Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers



Ishove a hand through my hair and glare at the car that squeals away from the curb. “Where’d you find that loser?”

Hailey shifts, looking uncomfortable. “He seemed nicer last night at the bar.”

I grit my teeth together so I don’t say anything rude. The bar? Jesus Christ. “C’mon, let’s get you inside.”

As Hailey unlocks the door, I feel a wave of fury pound through me when I think of how that kid had his hand shoved up under her dress. She doesn’t deserve someone who is rough and forcing her to do things she obviously didn’t want to fucking do. The more I think about the situation, the angrier I get.

“Hailey, this isn’t Indiana. Los Angeles is full of creeps and you can’t trust everyone you meet.”

She shuts the door, looks up at me and narrows those normally big, brown eyes. “Trust me, I’m safer here than there. And, I appreciate your help, but I don’t need a lecture.”

I clench my hands and force myself to calm down. I’m pissed. Pissed at that guy for forcing himself on her and pissed at her because she’s not taking this seriously. “What would you have done if I hadn’t come along?” I ask. “He had his hand up your fucking skirt, Hailey, and he wasn’t backing down.”

I need to rein it in, calm down, but the idea of someone hurting Hailey is turning me inside out. Making me see red and I breathe hard, chest heaving, as I wait for her to answer.

“Why are you so upset?” she asks.

“I’m not!” I roar. Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me? I’m coming off as a damn lunatic. I pinch the bridge of my nose and squeeze my eyes shut. Why am I being so possessive? Hailey Lane isn’t mine. She’s free to see whoever she wants.

When I open my eyes and look at her, a sadness flashes through her chocolate eyes. “I wish you could’ve been in Indiana with me when things got bad. You can get scary fast.”

My heart twists in my chest. “Someone hurt you?”

She nods and then drops down on the couch. I know I should leave, but I can’t ignore the pull between us. I walk over and sit down beside her. “Do you want to talk about it?” Everything within me wants to make her feel better.

“My parents died in a car accident when I was 16 and I went to live with my aunt and uncle. At first, it was okay, but when my aunt died last year, things got bad.”

I wait for her to continue and she clasps her hands together.

“My Uncle Wayne was always distant and kind of cold toward me. After my aunt died, he turned downright mean. He became verbally and physically abusive. I spent the last year dodging his fist and saving every dime so I could get away.”

“Hailey, I’m sorry.” I don’t even think twice. Just reach out and squeeze her hand. Someone hit her? Every atom in every cell of my body yearns to return the favor to the fucker.

“Some bad things happened,” she says vaguely, “and I left in the middle of the night so he wouldn’t know right away. Now that I’m finally gone, I need to get rid of all the baggage from there.” She swallows hard. “Including my virginity.”

I realize I’m still holding her hand. “Why do you have to get rid of it?”

“I wouldn’t expect you to understand, but it’s just a painful reminder of-” her voice falters. “Of my life in Indiana.”

I get the feeling she’s leaving something out, but I know it’s none of my business. Even though I’m curious as hell. I want to know because I have the urge to help. But, I’m still mad when I think about the idiot she was just with. “So, you were just going to throw it away on that punk?” I don’t mean to sound harsh, but I can hear the abrasive tone in my voice.

“I don’t want to throw it away,” she said. “Otherwise, I’d be with him right now. I want it to be with someone experienced and gentle and kind.” She hesitates and then the next sentence rushes out. “Someone like you.”

I hiss in a breath.

“I don’t suppose you’re interested?” she asks.

She can’t be serious. I finally let go of her hand and study her face. God, she’s beautiful. But, so naive. “You don’t even know me. Your first time should be with someone special. With a man who will take care of you.”

“A man like you.”

“Don’t say that.”

“Why not? It’s true.”

It is true. I would take my time and bring her so much pleasure. Just the thought of spending the night with her fills my head with all sorts of naughty ideas and my groin tightens.

“I should go.” I stand up. Then, a moment of indecision flickers inside me. Why am I fighting it? I’m attracted to her, she’s throwing herself at me and, God knows, I want to have sex. No. Go, Ryan. She doesn’t know what she wants. Not really.

I walk over to the door and then make the mistake of turning around. She’s following me, right behind me, and she runs a hand up my arm. I feel like I was just shocked. “The offer’s on the table, Foxy Flyboy. Please, think about it.”

Foxy Flyboy?I give her a strange look and she shrugs.

“It’s what all the girls here call you.”

I reach behind me, fumble with the door knob and walk out. If I don’t leave now there’s a good chance I won’t leave at all tonight.

As I stalk back to my apartment, I can’t help but think about her last comment.

Foxy Flyboy.

That’s what all the girls call me?I had no idea and I guess I should be flattered. I just assumed they viewed me as older and more like a father figure. Huh.

Safely back inside my place, I go straight to the fridge and crack open a beer. It’s going to be another long, lonely night. Hailey’s invitation echoes through my head and it’s a damn tempting offer. I massage my temple with a couple of fingers and wonder why I always have to try to do the right thing.

All my life, I’ve been the guy to think about everyone else’s feelings and problems first. I always put my wants and needs second because I’m so worried about pleasing other people. Maybe that should stop.

For once in my life, maybe I should put myself first.

If I didn’t have a daughter about Hailey’s age, I don’t think this would be such a dilemma for me. It’s pretty clear that I want her and she wants me. But, I’m so hung up on the fact that she’s only 23.

Does it really matter, though? I ask myself. Older men date younger women all the time and nobody thinks anything of it. If anything, those men are considered a catch.

Here’s the other thing. If she’s bound and determined to lose her virginity, it should be with a man who will be respectful and take care of her needs first. Not some creep who won’t deserve her or even understand the amount of trust she’s placing in him. Not some punk who will probably be too hard, too fast and not take the time to introduce her to something as important as sex.

When I think about it like that, it seems like the right thing to do is step up and do the deed myself.

I want to make sure she’s taken care of and I would do exactly that. Shit. I can’t believe I’m actually considering this. But, the alternative-- to let someone else use and take advantage of her-- leaves a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

There have to be some ground rules, though.

First of all, it could only be one night. And, I would make it a night that neither of us would ever forget.

Second, it would be a mutually-beneficial arrangement. No emotions or feelings involved. Only sex.

And, third, it couldn’t be here at Sunset Terrace. We would have to go to a hotel or somewhere away from gossiping neighbors. A place where no one would see us.

I don’t think she’d have any problem with my terms. The real question is can I go through with it? The more I think about it, the more I think I can.

The more I want to do it.