-kissing. Oh, what we've been missing. Lover man, oh, where can you be?”

I’m here, Hailey,I think.

Then, I shut the window and go take a cold shower.